• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 935 Views, 50 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 3: Tirek - Jeweled Pen

Diamond's greatest challenge has come, with three new powerful benders aiding Meadowbrook, can she hope to defeat the villain she only narrowly defeated before? With some help from the past, there may be hope.

  • ...

Chapter 24: Thoughts

Alicity couldn’t keep the frown off his face when he walked through the compound. Windows had been shattered from the effects of the sonic rainboom. Rainbooms, he supposed. A small part of his mind idly wondered just how much magic was stored in a sonic rainboom. He’d managed to get a few measurements and learned that the magic itself didn’t tend to come from the user, so much as they drew it out from the surrounding magic that pegasi used to fly. Granted, there was far more to it than just that, as the user wasn’t just cutting the air, they were slicing through magic itself at that point. The amount of power and precision needed to perform such an act would have to be tremendous. It was no wonder only two ponies had ever actually achieved it, at least in recent records.

He walked into his home, the frown on his face only deepening. The main city had been attacked, the compound had mostly been ignored. At least… that’s what he’d first suspected. However, there were signs that somepony had come through. The teleportation trackers had definitely picked up somepony coming here when they were gone, then leaving. He just wanted to know why.

Why. Such a simple word, but one he’d wrapped his whole life around. It had started with ‘why was I born as an earth pony?’ and became ‘why CAN’T I use the same type of magic as a unicorn?’ and, most recently, ‘why can’t we break the third law of Beagleton’s strawberry wall conundrum’? There were just so many things that ponies accepted as facts, when what they should have been asking was ‘why is this fact?’

Ponies seemed to think he was a genius, but he wasn’t. At least, not the way most were. He just didn’t let things like ‘rules’ or ‘logic’ get in the way. It was why he was able to do so much with magic that unicorns just COULDN’T. They had so many presumptions. They never thought to themselves ‘If I use silver instead of rock’ or ‘If I filter out the daisies before adding the obsidian’ or ‘What if I made a BIGGER fire?’

Sure, ninety percent of his findings were complete dead ends and failures. But his constant asking of ‘why’ had given him a knowledge of magic and arcane that most unicorns would only dream of, let alone earth ponies. And those little learnings were often what mixed and built up until eventually they became something truly profitable and amazing.

The fact that he was incredibly good at marketing had helped as well, of course. It was amazing how many of his ‘useless’ inventions had turned out to be priceless treasures once the right spin was applied.

But some were truly innovative and created a new world. Like the artificial wings. There had always been pegasus magic and unicorn magic. There were even spells to let ponies fly, though they tended to be quite difficult. There’d even been attempts to create single pony flight for generations, most had ended in failure. The fact of the matter was, it just wasn’t possible for a pony who wasn’t built for it, to endure the stress the flight caused on their bodies by the flight, without expending vast amounts of magic. Gravity didn’t like to lose.

So he’d just made sure the ponies didn’t have to. The gems took all the force, which was why they didn’t function without them. Which was why they had advanced so quickly, despite what they’d done having been ‘impossible’. It was why he had been able to crack the very makeup of pony ‘magic’ and connect to it. To begin driving ponies up. To make ALL ponies equal by giving EVERYPONY magic, by giving EVERYPONY flight.

And it was why he was staring at the door of his daughter’s office, which was open. “Sir?” Secretary asked, eying him. “Where ever she is now, it’s not here.”

“I know,” he muttered softly. Slowly he stepped into the office and looked around. Why had the mare come here? The office looked fine. Paperwork, some furniture, a desk, a case with a bunch of random things and a pair of cracked pony figures. Nothing looked rummaged through or mangled. It all just looked fine.

So why couldn’t he shake the feeling that something was wrong? Something he’d overlooked? Something that was staring him in the face all along? He felt his frustration growing. Finally, he glanced to Secretary. “Something’s wrong.”


“Something we’ve overlooked. Something from Meadowbrook. Get the ship ready. Fully stocked. We may need to go again.”

