• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 2,377 Views, 96 Comments

The Legend of a Shadowmare - JasontheDemon

The story of Daemon and his fight to save his dying race.

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Song of Redemption

Chapter 12: Song of Redemption

Daemon couldn’t believe he was face to face with a honest to goodness ghost.

‘Ghosts don’t exist! Well on the other hand, they say Shadowmares don’t either... I guess I know how everypony feels when they meet me now.’, the petrified stallion thought to himself. The ghost started to giggle slightly, then it escalated into full blown laughter.

“Oh, you should see the look on your face! Ha ha ha ha! I’ve been a ghost for 1,000 years, but the looks I get are still a riot!”,the ghost continued to laugh.

“Does this mean you aren’t going to kill me, or whatever it is ghosts do?” Daemon asked, back against the wall and his eyes still wide.

“Phht, NO! What is it that makes you ponies think ghosts are always violent? I wouldn’t harm a fly... and from what I saw upstairs, I’m pretty sure you feel the same way.”.

“How do you know?! I could be the most ruthless killer this world has ever seen!” Daemon yelled defensively. The ghost gave an aggravated sigh.

“Because one; you didn’t put up a fight; two; you were smiling which meant you were happy about the sentence you were given; and three; you are a Shadowmare which means you could have killed the guards or at least broken out of this cell with relative ease.”. Daemon didn’t know how obvious his decision to be locked up was until he heard her deduction. He slumped over in humiliation and sadness. “Hey there don’t look so down... at least you have me to talk to. Oh, my name is Ghost Mysteria by the way! It’s been a pleasure meeting you

“Daemon Icarus Fireblood the fifth...” Daemon responded reaching out to shake hooves.

“Wow, that’s quite a mouthful! I hope it's okay if I just call you Daemon for short...”, Mysteria said, reaching out to shake Daemon’s hoof in return. Their hooves passed through one another and they looked at each other in surprise before they started laughing.

Meanwhile, in the Lightmare base, General Lux was busy trying to figure out what happened to the four who disappeared about a week earlier. In another part of the base, a good handful of Lightmares were sitting in the very room that they had first experienced music. Since it had been absent since the Lightmare known as ‘Nova’ disappeared, things weren’t like they used to be. It felt lonely and empty around the high-tech facility. Nopony felt like doing anything and their minds kept returning to the instruments that they were forbidden to play. Most of the ponies were cleaning or holding a guitar or something, fiddling around with them in their hooves. Before he realized what he was doing, one stallion was making a beat with a few drumsticks {Link 1}. Another joined in almost automatically without even thinking about it. Now there was a catchy beat with some flute music. The others caught on and quickly adjusted to the song. It was as if the music was possessing them and they couldn’t help themselves. Before long the whole room was dancing and playing along with the melody. The pace was fast, but great for dancing. The Lightmares made a system to have a scout outside to see if Lux was coming while they played. Eventually, the Lightmares were acting just like any other ponies while the general was none the wiser.

Back at the dungeon, Daemon and Ghost Mysteria were talking about how the demonic stallion had gotten into his present situation. Daemon told her everything, except for Fluttershy and how he felt.

The translucent mare knew what he was hiding and asked, “Why don’t you tell her how you feel?”.

“Her who?”, Daemon grumbled.

“Look, I didn’t die yesterday, you know. I can tell you have a very special somepony and I know you are hiding your real feelings so let them out.”. Daemon was stunned (and also a little embarrassed).

“Okay it’s like this...”, he said blushing slightly. Mysteria put her ethereal hoof over his mouth before he could continue (even though he couldn’t feel it and he would still be able to talk).

“Don’t say it... sing it.”, the ghost pony said smiling gently.

“Uh... I can’t sing without my guitar? Yeah, that’s it! I need my guitar before I can sing!”. Ghost Mysteria frowned.

“Agh... I’ll be right back.”, she moaned. Her ghoulish figure sunk into the ground and she was gone.

After about half an hour went by and Daemon continued to wait.

‘What could a ghost possibly need to do for so long?!’, he thought to himself. Just as he was about to pass off himself ‘talking to a ghost’ to be a figment of his imagination, he heard hoofsteps from down the corridor. A guard carrying a guitar was the source. The imposing stallion opened the cell door and gave the guitar to Daemon.

“Okay, now hide this before he comes to.”, the guard told Daemon. The confused Shadowmare put the guitar under the poor excuse for a bed. When the instrument was well hidden the guard started to wobble as if coming out of a daze. When he saw the door that was supposed to contain Daemon was open he slammed it shut and locked it as if his life was on the line.

“OKAY SHADOWMARE! I have no idea what you did to me, but if I catch you doing it again there will be hell to pay!”, he shouted, glaring at Daemon angrily. After the guard walked off Daemon was still confused about the whole event.

“What the hell was that all about?”, he asked out loud.

“Oh don’t worry. That was just me. I needed to borrow his body to get that guitar.”, said a voice coming from behind Daemon. The stallion turned around and once again saw the fantasmal pony coming from out of the wall. Daemon pulled out the guitar and looked at it. It was a very fine quality.

