• Published 12th Aug 2017
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 3: Tirek - Jeweled Pen

Diamond's greatest challenge has come, with three new powerful benders aiding Meadowbrook, can she hope to defeat the villain she only narrowly defeated before? With some help from the past, there may be hope.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Choices

Diamond couldn't help feeling a bit of trepidation as she trotted through the town. She could see the way the ponies pointed at her, whispering amongst themselves. It had been so long since she'd been here. At least, it felt like years. Even though it had only been a few months. She could hardly believe just how much had happened in that time. She shook her head and gave a nervous smile to the ponies before turning ahead, trying to keep her eyes on the path ahead.

She felt her stomach give a nervous jump when they came to the wall surrounding her home. She felt tears trying to spring up again, but she buried them deep down. Rarity reached out to tap the door. It fell in, already broken off the hinges. “Oh. Oh dear,” the water lord said. “I'm sorry, I thought--”

“It's fine,” Diamond said softly as they trotted inside. As bad as it had looked from above, down below it looked even worse. She could see the pieces of wood scattered all over the yard from where her home had been practically blown up. She froze in place when she saw the small training grounds her dad had made for her, where she had practiced all the elements. She could barely believe less than a year ago she had been here, fighting and believing herself to be the greatest bender to have ever lived. Now she felt like an idiot who had made so many mistakes she practically deserved to have a giant 'buck me' sign on the back of her head. She couldn't believe how much she had changed, yet it all looked exactly the same. Aside from the damage.

“Diamond? You okay?” Rarity asked, waving a hoof in front of her face.

“What? Huh?” the alicorn asked, before shaking her head. “Oh, no, sorry. I mean, yes, I'm fine. Just... just thinking.”

Rarity gave a small smile. “It can be... odd, returning to home when you haven't been there in a while.” She turned to the house. “Will you be okay? I know... it may feel odd, but--”

“I'll be fine,” Diamond said before she turned to her home and walked towards it. The front door had been knocked off its hinges and lay in pieces on the ground, so she just walked through it. The front area was a mess, with pieces of her home spread all over the place. Broken picture frames and furniture lay scattered across the floor. She turned to the steps and started making her way up, towards her room, feeling herself drawn there as if by some unknown force.

It only took her a few moments to find it, and a few quick shoves to push it open. The majority of the roof had been torn away, leaving it exposed to the elements. She looked around her room and shuddered.

Everything was exactly as she'd left it, aside from a fresh layer of dust and splinters from the collapsed roof. Her bed had been made, and her shelves that had been partially empty because of her leaving had moved a bit. She closed her eyes and imagined herself back then. She'd been so excited to go to Harmony. She'd expected the ponies of the world to bend over backwards, to worship her as the great Avatar. As if she would be the one to lead the world into some golden age. She'd been so naive. She didn't even know what she was doing, let alone what the other countries were doing. She wasn't Twilight, she couldn't do all this.

She sat down, staring at her bed and began to cry.

“Diamond?” Rarity asked softly. She moved forward and put a hoof over her. “It's okay, we'll find your dad. Don't worry.”

“It's not... it's not that,” Diamond said softly, shaking. “It's... it's me.”

The unicorn blinked a few times. “What?”

“I can't... I can't do this. I was wrong. I-I can't be t-the Avatar. I'm just not... I'm just n-not good enough.” She shook her head. “I'm not Twilight. I'm just... I'm just... look at this!” She gestured a hoof towards the room. “This is who I am! This is what I am! I'm not Twilight! I'm just... I'm just a spoiled brat who... who gets those around her hurt and--”

“No, you're not,” Rarity said with a shake of her head. “You're not Twilight, but you're not a spoiled brat, either. You're Diamond Tiara. While, as Avatars go, you're not quite what I expected, that isn't a bad thing. You were chosen for a reason, just like every other Avatar was.” She softly rubbed down the mare's back. “And I know you're upset. I know you're hurting and scared. I know... seeing your home in tatters frightens you. Trust me, I know better than most.” She looked down to the mare and smiled. “But I also knew Twilight. I fought her and then fought besides her. She faced her own hardships, just as you have. While you may not be her, you're not supposed to be her. But that doesn't make you any less worthy of the title you bear.”

