• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 930 Views, 50 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 3: Tirek - Jeweled Pen

Diamond's greatest challenge has come, with three new powerful benders aiding Meadowbrook, can she hope to defeat the villain she only narrowly defeated before? With some help from the past, there may be hope.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Small steps

Acrylic groaned before his horn slowly flickered to life. There was a light twinge from it but no actual pain. He then stared across the room at the small orange on a plate. He took a slow, deep breath and focused. A moment later, it appeared in his lap. He grinned down at it. Oddly, it felt almost easy now, compared to teleporting his own body. Maybe something good had come of it in the end. He then laid back and closed his eyes, panting lightly.

The headaches were almost completely gone now and he felt more aches than actual pain when he used his magic, so he knew he was getting better. “How's my little boy?” a voice asked, making him open his eyes. His mom stood across the room and he gave a weak smile.

“Hey mom, what brings you here?”

“Just wanted to make sure you hadn't tried to flee from the hospital food yet,” she said with a grin before walking over to sit on the bed by him. “How are you feeling?”

“Honestly? A lot better. I can't wait to get back to work.”

She froze and closed her eyes. “Acrylic...”

Dread started to flow through him. “W-what? I'm not fired, am I? I only just--”

“No, no no,” she said with a wave of her hoof. “Nothing like that. Just...” She frowned and rubbed her chin. “You're going to be having an extended leave.”

“What? But I feel fine! I'm almost completely healed. Look, I can do magic again and--”

“It's not my decision,” she said firmly. “I know you're feeling better, but you got really hurt and you've been out of commission for almost two weeks. You need to be careful.” She reached out and put a hoof on his side. “You need more time to recover. Now, I know you think you don't, but trust me you do. You put yourself under a LOT of stress and, frankly, most ponies would enjoy having a bit of rest. I know most days I'd beat a pony for a few days off. Half tempted to see if I can blow myself out to get a nice vacation. Though I think Octy would still dump paperwork on me.”

“But I need to practice and--”

“You can do that while you're on leave,” she said firmly, her tone going serious. “I'll help you, if you want. But you're not going straight to active duty.”

He stared at her for a few moments before sighing. “But... I need to... get stronger. What would you do?”

Vinyl blinked and chuckled. “I'd totally follow orders and wait until I was healed before trying anything.”

“Oh. Sure. Now what would you REALLY do?”

She gave a soft sigh and brought a hoof to her forehead. “I'd probably do something daft and dumb, make a big explosion and then report to duty while still on fire. But you're not me, you're... what's that word...” She frowned and made a gesture with her hoof.


“Yes. I mean, no. Responsible. Come on, Acrylic. You can still practice. Everypony just wants to make sure you're feeling a hundred percent before you go back out and get yourself hurt.”

He closed his eyes before giving a small nod. “You're right. I hate to say it, I really do, but you're right. But I plan to get a lot of training in. A LOT.”

“Good!” A cheesy grin formed on her face. “And next time you teleport yourself, maybe you won't burn out.”

He let out a groan and shook his head. “Oh buck that. I am NEVER teleporting myself again.”

She chuckled. “Why? That's AWESOME! You know how much I wish I could teleport?”

“You'd probably use it to teleport into the bathroom to scare ponies,” Acrylic said flatly.

“And I would scare them a lot!” she said with a big grin. “But it's such an awesome ability, how can you not want to practice it?”

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I just don't,” he mumbled, closing his eyes. “It... really hurt and I don't think I have the power to do spells like that. At least not without an emergency. What happens next time? I could really damage my horn. Even crack it.”

Vinyl sighed and shook her head. “I guess you could. But you might not. And if you strengthen your magic, then you'll have even less to worry about. Besides, it's ALWAYS worth taking a risk to be awesome.” She nudged him with a hoof. “Come on, I bet you can do all kinds of cool magic now.”

Acrylic smiled and nestled into his bed. His horn glowed and a moment later the orange teleported off his lap and bounced off his mom's head. “Well... maybe a little.”


Button thrust his hoof out, sending a wave of lava out towards Octavia. His mother tapped on the ground, a pillar rising under her and shooting her up and over it. She sailed through the air, kicking out and sending a few strips of metal out at him. He tapped the ground and the lava shot up, catching the metal and melting it within moments before he stepped back.

