• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 935 Views, 50 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 3: Tirek - Jeweled Pen

Diamond's greatest challenge has come, with three new powerful benders aiding Meadowbrook, can she hope to defeat the villain she only narrowly defeated before? With some help from the past, there may be hope.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Remnants

“Ahuizotl! You can't hide forever!” a voice rang out through the barren spirit world.

The great blue spirit panted with exertion, hiding within a small crevice in the mountain. He held a great rock in front of him, blocking the entrance enough so he could just peep out.

“Come out. I know you're around here somewhere. You know what I want, you know what I've come for,” the voice said. Finally, a small pink pony appeared. She looked tiny and weak, something that could easily be crushed with a single movement. But Ahuizotl knew that was a lie, that that mare was something truly deadly and destructive. He kept hiding and eying her as she trotted along.

“Ahuizotl, come on. We were friends once, were we not? It's been millenia since last we spoke, don't you wish to return to those times?”

The great spirit eyed the mare as she kept walking, soon disappearing from his view. He could feel the power emanating from her. The power of dozens, possibly hundreds of ponies held within. A truly deadly creature.

The rock suddenly shifted and was tossed aside, making the spirit yelp. He stumbled back and soon came face to face with the small pony.

“Really? Hiding behind a rock? I expected better from you, old friend.”

“We're not friends, Tirek,” the blue spirit said with a growl. “You are nothing more than a traitor.”

The mare sighed and then her horn glowed. A moment later a tall centaur appeared, his size comparable to the blue spirit's. Still, he looked quite thin. “Traitor? To who? Discord? Harmony? Neither of them exist anymore.”

Ahuizotl sneered. “Discord's spirit lives on, it--”

“Yes, yes. I'm well aware and, trust me, I fully intend to find it soon enough.” Tirek gave a dismissive wave of his hand. “But Discord is gone. Harmony is gone. If ever there was a time for us to rise up, to strike, now is it.” He held out his hand. “You and I could rule together. We were always the greatest, you know that. The Smooze is mindless, all it can do is obey. And Chrysalis... well, all she ever cared about is her little hive. Even that has failed her, judging by this realm. Now, though? It's the right time for us to strike.”

Ahuzotl growled, his hands reaching for something, anything he could use as a weapon. “Why would I ever side with you?”

Tirek chuckled. “You can feel it, can't you? You see the destruction. The emptiness. History is repeating itself. Last time Discord went to war on the ponies for their arrogance. But there is no Discord anymore. Do you really believe that this new... mockery of his might can stand against whatever has done this?” He held out his hand towards the empty wasteland behind him. “You know our world is in danger thanks to those ponies. I know you hate them just as much as I do.”

The spirit growled, baring his teeth. “I serve Discord, just as I always have. His new incarnation will destroy you. She will crush you, just as our master did.”

Tirek blinked a few times, before grinning. “She? Interesting. But fret not. I already have a plan to deal with both of them. After all, Harmony and Discord were always at each other's throats in one way or another. Their echoes will be no different. And this time, I'll be stronger.” His eyes narrowed. “But before any of that, I still require one thing from you.” He motioned to the spirit's throat, to the golden amulet that rested around it. “The Alicorn Amulet. Give it to me.”

Ahuizotl grabbed the amulet around his throat and then sneered again. “Never. I was given this to keep safe and I will die before I--”

Tirek interrupted him by thrusting his hand forward once. Yellow magic shot out, hitting the blue spirit and pinning it to the wall. He just stared down at him. “This is not a request, Ahuizotl. Perhaps you have forgotten how strong I am. I'm not like the little alicorn, my power remains.”

“Y-you're... weaker than... you've ever been...”

Tirek's eyes narrowed. “I am strong!” He roared, before flicking his hand and sending the other spirit slamming against the cave walls. “Stronger than Discord ever understood!” He flung the spirit again, slamming him into the ground. “I am the great Tirek!”

Ahuizotl laid there for a few moments before he began to laugh. “Discord... took your power... didn't he? He drained you... left you a... weak... battered husk...”

Tirek let out a roar before he thrust his hand from side to side, slamming the blue spirit into the cave walls again and again. He then smashed Ahuizotl into the ground so hard it left a crater. “So what if he did? I will absorb the power of every pony in this world, then I will rule! Not just the ponies, but the dogs, the griffons, the dragons, all will fill me!” He flicked his wrist and the amulet tore itself from Ahuizotl's throat. “All will kneel before me.”

Ahuizotl laid there, groaning with pain. “You... have become like them... like these ponies. You believe you can merely... steal their power and make yourself strong?”

“And if I do? These ponies nearly destroyed our world once. They are doing it now.” A grin formed on his lips. “I'm not like you, Ahuizotl.” He wrapped the amulet around his throat. “I was never satisfied with just being a minion. An obedient pet to Discord's will. He believed he was beyond reproach, that none of us could out smart him. But he was wrong, he--” He paused and then looked down. He flicked the amulet. “Why isn't it working?”

Ahuizotl burst into laughed, even though it hurt. “You're just as much a fool now as you were then Tirek. Discord destroyed you with a wave of his hand. You will fair no better now.”

Tirek growled and stomped a hoof on the ground. “Why isn't the amulet working? Why isn't--” His eyes widened. “It's... a fake.”

“A fool.”

Tirek let out a soft curse. “Discord's little chosen one has it now, doesn't she? If the Avatar had had it...”

Ahuizotl merely laughed and slowly sat up a little. “You... will fall before her. Just as you f-fell before him. She will d-destroy you... for rising against her...”

Tirek growled, clenching his fists. He tore off the amulet and crushed it in his hands. “No. She won't. I will destroy her and take the remnants of Discord's power. Then I will take Harmony's. Then I will drain each and every pony in that pitiful realm and take the power of whoever tries to stop me.”

The other spirit merely laughed. “You think you can stop this war? Only Discord can. She will--” The words caught in his throat when Tirek held out his hand.