Diamond sniffled. “But... what if I wasn't supposed to... be the Avatar? Just... look around. This is what I was, this is... I was--”

“Who you were is not who you are. You've made mistakes, we've all been there.” Rarity paused for a moment. “And there will be ponies who will hold them over you. Who will try to destroy you for them, to torment you. Even, sometimes, hurt you for the mistakes you made. But those ponies aren't important. What is important is what you do, what you learn from those mistakes. The ponies who matter are the ones who see you make your mistakes, but accept that you're trying to fix them. And you are trying to fix them, Diamond. I've watched you train, I've watched you practice. I've watched you throw your heart into your duties and give everything you have. When you left here, you may have been a different pony, a pony who couldn't bear the title of Avatar. But that is who you were, not who you are.” She then patted her on the head. “And who you are is a fine young lady, a mare who Twilight would have been proud to call heir and friend. And you'll continue to grow, to develop. Who knows where you'll be a month from now? A year from now? After all, Twilight did not become the Avatar of legend in a day. It took her years and countless battles.”

Diamond nodded, closing her eyes and laying against the unicorn. “I... I'm sorry. I just... I...”

“It's quite alright, dear. Homecomings... even at the best of times, they can be difficult. Old memories mixing with new. Nopony would blame you for having difficulty in a time such as this. Take as long as you need.”

The alicorn nodded, closing her eyes. “Thank you.”

“Of course, Avatar. After all, even the strongest of us need the occasional chance to recuperate.”


“I'm borrrrrred,” Daring groaned as she laid on her back, lightly batting a small bouncy ball off the wall and into her hooves.

“Then please, go to work,” Silver said, her voice filled with annoyance as she tried to work despite the constant thumping.

“Can't, no job. Just waiting to hear back from that editor pony. Heh, surprised they want to publish them already. Figured it'd take longer,” Daring said with a shrug. “No Shadowbolts, either.”

“Isn't there somepony else you could be bother-- helping, then?”

“Well, I'd LOVE to go and help Diamond, but she's got Rainbow and the others taking care of her, doesn't really need me now,” the mare said with a shrug. “So hey, I figure if I stick around you. Something interesting is bound to happen eventually, right?”

Silver eyed a nearby pipe as the thumping of bouncy ball against wall persisted. Not a jury would convict her. “Why would you think something interesting would happen around me?”

“Because, like, you're Diamonds best friend. That's what I was told. Hang out near the Avatar, and interesting stuff will happen. Since I can't hang out with her, you're like the next best thing. Besides, with the fake horn and wings you're kind of like an alicorn.”

“Oh, delightful. I am Avatar, mock edition,” Silver said flatly before leaning back and rubbing her brow. “I'm working, do you mind?”

“Not at all, keep going,” Daring said with a shrug. “So, I heard Acrylic finally got out of the hospital. How's he handling the whole... being off duty, thing?”

“Not well. Why don't you visit him? You're his friend too, you know.”

Daring sighed and caught the ball. “Not... really. I mean... well, I barely know him. Buck, I barely know any of you aside from Ironwing.”

“To be fair, I don't think most ponies know him at all,” Silver said with a shrug. She glanced up at her. “Why not hang out with him?”

“He's kinda... not very talkative to me lately. And it's kinda hard to be around him, you know? Since he's... well... a Shadowbolt and I'm... not.”

“Really? Why?”

“He mopes. Oh by the stars he mopes. Not like... in a moping way. But in a just kinda... 'I am disappointed in you but I won't actually say it but by buck you'll know' way.” She gave a soft sigh and stretched out. “Maybe I should just go like... exploring or something. Travel the country side. You know, I heard there's a really weird place called the Everfree Forest. Maybe I can explore it an--”

Silver interrupted her by putting a hoof on her leg. “No. Don't go near there,” she said quickly, before smiling. “You know what? How about we go out on the town. Just the two of us, get something to eat. Or maybe we can grab Button and Acrylic. Have some fun?”

“Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to be a bother...”

Silver shook her head. “No. It's fine. I can come back to this later. Besides, daddy and his parents will probably be back soon and... I'd rather not be here when they are.”

Daring chuckled and gave a nod. “Okay. Then party! Can I drive the tank?”

“No. After last time I had to promise the council I wouldn't let you.”

“I said I was sorry!”