The lava hardened and he tapped behind himself, sending out a few small bursts of stones at her, while the ground around her turned to lava. She ducked in place, before jumping up and raising a platform of rock to ride over the lava, even as it melted down under her. She leaped across over it, before kicking out with both her back hooves and sending another plate of metal out. It caught Button in the chest and sent him flying back, his front hooves bound to his chest. However, as he fell down, his back hooves tapped the ground and suddenly the ground surged under Octavia. She started to jump to the right, but the lava had her penned in and she instead had to raise her hooves, blocking the stones while they pelted her. Once they died down, she chuckled.

“Very good, Button. You're improving,” Octavia said before she trotted over and tugged the metal bindings off him. “If that had been lava, I would have been dead.”

“And I'd be an orphan,” Button said with a groan before shaking his head. “Do you really think I'm getting better?”

She nodded. “Indeed. You truly are.” She reached out and patted his head. “Have you been training with others?”

He nodded and blushed. “Y-yeah. I uhhh... I got a lot of offers from ponies. A lot of the metal benders want to face me now it seems.”

“Oh? And how are you faring?”

“I can't lay so much as a hoof on Copper. But the others... well, I win some, I lose some.” He stretched out a bit before getting up. “I feel like I'm improving. But I still wish—”

“Life is filled with wishes, but don't let them control who you are. You are an excellent lava bender, so be proud.”

He nodded and sighed. “Yeah, I know...”

She nodded. “Good. Besides, I have some good news. The reason I came out to see you, actually...” She trotted over to her saddlebag and pulled out a small letter. “This came today, from Luna. It--” She yiped when Button dashed by her in a second, taking the letter.

“Oh my gosh what'd he say, did he mention me is he okay is it--” He blinked, then blushed. “Err... I mean... err... I see now you didn't open it so... don't... know and... err... can you ignore that?”

Octavia merely looked away. “Ignore what?”

“Thanks mom, you're the best!” he yelled before galloping off towards the locker rooms. He let out a giddy little sqwee before he sat down on a bench and tore open the letter, quickly scanning over the words. His leg tapped excitedly as he read through it, before hugging the note to his chest. “Ohhhhh. I can't wait to send him my response, I--” The words locked in his mouth and the color drained from his face when he noticed the large number of other ponies watching him, all with grins on their face.

“Letter from a special friend, eh Button?” one of them asked.

Button squeaked and tore out of the room, his face beet red. He still couldn't wait to respond, though. It had been a short letter, precise and to the point. Luna was doing well, no problems. He thought of him often and was having no problems. Hoping he was doing fine and having no problems. The repetition spoke volumes to Button and he practically galloped back home, unwilling to wait to write a letter back.


Diamond paced back and forth while the airship quickly made its way across the sky, occasionally glancing over to Applejack who was looking quite stressed as well. “You don't really think they'd be that dumb, do you?” the alicorn asked.

“Hothoof? Oh buck yeah,” the earth pony said with a shake of her head. “But ah doubt this Meadowbrook is. Still, it'll put us closer tah where they're launchin' the assaults from an' maybe we'll be able tah respond quick enough tah catch 'em this time,” she said before shaking her head. “An' who knows? Maybe Hothoof is puttin' his daft self in charge somehow.”

Diamond nodded and looked out over the horizon and sighed again. “How do you think they crossed the border into the Earth Kingdom? I mean, we have ponies all over looking for them, don't we?”

“They're both big countries, lots of places to cross over,” Rarity said with a shake of her head as she trotted up. “Trust me, I've seen all the maps during our... less noble times. It wouldn't be that difficult to travel in. However, it has been obviously more difficult for them to gather all the ponies up, judging by how many earth benders have been slipping through their hooves. They wouldn't come here without good reason, we need to find out what it is.”

“We should go an' see mah brother while we're here,” Applejack muttered. “If ever there was a pony who could keep an eye out for any of this stuff. His lil city is darn near impenetrable.”

Rarity gave a nod. “That may be a sound idea, if we need to protect anypony. But for now I don't think Meadowbrook would be foalish enough to launch an assault there. A city of metal run by some of the strongest metal benders in the land, present company excluded of course, who would be so foalish?”

Applejack sighed and gave a nod. “True enough. Ah still don't see why they'd be headin' towards Sweet Apple Acres. Jus don't sit right with meh, if Hothoof ain't behind this, what is Meadowbrook up tah? Ain't a whole lot there anymore. Other than... well...”

Rarity gave her a little smile. “Your school, we know. While there's no proof that they are the target, we can't ignore the possibility. That many powerful benders have to be an interesting target for Meadowbrook, with her particular... abilities,” the unicorn said with a shake of her head.