The centaur stepped forward, a grin on his lips. “My power is without limit, Ahuizotl. I may not be able to have the Alicorn Amulet yet, but there is still one more prize for the taking.”

The blue spirit's eyes widened. “I-impossible... you... you can't...”

“Of course I can. After all, where do you think the ponies learned it from?” He opened his mouth and yellow magic slowly floated out, enveloping Ahuizotl. The larger blue spirit screamed as his body began to wither into a blue mist, before floating into the larger spirit. Once it was all gone, he pounded once on his chest and belched, before his eyes glowed. After a few moments he appeared back in the normal world, once again in the form of a little pony.

Meadowbrook lifted a hoof and frowned at it. “Ugh, such a delicate form. Alas, the things we do to rule.” She glanced up towards Dazzling. “Tell me, little water bender, have you considered trying to kill me while I'm there?”

“Often,” he said coldly. “I am doubtful it would succeed, however.”

“Very good. You really are the smartest.” Meadowbrook lifted a hoof and examined it, before holding out a hoof. Her mask flew over and she put it on, moments before the staff flew to her side. “Get the others.”


Behind the mask, she grinned. “I have what I needed. Now? We strike.”


Silver grumbled softly as she paced back and forth, her eyes narrowed into slits. After a few moments, the blue unicorn appeared before her. “Yes?” Trixie asked with a knowing grin.

“What took you so long?”

“I was busy.”

Silver blinked a few times, her mouth opening. Then she frowned. “No. You weren't. You can't BE busy. You're dead. There is literally nothing for you to do!”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Do I look like Twilight? Do you really think you'll say jump and I'll jump?” She gave a dismissive wave of her hoof. “If all you've done is come to complain, I'm leaving.”

“Wait! I need to talk with you!” Silver said, reaching out with a hoof.

Trixie paused, then glanced back to her. “Yes? What about?”

Silver sighed. “I can... see some things. Feel some things. Know things. It's Discord's influence, I know. Sometimes I'll...” She frowned and rubbed her chin. “It's like deja vu. I guess. But not really?”

Trixie blinked before rolling her eyes. “Oh, I know what you mean,” she said with a sigh. “His little script.”


“I don't know what it means, either. It was something Discord talked about often. How everything seemed to follow a small script or guidelines or... something. He was fascinated with altering it. Downright obsessed with it, even. For such a spirit of chaos, he put a lot of belief into destiny.”

Silver nodded, rubbing her chin. “So... it's destiny? I can see... things?”

“You can see some things,” Trixie said before walking to look her in the eyes. “But what does it matter? You know your fate. You're the spirit of Discord. You're like me. Your destiny is to rule, to control this world. What else do you need to know?”

The earth pony took a step back, her mouth falling open. She then lowered her eyes. “Yeah. I guess... it is.” She raised a hoof. “There's four of them. I knew that. Know that. He made three into four. But we're at the third again. I still... I still want to end it now. To break it. I can, can't I?”

“Of course you can. That's what our power is, Silver. We have the power to change things. To alter what happens. To shift the story. Just look at me, I was never supposed to be... instead, I survived. I ruled. I changed everything. You can too.”

Silver nodded and closed her eyes. “I don't know if I'll win or lose, though. I can't... see that. I can't feel that. I know Discord could. He saw everything except for... well...”

“His end?”

“Yeah, he didn't see that.”

“There's probably plenty he didn't see,” Trixie said with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “He was a fool. Trust me. I worked with him. An awful, traitorous abomination that I wish I'd never had the displeasure of working with. But I did, so I learned. Your destiny is to rule, to destroy the Avatar. So merely focus on that.”

Silver sighed and gave a nod. She chewed on her lower lip for a moment before looking back to the blue mare. “Trixie, can we...”


“Nothing. Never mind,” she said before turning away. “I'm returning to the real world. Just... do whatever it is you do when I'm not talking to you. Cease to exist or whatever.” She closed her eyes and disappeared before the mare could respond. She was once again laying in her bed and staring at the roof. She reached up and rubbed the amulet. “Can we be good? Can we be... friends with the Avatar? Do we really have to be the big, bad monster that they throw festivals to ward off?”

She was greeted by nothing but silence. She slowly rolled to her hooves and trotted from the room, heading towards the lab. She was in a poor mood now and only research could cheer her up.

She paused about halfway there when she heard a low ringing. It took her a few moments to realize what it was and she galloped to the lab, skidding on the floor and then running to the phone. She tapped the gems on the side and after a moment a voice spoke up. “Hello? Can you hear me? Hello?”

“Secretary? Is that you?”

“Ah! Lady Silver, yes,” the mare said. “Are you well?”

“Of course. How's daddy? Is everything okay?”

“Indeed. He is fine. In fact, the ships are now ready and consistent voyages are occurring as we speak. Unfortunately, we have yet to set up a permanent method of communication between the village and Manehatten, but we are hopeful.”

Silver nodded. “That's wonderful. So daddy is still overseeing everything?”

“No. As our task here is nearing completion, we will be returning soon.”

She froze. “Wait, what?”

“We're coming home.”

“N-now? Why? Is something wrong?”

“Our job here is done and he wishes to ensure everything is going well back home. Is there a problem?”

Silver sighed and shook her head. “No. It's been fine. In fact, everything here has been going great... it'll be a shame to have daddy... well...”

“Causing mayhem?”


“I understand, Lady Silver. But nothing more can be done about it. We will be leaving on a vessel tomorrow.”

“Of course. Is uhhhh... Sunset coming back with you?”

There was a long pause. Finally, the mare spoke up. “We have not seen much of her in weeks. I do not believe she has quite gotten along with the council here.”

“What? But she's Twilight's daughter!”

“Indeed. I believe that has given her certain expectations as to how she'll be treated. Sadly, she is mostly unfamiliar with the power structures here and many of the ponies see her as little more than a figurehead. At best.”