Diamond opened her eyes and looked around in confusion, then in panic. She was tucked into bed. She cast off the blankets and jumped to her hooves, galloping out the door. “Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow! Are you here? I--”

“Of course we're here,” Sweetie said with a snicker. “But I can't help but notice you left me and Applebloom out of your little panic.”

Diamond's cheeks turned bright red. “W-what? No, I was just, I mean...” She nudged the ground a little bit. “I, errr...”

“Yah got exhausted an' yah needed a lil rest,” Applejack said with a shrug as she looked around the burnt out remains of Diamond's home. “Ah don't think that anypony could blame yah an' buck if we're gonna tell 'em.” She nudged a small porcelain jar. “Yah feel better?”

“Yeah,” Diamond said softly, nudging the ground. She glanced over to Rarity. “Did you uhhhh...”

“No,” Rarity said with a shake of her head. “What we talked about is for you to say, not for me.”

Diamond nodded before taking a deep breath. “So... what now? I mean, they're... well... is there any sign of where they went?”

“Nothing,” Rainbow muttered and shook her head. “Those two made a huge mess, but all they did was take your dad and go.” She gave a shrug. “We'll get him back though, don't worry.”

The alicorn nodded. “I know. I know. Just have to be patient.” She took a slow, deep breath. “This... Meadowbrook is planning something. Did anypony mention seeing another Meadowbrook during the attack?”

“Nope. Whole thing happened so fast nopony saw anything,” Applejack said with a shake of her head. “No unmarked left behind or nothin', either.”

Diamond nodded, rubbing her chin. “Okay. I guess it still doesn't rule out that the other Meadowbrook was just a fake to distract us, though.”

Rarity nodded. “I suppose. Though I dread to think there could be five of them, not just four. But we will find them, we just need to keep looking and--”

“Don't,” Diamond said with a shake of her head. “I... know the stories of you and your adventures. I... think we've been going about this all wrong.”

“Oh?” Rarity asked, cocking an eye.

“As much as I HATE to say it, we can't catch them. I mean, just look at this.” She gestured a hoof. “This was just two of them. They came in, took my daddy, and then moved out. It only took them a single night. Buck, it only took them a few minutes. Worse than that, they knew where I was and they tried to come get me.” She ground her hoof into the ground. “You and your friends evaded the best the Water Nation had for years, and you had an alicorn with you.”

“To be fair, they also had the aid of many of the countries, too,” Sweetie added.

“Yeah, I know,” Diamond said with a shake of her head. “But that's not all that matters. You guys weren't trying to cause trouble, you were trying to save ponies, to raise an army. These ponies? They don't care who they hurt, they don't have anything holding them back.” She gave a slow breath. “I think... we should start trying to prepare. I don't think we can catch them.”

“Yah want us tah jus' sit back an' wait for 'em tah wipe out more towns?” Applejack asked, cocking an eye.

“No!” the alicorn shook her head. “But we can't keep flying off and hoping to catch them. Even if this mare ISN'T Meadowbrook, she might be just as dangerous or more so. She's a threat to all ponies everywhere.” She ground a hoof into the ground. “I think it might be time to be more... defensive.”

“An' what exactly are yah expectin' us tah do?” Applejack asked with a cocked eye.

“Be more... defensive, I guess. All the places they've hit so far... well... they've been smaller towns. Little villages. Place with tiny populations and only a fraction of the population of the larger villages. We need to use that. Evacuate the smallest towns. We know they're in the earth kingdom for now, bring more ponies in here to watch the borders and guard the towns.”

Applejack frowned. “Yah mean bringin' in guards an' such from outside the country? Ah ain't really sure the empress would like that much.”

Rarity nodded. “Indeed. While I have heard many good things about her, I'm not sure she'd be quite pleased hearing of other countries coming into her territory.”

“Less pleased than she will be having entire villages of ponies drained of every drop of magic they have?” Diamond asked with a scowl.

“Well, it can't hurt to ask,” Rainbow said with a shrug. “After what's been going on in Air Nomad lands, they might be willing to throw a bit more at them if it means we can keep them trapped here.”

“But that'll still require the empress tah give the go ahead,” Applejack said with a shake of her head. She then glanced to Diamond. “However... yah know, if a certain Alicorn were tah ask her about it... well...”

Diamond blinked, her eyes going wide. “W-what?”