“Fully stocked, sir?” she asked softly.

“Fully. Not for speed this time. I’m not sure when we’ll be going. Or where. But...” he trailed off. Finally, he shook his head. “I don’t know where. But better safe than sorry.”

Secretary nodded, staring at him for a while. She’d dedicated many, many years of her life to his service. And yet she could only remember a hoofful of times when he had ever been so serious. She wasn’t sure what was going to take place but…

Whatever it was, she trusted his intuition. They’d have to be prepared.


“This is too easy,” Diamond mumbled while she looked over their small caravan. Applejack and Applebloom were in front of the small, rapid vessel they’d acquired in order to transport their secret weapon. Silver was on the vessel, ensuring it matched all specifications and doing a last safety check.

It was too, too easy. How long had it taken them to pick up the trail after they left? A little more than a day. And since then they’d been following it, with ease. It had been so, so incredibly easy that it had to be a trap. And what pony in their right mind would try to trap THEM? She glanced over the assortment of benders and Shadowbolt she’d joined with. Would it be enough? Was the trail so obvious because they couldn’t--

No. No no no. If Meadowbrook had intended to just fight them, then she would have. There would have been no reason to lure them all here. So what was the purpose? Why trick them to begin with?


Silver rubbed her arm, trying to shake off that uneasy itchy feeling that seemed to flow through her veins. She could feel it, all the little enchantments and traps surrounding them. She was amazed the others couldn’t.

Then again, she was special, she supposed. Those spells were unnatural, chaotic. Defenses? No. Something else. They reeked of her own magic. Yet, somehow different. Cobbled together from who knew how many different types of magic. A chaotic mess. Not true chaos magic, but rather chaotic magic wrought by disharmony of the caster. Not pure.

And it made her body itch, just imagining it. So close and mundane, yet so strange and alien. A very obvious trap. She wondered if the others could feel it. Could sense how close they were coming. The final fight was almost upon them. After this, there would be no more threats, no more dangers. She and Diamond would be friends. She’d make it up to Button and Acrylic. They’d forgive her, she knew they would. They had to. they’d all understand why she did what she did.

She rubbed her neck, feeling the odd tingle of enchantments of her own. They had to stop Tirek before they could proceed. SHE had to stop Tirek. And together, she knew they could. Would. After that, she would fix everything.


Rainbow glided lazily above, even with the vessel below carrying everypony along as fast as it could, she kept up with ease. Then again, she wasn’t one of the best fliers the Wonderbolts had ever seen for no reason. And she supposed she was only technically keeping pace with their guides, and Applejack was hardly the fastest thing ever, at least when tracking.

Normally she’d have wanted to flaunt that fact. Today? She only felt this pit of dread in her stomach. Not that she’d lose, no. She knew she’d win. But then what? She’d ‘won’ against Shining Blast before. And other ponies had died for it. She felt a low pain in her heart.

How had her student turned out so wrong? She’d always encouraged her, always pushed her to be the best she could. How had she failed to imbue the fact that being awesome only mattered if you did it for the right reasons? That there was no point if everypony hated you? If you hurt ponies? How had she managed to distill all of her awesome into such a small, amazing pony…

And yet have it all turn out so bad? Have it cost her her husband, the lives of countless ponies, the…

She felt tears welling in her damaged eyes and she quickly shook her head, flapping her wings and doubling her pace. Now was not the time for doubts. She had to stop Shining. And only she could. This was her mistake, and she had to fix it. One way or another.


Applejack tapped her hoof again, frowning when she so easily picked up the trail of Hothoof. He was like a runaway avalanche, leaving a trail even a blind filly could follow. They hadn’t teleported, they’d ran. But why? This was so easy. So obvious.

Still, she couldn’t help but smirk, glancing towards her little sister. Hothoof was a threat. And possibly stronger than he’d ever been. But together? There wasn’t anything that could stop the two of them. The only way they could have been better prepared was if Big Mac was here. Even so, it didn’t matter how much magic that lava bender had acquired. He was a big boulder, barreling down without direction or skill. Probably stronger than them, but not smarter.

