• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 935 Views, 50 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 3: Tirek - Jeweled Pen

Diamond's greatest challenge has come, with three new powerful benders aiding Meadowbrook, can she hope to defeat the villain she only narrowly defeated before? With some help from the past, there may be hope.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Homecoming

Silver hummed softly while she hoofed through the dozens of little reports her company had prepared. It seemed research and development had been hard at work as ever during their disappearance and everything had gone smoothly. Already her father had sent nearly a dozen different ideas from the Fire Tribe lands and the work was quickly getting put underway. She had submitted a few ideas of her own, which she had been assured were receiving the utmost attention. They promised the first prototype within a few days.

Her hoof reached up and rubbed against the amulet on her neck. She gave a soft, gentle sigh, before closing her eyes. She reached out gently, feeling at the mind of Trixie.

It took her only a moment to make the connection, and another second to close it. She sat in the chair, panting with exhilaration and shaking. Her hoof stroked the amulet a few more times. “So... I can reach you. We can talk. And... and we will,” she said softly, before looking down at the paperwork. “We will. Just as soon as I'm done with all this paperwork. Maybe.”

She flipped to a sales report, humming softly before glancing to the artificial wings report on Hornclipper. “Shame he wasn't much of a flier to begin with. Would have been nice to know how much speed and agility it cost him...”


Button gulped and shuffled his hooves as he eyed the prince. “So, uhhh, Luna... I guess this is uhhh... goodbye and ummmm... f-for now.”

“For now,” Luna said calmly, his face a stony mask.

“I uhhhh... I kinda... I mean, I hope when... when all this is over... maybe... I could... I mean, if your mom is okay with it...”

“You can come visit whenever you like, dear,” Rarity said with a small smile. “It is so sweet of you to see my children off like this. I wish we had more time to discuss what happened on this trip, but I am very much looking forward to getting to know you, Button.”

Button chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. “Y-yeah. It was quite the... doozy of a trip. I know mom is... going to be very interested to hear more about it.”

“I am sure she will be as impressed by you as I have been,” Luna said, before slowly moving in and kissing his cheek, drawing a blush to his cheeks. “I wish our departure did not have to be so sudden, but... I am sure once this is dealt with, we can and will meet again. Perhaps by then some of our... many questions can be answered.”

“Y-yeah,” Button said wistfully, a goofy grin on his face.

Luna turned to his mother. “Mother, I wish you the best of luck. We will do all we can to assist our eldest sister in running the nation.”

Rarity nodded before stepping forward and giving him a hug. “I know you will.” She paused. “Do stop your twin from causing any mischief, please? I know how she likes to have her fun.”

Celestia blushed. “Heyyyy! That's not fair! I'm not...” She blinked. “Nothing has been proven!”

“I will do my best, mother,” Luna said with a bow, before turning and walking towards the ship, Celestia close behind. Rarity sighed before she watched it lift up into the air. After a moment she glanced to Button.

“So, dear Button, I look forward to meeting with you and your mother. Perhaps we can hear your version of these events?”

The earth pony chuckled nervously and poked at the ground. “D-didn't Diamond already submit a report or something?”

“Yes. Prism and Ironwing did as well, actually. But it was a quick one, hitting on the key points. I'd love to hear the details from your own mouth.” She paused. “I would have loved to hear them from my children's mouths as well, but we can't always have what we want. Now, do tell me. What did my mother and aunt say?”

Button squeaked, nudging the ground a bit. “Errrr... I uhhh... I really should go talk to my mom now that I think about it, she probably wants to hear everything about what happened. I'll see you later or something, bye!” he yelled quickly before galloping off, running into a wall, bouncing back, shaking his head before galloping through the door.

Rarity snickered into her hoof and shook her head. “Oh my. Such a shy little thing. How adorable.”


Acrylic paced back and forth, softly mumbling under his breath as he mentally prepared himself. He could do this. He would do this.

He heard the keys outside and paled, turning to the door. Slowly it opened and Vinyl stood in the frame. She stared at him for a moment, cocking her head to the side. “Acrylic? I'm surprised you're still up, I figured you'd have gone to bed by now.”

“I will. You're home late.”