Applejack sighed and started pacing again. “Ah mean, ah ain't even been runnin' that school in years, ain't a lot of reason tah target it.”

“Town cited!” a voice rang out and everypony turned towards the front of the ship. Diamond gasped and a hoof covered her mouth.

“O-oh. Oh no. We're too... we're too late,” she said in horror.

“What? No we ain't,” Applejack said, cocking an eye.

“What? But look at it!” Diamond pointed a hoof towards the town. Sweet Apple Acres was a rather large town, with dozens of homes and a massive arena. However, besides the town was nothing more than rubble and destruction. A completely destroyed farm with gnarled, twisted trees, the remnants of a few barns and a home were all that remained. A few small saplings had started to spring up, but they were few and far between. The town itself had a few homes in similar condition, with the buildings nearest the farm torn apart and collapsed in on themselves.

“Yeah,” Applejack mumbled, her voice growing cold and distant. “That... that was from Hothoof. Ah guess...” She closed her eyes. “Ain't nopony really had much desire tah clean it all up. After all that happened...”

“Applejack,” Rarity said softly. “It wasn't your fault, you couldn't have known.”

“Ah, don't you start too. Ah know it ain't mah fault,” Applejack mumbled. “Ah jus' don't like comin' here. Too many... bad memories now. First with the war, then with... this. Jus' ain't as sweet as it once was. Let's jus' git this over with.” She trotted towards the side as the ship began to lower.

Diamond stared down at it, before looking to Rarity. “How old is all this destruction?”

“It happened long ago, Avatar,” Rarity said softly, as if she was trying to avoid waking the spirits of the broken town.

“Why isn't it all... fixed?”

The Water Lord stared for a moment, before closing her eyes. “I don't think anypony wants to face it. Sweet Apple Acres was... it thrived once. It was once one of the greatest farms and cities in the kingdom. Ponies came from miles away to learn how to metal bend. It had the greatest school, then. But once Hothoof came... once he destroyed it, it just fell apart. There's still a school here, but it's almost non-existent. More here for memory's sake than any actual need.” She shook her head. “Most of the town fell apart when the Apples left it behind. Not that anypony could blame them. After... all they had suffered here.”

“What? It just burned down. That's not so bad,” Diamond said with a shrug. “They're earth benders, it shouldn't be that hard to rebuild.”

Rarity sighed and shook her head. “Trust me, they've lost a lot more than trees in this place. You can't see it from here, but to the Apples, that dirt is stained in blood.” She turned and trotted towards the ramp when the ship came to a landing. “Come on. Let's go have a look around.”

Diamond nodded and followed after her. As they started to go down the ramp, a few earth ponies trotted towards them. A stallion with a brown coat and silver mane stepped forward and bowed. “Lady Applejack, Water Lord Rarity, Avatar Diamond Tiara, it is a pleasure to have you here,” he said before looking back up. “Please, if you'll follow me to the school, I can have dinner and everything prepared.”

Applejack nodded, before glancing back. “This here is Stony Brace, runs the school down here. Was one ah mah best students back when ah taught 'im an' a top rate metal bender.” She gave a light snort. “If ah didn't know better, ah'd think he was as good as meh.”

The stallion chuckled and shook his head. “You honor me, Lady Applejack. We've done as you requested, prepared for any possible assault from these monsters. If they come within a few miles of here, we'll know.”

“That may be, but I for one would prefer to still take a look around,” Rarity said as she trotted along. “Meadowbrook and her... comrades are likely in the area. Somewhere.”

“If they are, we'll find them,” Stony said with a nod. “I have my best students looking. But I don't think we're their target. It would be suicide.”

“Maybe. But better safe than sorry,” Applejack said with a shrug. “Come on, let's get some grub then have a looksy.”

Diamond trotted besides her, before glancing back. She noticed Applebloom sidling up to one of the students, a moment before leaning in and giving the stallion a kiss on the cheek. Her eyes widened and she gaped, before shaking her head and quickly turning her head back ahead, cheeks burning.

“So, errr, what kind of defenses are set up here?” the alicorn asked.

“Standard earth bending defenses,” Stony said with a nod. “We have a few ponies watching the sky and tremor sensors all throughout the town. If anypony tries to sneak under or over, we'll know in a heartbeat.”

Diamond nodded and glanced back towards Applebloom and the earth pony behind them. Now they were nuzzling and he gave HER a kiss! She let out another little gasp and turned right back ahead. “Wow, so, err, nopony can sneak around. That's good. Very good. So, ummmm, anything we need to worry about then?”