“O-oh. Is she... okay?”

“She is not quite taking it well. But I believe she intends to stay and work a while longer. For now. She may yet return to train the Avatar.”

Silver sighed. “I see.”

“How are things going over there, Lady Silver? You have not called us in a while.”

“Well, it's a bit difficult to get this thing to work sometimes. Good, though. I've been making headway. We're making plenty of progress on our models. Can you let daddy know that Scootaloo is flying now? It'll be a while before the technique is perfected, but she can wear the wings a full day before the gem starts to show wear. She's... well... having difficulty with flight, though. Her husband seems to be enjoying teaching her.”

“That's good.” There was a long pause. “I am sorry that your father could not make this call, it--”

“I know,” she said quickly. “Trust me, I know. He's busy. We're both busy, it's fine.” She sighed and glanced towards the nearby desk. “I should probably go, too. Make sure to call me the very moment you know when you'll arrive.”

“Of course. Secretary out.”

Silver eyed the phone for a few moments before sighing and turning away. She trotted to the desk and her horn glowed as she unattached her wings. She gripped the new metal wings resting on the desk, along with their necessary attachments, and began locking them into place. “Time for some field work,” she muttered softly.


Daring let out an internal growl as they flew through the air. As always, Pinionwing was dragging behind and she was in the middle, wanting to speed up and fly with Smoothglide at her max speed. She glanced back to the colt and just glared at him.

He was doing a little better, at least. He didn't get as exhausted anymore. But he was still far slower than them and her training didn't seem to do much to help. She was beginning to think his wings just weren't for flying. Which she supposed would have been fine, if he wasn't her problem.

She was snapped from her thoughts when Smoothglide suddenly started to dip down. He signaled with his right wing and her eyes caught sight of their target. A pegasus. A light breeze on the ground was settling and the pegasus had moved to 'aid' another pony. She could clearly see the mare steal the other pony's coin purse, though.

The pegasus quickly turned and started to trot away, likely thinking she was safe. Daring felt a little giddiness rise in her. She'd yet to have tried herself against an air bender, it was going to be amazing.

Then Smoothglide motioned with his hoof for them to pull back. She blinked but slowly lowered her speed. “What's wrong?” she asked softly.

“We're not engaging. You two aren't ready for an air bender.”

The mare blinked, her eyes narrowing. “You've got to be bucking kidding me. I could take her down any day of the week, with one wing tied behind my back.”

Smoothglide sighed. “That may be, but--”

“Just because Pinionwing can't fly himself out of a paper bag doesn't mean I need to be held back!” she snapped, her voice and temper rising. She could see the thief starting to veer towards one of the alleys and her heart started to pound.

“Daring! Pinionwing is just--”

“No, buck this,” she snapped before taking off like a dart.


She ignored him and dived at the pegasus. She entered the alleyway a few seconds after the mare, but could still see her. However, the thief froze in place, before turning and looking right at her. Daring dove and the other mare flapped her wings once, sending a burst of air straight at her. Daring smirked and turned in a tight corkscrew formation, spinning around the burst and rapidly approaching the other mare. She sent out two move bursts of wind, but Daring veered around them with ease, keeping her breath steady before she flipped up and over. She was inches from the other pegasus before she flapped her wings once more, but this time she sent a big burst of wind in all directions.

Daring shrieked and flailed her hooves before hurtling back, slamming into the wall. She groaned and pushed off it, leaping up into the air moments before a burst of air could hit her. “Is that the best you've got?” she called out, smirking. She could see sweat forming on the other pony's face. She was definitely no Rainbow.

“S-shut up,” the mare said, flapping her wings again and sending out another big burst. Daring flew up and only got a weak burst this time, before diving back down at her again. She veered away and back up once she got closer, moments before the other mare unleashed a big burst of wind. Her distance and the other mare's exhaustion made the attack weak. She then dove right back down and landed a few feet from the other mare, charging right in. Her hooves shot out, the first narrowly missing as the pony tried to take a step back, but the second clipped the pony's wing. The third hit a leg and the fourth hit right in the side. From there it was only a few more taps and the pony dropped to the ground, paralyzed. “Ha!” Daring said, raising a hoof triumphantly.

“Daring,” Smoothglide snapped, landing a few feet from her.

“Did you see that? I was awesome! I told you I could handle her! I didn't even need you two, I did it on my own,” she said proudly, puffing out her chest. “Look, barely a mark on me.”

“Yes, but you disobeyed orders. There was no need to run off and put yourself in danger like that. It--”

“Oh, come off it, I got the job done,” she said with a shake of her head. “I told you I could do it. We didn't need Pinionwing at all.”

Smoothglide sighed and put a hoof to his forehead. “Daring, that's not the point. The three of us are a team, we don't rush off like that.”

“Well, maybe we should. He's holding us back, he--”

“He's getting better and, like you, he's still just a rookie. Neither of you are full Shadowbolts yet.”

“I should be! I can out fly probably anypony you've got in the entire Shadowbolts! Not only that, I've seen more action in a week than most of you have probably seen in your entire life times,” she snapped angrily, her eyes narrowed. “You're putting me through these lame, boring patrols when I can do so much more!”

“These lame, boring patrols are what being a Shadowbolt is. Do you--”

“Do you two mind?!” the pegasus thief yelled, glaring up at them. “If you're going to have a couple's spat, just--”

“Shut up!” Both Daring and Smoothglide yelled in unison.

He then sighed again. “Daring, I understand. The Shadowbolts aren't like what you're hoping, however. We don't go on adventures. We guard the town. Most of the time that means boring work. Paperwork. Patrols. More importantly, it means working with the squad and not abandoning each other. Sure, she was a weak air bender--”


“-- but you had no way of knowing that. What if she was more than just a lousy thief?”


“She could have been an actual threat. You could have been hurt, or killed.”