“Yeah, a lot of work. You know how the council is,” she said with a wave of her hoof. “First we had to go over the reports, then once those three left, we still had a TON of work to deal with. Actually went pretty fast, for once. I think Octavia was as desperate to get out of there as I was.” She gave a soft yawn into her hoof, before starting towards the kitchen. “Nowwwwww. In the report it mentioned a certain earth pony finding a new affection for the more masculine sex. I don't suppose a certain child of mine managed to find anypony as well?”

Acrylic blushed and face hoofed. “No, mom. I--”

“Because if you're worried, it's fine. I always figured you'd turn that way a bit too. If you like--”

“NO! I'm not--” He paused. “Wait, why would you think I-- no, not right now. Mom, we need to talk and it's important.”

Vinyl nodded. “Okay. I'll make some cocoa and--” She paused when she saw the steaming pot on the stove. “You've already done it?”

“Yes,” he said before he followed after her into the kitchen. He quickly poured them both a glass and then walked to the table, sitting down. “Mom... I think it's time.”

“Really? You're planning to get a place of your own? Is it so you can bring mare's home, because you know I can always just step out for a bit,” she said with a wink. “I completely understand the desire to--”

“MOM! Will you stop making jokes just this once and listen?” he snapped, stomping a hoof down. “This is serious. I... I want to train.”


“No, not... I mean... gahhhhh.” He face hoofed. “I want to become one of the Moon Raisers.”

Vinyl went still, her mug of cocoa halfway to her mouth. Slowly, she lowered it. “Really? When last we spoke you seemed quite... adamant about waiting.”

“I've waited long enough. I've trained on my own, I've practiced. I've learned every skill I can. But... I'm still not ready. I have a long, long way to go.” He sat across from her, pulling over his own cup of cocoa. “I don't mean a position of leadership, either. I want to earn whatever I get. I want to join from the very bottom.”

Vinyl frowned. “Honey... you're an excellent bender, even without my influence--”

“From the bottom. And... mom, I'm not an excellent bender. I've made so many mistakes, I've learned just how bad I am.”

“Really? Dear, you're a great bender, almost as good as--”

“No, I'm not. I've seen just how bad I am,” he muttered. “I may be better on the pro scene, but that's with different rules. As a bender... I'm just not that good.”

Vinyl sighed. “Acrylic, you don't have to be perfect to--”

“I was all but useless while we were there. My water bending just can't keep up anymore, and I need to get better. I've tried advancing on my own, I'm not making enough progress. I'm just...” He closed his eyes. “I'm being pushed aside, dead weight. I can't help the others anymore. Button, Diamond... Silver. They all need me to be strong and, right now, I'm not.” He opened his eyes and stared down into his cocoa. “But that doesn't mean I can't be. I can do this. I can become strong. I can be helpful. I refuse to be dead weight next time we fight something.”

Vinyl blinked a few times, before nodding. “Well, okay then. I think you're really underestimating yourself, but if that's how you want to do it, then fine. I'll schedule you an interview this week. You can perform the tests as needed.”

Acrylic nodded. “Thank you, mom.”

Vinyl nodded. “But... if you really wanna get strong, you'll need to practice with the best. What do you say, wanna go a few rounds with your old mom before hitting the hay?”

He nodded. “I'd love to.”

The two got to their hooves and trotted out of the kitchen, carrying their cocoa with them.


Button groaned and opened his eyes. He immediately let out a scream and tried to hit the pony standing over his bed with a pillow, but she deflected it with ease.

“Your reflexes are getting slower,” Octavia said flatly.

“Mom? What are you doing, hovering over me like... like some kind of bat pony?” he asked, his heart pounding.

“You were asleep. I wished not to wake you,” she said.

“You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“I am sorry. But, since you are up...”

Button blinked a few times. To anypony else, his mother would look calm and collected. Still. Unmoving. However, there was a small twitch in the corner of her mouth and her eye lashes were slightly eschew. A single hair in her mane was out of place as well. He collapsed back into bed. “You woke me up to find out about the trip, didn't you?”

“Of course not. I merely thought if you were already up, per chance you could grace me with such information?”

The colt groaned. “Yes I kissed Luna, yes I really like him, no I didn't KNOW he was a stallion at first and I really, really don't know how I feel about that but I really think I still like him. No, buck that, I KNOW I still like him but I don't know what that means.” He pulled the covers over himself. “Ughhhh. Why is romance so hard?”

“Interesting. I have never found romance to be a difficult manner.” Octavia yanked the covers off. “Come, tell me everything. I have made coffee.”

