• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 935 Views, 50 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 3: Tirek - Jeweled Pen

Diamond's greatest challenge has come, with three new powerful benders aiding Meadowbrook, can she hope to defeat the villain she only narrowly defeated before? With some help from the past, there may be hope.

  • ...

Chapter 3: New beginnings

The door flung open and Daring shrieked, her eyes going wide before she readied herself for a fight. However, before she could get up, the bed lifted up and she was flung out onto the ground. She groaned and slowly looked up at Scootaloo, before her eyes narrowed into slits. “... What. In. The. World?”

“You have basic training today, so time to get up up up!” Scootaloo said in a far, far too happy voice.

Daring groaned and looked out the window. “It's not even dawn yet!”

“Yep, but basic training starts at dawn, so get some food then get going. Ironwing showed you where to go, right?”

“Y-yeah, he did,” Daring grumbled before slowly getting up and stretching and shaking her head. “How are you up this early?”

“Oh, I'm not. I'm just getting you up because Hornclipper would have been too nice about it. If you're a young Rainbow, then I know you'll sleep in till noon if given the chance.” A wicked grin formed on her lips. “Luckily, I'm not giving you that chance. Now get moving.”

Daring rubbed her head before looking to the mare. There was something in her eyes, a look that just said 'test me'. Some survival instinct in her told her not to. “Yeah, yeah,” she muttered before trotting out the door and giving a light harrumph to the mare. “Nice to know Ironwing's pain in the flankness is genetic.”

“Yeah, he gets one dose from me and twice the dose from Hornclipper,” Scootaloo said before giving a yawn. “Now I'm going back to bed, it's bucking early.” The mare trotted off down the hall.

Daring grumbled darkly as she made herself a quick salad. “Razzle... frazzle. Making me get up at dawn. Ponies aren't MEANT to be up before noon. If they were, the sun would get up before dawn,” she muttered angrily in the door's general direction. However, with a full stomach she made her way towards the door and stepped out.

She instantly regretted it, shuddering when the cold night air enveloped her. She longed to go back to her warm, toasty bed. Alas, she had a job to do. “Come on, you can do this, Daring. You've faced down pirates, giant worms and a big monkey spirit. An early morning probably won't kill you.” She then spread her wings and took to the air, flying off through the city. To her annoyance, almost nopony else seemed to be up. Not that she could blame them, probably back home in their nice, warm beds. The morning wind felt icy as it went through her wings. She gave another shudder and kept flying until the large Shadowbolt headquarters came into view. She glanced towards the sky, the glow of the slowly coming sun beginning to come into view. “Ha, made it!”

She landed outside the door and stretched, spreading out her wings and slowly letting out a low grunt of exertion. “Hi!” a voice said, making her pause and turn around.

A pegasus with a red coat and a blue mane was standing a few feet from her, sweat glistening on his coat. He was panting slightly, which was obvious as his heavy breathing caused a small fog in the morning chill. “Hello,” she said with a cocked eye. “Can I help you?”

“Err, n-no,” the pony said, taking a small step back. “I uhhh... I just saw you flying here and--”

“You followed me?” she asked suspiciously. She looked him up and down before grinning. She was pretty sure she could take him, he looked like a total push over.

His eyes went wide with horror and he shook his head. “No! No no! I mean, yes, but I mean, not like that. I-I was coming here too. Are... err... are you a Shadowbolt?” he asked softly, his gaze lowering.

“Not yet,” she said with a wave of her hoof. “But probably soon. I'm new.”

“New?” he asked, his mouth falling open slightly. “But... I didn't see you in basic training.”

“I got special tutoring from Ironwing, got to skip that part,” she said with a grin.

He gasped, his hoof covering his mouth. “Y-you got training from Ironwing? W-wow. You... you must be amazing.”

She smirked and gave a small nod. “Well, I am pretty awesome. Nopony would deny that. Name's Daring. Daring Do. You?” She held out her hoof.