“Avatar, are you alright?” Stony asked, glancing back.

“What? No! I mean, yes, I mean, l-let's just go get something to eat or something. I'm feeling just... a tiny bit light headed.”

The earth pony nodded. “Of course.”


Silver took a slow, deep breath as she paced back and forth. Her hoof occasionally reached up to rub the amulet. She chewed on her lower lip a few times before sighing and climbing into bed and laying down. The amulet appeared around her neck and within a few moments she found herself back in the other world, breathing deep. It wasn't long before Trixie appeared again.

“That was quick,” Silver said with a cocked eye. “Usually I have to call you half a dozen times before you respond.”

“I'm in a good mood,” Trixie said with a shrug. “What is it you want? Or would you rather I just leave now?”

Silver sighed and glanced to her. “I just... I want to ask you a few things. Trixie... what uhhh...” She rubbed her throat for a moment. “What were you... before you were this?”

“Before I was what?”

“This. You know...” She chewed on her lip for a moment. “A soldier.”

Trixie paused, before cocking an eye. “What makes you ask this?”

“Curiosity, mostly. I want to know... why do you, why do we have to be like this? Why do we have to... fight.”

Trixie chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Ah. I see. You're searching for some hope, some guiding light? Perhaps we aren't destined to be as we are, is that it?” She stepped in close, leaning down to look Silver in the eye. “I am sorry to tell you, child, but there was no Trixie before then. The Great and Powerful Trixie was born the day she became a soldier, the day she rose above the rank and file filth that clung to their little homes, content to live out their lives as little pawns in the games run by those with true power.” She reached out and gave Silver a shove with her hoof, making the mare stumble back. “Before that day, Trixie simply did not exist.” She gazed down at her with contempt. “Is that what you wish to be? Some sniveling little dog, weak and powerless as the world turns around you?” She nudged her throat. “You have the power of Discord. For all his uselessness, that power is still great and with it, you're destined to rule. To thrive. To drive this world to its knees. Yet you waste your time, cowering and hiding away, hoping for somepony to... take this 'burden' from you?” She leaned in closer, smiling. “I know what you want to ask, child. Why do you hide from it so? Does the answer scare you so much?”

Silver stared into her eyes before slowly lowering her gaze. She quickly retreated and within a few moments found herself laying on her bed, panting with exertion. She put a hoof to her brow, wiping the sweat off. She could still feel those eyes on her, hear the scorn in the mare's voice. “Calm down, calm down. You know what you're doing, you know--”

A sudden pounding on the door made her jump.

“Y-yes?” she called out with trepidation.

“Lady Silver,” Secretary said flatly. “Your... grandparents have returned. They wish to treat you to, as they put it, a proper meal.”

Silver groaned. “Can I feign illness?”

“Do you believe it will work?”

“... I'll be down in a few minutes,” she grumbled before getting to her hooves. She trotted to the mirror and started by putting her metal horn on. She paused for a moment and reached up, touching it gently. She felt the magic flow through it and found a frown slowly spreading across her lips. She knew what she wanted to ask, Trixie was right.

But why did the answer scare her so?


Meadowbrook nodded slowly as she eyed Sweet Apple Acres, rubbing her chin. She glanced over to Dazzling. “Are you ready?”

The water bender gave a swift, curt nod. “As ready as I can be, all things considered. I'd be more worried about Hothoof and Shining. All four of us should be there.”

“No,” Meadowbrook said with a shake of her head. “Those two will be sufficient for their task. I want to test the Avatar.” She held up a hoof, a small ball of fire forming on it. “I need to see how my powers have come along.”

“Do you think you can beat her?”

“At this point? No. I have power, but I still lack the proper control to use it. Draining ponies is easy but...” She shook her head. “This will give me information I desperately need. That will be enough.” She glanced up to the sky. “The sun will set soon. That's when we'll strike. Quick and silent.”

Dazzling gave a small nod and eyed the town. He didn't like this, not in the slightest. Though in the end, he knew he had no choice.

Author's Note:

And so another chapter! Slow, but steady. And updates!
I'm going to be at Northwest everfree next week! Wooo! And I'm actually GETTING A JOB IN IT! Tech support, finally, yes! I can begin my career. Eeeee! And this new job lets me wear skirts again which I miss sooooo much. I'm really happy right now, best day. And so I'm spreading the joy by giving you guys another chapter! Enjoy! I hope.