Button groaned and rolled out of bed, grumbling darkly. Soon he was sitting across from her, sipping his coffee that held so much cream in it that it was almost white. “Okay, so I thought Luna was a girl and I totally liked her and then flirted with her and she returned the affections but then eventually I picked up that she was a he and well...” He sighed and face hoofed. “I was really, really confused and I still kind of am but I know I like him even if I don't like stallions I definitely like THIS stallion but I don't know where that puts us.”

“Mmmm. An interesting conundrum,” she said before sipping her own coffee. “Not all relationships are meant to work out, dear child. However, if you two make each other happy, there is no shame in such a relationship. In fact, I know of a few such couples and they work out just fine. Tell me, however, where did this lava bending come from?”

Button took a slow, deep breath as he recalled the events. “It was... right after I found out that Luna was a stallion. I was still confused, but I hadn't told him yet. I was just... trying to cope, you know? But then he fell into the Smooze.” He gave a shudder and shook his head. “I-I thought he was going to die. I was so certain. And I knew... I knew at that moment I couldn't bear to see it happen. I jumped in after him. I wanted to save him. But I couldn't. It just didn't... work.” He shuddered again as he almost felt it tearing away at him, felt his hooves around Luna. “I... I knew we were going to die, you know? I could have accepted me dying. That's... that was fine. I knew what I was getting into. But Luna... I couldn't accept it. I got so mad. And I just... bent. It hurt, so much, but I did it because I had to. And then it stopped hurting. If anything, it hurt the Smooze. And I liked that. It wanted to kill us, was going to kill us. Eat us, even. But I was going to make it pay for it. Then we were free. I didn't even realize what I'd done at first. I haven't really... done it since. I haven't tried, either.”

She nodded. “Interesting.” She reached out and tapped his hoof. “That... is good. I am happy that is how you developed the skill. I was afraid that... well...”


She sighed. “The only other known lava bender is Hothoof. And he developed the skill when trying to destroy Sweet Apple Acres after he was expelled. He learned the art to hurt and destroy. You learned the art to protect somepony who was dear to you, there is no better reason to gain power.”

Button blushed, nodding. “Y-yeah. I uhhh... should probably... try practicing it more, in case I need it. I still need to learn metal bending, though.” He took a slow, deep breath. “And I want to. I've become a lot better bender, mom. I've gotten faster, stronger, my bending has improved considerably. I have some time now, lots of time to practice and train. I know Diamond won't need me. So... I want to learn it now. If... that's okay.”

Octavia blinked, before nodding. “Of course it's okay. The option has never been removed. Why would it change now?”

“I... I don't know,” he said with a shrug. “Mom, can I uhhh... can I ask you a question?”


“How did you know... well, I mean... with... how do you know if a relationship will work out? How do you know if someone is right for you?”

Octavia blinked before taking a long sip of her coffee. She then gently lowered the cup. “Ah, of that I'm afraid I can only give one piece of advice. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship.”


“All relationships require hard work and dedication. If one stops trying, then the other will have to try that much harder.” She paused. “A relationship will... end when both stop trying. And that's just it. For it to work, both have to want it to work. There will often be doubts, confusion, sometimes even hatred. But as long as you keep trying, as long as you believe it's worth the hard work, then it will succeed.”

Button nodded. “Is... that what happened with my dad?”

Octavia blinked a few more times. “We... both wanted different things in life, Button. Our get together was never meant to be an everlasting commitment, nor would we have wanted it to be. Many ponies have partaken of such things.”

Button nodded, sipping his coffee and his eyes drooped slightly. “Can I go get some sleep now, please?”

Octavia gave a small nod. “Very well, do sleep well, child. I do hope we can discuss more in the morning. I would like to know more of this... Luna.”

The stallion's face burned red and he quickly jumped to his hooves, galloping off. “Yeah sure w-we can talk about him later!”


Silver blinked and glanced up from the reports when the sound of the doorbell echoed through the house. It was far past dusk, she wondered who in the world would come to her house at THIS hour? She jumped to her hooves and slowly trotted through the house while the doorbell kept going off. “I'm coming I'm coming,” she muttered.

She opened the door and blinked in confusion at the sight of Diamond and two Wonderbolts. “... Am I under arrest?” she asked flatly.