Daring growled and dug her hoof into the ground. “No, I couldn't have. I knew what I was doing. I could have taken that pony in my sleep.”


“Just because Pinionwing is so sluggish doesn't mean I am,” she snapped, kicking the ground. “I've been dealing with pirates and spirits my whole life. A few weak benders aren't going to give me more than a small sweat.”

Smoothglide took a deep sigh, putting a hoof to his forehead. “Daring... stop. If you continue along this line, I'll have to suspend you.”

She stared at him for a few moments, ber eyes narrowing. Finally, she spoke up. “No. I know what I'm doing,” she said with a growl. She then looked down at herself and gave a sigh. “I don't even know why I started this. It was a stupid idea.”


She closed her eyes for a moment, before glaring back at him. “I resign.”

“WHAT?” Smoothglide said, taking a step back in surprise. “You can't--”

“I can and I just did,” she said. “This whole thing was just... stupid. It might work for Ironwing, but it's not for me. I'm going back to base and tossing off my uniform.”

“W-wait,” Pinionwing finally spoke up, taking a step forward. “Please, Daring. I'll resign. You're a much better flier than me, if anypony should--”

“Oh buck that,” Daring said with a roll of her eyes. “That's just IT! I'm not made OUT for this kind of thing. It's driving me freaking bonkers!” She pointed to the pony on the ground. “I mean, look. I'm catching bucking pick pockets. How lame is that? I should be fighting sky pirates and robbin-- errrr, recovering objects from ancient tombs. Listen, I thought it was cool and, frankly, I'll probably keep the training in mind, maybe hone it a bit. But being a part of a team like this... it just isn't for me.” She spread out her wings, a grin forming on her lips. “You know, that actually felt really good. Haven't felt like this in weeks.”

“Daring, you're upset, don't make a judgment you'll regret later,” Smoothglide said with a frown.

“Oh, I'm not. I'm done making decisions I'm going to regret.” She took off like a bolt, flying through the air and heading back towards headquarters. She felt fifty pounds lighter as the responsibility and control of the Shadowbolts started to melt off her. She knew Ironwing would probably throw a hissy fit, but he was always grouchy so she didn't mind.

However, she didn't imagine Rainbow would be too happy about it. That sent a little pang of worry through her and made her nervously chew on her lower lip. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all. She shook her head and narrowed her eyes. No, she was sure of it. The whole thing had been driving her nuts for a while now.

She was Daring Do. Even if the Shadowbolts WERE pretty awesome, they just weren't for her. She wasn't meant to be tied down by anything.


Ironwing gave a sigh of pure, unbridled exasperation. Across the picnic blanket from him, Prism did the same. “Don't you two start,” Blaze warned, glowering.

“It's fine, we had it all handled,” Prism muttered.

“Oh, yeah. Because hiding away from each other and merely relaxing on the stink eye is repairing your relationship,” Blaze said with a roll of her eyes.

“It was working for me,” Ironwing grumbled darkly, before picking up a small watermelon cube and nibbling it. “But a picnic, really?”

“Hey, picnics are awesome,” Rainbow said from the small cloud hovering over the blanket. She popped a few walnuts into her mouth. “On a nice, sunny day like today it's perfect. You can even have a nap, too.”

“I don't have time for a nap, I have work to do after this,” Ironwing muttered.

“I swear you two are impossible,” Blaze muttered with a roll of her eyes. “Maybe I should have gotten your mother involved too,” she told Ironwing. “Or maybe Styx.”

He cringed. “Neither would submit to such a foalish endeavor. Prism and I are fine. We actually talk sometimes.”

“Exactly,” Prism said with a nod. “Just the other day we totally nodded at each other and said 'sup' when we passed on the road.”

Blaze face hoofed. “That's not talking! Rainbow, can you hear your son over here!”

Rainbow snored from up in her cloud.

“I swear, it's like trying to wrangle a whole herd of school foals...”

“We're fine,” Prism muttered again.

“No, I'm fine. You two are immature. About the only time you two are able to do anything in unity is when it comes to annoying me.”

Ironwing shrugged. “You're just very easy to annoy. Always have been, ever since we were kids.”

“It's true. I love you, honey, but you do get a bit up tight at times,” Prism said with a nod. “Besides, you have a lot of council work to do, you shouldn't be worrying about the two of us. We're grown ponies, we know what we're doing. Mostly.” He glanced over to Ironwing. “Besides, most of it... we've worked out.”

“Exactly,” Ironwing muttered, glancing off to the side.

“Fine. So, Ironwing, how has it been with the Shadowbolts? Happy to be back?” Blaze asked.

“It has been... different,” Ironwing said thoughtfully, before picking up a small slice of cornbread. “My responsibilities have shifted and I seem to be taking on a more... judgmental role in organization for now.”

“What does that mean?” Prism asked, cocking an eye. “You're not leading again, are you?”

He shuddered. “By the stars, no. But Stratios is having me review the other Shadowbolts. It seems the knowledge I'd gained in my years of leadership... well, she wants to put it to use for her, to help her better decide where everypony goes. Mostly she's just having me edit squads a bit to better put them with their strengths and weaknesses.” He gave a shrug. “But I'm not in any actual leadership position. I'm... not sure I could handle it right now.”

Prism glanced up, before sighing. “About... what happened before. With Shining. I uhhh... I mean, with the ponies who were... caught in the blast. I think I understand. I mean, why you were so upset and... I'm sorry.”

Blaze glanced up. “Huh? What about them?”

Ironwing cringed, closing his eyes. “I just... couldn't deal with it. Not again. I shut down. I don't think that'll change for a while, either. I can't...” He chewed on his lower lip. “I won't be able to deal with her. I'm so thankful that it's Diamond and Rainbow doing it this time.”

Blaze looked between the two. “Am I missing something?”

“I'll explain later,” Prism said with a shake of his head.

Ironwing sighed and closed his eyes, absentmindedly chewing on his roll.