“I think that's a marvelous idea!” Rarity said with a nod. “I should be able to set up an audience with her, though it will likely take a few weeks. Applejack, Sweetie, Rainbow, you should stay in Harmony with Diamond to ensure she can continue her training.”

Diamond shrieked and shook her head. “W-wait! I'm not, I can't talk to the empress! I'm just--”

“You're the Avatar, it'll be fine,” Rainbow said with a shrug. “Besides, I knew her dad. If she's anything like him, she'll be pretty chill. And if she's not, well, Applejack is practically her godmother at this point so she can just give her a firm swat on the flank.”

Applejack's eyes widened. “I am NOT her godmother and I can NOT spank the empress. Rainbow, what in tarnation is wrong with you?!”

Rainbow snickered. “What? Come on, it'd be hilarious!”

“Ah ain't spankin' the empress. Sometimes ah wonder what in the world goes on in that lil noggin of yours!” She shook her head again before turning to Rarity. “Okay. If we're gonna split up, ah want Applebloom goin' with yah. If Meadowbrook or the others attack, ah'll feel a lot more comfortable knowin' yah ain't gotta fight 'em alone.”

Rarity nodded. “Normally I'd say there's no need to worry... but I'll take it. Better safe than sorry, no?” She then gave a smile to Applebloom. “I'm sure the two of us will have just a delightful time. You know, there is this marvelous little spa there that I try to go to every time I am in the area. It would be wondrous seeing them again. I do wonder how Coco is doing, too.”

“Just don't spend too long doing all your fancy junk,” Rainbow said with a shrug. “Ponies are in danger.”

Rarity sighed and rolled her eyes. “Of course, Rainbow. You should know I'd never put my own comfort above the safety of all these ponies. But meeting with the empress, even for one such as I, takes time. I mean, do you know how difficult it was just to get permission for Sweetie and I to come into her territory? If I didn't technically still have an open invitation, it could have been months before either of us were able to come along.”

Applejack nodded. “Well... ah guess here is where we part ways then. Let's head back to the ship. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky an' those four will show their lil heads.”

“Yeah, so we can break them against each other,” Rainbow muttered before trotting forward. “Come on.”


Silver hummed softly as she, Daring and Button trotted up to Acrylic's door. She noticed a small package on the steps, but didn't touch it. She reached out and gently knocked on it. After a few moments she knocked again. Then a few moments later she slammed her hoof against it.

“I'm coming, I'm coming, hold onto your cutie mark!” Acrylic's voice rang out from inside. After a few moments the door slammed open and he glared. He was wearing a robe and his hair looked disheveled. “What?” He then blinked and his eyes widened. “O-oh. Silver. What err...” He paused. “Button? Daring?”

“We're going to have a fun night out!” Silver said with a grin, before looking inside. “Isn't your mom home? I thought she'd answer the door.”

“No. Said she had to go out a little bit ago, something she needed to do with Octavia. You just missed her,” Acrylic said with a shrug, before looking to Button. “Surprised you didn't know.”

Button shrugged. “Mom was home when I left. She didn't say anything to me.” He gasped. “Y-you don't think I'm in trouble, do you?”

Acrylic blinked a few times before sighing. “Anyway, what? I'm really not feeling good and--”

“Yeah, no.” Silver shook her head. “I know you. You're good enough to be home, you're good enough to come hang out with your friends for a few hours and unwind a little bit. Come on, it'll be fun.”

Acrylic gave a nod and sighed. “Fine, I guess one night won't kill me.” He paused. “The tank?”

“Is back home,” Silver said with a hoof over her heart. “There will be no explosions, implosions or demolitions tonight. I give my word.”

He nodded. “Very well. I just need to change.” He glanced down at the small package. “Err... did you bring that?”

“What? No. It was here when we got here.”

Acrylic blinked before shrugging. His horn glowed and he picked it up, carrying it inside. “Okay, come on in. I'll be ready in a few minutes. Just make yourselves at home and don't break anything unless it's my moms.”

“Okay,” Silver said with a soft chuckle. “Is it really okay for you to be doing that? Using your horn?”

“Honestly? The doctors are a little concerned about me, but I feel great,” Acrylic said with a chuckle. “I've even teleported a watermelon across the room. I'm still taking it easy, though, don't worry.”

“Well, as long as you're sure,” Silver said as the three stepped into the apartment and closed the door.

