• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 3,146 Views, 60 Comments

Scaled Foal - ColtKit Productions

Spike's life is turned upside-down when he is sent to school to make friends his own age. Strangely enough he meets one Button Mash who slowly becomes something more then a friend.

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Ch11: Special Somepony

Spike sat in Button's room... feeling all kinds of awkward. He didn't know what to say. Regardless what the adults thought, they hadn't actually declared their interest to become special someponies... Spike knew he should clear that up... but wasn't sure how.

He liked Button, and now knowing it was a possibility, he thought the colt was cute... but could he really betray Rarity?... that was kinda stupid. Rarity thought of him as an adorable little kid. It was kind of obvious, nothing would ever happen there.

But did that mean he should go for Button.

"I..." Strangely, it was Button that broke the silence. "I kinda liked the kiss."

Spike blushed, "Me-me too." he admitted, through his stutters.

Button perked, his ears standing up at attention. "REALLY!!!"

Spike hesitantly nodded, blushing, "But... my big sister thinks we're dating now..."

"So does my mom," informed Button.

Spike squirmed, "Sooooo... are we?"

Button blushed, "I... I don't know. My parents like the idea. Cuz, what with you being a dragon and all, you can give them grand foals... but I don't really want to get in a relationship just cuz our families approve."

Spike deflated, "Oh... is that... the only reason you'd want to get together?"

Button's eyes grew wide, and he quickly shook his head. "No I... I like you Spike... but the only colt I ever kissed was at this camp my mom sent me to... We got in a lot of trouble when we were discovered... so we never became special someponies...

"I don't know what to do... part of me is shocked mom is suddenly okay with it... these passed couple of years, since I realized I like colts... they've been pretty hard...

"You're pretty lucky. I mean, the moment your family found out, they freaking pass laws to let you do what you want!... My mom kept trying to fix me..."

"I think..." Spike chewed the inside of his lip. Wondering what was safe to say. Not that he didn't trust Button, but Blue Blood's secrets weren't his to tell. "I mean I never understood why, but I know a Stallion that went through a hard time... his guardian made him pretend he was interested in mares... even though he wasn't. Kinda just recently occurred to me, that was probably because he liked Stallions instead... Twilight, doesn't want to put me through what her childhood friend did."


Celestia re-read Twilight's letter. Somewhat horrified Twilight seemed to think she would be against her first independent law. Where as, in reality, the sun Princess-

The door to her private chambers suddenly opened. Revealing a young Stallion, so accustomed to coming in whenever he pleased, without thought of knocking.

"You summoned me, Auntie?" Blue Blood trotted in. So casual and cute.

Many ponies don't realize it, but Bluey's relation with her was not actually through her.

He was a direct descendant of Luna, through one of her consorts at the time... a consort Celestia hadn't approved of. As they were a bat pony. Subponies were looked down on, back in those days. Celestia's deepest regret, was binding the fetus' family line, so that their third chromosome chain remained dormant. Then forbidding Luna from seeing the bat pony, in public... and pretended not to know the two still met in private.

Those had been darker days. With a great amount of tribalist views. With Celestia's greatest shame being she had thought that way, herself... and letting that destroy her relationship with her sister. It was the first of many cruelties Celestia inflicted on her baby sister.

Celestia had mellowed, quite a bit, since her original rule. Even reversed many hateful laws, and prevented others from being passed... but her greatest flaw was how obsessed with appearances she was. She no longer minded what any of her family did behind closed doors. And Blue Blood had many of his own cousins to carry on the Thestral's bloodline.

Celestia had insisted Bluey humor the mares that approached him. He didn't have to marry any of them, and she certainly wouldn't force him to take them to his bed chambers, but she did expect him to be nice and polite. To let the mares pamper him, as nobles were far more traditional, and to... let them believe they had a chance.

That last one might have been crossing the line.

"As you know, Ponyville has recently been declared a city state," Celestia began.

Bluey smiled, all proud of his foal-hood friend. They were both moving up in the world. With Bluey being one of the prize ambassadors in Canterlot.

"As such," Celestia continued. "I will be transfering a number of my best and brightest, to act as heads of her departments, and train her own agents. As well as a few of the more promising guards."

Blue Blood tilted his head. That was all pretty standard. So why had he been summoned to his Auntie's personal chambers?

"And I think," Celestia smiled, "You're ready to act as lead Ambassador."

Blue Blood's eyes widened, as his eyebrow's rose. "Auntie, while I'm flattered. Swimming in back waters is more Twilight's thing." He waved off. "I can't imagine there is a thing Ponyville could offer me."

"Oh really?" Celestia smiled, levitating the copy of the law she had just been sent. Although not the letter that came with it. That was rather personal, and not for other's eyes. The letter had even been teleported to her, instead of sent by Dragon Fire. Twilight wouldn't have done that, unless she didn't want even Spike to be aware of what she said.

Bluey took the scroll in his magic, and began to read. Almost immediately his stunned demeanor grew. Then he looked up at Celestia.

Celestia smiled, "You can go."

Bluey instantly launched himself at his aunt, hugging her tight. Celestia affectionately nuzzling him back.

She teased, while giving her blessing, "You might want to see if Fancy would be interested in moving into the castle with you."


"Sooooo... now what?" Spike fidgeted.

"I... I don't know," Button blushed at the young dragon. "Would you... would maybe..."

"Yes?" Spike leaned forward. Practically demanding Button ask him.

"Would you..." Button gulped. Not able to bring himself to ask. "GAAAH!!!"

Spike suddenly yelped, as a jet of fire escaped his mouth. It barely missed Button. Twisting about, Until it turned into a letter.

Amazed, Button pick it up. "It's addressed to my mom...." he worried.

"They must have finished voting," Spike acknowledged.

"We... we better get this to her," Button started to leave the room.

"WAIT!!!" Spike exclaimed, perhaps louder then he intended. It got Button to stop at least. "Before we find out what it says... we should decide for ourselves. Right here, right now, and damn the consequences..." Spike took in a deep breath. "Do you want to be my special somepony?"

Button blushed. "I... I..." he didn't know what to say. He liked spike, but he didn't want the boy to be with him just because they were the only gay boys in town. Spike probably thought he didn't have any other options.

"Please Button!" Spike seemed a tad desperate. "I've... I didn't really understand it, but I think I've had a crush on you since we met." he blushed.

Something in Button clicked. The warm feeling spread. The same one he often felt while near Spike... and he realized... he felt the same way.

"all-alright," Button blushed. And gently pressed his lips to Spike's. Their first real kiss. Not a dare. There was no audience. It was just them. Breaking apart, and hearing Spike try to catch his breath. Button assured, "I'll be your special somepony."