Diamond groaned and leaned forward against the bar top, her hooves crossing over it. A small plate of deep fried spinach leaves were on the counter before her, partially eaten. She was exhausted after her day's training, but it was a good exhaustion. She felt she was really progressing, getting faster and stronger.

“Avatar!” a voice said, making her turn around and stare at the earth pony sitting besides her. “I'm surprised to see you here.”

“Huh? Oh, heyyyyy... you,” she said with a nervous grin. “I just wanted some cheap junk food. You know how it is.”

The pony blinked a few times before her eyes narrowed. “You don't know who I am, do you?”

“What? No! Of course I know who you are! You're uhhhhh...” An earth pony with a brown coat. She looked vaguely familiar, too. “You're... brown... coat?”

The mare's eyes twitched. “Really, after all I did for you? I mean, I get it, I may not be as important as you, but you'd think you'd at least TRY to remember me. Stars know I almost got killed when we were fighting by that Smooze beast.”

Diamond blinked a few times. “Smooze? You were there for the--” Her eyes widened. “Healer! You were the healer pony that Silver hired!” She grinned. “See? I got it!”

“Uh huh,” the mare said with narrowed eyes. “What's. My. Name?”

Diamond blinked a few more times. “Errrrr... gentle... touch?”

“MUDSHOT! Buck it! My name is Mudshot! I can't believe it, we were on a ship together for ages. I was even there when we were flying on the way home from that horrible place. We shared a ship! How could you forget me?!”

Diamond cringed. “I-I'm sorry, it just... err... to... be fair... I don't think I knew your name on the ship... either...”

The pony glared for a few moments, before sighing and her face falling. She looked ready to almost cry. “I'm sorry, Avatar. It just... happens a lot.”


“Yeah... ponies never remember my name. It's always 'healer' or 'healer pony' or 'earth pony healer' or something like that. Mudshot. It's not a difficult name. Buck, it's barely even a name. But it IS my name and I wish more ponies would at least try to remember it...” She gave a little sniffle. “I mean, it's not much but it's all I've got...”

“I'm sorry,” Diamond said, reaching out to pat the pony on the back. “I think Mudshot is a nice name.”

“It's a fine name,” the mare muttered. “It's a great name, even.”

“Yes, a very nice name.”

“Sure, it's not fancy like Diamond Tiara or anything, but it's nice.”

“Yes, it's very nice. And you're a great healer, I saw you working your flank off after what happened on the air ships.”

“Mmm hm. And you didn't even recognize me, though.”


Mudshot sighed and moped in her seat. “Nopony ever remembers the healer...”


Silver landed gently, her legs barely bending as she came to the ground. She took a few steps to let her momentum die, before nodding. “Perfect.” The wings spread out in front of her, bending around at her whim, before folding neatly at her sides.

“So, do the weight on those ever get to you?” a voice asked, making her jump.

She looked up and saw True and Leadwing, the former in front. “I'm sorry?” she asked.

“Well, those wings look really heavy. Does the weight ever make it hard to stand or run?” True asked, smiling to her.

“Oh, no. I mean, in the short term it does. But I've been wearing these things since I was...” A frown creased her brow. “Most of my life, I suppose. Daddy was always a bit... anyway. Once you've worn them a few weeks you barely even notice. In my case, I've worn them so long I can barely notice. The weight doesn't shift much between designs, either. They'll maybe get a bit lighter, but that's hardly noticeable. Especially when you consider the weight is supporting you while in flight.” She gave the two a small smile. “So, how can I help you?”

“Boredom, mostly,” True offered before glancing to Leadwing. “Lady Blaze is currently busy with council matters and has no need of us. As such, our main job is currently to look around the city, keep an eye out for trouble or for things that the Wonderbolts would find interesting. I thought it would be a good idea to get to know more about Tomorrow Industries.”

She nodded. “Ah. Well, there's not much to get to know, sorry. We're just like any other multi-million bit company. Constantly working on new revenue streams and attempting to keep on the cutting edge.” She eyed them for a moment, before smirking. “Want to race?”

True blinked, then snickered. “I appreciate the offer, Miss Spoon. But I don't think that would be fair. We are master fliers and air benders, after all.”

She nodded. “I'm aware. But I mean just wings to wings.” She let her wings unfold. “No bending, to keep it fair.”

Leadwing gave a shrug. “I don't see why not. It could be fun.”

True nodded. “If Leadwing has no objections. So, where to?”

Silver hummed and rubbed her chin. She looked around, before pointing to the opposite end of the compound and the front gate. “There. Very front gate.” She trotted over to stand besides them. “On the count of three. Ready? Three!” She took off with a grin, flying through the air as her wings flapped again and again. She could feel them tearing through the magic in the air, but there was more to them now. On each side there were small gems that gently drew the magic in from the air around them, not much but just enough. It then expelled the magic out through the back, in a way similar to how the cannons on their airships had worked. It was still in the prototype stages, but it did allow them far more speed.

Perhaps more speed than she had imagined. She realized that the other two hadn't caught up to her yet. She glanced back and saw Leadwing flapping his wings furiously and had almost managed to catch up, with True just behind. Her eyes widened as she realized she might actually have a shot.

She pulled her legs in tighter to her body, leaning her head forward a bit more to give herself a more aerodynamic form. For just a moment she considered using her own magic to give herself an edge. It would be so simple, the smallest spell to make flight a little more difficult for them, to slow them down. Or to make it easier for her. She then shook her head and just flapped her metallic wings, burying that temptation deep down. She was almost halfway to the goal when Leadwing managed to pull up besides her.

“These new wings are quite impressive!” he said as he flew.