He nervously took her hoof and shook it. “Pinionwing. Nice to meet you. I uhhh... I'm a new hopeful, too.”

“Oh? Who knows, then. Maybe we'll train together sometime.” She gave a smirk. “Just don't hold me back any, okay?”

“O-oh, right. Yeah. But, err...”


“We're going to be late.”

Daring blinked, then yiped and turned, galloping into the building.


Button gently nibbled his eggs, sighing while he stared at the wall opposite him. It had all kinds of family pictures, including the first time he'd lifted a rock. He remembered that, how excited he'd been. How sure he'd been that he'd become an amazing metal bender one day.

Yet here he was, so many years later, and he still couldn't lift even the tiniest bit of metal. Even the thicker, easier to bend metals were impossible for him.

He quickly shook his head. “No! Today is the day! I will be a metal bender, I'll be the greatest metal bender of all time! I will earn my place besides my mother and--”

“Dear, there's no need to yell so early in the morning,” Octavia said from behind him, making him jump.

“Mom! When did you, what are you doing up?”

“It is the morning, this is often when ponies wake up,” she said before glancing at the frying pan filled with greasy eggs. She gave a shudder and instead walked over to the bread and began making toast. “Dear, are you prepared for today?”

“Yeah! It's going to be awesome,” he said with a big grin. “I'm going to go there and...” He then gave a sigh. “Metal bend... somehow. I mean, I haven't really figured out how, yet. But I'm sure I'll work it out.”

Octavia nodded, before slowly pouring herself a cup of coffee, eying the toaster. “Mmmmm. You are a talented boy, Button. I'm sure with patience and hard work, you'll be a wonderful metal bender.”

“I hope so,” he said softly, before nibbling his eggs. “You can have some eggs if you want, mom. I made plenty. My own recipe!”

“I can see that. Toast is fine,” she said flatly before the toast popped up. She tossed it on a plate before grabbing the jam and butter. “Dear, there's no need to rush. You're just... a slow learner. But that is fine. Earth is not an element that can be rushed. It moves slowly, but it cannot be stopped.”

He sighed and gave a nod. “I know, I know. A boulder keeps moving, even against the wind. It refuses to bend. It breaks the world against itself. I just...”

“You just have difficulty sensing the rocks. You've always been weak at earth sensing,” she said with a nod. “But you'll figure it out, I'm sure.”

Button nodded, nibbling another bite of egg. “I know. I mean it this time, though. No distractions. I... really want to learn how to metal bend. I've gotten a lot better.”

“I'm sure you have,” Octavia said before trotting to the table and sitting down. “I'm sure there are plenty who would be willing to teach you, as well. Your lava bending makes you quite an interesting new target. Combining it with metal bending... I'm curious to see what new techniques you will develop.”

He blushed and gave a soft chuckle. “I-I don't know about that. I mean... I don't even know if they could be combined. Melting metal would be...” He blinked a few times and shuddered. “Sounds pretty dangerous.” He then glanced up. “Mom, what do you know about Hothoof?”

“Hmmm? Why the question?”

“Well... I just... he's the only other lava bender, right? I just thought... well...”

Octavia sighed and closed her eyes. “I've never met him, personally. But I have heard stories. He was... a stupid foal. I do not just mean a lack of intelligence, either. He was violent and angry, but he tried to become a metal bender. When he failed, he lashed out and tried to hurt ponies. That was when his lava bending was developed.” A frown formed on her lips. “He had a marvelous gift, and he wasted it. Instead of trying to learn this new gift, he used it to hurt those he deemed as having hurt him. He burned Sweet Apple Acres to the ground and went after the Apples themselves after destroying the school there, hurting many of the students. He went up against all three of the Apple siblings. Not a move even I would have wanted to try.”

“Really? Well, I guess he lost. How uhhhh... how hard was it?”