And he’d never win against the two of them. She wouldn’t lose her sister, never again.


Rarity stared out ahead, her mind twisting and turning. Back home, her daughter Colgate was ruling the Water Nation well, that she knew. She had more than a few trusted ponies watching over her. Not to mention her younger sibling’s, Celestia and Luna. As long as the three of them were together, she KNEW they’d succeed and make her proud.

But ruling the Water Nation required more than just making her proud. They had to be strong, brave. And most importantly, be willing to make the tough decisions. To face the world, even when most of it hated them. She hoped they were ready for what would come. To shoulder the burden of their history. And she so desperately wanted to believe they were. To believe they were ready to face all that the world would throw at them.

But she couldn’t help but worry. It was a mother’s perogative. Even now they were pursuing Dazzling Sapphires. A giant beacon displaying what the Water Nation had once been. Her failure. Somepony she couldn’t save, no matter how hard she’d tried. A pony who had been swept up in the destruction their country had once wielded, and had it deeply piercing through them.

She didn’t blame him for what he’d become, no. It was just as much the nation’s fault as it was his. Were he born a generation before, he likely would have become one of the nation’s most powerful and deadly weapons. Songs would have been created in his honor. Heck, he may have even been wedded into the royal family, even.

But the nation had no place for him now. It didn’t have space for somepony who wanted to kill and destroy. Who didn’t understand that they weren’t a part of that anymore. That the Water Nation had to make up for the scars it had created. Not create new ones.

And it was up to her and Sweetie to stop these scars from growing. Once and for all. Slowly, her hoof reached out to put a comforting leg around her little sister. The younger unicorn looked up in surprise, but slowly gave a knowing, comforting smile before leaning in.

She just hoped she’d live to see these scars heal.


Luna stared out over their kingdom. Behind him, he could hear his sister getting dressed. The dark prince was already prepared in the flowing, Water Nation robes proudly displaying their symbol. He glanced back towards his nightstand and all the letters across it. Reports mostly.

He felt a little tingle in his heart. Something pulling at the strings. Like a small needle that did enough damage to sting, but nothing serious. One of those reports weighed heavily on his mind, like a boulder on his back. Button and Acrylic had disappeared. Who knew where? He trusted them to be able to take care of themselves. He hoped.

But he knew they were ‘good’, but not the best. They had weaknesses. Flaws. Things that others could use against them. And as much as he wanted to believe they could handle anything and everything that would come their way, he could not shake the dread and sadness that something terrible was happening. That Button needed him. And he was here, so far away. He gave yet another prayer to the stars that they would all be safe. That if they needed him, he would be able to be there. Even if Button didn’t feel for him anymore, he knew the world would be a darker place without that hyper, exciteable and wonderful earth pony inside it.

“Bit for your thoughts?” Celestia asked as she walked forward, a cocky grin on your face. “Double or nothing if I guess them? Button?”

“Am I really so obvious?” Luna asked with a sigh.

“I read the report, I’d have to be stupid not to know,” she said with a sigh, sitting by her brother. Luna glanced over and her horn illuminated, straightening the mare’s hat. “He’s going to be fine. He’s tough, remember? Besides. He’s part of the Avatar’s gang. No way they can lose.”

“Mother lost often.”

“None of them died.”

“But they still lost, all the time. Losing a part of themselves can be just as bad. A small death all its own,” he said, shaking his head.

Celestia sighed and gave a nod, glancing out over their nation as well. “Colgate’s got things working fine. She doesn’t need both of us. You could--”

`“No. My place is here. For now,” Luna said firmly, shaking his head.

“You don’t need to push yourself so hard...”

“I wouldn’t be me if I did not. And you would not be you. We have a duty, one neither of us can shirk.”