Outside and around the corner, an earth pony stared at the door. She chewed her lip a little bit before shaking her head and galloping off. “Stupid stupid stupid!”


Octavia sighed as she relaxed in her chair, sitting across from Vinyl. Even though the door was closed and locked, she could hear the metal benders practicing down the hall. She occasionally tapped the ground, but nopony was outside listening to them. “So... I've put a lot of thought into what you said. I really must say, Vinyl, I'm surprised by this. From you of all ponies.”

The water bender shrugged. “Eh. I mean, they deserve it. They're talented, skilled, frankly we should have done this a long time ago.”

“But you still hoped Acrylic would be ready one day, didn't you?”

“Just like you did Button,” Vinyl said back, giving a weak smile devoid of her normal energy.

“There's no need to be so grim about this,” Octavia said with a shake of her head. “I... know how it feels. But this doesn't mean its final. One day Button and Acrylic may be ready for this responsibility.”

Vinyl shrugged. “Oh, yeah. Totally. I'm not worried about anything like that. Just, well...”


“Copper is almost as up tight as you, I'm not sure the Yellow Daisy can handle a second you,” she said with a little bit of a tease. “Honestly, reminds me of her dad.”

Octavia chuckled. “Indeed she does.” She then sighed. “I... really had hoped that metal bending would flow through Button's veins like it had his father and I. But... we cannot always have what we wish.” She gently rested her hoof on the table. “And Acrylic?”

“He's doing better. He heals fast, like me.” She paused. “But... I still don't want him risking himself like that. He could have really blown out his horn, he was lucky it didn't crack or anything.” She gave a soft sigh. “I just... you know? He's like me, just runs off and does stupid stuff and gets hurt.”

Octavia chuckled. “You know, sometimes I thing being a mother has really helped you mature, Vinyl. Perhaps I should have Acrylic come to more of our meetings.”

The unicorn snorted. “Unless you threaten to kill him with the paperwork, I doubt that'll have any effect. And it's not that, it's just... no mom should out live her lil baby, you know? He's young and serious, like you. But sometimes he just does things like that and really hurts himself.”

Octavia nodded. “Indeed. But then, Button is a lot like you. ALWAYS doing stupid things.” She gave a soft sigh. “But, I suppose you're right. It's time we accept the fact that... our children won't walk in our steps.” She closed her eyes. “And... perhaps it was wrong of us to ever try and make them.”

Vinyl snickered and shook her head. “Nahhhhh. If we didn't do that, they wouldn't have joined the pro benders. Honestly, I'm expecting to have grandfoals aaaaaaany day now.”

Octavia snickered and shook her heads. “I'm sad to say I doubt that will be an option for me. Perhaps adoption.”

Vinyl shrugged. “Hey, I don't know. I saw Luna, he's pretty cute. If I was... like, a LOT younger and wasn't sure Rarity would kill me slowly, I'd have probably made a pass at him.”

“No, you wouldn't have.”

“I would have at least flirted!”

“I've seen you flirt with a diamond dog, so that's hardly a rare sight,” Octavia said flatly. She then glanced down. “But... I suppose we're in agreement, then. Tittering and Copper will become our replacements.”

Vinyl nodded. “I don't see why not. They're skilled and the Yellow Daisy could use ponies like them. You know, sometimes I'm surprised Rarity never had Tittering brought in. She seemed like a prime candidate.”

Octavia shrugged. “I doubt Rarity knew her very well, she often has her little sister deal with the military affairs. And Sweetie was never really... accepted into our ranks, in the end.”

Vinyl sighed and gave another shake of her head. “Always a shame. She was pretty useful, there at the end. Too bad some other ponies got... well, anyway. Yeah, agreement. Let's get this over with.”

Octavia nodded. “We can schedule a meeting later this week, then.” She tapped the ground before nodding. “It's not the end, though. Just because Button and Acrylic will likely... never take up our duties as council members, they still might yet become members of the Yellow Daisy. They are improving every day.”

“Mmmm hmm,” Vinyl muttered, before leaning against the table. “Still kind of feels like we're letting them down though, doesn't it?”

“Of course not. We're only doing what is our duty. We are leaders of Harmony, it is our duty to watch over all of our citizens. Not just our children.” A scowl formed on her face. “To be honest, we should have done this ages ago...”

“Yeah, I know...”