“Yeah, they are. Newest design and--” She blinked and scowled. Now that she got a good look at him, she was able to see WHY she was able to go so fast compared to them. While his wings were flapping rapidly, his legs were laying out and not pulled against his body. He was holding back, even without his bending. He passed her after a few moments and then True passed her shortly after. By the time they got to the gate they were a good dozen feet ahead of her. She landed besides them, before giving a soft chuckle. “Well, even if you two were holding back, these newest designs do quite well in a forward sprint.” She said with a nod. “Far beyond our oldest models.”

“I remember when the first models came out,” True said softly, rubbing his chin. “They could barely keep up with school foals.”

Silver chuckled. “Yeah, we've advanced a lot in the last few months. Though, to be fair, my models are special. It'll probably be at least a year before this model is available on the public market. Probably three months or so before even the Shadowbolts get their hooves on it.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because of all the testing we have to do on it. See, for me it's different.” She let the tips of the wings go out. “I've been working on these things for most of my life. I mean, we had basic models under development for years before now, but none of them were really... public ready. But I've seen these things built, inside and out. I could probably build one with like, a toaster, a few gems and one of our new can openers. I know how to deal with them if they malfunction, I know how to repair them, I know where to check for wear and tear. And let me tell you, these new models? They wear down fast. They just aren't safe for anypony who doesn't know all their inner workings. But because I DO know them, I can use the newer models, get plenty of information stored on their use and get to try a bunch of new tricks at the same time.”

“Why just the Shadowbolts?” True asked.

“Namely because they're the main force interested in them and we prefer to release to them before the general public. The Moon Raisers will usually take a hoofful of them, but the metal benders won't touch them. The Shadowbolts, on the other hoof, love them. The fact they can be modified to house small spells as well makes them extremely useful and the wings are great as extra hooves. In fact, zebras are our primary customers for these, with the majority of those who are in the Shadowbolts getting at least rudimentary training in their use.” She then spread the wings out a bit more. “We try to ensure they get first dibs on models when they're ready for release and safe as they need to be. We don't want other ponies running around with faster models than them, after all.” She then sighed. “Though, this model still isn't done. We have straight speed as very high and it is extremely maneuverable. However, movements bring down the speed by nearly fifty percent, sometimes even below our current models if the movements are too precise. We're hoping to get it to about eighty percent speed maintained while flying.”

True blinked a few times, staring at them. “Wow. And here I thought you were just a really pretty face. You sure know a lot about these, don't you?”

Silver's cheeks turned red, but she refused to acknowledge them. “Of course. I... may not be quite as good at all this as daddy, but I've still been immersed in this since I was a child. I'd have to be a foal to not understand how it all works.”

True nodded. “Really? Is your mother involved, too? Secretary, right?”

Silver froze in place, her eyes going wide. She took a deep breath, before spreading her wings. “I have a lot of work to get done. It's time I leave. If you require anything, just ask one of the servants.” She took off, leaving the two behind.

True frowned and glanced to Leadwing. “Did I say something wrong?”

The other stallion shrugged. “I don't know. Maybe?”


Daring sighed as she soared over the city, feeling the cold air blow through her wings. She hummed softly, scanning the area for any sign of the mare. It only took her a moment to find her and a wide grin formed on her lips when she did.

“Hey! Rainbow!” she called out.

The pegasus moved her head up from her resting place on a cloud. She gave a soft yawn, before slowly sitting up. “Hmmm? Daring? What time is it?” She groaned. “I'm having my post-lunch nap...”

“Late enough you should be up,” she said with a snicker, before landing by her. “I knew you'd be here. You always choose clouds near the tallest buildings.”

Rainbow gave a shrug. “I just like making sure if I drift, I'll be high enough up not to hit anything.” She glanced up at the sky, then glanced to Daring. “I wish I could see and actually tell what time it is. What are you doing out?” She sent a light burst of wind out and frowned. “Back to the hat? I thought the Shadowbolts had a dress code.”

Daring blinked a few times. “Yeahhhhhh. About that. I kinda... well, quit.”

The other mare's mouth fell open. “Excuse me?”

“Walked out, left, told them I was out of there. You know how it is.”

“Does Ironwing know? I just had lunch with him and he didn't say anything.”

“Eh... heh heh. No. I think... well, he's probably finding out right about now. He's going to be pretty mad, isn't he?” She gave a sheepish grin, even though the other mare couldn't see it.

“Yeah, but he's always mad about something,” Rainbow said with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “If you've ever met his dad, well, you'll understand why. It's a family tradition, I think. They have normal scowl offs I hear.”

Daring nodded and gave a soft chuckle. “So uhhh... yeah. That's a thing now. Are uhhhh... are you mad?”

Rainbow chuckled softly and laid back down. “A little, but I guess I can forgive you interrupting my nap this time. Oh, about the whole Shadowbolt thing? Nahhhhh. Why, are you mad at yourself?”

The mare shrugged. “No, not really.” She laid down. “I just... I couldn't stand it, you know?”

“Oh? Why don't you tell me about it?”

“It just didn't... fit. I guess. It's hard to explain.”

“Mmmmm. So, tell me kid. Why'd you join in the first place?”

She shrugged. “It seemed like a good idea at the time? I mean, Ironwing seemed pretty cool and I'd heard about the Shadowbolts a few times from mom. I was more than capable,” she said with a grin. “I mean, heck, parts of it were a lot of fun. I picked up a lot of really sweet moves in the last few weeks. But...” She frowned and gave a sigh. “It was so. Bucking. BORING!”

Rainbow chuckled. “Boring? Really? I'd never thought the Shadowbolt lifestyle was supposed to be boring.”

“The most action I saw was dealing with a few purse snatchers! He wouldn't even let me go after an air bender without panicking, I mean come on. I'm ME. I'm pretty awesome! I've been dodging pirates and who knows what else my whole life. Sure, I might not have as much experience dealing with benders as some of them, but I want to learn. I don't want to just sit on the sidelines.” She turned to Rainbow. “You joined the Wonderbolts, right? What was that like?”