Octavia sipped her coffee for a moment. “At the time? The rumors say the fight lasted all of five seconds. But then, he was fighting three of the greatest earth benders of all time, with a style of bending he had only just learned. If he tried it now... well, he might even last twenty seconds.”

Button chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. “W-wow. I couldn't even imagine fighting one of them, let alone all three. He... must have been pretty dumb.”

She nodded. “Indeed. You, on the other hoof, aren't. You're a smart, cunning young colt, developing this new art is... quite exciting. I look forward to seeing what you'll do.” She paused and then sipped her coffee once more. “I am also quite interesting in learning more about its... origins. This Luna?”

Button's cheeks turned red. “Okay... so uhhhh, I thought...”

“Yes, you thought he was a girl, I am aware,” she said with a small smile. “An interesting mistake, but then nopony would accuse Rarity's children of not being quite... pretty.”

Button groaned. “Who told you?”

“Diamond when I pressed her for a few questions before she left. Now, you dove into this... Smooze? This Luna must mean a lot to you.”

“He does,” Button said softly, looking down at his plate and mixing the eggs up. “He's just so... I mean... when I'm with him... when we're...” His cheeks turned redder. “He kisses amazingly.”


“And when we cuddle it just feels... right. I just don't...” He sighed. “I don't know how much of a future we'll have. Like, I want kids... and... well...”

“You can always adopt.”

“He's also royalty.”

“That... can be tricky. Though, technically, you are a prince.” She sipped her coffee.

He blinked. “Wait, what?”

“Technically, I was queen. Granted, our kingdom was small and it fell under the domain of the Earth Kingdom. There were a few other kingdoms, but many of them have fallen apart as well over the years.” She paused. “But, indeed, that would make you a semi-prince.” She glanced down at the coffee. “But even then, royalty is not what it once was. The air nomads were once the only ones without rulers. Now both they and the fire tribes have their own elected officials and I believe in the Earth Kingdom it is becoming more and more common. Cities are still falling under the emperor's command, but they have their own officials.” She gently swished her coffee. “In a few generations, there may not even be water lords or emperors anymore.”

Button blinked. “Really? Wouldn't that be bad?”

“Why?” Octavia looked around. “You've lived in Harmony your whole life. I'm sure you've seen the problems it has, but also the good. Perhaps, one day, the way of Harmony will spread to all the corners of the world. There won't be any more rulers like we have today.” She smiled softly. “Perhaps if you and this Luna were to... find love, you could even expedite it.”

His cheeks turned redder. “T-thanks, mom, but I'm not sure I'm ready for a... political marriage.”

“This Luna does seem quite interesting. An excellent bender, as well. At least, if her mother was being honest.”

He groaned and face hoofed. “Mom please stop.”

“I just think it is absolutely adorable. And I do believe when you left you were talking of finding some pretty mare. You found a pretty stallion, it is close enough, right?”

“You're evil, I swear. Vinyl is rubbing off on you,” he muttered before getting to his hooves. “As much as I'd love to keep talking about my love life with... my mother, I'm afraid I really, really must be going. Really. I need to get there early to train! Yup, practice practice practice.”

She snickered and gave a nod. “If you so please.” A knowing smile remained on her lips even as he trotted out the door.


Diamond gave a soft yawn as she crawled out of bed, scratching her head. She took a few moments to freshen herself up in the mirror, before trotting out of her room. She headed down the hall towards the kitchen, before chuckling.

The two Wonderbolts were already zooming about, preparing a small breakfast. “Good morning, Avatar,” Leadwing said before landing in front of her. “Happy to see you have joined us.”

“Mmmm. Is Silver up yet?”

“Not yet,” True said before cracking some eggs. “You don't think she'll mind, do you?”

“Only if you don't share some with her,” she said with a laugh before turning and trotting down the hall. She started towards her room, before she froze. She slowly changed direction and mentally hoped, before heading towards Silver's office. Her hope was wasted when she pushed open the door and saw Silver at the desk, her head against it.