Celestia groaned. “I swear, you are such a downer… how did I end up with such a brother like that?”

Luna shrugged. “One of us has to be. There’s a storm coming on the horizon.”

“A storm? I don’t see any… wait, do you mean like. A figurative one?”

“No, I mean literally. I can feel it in the air. It crackles like lightning, and the moisture feels wrong,” he said with a sigh. “But also… figurative. I suppose. Something feels wrong. Just… wrong. Like there’s something we missed. Something we should have noticed, but failed to.”

“You sure you’re not just worried about Button?”

“No. That’s what makes this even more concerning,” he said with a sigh. “I keep going over the events in the Badlands. I feel there is something I missed. Something I should have seen. Should have prepared for. And it’s...” He shook his head.

“And it has only just started to… become noticeable?” Celestia mumbled.

“Indeed… do… you feel it too?”

“Yeah. I thought I was just nuts but… I started to notice a little bit before that report on Ironwing. It was kinda like...”

“Like a weird fog had lifted. Like something was hiding things and suddenly we could see them?” Luna asked with a shake of his head.

“Exactly. There’s something going on. Something we missed and… I don’t know what it is, either. It’s driving me nuts, too.”

“Mmm hmm...” Luna mumbled. “It’s subtle, though. Whatever it was… it wasn’t obvious. Just… something out of place. And no matter how many times I go over the voyage, I can’t think of what it could be.”

Celestia sighed and gave a nod. “Yeah… hopefully we’re both just paranoid. But...”

“But we’d best be ready. And we’d best tell Colgate. Something… something is coming. And there’s no telling what it is. But we need to be ready.”


Ironwing groaned, staring out over the horizon, a frown once again covering his face.

“You look excited this morning,” Prism said, landing down besides the stallion, a cocky smirk on his face. “Ready for a day of fun and excitement?”

The shadowbolt rolled his eyes. “Must you bother me first thing in the morning? I forgot how annoying you were at this hour.”

“Comes with being a morning pony. Blaze is busy, True Breeze ran off to Cloudsdale and Leadwing is helping with repairs. He’d make an excellent craftspony if he can’t make it as one of us. There’s really nothing else for me to do,” the air bender said with a shrug, before glancing down at the city. Repair efforts were underway, but the signs of the attack, and the losses they suffered, still shown with a terrible ease. “There’s really not a lot I can do now, anyway.” He scuffed the ground.

Ironwing gave a sigh before nodding. “Of course. And what is Blaze doing?”

“Council meetings,” Prism said with a shrug. “You know how it is. She’s not happy unless… well. Everypony is. But almost everypony is there. This wasn’t… none of us thought… I couldn’t even protect...”

“I know. And it’s not your fault. You got out there, but they were gone before anyone could stop them,” Ironwing said gently. “But...”

“Yeah, I know… but kinda defeats the reason for me staying here if I can’t defend it when attack. And yeah?”

“Something’s wrong, you can feel it. Right? It’s not just that attack, is it?”

Prism gave a soft sigh, shaking his head. “… Yeah. Something’s definitely wrong. I’m that obvious, huh?”

“You’re up here because you’re looking for another attack, aren’t you?”

“… Yeah. You too?”

“… Yeah.” Slowly, the pegasus spread out his wings. “They hurt a bit, but I can fly. He really… did a number on me.”

“You shouldn’t be alone. We still haven’t located the others who attacked you.”

“The ringleader is behind bars. And the others won’t strike. I let my guard down, and I won’t do that again,” Ironwing said before stepping forward and glancing over the side of the building. “I was supposed to die there.”

“W-what?” Prism asked, his mouth falling open. “They--”

“They saved me. But… I was supposed to die there. I think. I mean… I feel like...” He sighed. “I don’t know. But I feel like I was SUPPOSED to die then. But I didn’t. Somehow, I survived. Even though I wasn’t supposed to. I don’t even know what that means. You know?”

“Not even a little bit.”