“Awesome. Totally awesome,” Rainbow said with a wide grin. “You get an awesome uniform, the others were pretty rad. I even met my husband there. Wasn't boring in the slightest, felt like every week we were dealing with bandits or something. But times were different then. It's a lot more peaceful now, ever since Harmony came about and most of the nations are working more towards peace.” She paused for a second. “Really? Wouldn't let you fight an air bender?”

“We had the bender out numbered three to one,” Daring said flatly. “It wasn't a master bender, either. It was just some rookie. Buck, I took her down myself and got little more than a bruise.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, I know how that feels. I never really had to deal with that junk. But then, when I joined I'd already had a lot of my adventures. Buck, I'd helped save the world already, took down quite a few ships on my own, learned the sonic rainboom... I was already a legend. I kinda got to skip over the whole being a rookie thing.”

Daring groaned and shook her head. “You know... when I came out here, this isn't what I wanted.”


“I thought coming out here, to be around other ponies... well... I thought I'd be like mom. Saving the world, going on adventures. Fighting off bad ponies. Buck, I mean even back home if I really got bored I could just sniff out some pirates or go piss off Ahuizotl. I've been here a few weeks and all I've done is training and then a bunch of boring patrols where I maybe get to see the slightest hint of action.”

Rainbow shrugged. “Well, if you want to go on adventures, I'd stick around Diamond more.”

“What? Why?”

“She's the Avatar. Trouble is going to follow her around wherever she goes. That was half the fun of being Twilight's friend.” Rainbow's grin got wider. “Buck, barely a day went by we weren't fighting for our lives. Totally awesome. We once dove into an active volcano. Sadly, it didn't erupt.”

Daring nodded and gave a sigh. “That sounds awesome.” She was silent for a few moments. “So uhhh... how mad do you think Ironwing will be, for real?”

Rainbow sighed. “I know his type. He won't 'be mad'. He'll just 'be disappointed'.”

“Oh gosh no...”

“Eeyup. And he'll probably give you the look. I'm sure you know the look.”


“But in the end, it's your decision. If you don't want to be a Shadowbolt, then don't be a Shadowbolt.” She reached out and tapped the younger mare on the shoulder. “Daring, it's your life. You're still young, you've got a lot of time to decide what you want to do with it. Who knows? Maybe the Shadowbolts will be more interesting looking in five or six years. But for now, go on your adventures and have a blast.”

Daring nodded and closed her eyes. “Thanks. Do you uhhhh... do you think my mom would have minded? I mean... she kinda...”

“Twilight would have wanted you to do whatever made you happy.”

The younger mare sighed. “I guess. But I mean, she never really seemed to be okay with me... doing like... important stuff.”

“I'm sure she never meant it like that. Twilight... well, she wasn't always the best at social stuff. I'm sure whatever you decide to do with your life, whether it's running off and going on grand adventures, or even becoming a fishermare--”

“Oh gag me with a spoon.”

“Your mom would be happy. As long as you were happy.”

Daring sighed. “How do you know?”

Rainbow was quiet for a few moments, before speaking up. “Because I knew Twilight and I know what it's like to be a mother.” She slowly wrapped her hooves around her stomach. “If... I'd had a daughter, I'd have wanted her to be happy.”

“Don't care if Prism is happy, eh?” Daring asked with a snicker.

“Oh please, Blaze takes care of that. A good mom would give just about anything to make sure her kids were happy. I know Twilight would be proud of you no matter what.”

Daring sighed and closed her eyes. “I guess. I just... what do you think I should do?”

“Talk to Ironwing, first. When he gets off tonight, track him down. You know where he lives. Just let him know how you were feeling, why you did what you did. He'll pout and grumble and probably throw one of his trademark little fits, but in the end it's your life and he can't control you. He can only give you guidance.”

Daring nodded. “I guess. What then?”

“Well, what about your books? You ever get to anypony to show them?”

“Eh... heh heh. Well, a few ponies. I had one who was absolutely gushing over my adventure to get this sapphire stone. Frankly, I think it was one of my more boring adventures. I mean, come on, I hurt my wing at the beginning and I couldn't even fly! Who'd wanna read a story about something like THAT?”

Rainbow snickered and gave a shrug. “You never know. Go and talk with the pony, see what they think. If nothing else, at least you'll make a few bits on the side. Did you manage to save up much from working with the Shadowbolts?”

Daring groaned and face hoofed. “Yeah, a bit. But it was only for a few weeks. I guess this means I'll be living with... Hornclipper for longer.”

“What's that like?”

“Awkward. He never... does anything. I swear. He just kind of glides around, occasionally grumbling under his breath and being all mopey. I swear I saw him smile when he banged his hoof in a drawer.”

“Wait, really?”

“No, but he is the most like... whiney pony I've EVER seen. Just walks around in a cloud all day. It doesn't make any sense! Scootaloo is like... the exact opposite! So full of life and vigor. Talks all through breakfast, always running about. Oh! You heard about her getting wings? Apparently it's something Silver was working on, so she can fly.”

Rainbow sat up. “Wait, really? That's AWESOME! How have you guys NOT told me about this?”

Daring shrugged. “I don't know. Just never came up? It's pretty cool. I haven't actually seen it yet, though. She doesn't talk about it too much, but apparently she and Hornclipper have been going down to the compound and flying together a lot.” She paused. “Actually, now that I think about it... does Hornclipper even have a job?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Well... he never talks about it or... much of anything. And he goes out at all weird hours.”

Rainbow shrugged. “I don't know. I remember him doing a lot of weird jobs over the years. But Scootaloo is on the council, I know that pays well enough that he wouldn't really need to.”

Daring shrugged. “I guess. Seriously, how did those two ever get together? It's like... complete opposites.”

“I don't know. Maybe Hornclipper has a secret, super charming side,” Rainbow said with a chuckle. “How about your sister, heard anything from her?”

Daring blinked, then sighed. “No. Not really. I've... sent her a few messages. But she hasn't responded to any of them. I don't even know if she's getting them. For all I know she's... well...”