The alicorn sighed and shook her head. “Of course not. Silver, this is True Breeze and Leadwing. They're Blaze's students. And, as of tonight, Prism kicked all three of us out of the house and told us to get lost so he can celebrate being back with his wife. Soooo... do you mind if we crash here for the night?”

Silver blinked a few times before snickering into her hoof. “Really? First day back and already kicked out? My, Diamond, you do move fast. I think it took you over a week the first time.”

The Avatar scowled. “Oh, come oooooon. It's not my fault! This time. We've just been gone a long time and I'm pretty sure he would have tossed us into the lake if we didn't say yes. Or off a cloud. I mean, sure, we can fly, but the intent was still there.”

“He's already tossed me into the lake about a dozen times,” Leadwing offered.

“... Twice for me,” True said with a nervous chuckle.

Silver nodded and then pushed the door out further. “Of course. I'm going over some reports right now, but if you're hungry, I can show you to the kitchen.”

“Nah, I'm mostly just wanting to sleep,” Diamond said with a yawn. “All those reports and stuff were just... wait, you're still working? Why aren't you trying to get some sleep?”

“I can sleep when I'm dead. Or when my inbox is empty. Whichever comes first,” Silver said flatly. “Come on, I'll show you to your rooms.” She turned and trotted down the hall.

Diamond nodded, following behind her. “So... all the repairs in the city went well. How are profits looking?”

“Poor. Losing that vessel has cost us quite a few bits. However, dads newest invention is quickly helping us to get back into the black. It's fine though, we've been a lot worse off plenty of times. We'll bounce back quickly enough. I just need to get these... other tasks dealt with first. Get back to development and such. After all, Tomorrow Industries has always been on the cutting edge of technology and we can't stop now.”

“I'm so, so sorry!” Diamond said. “I-I never should have asked you to fund this, I--”

“Oh, don't be such a worrier,” Silver said with a shake of her head. “We're going to be making bits hoof over hoof soon with these new models, we already have quite a few interested ponies. The Fire Tribes especially are already discussing payment with my father. I imagine the other nations will be following close behind. That's not even counting our working models we have already developed, not to mention we've already almost paid for full research and development costs on our little screens and long term visibility devices.” She waved her hoof dismissively. “Besides, we're working on a new model of the alicorn enhancements, as well as special models to help these ponies who've lost their magic. We've managed to get up to three spells locked into the matrix, simple ones currently, but we're hopeful we'll eventually be able to do more complex ones like teleportation. Our speed has improved as well, allowing our ponies to fly with the wings like true pegasi, not just slow ones.”

Diamond blinked a few times. “O-oh. But... what about the ship? It...”

Silver took a slow, deep breath and stopped. “It hurt our bank, a lot. But we never would have developed it if we couldn't afford the loss. Besides, to advance, risks have to be taken. And that's what this was. A risk. In the end, I feel it paid off well enough.”

“But we didn't really... get anything out of it,” she muttered.

“Really? We established contact with the Spirit World, found Twilight, Button learned lava bending, met the old Celestia and Luna, discovered a new way to power our technology, helped you establish contact with your past lives and developed a new shielding and weapon system. I think we gained plenty, even if most of it isn't financial.”

“That's quite kind of you,” True said softly. “Aiding the Avatar in such a way.”

“That's just what friends do. They help each other,” Silver said softly, before stopping besides a door and pushing it open. “Here, do you two Wonderbolts mind sharing a room? They're bunks and—”

“I get top one!” True yelled before darting in.

“Aw man!” Leadwing said, before smiling to her and bowing. “Thank you, Miss Spoon. That will be plenty.”

“Don't mention it,” Silver said before closing the door after them. “Your room from last time is still set up, Diamond.”

“You should get some sleep, too.”

“I will, eventually. I just need to get some of this work done. You know how it can be, both me and daddy being out for so long...” She gave a soft sigh. “I do hope he returns soon, though.”

“The uhhh... council did drop the charges on him, though. Thanks to his aid...”

“Yeah, but I still think... Secretary is smart enough to make him keep his head low. Just in case. Here.” She pushed open another door.

“Well, good night, Silver. Promise to get some sleep?”

“Of course. Just as soon as I finish a few more reports,” Silver said with a smile.

“Okay then. Night.”