“Silver!” Diamond snapped.

The mare's head shot up and she shrieked, falling back out of her chair. “What? Who? Why? What? Ack!” She groaned before slowly climbing to her hooves, glaring over the desk. “What was that for?”

Diamond walked over and flapped a wing, blowing it in Silver's face. “Did you get ANY sleep last night?” She reached out and fiddled with her hair a little. “You look like... flank. You need a bath and a good night's sleep.”

“I have like... a bit more work to do and--”



“I will burn your paperwork if you don't.”

Silver froze in place, her eyes wide with horror. “Y-you wouldn't.”

Diamond stamped her hoof once and her horn burst into flame. “Try me.”

Silver squeaked. “O-okay, a bath!”

“And then?”

“A... a nap.”


Silver sighed and grumbled softly before she walked out of the room. “You'd think she was Secretary or something. I'm a grown mare I know what I'm doing, I can take care of myself. Razzle frazzle...”

Diamond rolled her eyes and trotted after her. She followed the mare to the bathroom and stood outside the door until she heard the water come on. She then sighed and started to trot down the hall. She paused a moment when she heard a gentle creak. “I SAID BATH!”

“I am!” Silver called down before slamming the door shut again.

The alicorn rolled her eyes. “I swear, she needs her own Secretary.”


Daring gulped nervously as she stood at attention, dressed in the dark Shadowbolt uniform. She was one amongst a dozen. She and Pinionwing had gotten a swift talking to for their late arrival, before being directed into line. “So, each and every one of you wish to become Shadowbolts,” a mare ahead of them called out. “I'm sorry to say, but most of you won't make it. Some of you won't handle it and will give up. Some of you won't be able to follow rules and will get kicked out. But for those of you who do make it, you'll probably grow to regret it. Being a Shadowbolt isn't easy. It's hard, dangerous work. We go up against ponies with real bending, and we need to take them down every time. We hesitate, we mess up, we miss? Then we're dead. No second chances, no timeouts, no do overs. If you make it, eventually some of the ponies you know will die. Maybe you'll die. All it takes is one stray shard of ice or a fire ball and you're gone.” She then took a deep breath. “We don't do this for the glory. We don't do this for parades. We most definitely don't do this for the money. We do this because there are ponies out there who need ponies like us. We do it because there are ponies who like to take take take, not caring who they hurt, and if we don't stop them, nopony will. Some ponies will hate you, someponies will love you. But if there's one thing to remember, one thing you need to know about working with us, it's that. The reason we fight.”

The mare took a deep breath before starting again. “Now, each of you will be part of a team, with one partner and a teacher. As more of you drop out, the teams will be mixed up. You'll get new teams, new partners. If you wanna get attached, fine. Make friends, buck if I care. But the important thing you need to remember is following the rules. We work as a unit. If I pick out any three Shadowbolts from our ranks, they would be able to work in perfect unison. They would know the signs, they would know the movements and, most importantly, they'd get the job done. Your very lives, and the lives of those you work with, could very well depend on how well you follow orders. If you don't think you can handle that, then leave now.”

Daring didn't move, staring ahead. She tried to keep the smirk off her lips, she was going to show them just how awesome she was.

“Good. Now, when I call your names, come up here to meet your instructors and partner.” One by one ponies were called up, until finally the mare called out. “Daring Do, Pinionwing. Our late risers.”

The mare stepped forward, confident as she walked up to the mare. She gave a quick salute before looking to her comrade. He looked almost as bad now as he had outside, sweat peeking through his uniform.

“Good, you two are with...” The instructor glanced back towards the other gathered Shadowbolts. “Smoothglide! Come get your students!”

One of the pegasi stepped forward, bowing his head politely. His mane was a light red, with little hints of green coat peeping through the uniform. “Hello,” he said softly as he looked the two over. “I'm Smoothglide, obviously. Now, there's a lot we're going to have to go over, but there's a few things I want to test out before anything else. Follow me,” he said before trotting out the door.