“Yeah, me either. I wish I could explain it,” he said with a shake of his head. “It’s… weird. I was so close… they really knew what to do. If things had been a little different… even the healers don’t understand how I survived. And I can’t help but agree with them. It was luck, nothing more. A bit of luck. No, a lot of luck. And now things just feel… off...” He glanced at his hoof. “Surreal. It’s like...” He frowned again. “This is going to sound silly.”

“Oh? Go on? I promise I probably won’t laugh,” Prism said, giving a good natured smile.

“I haven’t told Styx about any of this but… it feels like… it feels a lot like reading a book. A book you’ve read before. But now? The ending is different. Completely. And now things are going in a way I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. But… I know none of it is familiar.”

“… That’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever said,” Prism said with a shake of his head. “Near death experiences can be rough. You sure you’re not just looking for meaning? Having a--”

“No. I’ve almost died before. More than a few times. This feels… different. And I just can’t figure out why. But… maybe you’re right. Maybe I am looking for meaning. For a reason. For some kind of… I don’t know. Logic? Behind it. Maybe this was one near death experience too many...”

“Maybe… but maybe not,” Prism said with a shrug. “… I’m gonna go on a patrol. Wanna come with me?”

“… I really do.”


Daring glided through the air, ignoring the merciless heat and sweat that flew off her with every flap of her wings, occasionally taking a drink from her canteen.

She didn’t know what Sunset was thinking. Or who this ‘Gracious Warmth’ was supposed to be, who ponies had seen her with, leaving the city. The biggest problem being NOPONY seemed to know who that mare was. But they were heading towards Harmony as best she could tell. She would track them down if it was the last thing she did. And if her sister was in trouble, well… She’d deal with it then. Somehow.


Copper couldn’t help but feel uneasy when she glanced across the council room. Tittering had disappeared during the attack, leaving the Moon Raisers struggling to maintain cohesion. Another moon raiser had taken up the mantle for the time being, to join in this meeting.

But for that mare to disappear, something bad must have happened. She was too good a fighter to just be defeated without anypony noticing. Especially not so quickly. She just hoped the unicorn hadn’t run off and decided to take the fight to them. It would have been a foalish decision to make at this point. The last thing the Avatar needed was another pony getting caught in the crossfire of their battle. No matter how strong they were.


Applebloom couldn’t shake the feeling of unease, occasionally tapping the ground while they followed the trail. The Earth Kingdom hadn’t been hit as much since the initial assaults, but she couldn’t help feeling a small sense of dread while they went forward. As if there was something about to descend on her new home. To tear it apart. As if there was a giant monster waiting to strike while they were all weakened. She’d been receiving more than a few letters while preparing for the final assault.

A lot of ponies had been leaving the school, heading home and abandoning their lessons. And things like that were happening across all the countries as far as she had heard. Ponies were scared, unsure of what would happen next. Terrified they’d be targets if they stayed there, or worse. Losing faith in their countries. Their homes. Even each other. Ponies losing their magic and cutie marks. Taking away the very thing that made ponies ponies. Even Stony Brace had abandoned his post and left the school to fend for itself. Was there really so much doubt? So little trust for all of them? They’d stop these ponies. She knew they would. They’d get everypony’s magic and power back. Somehow.

She glanced to her sister. As long as the two of them were here, as long as they could bend, they’d never allow this to carry on.

She tapped her hoof again, before continuing on.

The final fight was almost here.


Scootaloo felt like she was going to throw up. She spread out her wings, glancing back at them. She was so used to the metal braces now, she barely noticed them. The warm gem over her chest was as familiar as her own heart beat. She even slept in the aparatus now.

She could fly. She could fight. She could win this, amongst all of her friends. They’d win, she knew they would.

And yet she couldn’t shake this unease. Everything would come to a close soon. Everything would end and they would win. They HAD to win. They had to stop all of this. Because they must.