“Night.” Silver closed the door after the mare and then trotted down the hall. She rubbed at her neck, the amulet invisible but still there to the touch. She then shook her head. “Not while Diamond's here.”


Blaze groaned softly as she pushed open the door to her house. Her mind was reeling. They'd gone over the reports at least a dozen times, even after Rainbow and the others had left. Twilight's daughters were something nopony expected. Rainbow returning was yet another. Celestia and Luna existing in the Spirit World, not to mention there being a physical connection to such a place. All on top of Meadowbrook's escape. It would be weeks before the council finally came to a decision on what to do and how to react, she just hoped by then it wouldn't be too late.

Either way, though, she was tired and wanted to get some sleep. She yawned softly and frowned as she walked through the house. All the lights were off and she couldn't help feeling a little tense. She slowly spread out her wings, readying herself for some kind of attack. She slowly pushed open the door and gasped.

Long lines of candles had been set up, leading towards the bed. And sitting in the bed was the most glorious thing she could have imagined. A big bucket of deep fried cucumber slices with ranch dressing. Oh, and Prism was there too. He just smiled at her and gave her a motion with his hoof.

She gave a delicate sigh before trotting forward and sitting on the bed. “I missed you.”

He gave her a soft kiss. “I know. I figured after a day like today you deserved a little treat.”

“I really, really shouldn't,” she said softly. “I mean, I've been sitting down all day in the meetings.”

“So? A little snack here and there won't kill you.”

The two snuggled up together and put wings over each other. “By the stars I missed you,” she told the slices, before grinning to him. “I guess I missed you a little bit, too,” she teased.

“I thought of you almost every night,” he said before nibbling one of them as well. “It's so weird sleeping without you besides me.”

“It made it quite difficult to sleep without your snores,” she teased.

“MY snores? You're the one who nearly breaks the windows.”

“Only once! And they were already cracked,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Besides, that was a freak accident and you know it.”

He snickered and nodded. “So, how are the students doing?”

“Ehhh, they're alright. Leadwing is a pretty good flier and great at teamwork. True... well, he's a massive flirt and talented, but too much of a show off. Kinda reminds me of you, honestly. He's almost as good, even. Almost. How's your mother?”

“Massively talented and too much of a show off, as always,” Prism said with a chuckle. “Arrogant as ever. Can still bend with the best of them and watching her train Diamond has just been a joy. I do mean that. It's nice not being the focus of her abuse,” he grinned wide.

She snickered and nodded. “I really must watch some of these sessions. Diamond is going to have quite the adventure ahead of her, if she's going to be learning from those three. I've heard stories of Applejack's methods.”

“That reminds me. Who's going to teach her fire bending?”

“Ah, that actually is coming from her aunt. Once the decision was made, she told us about the fire bender who trained Diamond as a filly. For now, we'll be using him so all of her trainers aren't unfamiliar. At least that pony will hopefully be easier on her than the others will be.”

He snickered and gave a nod, before reaching out and gently stroking her side. “Mmmmm. I think I'm going to enjoy this little vacation.” He leaned in and nibbled just below her wing and bringing a red tinge to her cheeks. “How about tomorrow I help you with your students... then you and I can have a nice night out together? Or ignore your students altogether. It's been far too long since we've had some fun. Just the two of us.”

Blaze groaned and then nuzzled into him. “Mmmmm. A little fun sounds absolutely delightful. It has been far, far too long...”


Ironwing gave a shudder.

“Something wrong?” Daring asked, glancing over to him.

“No. Just... felt something wrong with the world,” he muttered before shaking his head. “Anyway.” He stopped outside the door and gently knocked on it. After a few moments it opened, revealing Hornclipper.

The other pegasus stood there for a second. Daring's eyes were instantly drawn to his metal wings. “Wow, cool, what are-- mmff!” Her words were cut off by Ironwing's wing.

“Hi, dad. This is Daring Do, Twilight's daughter. She'll need a place to stay until she gets everything sorted out. Do you mind if she stays in my old room?”

The older stallion stared down at them, before nodding. “If she wishes.”

Daring blinked and gave him a nervous smile. “Errr. Thanks, sir. Mister...?”


Daring's eyes went wide. “W-wait, THE Hornclipper? The scourge of... you never told me your dad was Hornclipper! Mom used to tell me horrible stories about--” She was silenced by a glare from Ironwing.