“Okay now like I was saying... sing your feelings for her. Sing of what you want to tell. Sing... because this may be your last chance.”

Little did Daemon know that the translucent mare never even wanted to hear his song... her intention was to get him to sing for the pegasus who was ordered to visit him. Just as Daemon started the song, Fluttershy had made her way to the intersection near his cell. Princess Celestia ordered the distraught pony to visit him for a reason she never explained. Fluttershy was in a pitiful state, she had no desire to see Daemon because of the awful condition her fragile heart was in, but orders from royalty can’t be turned down so she had no choice in the matter. Even though she loved Daemon for a time, it seemed as if lately he wanted nothing to do with her. Fluttershy assumed that he no longer loved her and they were going to go back to just friends, which made his death sentence feel less tragic, but still horrible. However, her opinion of this changed once she was about to round another corner on her way to see him one last time. The moment that she heard his voice, the tears that she just managed to cease a few minutes before came flooding back, but with a different feeling behind them. Daemon started singing... {Link 2} {Link 3}

Writing here Cause there's nothing left here

For me to do

But please know that

I'm trying to make up for my mistakes

And you're moving on

With guilty memories

But I was wrong

To ever test us

This broken road is more than I can take

The meaning behind his lyrics was clear to the shy yellow pony. Daemon was trying to make up for how he had hit her a week prior by intentionally sending himself to death row. He felt guilty and he thought that he was wrong to try and fall in love.

So this is the way that I'll tell you

That I'll leave you alone if you want me to

But I've had enough of this life alone

I'll give it up this time I know

I don't deserve to tell you that I love you

There's nothing in this world I'd take above you

I'm dead inside

Bring me back to life

Now that he had felt love and there was no way that he could keep it, his heart was tearing at the seams. He didn’t want to go on living his life alone, but he felt that he didn’t deserve to tell Fluttershy that he loved her, even though she meant everything to him.

I'll leave this note for you to read

So you won't forget that all I need is you

It's you!

And the world is not so clear anymore

Since the day that you walked right out that door

I knew all I need is you

He was pouring out every emotion he had. Daemon only wanted to be with the kind, quiet, pegasus. That was his only desire, but due to recent events, nothing seemed to make sense. Nothing was clear.

Fluttershy couldn’t help herself, she galloped straight to the depressed Shadowmare’s cell and cried, “THAT’S NOT TRUE! I love you with all my heart and I know you would never do anything to hurt me! And.... AND I NEED YOU TOO!”. Daemon was shocked to say the least.

“Fluttershy?! What are you doing here?! Stay back! I can’t be near you!”, the stunned, and slightly frightened stallion shouted, pushing his back against the far wall, trying to stay as far away from Fluttershy as possible. Fluttershy managed to squeeze her small form through the bars and continued to walk closer to Daemon.

“I’m not going to leave and I won’t let you die! You are still good and Princess Celestia can see that now! We can stop this!”.

“I don’t want to stop it... If I do then more ponies will just get hurt because of me. I’m the reason why there has been so much pain, so much death... I don’t want to do this anymore knowing that I’m the reason why everyone gets hurt.”, Daemon softly explained.

Another voice emanated from outside the confines of the stallions cell, “Is that what this was all about? Forgive me, but I believe it is the Lightmares that were behind all those disasters, not you.”. The ‘cell mates’ looked past the bars to see none other than Princess Celestia herself. The princess unlocked the gate and opened the door.

“Excellent work, Ms. Mysteria. I’ll be sure to let my sister know that you did a fantastic job on
your assignment.”, Celestia said smiling. The ghost mare floated out of a wall behind the majestic alicorn.

“Thank you your highness. I’m just sorry that I couldn’t stay a while longer to catch up with my old friend Luna.”. Mysteria slid through the air and stopped in front of Daemon.

“Sorry I lied to you... I’m not really a ghost that haunts this dungeon. I was just asked by Princess Luna to help in this little endeavour. We were great friends back when I was alive and I couldn’t say no.”, the wispy pony explained. “And now that I’m done I have to get back to my loving husband and little foal.”.

“You are part of a family? I didn’t know ghosts could have babies.”, Daemon remarked.

“They aren’t ghosts... they are both living unicorns.”, Ghost Mysteria responded. Daemon was even further confused and at first wanted to ask how a ghost and a living pony could actually accomplish such a thing... but he decided he really didn’t want to find out. After the ghost pony left and Daemon managed to snap Fluttershy out of the hysteria she was in from seeing a ghost, the three ponies made their way out of the bleak dungeon. Celestia explained that everything was a set up to make Daemon snap out of his gloomy daze. Twilight’s most recent letter asked a favor of the princess. She wanted to make a situation to perk up the Shadowmare and reveal his feelings (because keeping them inside wasn’t mentally healthy and his mopy behavior was causing everypony to become concerned). It was because Applejack told Twilight what she had heard the previous night that the plan was set in motion. The royal pony escorting the now reunited couple showed the letter and the plan within. Everything was anticipated. Twilight had expected Daemon to lash out and sing a vicious song; she knew that he would be okay talking to a ghost; and she knew that if asked to, he would sing his feelings, unaware of Fluttershy’s presence! The most remarkable thing was that it was even planned out for Daemon to see the letter!