And yet she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all just starting. That there was still so much to do. She shook her head, struggling to clear it. She wouldn’t give up. Never. Especially not now. Not when they were so close…


Sweetie felt calm. A cold, calculating calm. A calm that had washed over her so many times nearly a lifetime ago.

She wasn’t the commander she had once been. But it wasn’t because she wasn’t able, but because she didn’t want to be. Her mind trailed to Dazzling. In a way, she felt a connection to him. And she knew he felt one towards her. He was an artifact of what their home had once been. What she had once been. She knew they would try to calm him, negotiate with him, talk with him. But they’d been trying for years. There had never been any sign of him changing, adapting or growing.

Stars help her, she knew why. She understood that feeling of power. Even if Discord was no longer a part of her, even if she was no longer tainted by its presence, she still felt the echoes of his temptation. Of its lure. Of the ease she had once felt. It would have been so easy to just say none of it had been a part of her, that Discord had ‘made’ her do all those things.

But they were as much a part of her as he had been. Even if those flames had not been entirely her doing, the embers that he had fueled had been. And she knew exactly how easy it would be to fall back into that path. To ‘remove’ all the things that caused her problems. The lines she had to walk slowly along, in order to make sure she didn’t fall to the side.

Had things been just a little different, she could have been just like him.

She just hoped when they finally faced each other again, she’d know exactly what to do. How to act.

How to keep being--

“It’s Meadowbrook!” Diamond’s voice rang out, startling her from her thoughts.


Diamond flew forward, her wings out, the magic coursing from her. However, when she came closer she stopped and just… stared.

Meadowbrook stared back. The unicorn pony seemed dazed, holding a small bunny in her lap which she softly pet. The bunny, however, glared up at the alicorn defiantly. Most important of all, however, there was no cutie mark on the mare’s hip. Just as she had been when she was captured.

Diamond slowed her dash, landing a bit away from the other mare. “Meadowbrook? You… you’re… Stop!” she said quickly when the others began to dash at her. “This isn’t… I don’t think… Meadowbrook? What happened? You’re the real one, aren’t you? The… how did you get out here?”

The mare glanced up at her and then giggled. “Meadowbrook? No no. New Meadowbrook now...” the mare laughed, shaking her head. “Starlight Glimmer. And you, you’re… you stopped me… didn’t you? But can you stop me again?” she asked, before lightly giggling. “No no. I was easy. So stupid. Foal. Yes...” Her eyes were slightly glazed over and Diamond had a feeling that the mare wasn’t quite all there.

“Starlight…? Are you… back? You’re all… did… the pony who is claiming to be Meadowbrook do this? To you? Is that why...”

“No no no nooooo. Bad, yes. Took me. Sunburst. But this? Hee hee. Discord did. Yes. She did. She’s supposed to be gone, but she isn’t! Nope. But… she’s weakened. I can feel it. Yes yes. Can think. Can...” She shook her head, her hooves reaching up to grip her head. “Nggggggg… why… it’s so much… make it stop. Harmony, please. I can’t...”

Diamond stared at her, a chill going down her spine. “Discord… did this? That’s not possible. Discord is dead. He’s not… he can’t have...”

Silver kept herself hidden from the others, back at the vessel, behind the nullification device. She could feel her heart pounding.

She had to do SOMETHING! How could Starlight be here? How could the real one? Worse, she could FEEL the chaos magic in the mare. Or rather, the lack of chaos magic. Her mind was returning, slowly. The spell she had woven was gone and it was only a matter of time before the mare was completely herself again, the damage undone.

And if the unicorn let them know, if she spilled everything, what could Silver do? The time wasn’t right. All of her plans, her efforts. They could all come crashing down. Tirek had to be stopped first. The threat had to be gone. She--

“She’s nuts,” Rainbow said with a snort. “Completely bonkers.”

“I have to agree with Rainbow,” Scootaloo said with a sigh. “Discord is gone, completely. Twilight destroyed him utterly, along with the others. Starlight has been talking about Chaos and Discord ever since we found her,” she said, stomping a hoof down. “It’s more ramblings of a mare who’s completely snapped. That’s all.”