“Yes, Hornclipper is my father and he's a great father. I... was hoping Twilight hadn't told you about him, but it seems my hopes were in vain,” Ironwing said with a sigh. “But here is the best place. You'll be safe, nopony will bother you and, most importantly, you'll keep out of trouble.”

Daring frowned. “What do you mean, trouble? Why can't I stay at your place?”

Ironwing's cheeks turned a little hint of red and he looked away. “I uhhh... have somepony I need to meet with. I've been away a while and--”

“Okay okay okay, point taken, I can take a hint. Please, no more details,” she said with a shudder.

He nodded slowly and then glanced towards Hornclipper. “She's not so bad, really. She's like a... young Rainbow Dash.”

Hornclipper just blinked once, before sighing. “I knew Rainbow when she was young.”

“Oh. Right. Well... sorry. Can you let mom know Daring's starting training tomorrow?”

He gave a small nod, eying his son for a moment before the stallion galloped off. He then turned his gaze to Daring. “If you'll follow me, I'll show you towards your room.” He turned and walked away.

Daring slowly trotted after him, giving a little shudder. She was about eighty percent sure Ironwing wouldn't put her in any real danger. Probably.


“It's been tooooo long,” Scootaloo said with a groan before she took a hearty gulp of her Sweet Apple Cider. “I wish we could do this more often.”

“Me too,” Sweetie said with a sigh before taking a sip of hers. “If somepony would just retire already and come move into the Water Nation...”

Applebloom snickered and took a gulp of her drink. “Ah know yah don't mean meh. Us Apples don't retire. Buck, Granny Smith was buckin' trees up until the day she finally keeled over, an' she was happy tah do it.” She blinked. “Granted, she missed the trees half the time once her eyesight went, but yah know how it is. Woulda broke her heart tah see what happened tah Sweet Apple Acres.”

Sweetie gave an exasperated sigh. “We're all just workaholics, you know? We really should try to pamper ourselves more. You know, Rarity goes to the spa at least once, sometimes twice a week, and--”

“Hey, taday is our celebration of seein' each other,” Applebloom said with a snicker. “Don't yah go spendin' all of it with your sister worship. Besides, ah get spa treatment all the time. Got this new colt back home, pampers meh lots,” she said with another snicker.

“Ohhhhhh,” the other two said in unison.

“Another earth bender?” Scootaloo asked with a big grin.

“Nah, not this time. Pegasus,” Applebloom said with a smile. “Ah wasn't gonna at first, but there's jus' somethin' about a colt who asks yah out with a cloud message.”

Sweetie sighed and put a hoof to her cheek. “He asked you out with clouds? That's soooo romantic.”

“Sounds a bit fruity to me,” Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. “He fight much?”

“Nope. He's a poet,” Applebloom said with a grin.

Sweetie gave a soft, delicate sigh of contentment. Scootaloo made a gagging sound.

“A poet? Really? How's Applejack feel about that?”

Applebloom groaned and face palmed. “Ah swear she's doin' it on purpose. Everytime he comes by, yah should hear her tryin' tah weasel him out of it an' get 'im tah go home. Yah'd think ah was a lil filly again the way she treats meh. Buck, when we met ah was already a grown mare!”

Sweetie shrugged. “Eh, she likes having a little sister. It can't hurt to let her have a little fun, can it? How's your big brother been? Is he uhhhh... still running that city of his?”

“Mmmm hmm,” Applebloom said with a groan before shaking her head. “Yah should hear some of the stories they tell about him. Ah swear there's half a dozen mares in every city from here to Fillydelphia that claim tah have one of 'is kids. It was probably the only reason he was so keen on spreadin' metal bendin' across the countries.”

“Wouldn't surprise me,” Scootaloo said with a chuckle. “I met a mare who claimed... well, she wove quite the story. I mean, if I wasn't with Hornclipper--”

“Aaaaand that kind of talking is done with!” Applebloom said with a shake of her head. “No way, no how. So, Sweetie, how's the Water Nation been doin'?”

“You know, same old same old,” she said with a shake of her head. “For the most part, pretty peaceful. Every so often we'll get somepony who just doesn't seem to get the point that our mother is... well, her old way of doing things just isn't done anymore. But for the most part we're doing a lot better. How about you, Scootaloo? How's the council life treating you?”

“Oh, same as last time we met up,” she said with a snicker.

