• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 2,377 Views, 96 Comments

The Legend of a Shadowmare - JasontheDemon

The story of Daemon and his fight to save his dying race.

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After the defeat of general Lux, he was taken to a high security prison that was far more advanced than the one Daemon had been to. The dungeon that Daemon was confined to was only for show and was only used to frighten fillies and colts on Nightmare Night. Lux, however was held in a cell designed for some of the most powerful threats to Equestria. The prison was built over a natural magical draining area, the very area that was used to punish Discord. Since he was not placed right on top of the energy draining soil below, the Lightmare general still had some access to his magic... but only enough to lift a fork to his mouth at most.

Since all the conflict was over between Lightmares and Shadowmares, the Lightmare legion had no more work that they could do to keep themselves busy, but Celestia had already foreseen this and had come up with an appropriate ‘punishment’ for the ponies without a cause. She had proclaimed that they would be allowed to stay in Equestria as long as they performed acts of community service. They would either be assigned to a partner pony (which could be an earth pony, unicorn, or a pegasus) and they would basically be that pony’s servant, helping with chores and daily activities, or they would be sent to Manehatten to rebuild the city that they had destroyed. The total number of hours that they had to serve before being free of their punishment was 250,000,000 shared among them. Since there were at least 50,000 Lightmares and they were all willing to put in 12 hours of work a day, they were going to be relieved of duty in a little over a year.

There were a few select Lightmares that were off the hook for their aid in the fight, one was even rewarded. Ezreal was let go (even though he would have never done the work in the first place) and he helped Rainbow Dash in her training when he could. He taught her some ways to corner and weave through obstacles without losing speed. Eventually through their cooperation and determination, Rainbow Dash finally got the privilege of being one of the Wonder Bolts. She told them that she wanted Ezreal to join them as well. Even though they were willing to let him, Ezreal turned down the offer, telling them that his only desire was to get Rainbow to achieve her dream and he never wished to become a Wonder Bolt himself.

Aura spent a lot of his time with Applejack. He told her that doing physical labor was his way of letting everything go and relaxing. She admired his strong work ethic but quickly decided to spend a day with him to show him that there were other things besides work. Unbeknownst to Applejack, this day off sort of became their first date and they soon became very close to one another. It only made sense that they got together, since they had so much in common. They were both strong in willpower and in physical ability, they both were honest and hardworking, and they both shared a deep respect for the country lifestyle.

Flara was made Celestias personal guard due to her overwhelming amount of experience in war and battle. She was also appointed as the overseer of Lux, to make sure that he never escaped. Celestia did not make this decision lightly and she made sure to look over Flaras personal records from the Lightmare stronghold. What astonished Celestia the most was Flaras intellectual prowess and ability to stay calm and focused under any kind of pressure. Her tactical ability in field showed that she was nearly as insightful as Celestia herself, able to nearly read the minds of the opponent and counter attack flawlessly.

Pinkie Pie was her usual self and she found that having a Lightmare for an assistant was fun. Pinkie would tell her to fetch an ingredient or tool and she would pick up some random thing in hopes that it was correct. Pinkie would teach the Lightmare about all kinds of new things that she had never even heard before. The funniest moment was when Pinkie set up a pinata and after it was hit by one of the fillies at the birthday, the Lightmare ‘rescued’ it and told it that everything was going to be okay and she wouldn’t let the others beat it with sticks anymore like a mother would to a child. Pinkie had to explain so many things that she felt as though she was almost the parent of the Lightmare.

Twilight had put it upon herself to educate everyone she could about Lightmares and Shadowmares. She ended up writing an informative textbook about the two species and had it published. There were many ponies that doubted her and believed that the book was supposed to be in the fantasy section of the library, but she assured that it was all true and she had done the research herself. She included everything she could. Even the anatomy of both races. Spike even helped point out stuff that she missed while she was writing down notes for it, like how Shadowmares could withstand the intense flames of a baby dragon and if they wanted, they could even hold said flames in their mouth. Through the whole process, Spike and Twilight laughed as they recalled all the things they learned and wrote them down.