Daring took a slow, deep breath and followed behind the stallion, her heart hammering. She couldn't believe it, finally it was time. She couldn't wait to show them everything she could do.

“Now, Pinionwing, I know you're a first timer with us. No Shadowbolt training past the bare basics, yes?”

“N-no sir. I mean, yes sir, what you said, sir,” the stallion said softly.

“Okay then. Don't worry, I've seen your reports from your teachers. You're a decent flyer and you learn fast. Hopefully you can pick up well enough here. Now, Daring, I've also seen your report.”

The mare froze for a minute, before chuckling. “Y-yeah.”

“Daughter of the last Avatar, quite impressive. Ironwing has apparently been teaching you a few of our moves, too.”

“When he has the time,” she said with a smirk. “They weren't that hard.”

“That's good. I'll be expecting good things from you.” Smoothglide stepped out into the city. “I assume you both know formation F, right?”

“Yes sir,” Pinionwing said quickly.

Daring froze. Ironwing had mentioned a few formations, but they hadn't practiced them. With only the two of them, they just wouldn't work right. It was her first day, though, so she refused to be shown up by some newbie. “Of course.”

“Good. Daring, you'll be right wing. Pinionwing, left wing.” He then took to the sky, flying off over the street. Pinionwing flew up a moment later, moving to Smoothglide's left side and behind. Daring grinned and followed his example, moving in to his right side, mimicking Pinionwing.

Smoothglide glanced back, before nodding. “Good. Keep the formation as tight as you can.”

Daring grinned wider, keeping up with ease. She couldn't believe how easy this was. To think she'd actually been worried for a moment. At this rate she'd be leading her own squad in a week or two.


Ironwing took a slow, deep breath as he stared at himself in the mirror. In the other room he could hear the shower going, but he could barely think about it. He adjusted his goggles slightly. He could barely remember the last time he'd worn this uniform, been an actual Shadowbolt. His stomach was actually fluttering.

He rested his head against the mirror. He was a Shadowbolt again. A real Shadowbolt. He felt a little relief knowing everything wouldn't fall on him anymore, either. He gave a soft sigh, before turning towards the bathroom. “I'm going out now! Bye!” he yelled before spreading his wings and flying out the open balcony door, not waiting for the response.

The air felt cool on his body, brushing through his mane and coat. He'd even gotten it nice and trimmed for his return. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, floating through the air for a moment before he slowly turned and angled his flight towards the building. He'd flown this route a million times, but today it somehow felt lighter. Easier. A grin spread on his lips before he opened his eyes and dived, descending down through the streets.

He landed outside the building and lightly trotted inside, quickly burying the grin and putting on his serious business face. He pushed open the door and stepped inside.

“Welcome back, Ironwing,” one of the ponies called out. He glanced over to a few of the Shadowbolts. He gave a wave and barely managed to suppress his smile.

“Thank you,” he said quickly, before making his way towards the front desk. There was a zebra working it, humming softly as she slowly flipped through paperwork.

“Ironwing, reporting for duty, ma'am,” he said, before giving a salute.

“Oh, I know who you are,” the mare said with a light chuckle. “No need to be so official, sir. You outrank me.”

“Not anymore,” he said with a shake of his head.

The mare blinked, then her cheeks went red and she covered her mouth. “O-oh! I thought... oh, right. Sorry, just... errr... sorry sir,” she said nervously.

“There's no need to be sorry,” he said with a shake of his head. “I was busted down, it happens and it needed to be done. Now, my assignment for the day?”

The mare nodded before pulling out some papers. She then blinked. “Odd, I thought... you're to go meet with Stratios.”

Ironwing blinked, before giving a nod. “Very... well,” he said softly. “In my... in her office?”

“Yes sir.”