“Ignoring you?”

“Yeah... it's just the kind of thing she'd do. I mean, I know we didn't always get along. Buck, we still don't. But she... she's still my sister. Mom would have wanted us to keep an eye out for each other.”

“Well, if you're not a member of the Shadowbolts anymore, maybe you can go visit her. It's not that long a trip. I mean, I used to be able to make the full flight in like... two days. But then again, I'm me. It takes quite a bit longer by airship.”

Daring chuckled and then gave a sigh. “I just might. I hope she's okay, though. Sometimes I just kind of worry about her. She's not really as...” She rubbed her chin. “As acclimated as I am, I guess. Not quite as good at the whole dealing with other ponies. Wayyyy too stubborn and uptight. Soooo serious. I hope it doesn't cause problems with the Fire Tribes.”

Rainbow shrugged. “It'll be fine. If she was in any kind of danger, we'd know it by now.”

Daring snickered and shook her head. “Right. Sunset in danger. She'd probably drive anypony who tried to threaten her mad.”


Sunset growled, pacing back and forth, digging her hooves into the ground of her small apartment with every step. Her face was set in an almost permanent scowl and it was all she could do to keep from yelling. She glanced towards the letter from the council again, before letting out another frustrated yell.

Oh, the Fire Tribes wanted her, alright. In fact, they were even putting her up in this rather nice, cozy apartment. But they didn't want to listen to her. They were treating her more like some kind of delicate, helpless flower. Giving her shelter and meals. Occasionally taking her out to meet the public. But they were ignoring everything she said.

At first she'd understood, she wasn't fully aware of all the laws and such of the land, but she'd already learned the vast majority of them thanks to her mother's tomes. She'd studied and researched, looking to find each and every change from what her mother had taught her, before finally returning to the council.

They'd merely brushed her off. Again and again, making excuses. They didn't listen to her speak, didn't ask her opinions, barely even looked at her when she talked. They just wanted her to be another body that stood there, smiling and waving at the ponies. As if she was some kind of trophy left behind by her mother. She gave her couch a firm kick. She was half tempted to throw something out the window, but that would probably just give them the satisfaction of thinking they were right. That she was over emotional and weak.

She was her mother's daughter and she swore she would make her proud. She would lead the Fire Tribes to prosperity like her mother would have wanted, even if she had to do it kicking and screaming.

A sudden knocking on the door made her glance up. She scowled and made her way over, pulling it open. Outside was standing a green coated pony with a blue mane. “Can I help you?” she asked bitterly.

“As a matter of fact, you can,” the mare said with a small smile. “My name is Gracious Warmth and I've come with an offer I... don't think you'll want to refuse.”

Sunset's scowl got larger. “I swear, if this is about--”

“I assure you, you have no idea what this is about. May I come in?”

Sunset blinked, but slowly stepped aside. Once the mare walked in, she closed the door behind her. “Okay. What is it you want?”

“You, my dear mare,” the mare said before trotting towards the couch and sitting down. “Or rather, what you represent.” She put a hoof on the edge of the couch and gasped. “Oh my, this is very nice. Is it velvet? It feels like velvet.”

“I don't know, it came with the room. What do you mean, what I represent?”

Gracious glanced up. “Ah, I guess I should explain a little bit. You see I'm a member of a... very select organization. In fact, there are only a hoofful of us now.” She frowned. “But I wouldn't use that to imagine us weak. We prefer the term... precise.”

“Uh huh,” Sunset said flatly. “And what do you want from me?”

“Simple. I've been watching you, Sunset. You're smart. More importantly, you're the daughter of Twilight, one of the greatest Avatars of all time. You'd make an excellent ruler.”

“A what now?”

Gracious sighed again and put a hoof to her forehead. “I... guess I'd better start from the beginning. I represent... well, we have plenty of names. You can call us the Remnants of Harmony.”

Sunset just scowled more. “What in the buck are--” She gasped, a hoof coming to her mouth. “Wait, being all... weird and awkward... are you a member of the Yellow Daisy?”

Gracious blinked. “No, I'm not. Though we have been watching them for a while, we are not in fact affiliated with them. In fact, I'm pretty sure if they knew who we were, they'd have had tried to stop us by now.”

Sunset blinked a few more times. “Stop you? Why? What are you doing?”

Gracious gave another soft sigh and stroked the couch. “This really is soft, it--”

“Answer the question.”

“How much do you know about Discord?”

“He was very powerful, very evil and is now very dead.”

Gracious nodded. “You're right on two counts. He was very powerful and evil, but we have reasons to suspect his death might have been greatly exaggerated.”

Sunset froze, her eyes going wider. “W-wait, what? Impossible, my mother destroyed him, he--”

“Was an extremely powerful spirit and, trust me. We know spirits.” Gracious frowned. “We know Discord more than most. But he was hardly the first spirit to be destroyed. Anxiety, Harmony, Beguile, Allure, all fell far before he did. When they die, things can... linger. In Harmony's case, it was the Avatar. In Discord's, well... we're not quite sure yet. But trust me, he's there. We can still feel his greasy claws entangled in the strings of our world, plucking at them as he works for... whatever it is he's trying to do now.”

“Why do you need me?” Sunset asked softly.

“You're the daughter of Avatar Twilight. She destroyed Discord, or at least the majority of his power. He is weakened, vulnerable. Whatever remnants remain may still be snuffed out. This... offers us an opportunity.” A grin formed on her lips. “A chance to complete what your mother started.”

“What my mother started?”

“Indeed, dear Sunset.” Gracious gave a nod before slowly holding up both her hooves. “True unity.”

Author's Note:

For those curious. Yes. I had Mudshot planned even when I wrote her as 'healer pony'. Yes it was a silly, long drawn out joke. But i liked it.

It was this or a thousand puns. I figured this was less pun-ishing. Yes, I am a horrible person.