Silver gently nibbled on a piece of broccoli as she watched Daring and Button sing karaoke. Badly. “It feels weird not having Diamond here, doesn't it?”

“Kinda,” Acrylic muttered.

Silver nodded and eyed the two as they struggled to sing over the other. “Daring just isn't the same. I think she wants to be, though.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I just... I don't think she feels she fits in. We should try to help her more.”

Acrylic chuckled. “She fits in just fine. She's one of us, after all. Sorta. I mean, she's Twilight's daughter and well... Diamond likes her.”

“Yeah, but it takes more than that to be inside and just...” Silver frowned and shook her head. “Acrylic, I'm sorry.”

“W-what? For what? You haven't done anything.”

“Yes, I have. I mean, I didn't do anything wrong but... I never...” She sighed and looked over to him. “We've barely talked since... then. I know it's been... difficult. How you felt and I just... I just can't. Not now. And I don't... I don't want you to hate me for it or--” She was stopped by a hoof to her mouth and he shook his head.

“Silver, I could NEVER hate you,” he said firmly. “You're my friend, first and foremost. I... won't deny that it hurt. But that's my problem, not your. You don't feel that way about me, and I understand. I... might not like it, but I understand. I'm sorry I've made you feel bad, but it's fine. Really. I'll get over it.” He then paused. “And... I'm sorry if you feel I've been avoiding you. But... I haven't.”

“But you're barely even around anymore. Ever since that trip and... it's like you don't have time for us anymore. You're always training.”

He gave a nod and then lowered his gaze. “Because I have to. That trip showed me something, Silver. I still have so much to learn, so much to develop. I...” He closed his eyes. “When we first met Diamond, I thought I was one of the best. I mean, I was one of the better water benders in the pro league. Definitely a better bender than Button and a better water bender than Diamond. But...” The scowl on his face darkened. “I've been standing still. Diamond trains every day, gets better. I'm pretty sure by now she's surpassed me. Button has definitely gotten better than I ever thought he'd be. Than I ever thought he COULD be. But me? I haven't developed. I've just focused on water bending, ignoring mist and ice. I had no idea just how weak my skills actually were until I had a chance to fight better, stronger benders. Ones who didn't follow those... rules.” He sighed and opened his eyes, looking back to her. “That's why I've been training. I've been standing still for so long I just... can't do it anymore. I'm now seeing every block I'd just ignored, all staring me in the face for so long. Now I have to try and work around them, or through them. But... you're right. I've kind of gotten too focused on this and ignored my friends. I'll... try not to keep doing that. I'm sorry.”

Silver blinked before slowly she reached out and put a hoof on his. “Oh Acrylic, you're a great bender. Just because some ponies are better at it than you doesn't mean you're not still talented.”

Acrylic nodded. “I know. But I've still got a long way to go. Buck, the only reason I got hurt was because my magic isn't strong enough.”

“What? No! Teleporting can't be easy for anypony. There's nothing to be ashamed of for getting burnt out.”

“Not that,” he said with a shake of his head. “The reason I had to teleport was because my ice broke. I caught the crate, I did everything right. But my magic was just too weak. It couldn't support the weight. If I hadn't been able to teleport, that pony would have been dead because of my weakness.”

She nodded. “O-oh. I didn't realize. I just thought that... well...”

“My bending is weak and my skills are lack luster at best,” Acrylic said softly, his eyes drifting to Button and Daring. “But I can, and will, fix that. I need to focus more, to keep working at it.” He paused for a second before sighing. “But I am improving. I can see it, every time I practice. My bending might not be as strong as I'd like but my other magic is getting stronger. This time I burnt myself out, but next time? Maybe I'll be fine. Maybe I'll be strong enough. Maybe--”

She cut him off by putting a hoof on his. “Acrylic. You don't mean you're going to try... teleporting yourself again, are you? That's dangerous! There are only a hoofful of unicorns who can do magic that advanced! It's dangerous.”

“I'm not going to just jump into it, I'm not stupid,” he said with a chuckle. “Okay, I am stupid. But I'm not reckless. I only just got out of the hospital and I don't intend to go back. I'm slowly working my way up, teleporting bigger things. Eventually I believe I'll be able to teleport myself. For real, without someone being in danger. But I think that's a long way off. At least a year. Even then I doubt I'll be able to do it well without a few years practice.”