“How about Hornclipper?” Applebloom asked. “The whole... fake wing thing? How's... that goin'?”

Scootaloo gave a soft sigh. “Oh, you know how he is,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Always making vague comments like 'it's the least I deserve' and 'this is only a fraction of the suffering I have caused' and 'crawling in my skin'. But I can tell it still bothers him whenever he moves them. They keep twitching from time to time. Honestly? I'm really looking forward to giving Meadowbrook a nice hoof to the face for what she did. Hornclipper... well, I'll admit he did some horrible things. But it wasn't like he had a choice and at least he was TRYING to do the best he could. Nopony deserved what she did to him.” She took another gulp of her drink.

Applebloom snickered and shook her head. “Ah still can't believe yah actually married him. Ah keep expectin' yah tah visit meh one day an' say it was all some kind of gag.”

Scootaloo snickered. “What can I say? I like a project. Besides, he really is quite sweet when you get to know him. Mopes like noponies business, but he'd walk through fire for me and when he shows his tender side it's really quite sweet. You both remember how he was with Ironwing.”

Sweetie snickered, covering her mouth with a hoof. “I think he was more scared of him than he was of Twilight.”

Scootaloo chuckled into her drink, before giving a shrug. “Hey, Twilight could only kill him. Ironwing required him to be... responsible and loving,” she said in an ominous tone. She then burst into laughter and shook her head. “But he's doing fine, really. To be honest? I think he's even a little happy this happened. Makes him feel like he got what he deserved or something. He's just one of those ponies who aren't happy unless they're miserable.” She rolled her eyes before sighing. “So... got any plans for getting these four?”

“Meadowbrook and the others? Not a one,” Sweetie said with a sigh. “Even Rarity doesn't have a clue how we can capture them. They're four of the best and... well, with Meadowbrook leading them...”

“Tell me about it,” Scootaloo said with a groan. “That mare knows how to twist a pony. I don't want to imagine what kind of havoc she'll create while she's out there. Wish we had some kind of hint or way to track her.”

“We'll know eventually,” Applebloom said with a grumble before taking a swig of her drink. “At least they ain't killin' ponies. We can always get their cutie marks back, after all.”

“I don't know about you guys, but that just makes me uneasy,” Sweetie muttered, sipping her drink. “Dazzling isn't... he wasn't trained to be merciful. Considering Shining's past and Hothoof's issues, I can't see any of them not leaving a bloody swath in their wake. Either this Meadowbrook has a lot more control than we thought, or it's only a matter of time before the body count starts rising.” She glanced over. “Just look at what they did to the Avatar's group, the ponies they killed. That was just one sonic rainboom, if they wanted they could kill hundreds...”

Scootaloo groaned and gave a nod. “Yeah. Hopefully they decide to be less blunt for now. We'll find them, somehow. There's no way they can hide forever, even if there are just four of them.”

The others nodded, but they all just stared at their drinks in silence. “I should probably head home, Rarity is going to worry about me if I'm out all night,” Sweetie said softly.

“Yeah, me too,” Scootaloo said with a sigh. “I stay out too long, I'm bound to have the Shadowbolts swinging by to make sure I'm safe and not being held captive or something.” She gave a weak chuckle.

Applebloom nodded. “Yeah, meh too. Applejack is... well, she worries too much. Yah'd think ah wasn't a bad flank earth bender the way she panics all the time,” she said with a snicker. “Yah know, she once tried tah put safety edges on mah knives,” she said before plucking one from her mane. “Scared ah might cut mahself!”

The three burst into laughter before getting up and heading out the door, heading towards their respective homes for the night. Overhead, the moon shone over the city, its gentle light lost in all the street lights as the ponies slept sound in their homes for now, enjoying their current time of peace.

Author's Note:

And another chapter down! Okay, so. For those who don't know: Writing these stories are a LOT of work. Fortunately I have a back log. Unfortunately, it has been a while since I last wrote ANY of this, so I am actually in the midst of re-reading a ton of old content, re-reading all my notes, getting all my ducks in a line. We're talking 20-30 hours of prep just to get to writing the next part. Maybe more. That's not even including the time writing it.

As such, I'll be putting out the chapters slowly and trying to get back into the swing of things a bit. Thank you very much for your patience! I do hope to get the entirety of the Avatar series finished before I move onto my next work, so hopefully no more long, loooooong delays.