Desdemona was the test subject most of the time Twilight had a question about Shadowmare physiology. She was not happy with some of the tests, but she was willing. Since Lux had been taken down, Desdemonas attitude seemed to brighten up a great deal. She would commonly smile and do things that she would have earlier refused. She even went to the spa with Rarity and Fluttershy on a number of occasions (though the others expected it was only for the complimentary chocolate). Desdemona ended up working at the most exclusive restaurant in Canterlot and almost instantly became the head chef. Her natural cooking talent was mostly to blame for her success, but she wasn’t complaining. Her job actually made her happy... it was one of the few places where she could be as mean as she wanted and still get a smile followed by ‘yes chef’. Knowing that she had success in her grasp, Desdemona left Flutteshy's cottage and found a place of her own with the money she got as head chef. Her pay was substantial and she decided that her home should match so she bought one of the most luxurious homes in Canterlot. Even though she was living large from her Shadowmare abilities, she still visited ponyville as much as she could to keep up with the ones she was now glad to call ‘friends’.

Fluttershy was the happiest of all. She was married to Daemon about six months after Lux’s defeat and she was unable to contain her joy at the wedding. Nopony had ever seen her in such great spirits. Angel demanded to be the best man and that suited Daemon just fine. Besides the wedding, Fluttershy’s life was pretty much where it had been before. She took care of sick and injured animals along with those who had no homes to go to, but this time she had something else to look forward to in her life... she had a loving husband and nine friends who all cared for her.

Daemon was able to finally relax for the first time in his life. There was no longer anything he had to fear and he was glad... but relaxing wasn’t really his style and he wanted to give back to the community. Celestia talked with him after he was done healing at the hospital and she suggested that he start a band. She even came up with a name. Since Lightmares were angelic in appearance and Daemon was going to be the only Shadowmare in the band Celestia thought that ‘Daemon Among Angels’ was a fitting name and Daemon agreed... in his words it ‘kicked flank’.

Ezreal and Aura were more than happy to join him, but Flara couldn’t leave Celestias side any time she wanted so the band had to make some adjustments to their designated instruments. Daemon was going to play guitar and be the lead singer. Ezreal was moved to bass and Aura accepted the drums. The band quickly took to their new positions and made their debut at Fillydelphia's grand concert hall with Celestias blessing. The band took off and was an instant hit. Rarity joined in on the fun and became the bands wardrobe designer and Daemons primary consultant due to her experience running the Carousel Boutique. Since she had experience in running her own business, Daemon looked to her advice when he didn’t know what to do... and knowing Daemon, Rarity was sure that was bound to happen sooner rather than later. One thing that Daemon did that made the band memorable was that he chose to begin and end each concert with the same two songs. The introduction song was inspired by his thoughts of the war and how he had overcome the challenges that stood before him. It not only amped up the crowd but it also left a deep impression on everypony so they despised war as a senseless battle with no winners. The song Daemon made the finale of the concert was more upbeat and inspiring. He thought that it would be a nice way to encourage everypony who was listening to strive and achieve their dreams... because even his greatest dreams could never compare to the joy he held.

Just when things couldn’t seem to get any better, Fluttershy revealed that she was going to have a baby. A few days before the second anniversary of the Lightmare’s defeat, Fluttershy gave birth to a small filly who she had decided to name, Firefly. The little foal was without a doubt a Shadowmare. While she didn’t have the horns, wings, or eyes of a Shadowmare, she bore a muddy looking yellow coat, hook shaped pointed ears, and a perpetually messy pink mane that was like Fluttershy's but a little darker and determined to remain unkempt. Rarity had tried her best to tame the out of control mane, but failed multiple times before throwing in the towel. Daemon and Fluttershy didn’t care though... she was their daughter and they loved her all the same. Firefly seemed to share Fluttershys skill for befriending animals, but she was also more adventurous and brave. Firefly took on some traits of both parents and showed promise of becoming a great loving mare. Thus ends... The Legend of the Shadowmare!

Author's Note:

Final Notes: I would like to end this by saying thanks to all of my readers and followers. I would also like to give a special shout out to a few other people for their varied help. First on the list is shadowless_night for giving me positive feedback right when I was about to cancel the story and delete it. Second would be a few close real life friends of mine for supporting me through it all. Finally I would like to thank my editor, Jayfeather97, for his time and effort. Thank you for reading, JasontheDemon signing off!

Comments ( 33 )

:D A story well done, though if you do do a sequel what will the plot be about?? Lux escaping or maybe the Shadowmares coming back? And if your going to do you in Equestria would it be a trololol, a sad, a random or happy etc fic?

1472708 The sequel would revolve around Fireflys rescue and there would be a few new characters later in the story to mix things up... I dont feel comfortable revealing more than that, but trust me, it is something that would probably end up being better than this. The other one would be sort of a comedy fic but it would have serious moments too. Mostly I want to do it to reveal who I really am and what I'm like, problems and all.