“Thank you,” Ironwing said, before turning and walking towards the stairs. His mind started racing and he couldn't help feeling butterflies in his stomach as he walked. A few of the other Shadowbolts waved at him as he trotted by, he gave small greetings back but barely focused on them. Stratios had been his replacement, an elder bat pony. All of this had already been cleared, he couldn't imagine why the mare wanted to meet with him now. He soon came to the office and gave it a gentle knock.

“Who is it?” a voice called out.

“Ironwing,” he called back.

“Come in!”

The stallion took a slow, deep breath before pushing open the door. He stepped inside and glanced around a little. The room was mostly empty, aside from a glass case holding a small rock collection and the desk filled with paperwork. And, of course, the mare behind it. He was a little shocked to see she was out of uniform, but she was in command so he couldn't really oppose it. He trotted forward and gave a salute. “Ma'am.”

“Oh, knock off the formalities, Ironwing,” the mare said with a roll of her eyes. “I have to say, I am surprised you lasted this long.”


“Without coming back. I thought you'd be begging to come back after a week.”

“I... felt it wouldn't be wise to return until everypony got used to the new leadership, ma'am,” he said firmly.

The mare nodded, resting her front hooves on the desk. “Well, Ironwing, I just want to get a few things straight. I AM in charge now. I know you've got a lot of pull with your mother, not to mention your close relationship with Styx. However, if you have any thoughts about trying to take over or replace me, you'd best abandon them now.”

“Of course not, ma'am,” he said with a quick shake of his head.

“Good. I'd like it if you and I could get along. I imagine you're... quite aware I was never comfortable with your quick rise to power. Something I know you heard of on more than a few occasions.”

He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, before nodding. “Indeed, ma'am.”

“But you were fair, at the very least,” she said before looking down at her paperwork. “I've seen our files, including the little notes you left about me. There were more than a few ponies who would have been happy to see you fail, but you didn't lash out. In fact, quite a few ponies still respect you, even after your... failure with Meadowbrook.”

He cringed, but gave a nod.

“Personally, I think you're a great soldier but you're not ready to lead for now. You most definitely weren't ready to be a leader when you first got the position. But, all things considered, you still did the best you could.” She took a long, slow breath. “You were... mature enough not to lash out at those who didn't quite offer you the respect you always deserved. So I know I'm going to have to do the same.”


“I know you've only just returned, but I'd like to ask for your assistance.”

He blinked a few times. “Ma'am?”

“Not all of your notes were complete and there are still a few things I'm... not quite sure how you managed to do.”

He blinked a few more times as he tried to process. He then sighed. “You mean filing?”

She nodded. “Yes. I haven't quite had a chance to decipher all of your... shorthoof. It seems good enough, but it would be useful if I had access to all of that information.”

“Of course,” he said with a bow of his head. “I will get started on it immediately.”

She nodded. “Good.” She then paused, eying him for a moment. “Ironwing, I do trust you don't have any... notions of taking back over, correct?”

Ironwing took a deep breath. “To be quite honest, ma'am, being a Shadowbolt is difficult. Running the Shadowbolts almost broke me at least a dozen times. I don't think I could do it again. In a lot of ways, it's a relief to just be a rank and file pony, to do more field work.”

She nodded, a grin on her lips. “That's good. I'd like it if the two of us could work together.” She paused for a moment and glanced down. “I have some papers I need you to go through for me, but once that's done, you'll be moving out with Coppertips, Silenthoof and Freshmint. They requested you personally.” She pulled out a small stack of papers. “Here.”

He nodded and took them. “Thank you, ma'am. I'll do my best.”

“Of course. Just try to have them on my desk before noon.”

He nodded and turned, walking out the door. He held the papers on his back with his wings as he trotted down the stairs, giving a soft sigh. She seemed to be taking his return well enough, for now. It did worry him that she was going through his notes. His removal had been very, very sudden and he hadn't even been able to get most of his paperwork. While there was nothing too bad in the notes he left, many of them were signs of his own paranoia.