“Wow. Twilight is super smart!”, Daemon exclaimed, staring at the paper in levitating in front of him.

Celestia laughed a little, “Yes, that’s my student! Brilliant beyond her years. So, I trust you now know that you are not alone and why you can’t back away?”.

Daemon nodded and smiled, “yeah, I have too many friends who care about me to just leave them... I see that I need to live, not die... for them.”.

Upon entering the throne room, Daemon and Fluttershy were greeted by nine familiar faces.

“Ha! We got you good! 'I understand your majesty. I know I’m too dangerous to be let go. You are wise to do what you have declared’. Bah ha ha ha ha!”, Rainbow Dash laughed after mocking what Daemon had said previously.

“Yeah, ha freakin’ ha. Very funny...”, Daemon said through clenched teeth.

“Don’t be such a party pooper! It was to help you, ya know! We needed some way to turn that frown upside down!”, Pinkie said bouncing her way to him.
“I can’t believe you were dumb enough to place yourself in prison!” Desdemona said angrily.

“Well I can’t believe how ugly you are, so I guess we’re even!”, Daemon snapped back.

“OH! THAT IS IT! Come here ‘lover boy’!”, the pink maned Shadowmare yelled before lunging at Daemon. As they fought on the ground, Ezreal got excited and started cheering.

“YEAH! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Fight. Fight...... fight.”, Ezreal slowly stopped and cleared his throat after noticing the glares he was receiving. “Um, I mean, stop... this isn’t what friends do?”, the Lightmare said, smiling nervously and looking at the others for approval. Aura Flash stepped in between the two fighting ponies and easily kept them apart.

“Let me go! I didn’t start it, but I’m going to finish it!” the two Shadowmares said simultaneously. Aura didn’t move a muscle. The large stallion might as well have been a six inch thick steel wall. After having a few moments to calm down, the frustrated duo were released and Fluttershy stepped in.

“I think you two need something to unwind and get rid of all this pent up tension... I know! How about tomorrow we all go to the spa? That sounds like fun doesn’t it?” Fluttershy asked smiling sweetly.

“Go to a spa?! I’m a Shadowmare and I have no need for such trivial relaxation treatments!”, Desdemona growled. Daemon walked past Fluttershy.

“Sorry, but I’m a guy. I don’t do girly spa stuff.”. Fluttershy had enough.

“YOU TWO ARE GOING TO THE SPA AND THAT’S FINAL!”, she shouted, startling everypony in the room with her sudden outburst.

The massive group of friends left shortly after Fluttershy’s ‘spa recommendation’, and they boarded the train to Ponyville. They took up about one fourth of the car they were resided in. The rest of the car seemed to be filled with ponies hell-bent on making as much noise as possible. There was a rich couple arguing about something, a crying foal, a filly and colt (most likely siblings) yelling, running back and forth, and fighting through it all. Yes, this was a train of horrors and ruptured eardrums. Daemon seemed at relative ease however as he sighed contently and picked up his guitar. {Link 4} In an instant he calmed everypony in the radius of his melody. Shortly after he started, the only thing that could be heard was Daemon playing. His song was something of a lullaby and it seemed very familiar but nopony could put their hoof on where it was from. Whatever it was though, every passenger seemed to be entranced by it. When the song ended, the harsh, loud atmosphere of the car vanished and was replaced by an unequalled calm serenity.

After Daemon’s performance, and peace was achieved, a very rich looking unicorn (probably from Canterlot) walked up to Daemon and presented him with a card.

“That was a marvellous show you put on. I would like to ask you to play at my daughters birthday party.”, she said with her nose in the air. The snooty unicorn walked away, leaving Daemon staring at the card as if he had no idea what it was or what to do with it.

“Hey why didn’t I get an invitation?!”, Pinkie shouted upset. Rest of the train ride was pretty uneventful.

When the herd of friends made it back, it was already very late and everypony was content on going to bed. Daemon started to walk off in a direction different from Fluttershy’s house, but after taking two steps his tail was caught and yanked on by Desdemona’s magic. Caught off guard by the sudden tug, Daemon tripped and was left lying on the ground.

“And where are you going?”, Desdemona asked in her usual manner.

Daemons eyes darted back and forth before he answered, “Uh... I was just gonna go-”

“No you aren’t. You are coming back with us. No questions, no excuses!”, Desdemona ordered, before trotting off, showing her frustration on her sleeve. Fluttershy went over to help Daemon up.

“You don’t have to come back if you don’t want to... but I would be really glad if you did.” Fluttershy said blushing as she offered her hoof. Daemon laughed and pushed her hoof away. At first Fluttershy was heartbroken that he denied her help, but that quickly changed as he hugged her for the first time.

She melted in his embrace and whispered, “how did I ever get so lucky as to meet you?”.