Silver smiled and gave a nod. “Oh. Okay, as long as you're careful. I think they're finishing up.”

Acrylic chuckled and looked over to Button and Daring, who were in the midst of trying to out power slide the other across the stage as they sang at the top of their lungs, long since abandoning any semblance of tone and now just trying to scream over each other. “Why did we agree to this?”

“Because they had a buy one get one special on appetizers and Button wanted to sing. You're cheap, he likes to party, it was the perfect place.”

Acrylic's mane went on end. “I am NOT cheap!”

“Oh please, I've seen you nearly drown yourself when you dropped that bit in the river.”

His cheeks burned. “I-I'm a water bender, I would have been fine!”

“They were rapids! If Button hadn't made a partial dam, you would have drowned.”

“I had everything under control.”

“You had a concussion.”

“But I knew I had one.”

Silver just stared at him for a few moments before bursting into giggles. “You know, sometimes, Acrylic you're just as silly as Button.”

Acrylic scowled and then held out his hoof. The water lifted out of his cup and flew over Silver's head. “You take that back.”

“I will take it to my grave,” she said with a grin. “A watery one, it seems. Silly Acrylic.”

He glowered at her for a few moments, before a wide grin broke his face and he chuckled, sending the water back to his drink with a wave of his hoof. “This is kind of nice, you know. When Diamond's back, we should see if she wants to come next time. Get the whole gang back together.”

Silver nodded. “Can you believe we've only known her a few months? It feels like its been such a long time.”

“Well, yeah, but five minutes with her used to feel like hours, so I'm not surprised.”

“Acrylic, that's mean.”

“But not untrue.,” Acrylic said and waved as the others trotted up, panting and sweaty. “Have fun?”

“I totally won!” Daring said proudly.

“What? No way! I won!” Button objected.

“My voice was wayyyy higher.”

“Well mine boomed more!”

“Acrylic, who won?” the two said in unison before turnng on him.

He yiped and leaned back. “What? Why me?”

“Silver is too nice and a pushover to pick sides and you're too much of a tight flank to just favor your friend,” Daring said with a nod.

He stared flatly at both of them. “... I'd say the winner is us. Because you two finally stopped subjecting us to that display.”

“Hey!” Silver objected. “I-I'm not that nice! A-and I'm not a push over!”

All three of them turned to stare at her for a moment before bursting into laughter.

Her face got redder. “H-hey! Stop that! I-I can totally... hey! W-well, I think one of you definitely were better than the other but now I won't tell you because you made me mad. So there,” she snapped in annoyance, stomping a hoof down on the table. “You all suck.”

Button reached over and patted her on the back. “There there. It's okay, Silver. We all have our own little things. Me? I'm cute. Daring is awesome. Acrylic is cool and a tight flank. Diamond is confident. And you're the nice one who everypony loves.”

Silver blushed and face hoofed. “I am NOT that nice. You know what? I have so much evil inside of me that... that you don't even KNOW what I could do! If the world isn't going to fear me than I'll... I'll teach it to... ummmm...”

“Love you instead?” Daring offered, before the three burst into laughter.

“Stop it! I can be scary and mean!” Silver stomped her hooves on the table, tipping it over slightly and sending the food toppling onto her. She stared, blinking from behind the noodles and veggies that covered her.

Acrylic sighed and his horn glowed before he helped her clean up. “Oh Silver, we're just teasing. You know we all respect you. There's no need to pretend to be tough.”

Silver gave an exasperated sigh. “I'm really NOT that nice. You all just have me wrong. Honest.”

Button snickered and gave a shrug. “Does it really mean that much to you? If you want, we can start pretending you're mean.” He mock swooned. “Oh, Silver totally stole my cupcake. Woe is me.”

Silver sighed and nibbled a bit of broccoli from her mane. “No. It's fine. Just... whatever...” She stared down at the table. She knew she should feel happy that they all believed that, that they all thought she was such a kind, sweet pony.

But she knew she wasn't and all she felt was miserable.

Author's Note:

And so I kinda return again! Only a few chapters and all of this is done. Sorry but... life. Hectic. All the time. I actually got fired last week... without any warning. So that was fun. Lucky I have a BF who takes such good care of me, or I'd have broken down. Gonna try to get all of this half of the book done! Wish me luck!