Namely, he kept tabs on everypony he could, their skills and weaknesses, different ponies that seemed to work well together. He even had a few notes on the metal benders and Moon Raisers. He'd have rather all of that stuff been removed alongside him.

But he supposed it was all her responsibility now, which meant she could use whatever help he could offer her. It wasn't a lot, but it was hopefully enough.


“Let me go,” Blaze grumbled.

“No,” Prism muttered, his hooves wrapped tightly around her as he snuggled her in bed.

“I need to start breakfast.”

“We'll eat out.”

“I have students to train.”

“I'll take care of it later, when they get back.”

“I have to go to the council and finish my paperwork.”

“You can be late once,” Prism said before nibbling her neck.


“Nope. Not letting you go. Buck, missing one day won't kill you.”

“Oh, so now I'm missing the day, not late?”

“Yes. Today you're missing work.”


“I know your fellow council members miss days all the time. One won't kill you,” he said with a chuckle before nuzzling between her wings.

She groaned and closed her eyes. “You're horrible. First making me stay up half the night, now trying to make me miss work. You're just like your mother.”

Prism snickered and then leaned up, nibbling her ear. “So? I haven't seen you in years. Or at least, it felt like years.”

“We still have to deal with the Meadowbrook incident.”

“So? Last time she was around we barely saw each other. Then we got attacked and just... you know what? It's been a while since I had all day to snuggle with my wife. So today we're both taking some time off.”

“But I have to worrrrrrrrk.”

“And I have to pamper my wife and enjoy one of our long awaited days together. They'll understand.”

“But Prismmmmmm!”

He nibbled right between her wings, making her gasp. “We can even go down to that spa you like...”

The pegasus moaned a little, before sighing. “Fine. I guess missing one day won't kill me,” she muttered, closing her eyes. “But I want the strawberry treatment.”

“Of course, darling. Anything my little fire starter wants.”

She snickered and nestled up to him. “You're deplorable and a bad influence.”

“And you're an absolute delight and a wicked temptress,” he teased right back.


“Mom, are you sure it's a good idea to take me?” Acrylic asked his mother softly as the two walked through the streets of the city towards the Moon Raiser headquarters. “What about the council?”

“Eh, missing one day won't kill me,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Besides, if they need anything, they'll find me one way or another. They always do. I remember one time I tried to play hooky when this awesome band came to Harmony. Middle of the concert, music shuts off and all of a sudden 'Vinyl. This is Octavia. I know you're there. You're needed in the council rooms.' Man, were I anypony else that would have been embarrassing.”

Acrylic blinked, before looking to her flatly. “What did you do?”

“... Listen, there's a reason I'm not allowed to take public transport anymore.”

Acrylic rolled his eyes, but smiled none the less. He stopped outside the big building and glanced up. “So uhhh... thanks, but I can do this part myself. Just need to--”

“Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you? I know you get kind of gassy when you're nervous and--”

“Mom!” Acrylic snapped, his cheeks turning red. “That was when I was a kid! I haven't had... that, in years!”

“I know, but it could always come back. Remember when you tried to--”

“Yes I do and no I don't want to talk about it!”

She gave a light chuckle before shaking her head. “Fine. I just want to look out for my baby boy. You'll be fine. Really. It's not hard to get admitted.”

He sighed and gave a nod. “I... I guess. I know. I can do this, mom. Trust me. Please?”

She sighed, before reaching out and giving him a tight hug. “I know, Acrylic. You're a smart, talented boy. I know you'll make an amazing Moon Raiser. You would have for years.”

He nodded. “Here's hoping I don't let you down,” he said with a small smile, before turning towards the building. It stood out besides the water, right up besides the beach. He stared at the water for a moment before grinning. “Wish me luck?”


He nodded and stepped inside.

He could do this.

He would do this.