1472774 K, so far I can only say choose what you feel like at the time, and stick with it. :pinkiehappy:

Yay im glad you continued this :pinkiehappy: turned out a great story and i will be recommending it to my friends. good luck with the sequel ill be sure to look out for it:pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::twilightsmile::eeyup:

Wow this story has been awesome and i would recommend it to my friends if there were only other bronies in Lithuania:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Three things...

First, AMAZING story. All of the down-voters have menal issues, and not the fun kind. :derpyderp2:

Second, AMAZING music choices. They fit the the story perfectly, and you showed me many amazing songs. :pinkiehappy:

Third, in regards to a sequel...
-If you do idea #2, going to equestria through a portal in your computer because your house got struck by lightning is a horribly cliche idea. And not one of the good ones. Think of a different way into Equestria.
-As for which idea to choose, why not both? You could be dropped into Daemon's Equestria. That way you don't have to choose.

All in all...

1720479 I'm glad you like the story but the voting is already over and I am going to post chapter one of the sequel soon (probably tomorrow). As for the lightning strike idea... it wouldnt be a normal lightning strike, it would be more 'magical' than your everyday bolt of electricity. The portal wouldn't have been very friendly either. Also don't you think it would be a little cliche and boring if I were to end up in the same world as my own character? Where would be the hook if I was happy?

1721217 Oh and before I forget... look at my profile pic. Do I look like a happy guy to begin with? A grump like me, who is constantly trying to rationalize and explain things in a logical sense, would end up going insane in a colorful land of friendly ponies and magic.

You could use the two quotes that most people use when they go to Equestria. And I quote...

It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.


"How the hell did she do rhat?!?!" I yell.
"She's Pinkie Pie."

1721525 yeah if I really went to equestria and a pony tried to convince me of magic, I would probably just use my own saying... 'magic... doesnt... EXIST!' or maybe 'I don't believe figments of my imagination'... you know the basic stuff.

Yelling those things could possibly result in one of two possible reactions if Fluttershy saw that. Either...
A) The Stare™
B) Fluttershy crying, which would result in every single pony within the town showing up to kick your ass (or flank, cuz ponies)

1721608 I know but thats something I would have to deal with sooner or later given my sometimes 'harsh' personality.

How would you like to have the Equestrian World Record for the most bruises gotter in 10 minutes? Also, derp:derpyderp1::derpyderp2::derpytongue2:.

1721687 I wouldn't like it, but I can't help who I am and I won't change my morals just because others don't like me for it.

I agree with you, however I recommend you start working on your free-running skills. I foresee them coming in handy in the near future.

1721747 I don't run... technically I can't. I would have to use my brain to get out of any mess I would get into.

Okay then, think of some hiding spots. Or make a teleporter. I don't think option two is very likely, though.

1721769 I don't think you quite realize how smart I really am... have you ever seen Death Note or Sherlock Holmes? I am like L or the great detective himself. I can take one look at you, figure out where your weak point is, and then give you a small tap in just the right area, taking advantage of your center of gravity and knocking you flat on the ground.

That's great and all in a one on one, but when you have a whole mob charging you from all directions, that doesn't help you too much.

1721864 thats where strategy would come in to play, I would pick a location where I would only have to worry about one at a time or somewhere I would have the upper hand. however since I dont like to fight, I would probably try to talk my way out of it if they all wanted to rush me at once... i can be very guileful when i want to be.

Oh, ye got yerself a silver tongue, do ye?

Amazing story! I can't wait to read the next book :yay:

1796478 thanks, I believe the sequel might become even better if things pan out right

Why was this story added to the Human in Equestria group?

1934672 Sorry I derped that up when I tried to add my other story. I deleted it as soon as I could. Please don't be mad as it was an accident.

Okay then. Wasn't mad. Just confused.

>Green waffles

2329874 yes I am one funny bastard!

Story Title: The Legend of the Shadowmare
Author: Jason the Demon
Reviewed by: Sirius_Face
The Legend of the Shadowmare is one of those fanfics that is full of good intentions and passion from the author. It’s the kind of work that any reader can see was really cared for by the person who took the time and effort to write it out—you don’t write over fifty thousand words if you don’t really care about the story and characters. But despite all of those good intentions, this story suffers from nearly all the pitfalls of a first time writer who still has a lot to learn about how to write a story.
Full Review
Score: 4/10

6468108 They weren't always powerful. Its only through countless years of being hunted that caused them to adapt and become as strong as they are. Its a battle of survival and evolution of ability is what has managed to keep them alive so far.

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