Starlight just giggled, hugging her bunny close. “Oh, you all so stupid, stupid, under your nose. She’s there. Right there. Discord is watching. So close. Waiting. Watching. Then she strikes.” Her eyes leveled on Diamond. “You… you especially. She’s so close. Harmony will fall… and Discord will rise,” she said in an almost sing-song voice.

Diamond felt her voice quiver as she spoke, but she tried to ignore it. “Discord… he’s… you keep saying she. Do you know who she is?” she asked, stepping in close.

“She’s nuts!” Rainbow snapped. “We need to get going, not waste time here. Every moment we wait, is another moment they get further away!”

“If there’s any chance that Discord, or even a part of him, exists, then I HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT!” Diamond roared, stomping a hoof down. “Even the tiniest chance I cannot ignore! It’s my job, my duty, to destroy him. To make sure he can’t rise back up.”

Rainbow stopped, her mouth falling open, before shrugging. “Fine. But make it quick. We need to catch them...”

“I will. Starlight. Who is Discord? Is he a mare? Is it somepony I know? Is it one of Meadowbrooks ponies?”

Starlight didn’t speak, she just gently bounced the bunny in her lap. However, after a few moments, she looked up and smiled. A weak, distant smile. “Hard. It’s… hard. Through it. But… she’s… your--” The unicorn’s eyes widened and she shrieked, gripping her head and shaking. Finally, she collapsed, her eyes drifting closed. The bunny moved protectively over her, lightly tapping her cheek, but glaring at any of the ponies who tried to come closer, baring his tiny teeth.

“Did you feel that?!” Sweetie asked, turning to Rarity.

“I think we all felt that,” Diamond said, a hoof moving to her chest. Whatever it was, it felt cold and slimy. Magics unlike any she was familiar with. Something similar to the Smooze. Tainted. Disgusting. Just feeling it nearby had made her feel a little sick.

Silver let out a soft, weak breath, the alicorn amulet fading away once again. Her heart pounding while she looked around. None of the others seemed to notice her… but there was no denying that magic had been done. They could feel it. She couldn’t believe she’d been forced to tip her hoof, just a little bit. But there it was.

Applejack shook her head and hit her hoof against the ground as hard as she could. Her eyes closed. A few moments later, they opened. “They’re nearby.” She raised a hoof towards the direction she’d felt them.

“They?” Diamond asked, glancing back to her. “You mean Discord? Whoever did this?”

“Yes. No. Maybe. Ah mean Meadowbrook, Shining, Dazzling and… Hothoof. Ah can’t tell if it was one of ‘em that did this, though.”

“If one of them have the power of Discord...” Rarity said softly.

“… We have to finish this. Now,” Diamond said. She gave a small glance towards the unconscious unicorn. Though she hated to do it, she didn’t have a choice. “Leave her. We’re going to need everything we have, and we won’t be able to keep her safe. We’ll come back for her once the fight is over. And… if we can’t… well. It won’t really matter. We’ll all be doomed anyway. Okay, everypony! Let’s go!” she said, before turning and dashing off, the others following behind.

Despite her words, however, she couldn’t help feeling more and more dread flow through her. If Discord was truly here, could she face them? If this Meadowbrook was Discord, could she defeat her? She wished she had time to talk with Twilight, to ask for her aid. But she didn’t, not now. There’d be time after. If there was an after.

And if there was somepony else, another Discord? Well… she wouldn’t face him alone. Not this time. So long as they were all together and worked as one, she knew they could, and would, defeat him. Or her. Somehow.

She just wished Button and Acrylic were here. With those two, her and Silver, there was nothing they couldn’t beat. She knew it. And she’d keep telling herself it until she believed it.

Author's Note:

Wooo! Another chapter done! A lot of chapters for this story should be coming out soon. Hope you're all excited!