• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 2,377 Views, 96 Comments

The Legend of a Shadowmare - JasontheDemon

The story of Daemon and his fight to save his dying race.

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Chapter 14: Deceptions

Before the sun had risen, Daemon started to stir from his sleep slightly because there was some kind of racket coming from downstairs. Daemon assumed that it was Desdemona who just couldn’t wait any longer and was getting ready to leave for the chocolate factory with Fluttershy. Feeling that there was nothing for him to do today he decided to drift back to slumberland and spend the day loafing around the house. A few hours later however, Daemon heard breathing by him and opened his eyes to see who it could possibly be. Daemon was surprised to see Fluttershy staring back at him affectionately. She had never looked at him like this before and it was starting to creep Daemon out. “What are you still doing here? Weren’t you going with D.Monica to see how chocolate was made?” Daemon asked, still half asleep.

“Oh, um... she, uh , said that I could stay with you while she did that. She didn’t want us to be apart for even one day.” Fluttershy answered, running her hoof along Daemons face.

“Really? That’s out of character for her.”, Daemon said, thinking what the reason behind Desdemona's actions could be. After a few moments of deep thought, Daemon shrugged and decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

As Daemon sat eating his breakfast later that morning, he noticed Fluttershy wasn’t eating along with him. This didn’t strike him as too odd however, seeing as how she wasn’t a big eater in the first place, but he couldn’t help but tell her that she needed to eat so she would stay healthy. Daemon gave her some of his salad that she made him and after taking a small bite, she started to gag and ran to the bathroom. After Fluttershy ran to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her, Daemon inspected what he gave her. He gave the lettuce a few test sniffs and ate it.

‘Tastes fine to me’, the Shadowmare thought to himself as Fluttershy came out of the bathroom. “So, what should we do today?”, Daemon asked the mildly sick looking pegasus.

Fluttershy just stared back at Daemon sensually before saying “I want to do anything you want to do...”. “Okay then! Lets go to Twilights! I want to thank her for the book she gave me for my birthday yesterday... even though I have no idea what most of the words in it mean.” Daemon said, flipping through the pages of a dictionary. Fluttershy facehoofed.

“Did you get it?” Daemon asked.

“Get what?” Fluttershy responded, quite confused as to what he was talking about. “The mosquito! That’s why you smacked your forehead, right?”.

By the time the two reached Twilights library, Fluttershy had a bright red mark on her brow. When the door to the hollowed out tree opened, Fluttershy suddenly got very pale.

“Hello Daemon! Hi Fluttershy! Come on in!”, Twilight said, leading the way.

Daemon got straight to thanking Twilight for her gift, but after he was done thanking her, he explained that Fluttershy had been acting strange all day. At the mention of her odd behavior Fluttershys eyes got wide and she started to say that there was nothing wrong. Just to make sure she wasn’t getting sick, Twilight checked her temperature. Even though the thermometer read ‘normal’, Fluttershy was sweating immensely. Twilight had no idea how she could be sweating without a fever, but since she was a mare of science she decided that there was nothing wrong and sent Daemon and Fluttershy on their way with a clean bill of health. On the way back to the cottage Fluttershys stomach growled.

“I told you that you needed to eat more than you did!”, Daemon laughed.

Fluttershy muttered something to herself. Daemon was about to ask what she said, when he was stopped by Fluttershy looking into his eyes passionately.

“Why don’t you sing me a song? That will probably make me feel better.”.

Daemon felt very awkward by the look she was giving him and nervously said, “well I have been making a song but it's not ready and...”.

As Daemon tried to explain, he was cut off by Fluttershy. “SING IT!” she yelled, now with a look of anger.

Frightened by Fluttershy’s first show of such fury, Daemon started to play the song.{Link 1} It had a smooth mellow feel to it. The relaxing melody was accompanied by beautiful and loving lyrics. The meaning behind the song was deep and full of life wisdom. However, the song seemed to be having a strange effect on the yellow mare. Fluttershy was writhing in pure bliss as she was listening to the song. Daemon continued to sing, but the way Fluttershy was acting made him feel disturbed. After the song was over he walked over to Fluttershy and asked if she was alright. She gave the worried Shadowmare a loving look and assured that she had never been better. Since there wasn’t anything else that need to be taken care of Fluttershy suggested that they just go back home and enjoy each others company.

‘Man, Fluttershy is being extra clingy today.’, Daemon thought, as they neared the cottage.

After going inside, Daemon asked, “why have you been acting so weird lately?”.

Fluttershy giggled and said, “I’m just showing how much I love you... especially since you saved me yesterday.”.

“That? It wasn’t all the big of a deal. I mean, I would have done it for anypony. I wasn’t just gonna let you die.”.

When Fluttershy moved closer and leaned in to kiss Daemon, she felt a slight tug on her tail. It was Angel holding a drinking glass. Apparently Angel was thirsty and wanted Fluttershy to get him some water. Fluttershy turned to look at Angel, but she didn’t look at him with her normal gentle smile.

Her eyes were cold and harsh as she said, “go away rodent... I’m busy.”. Her words devastated the little white bunny. Daemon walked over to Angel and lowered his head to the stunned rabbits eye level.

“Hey Angel, can you go outside while I have a word with Fluttershy?”. After Angel headed out the door, Daemon closed all the window curtains with his magic, making the whole house a great deal darker and a bit more sinister looking. Fluttershy took a few steps closer to Daemon who had his back turned towards her.

“What are you doing”, she asked, about to put a hoof on his shoulder.

Without moving, Daemon said in a cold hollow tone, “Who are you and where is the real Fluttershy...”.

‘Fluttershy’ gasped and replied, “what are you talking about?! I am the real Fluttershy!”.

“Okay, if you are the real Fluttershy, you would know about that one cupcake I gave you at Sugarcube Corner. If you can tell me what flavor it was, then you are the real deal... if you can’t, you are going to be in a load of trouble. Oh, and just to give you a sporting chance, it was a pink cupcake all the way through.”.

‘Fluttershy’ gulped and started shaking. “W-well if it was pink, that must mean it was... Strawberry?”. Daemon smiled warmly and stretched out his arms for a hug.

‘Fluttershy’ gladly accepted Daemons loving embrace... only to have Daemon whisper in her ear, “wrong answer.”. The Shadowmare quickly used his magic to slam the imposter against the wall by the front door, keeping her pinned there.

“The correct answer was chocolate. It was a special recipe made by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. The way they do it is a mystery, but somehow they are able to make pink chocolate. If you were the real Fluttershy you would have known that! So I’m only going to ask this one more time, WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS FLUTTERSHY?!”.

The fake Fluttershy started to laugh and change. Green flames stripped away the guise, revealing the black skin underneath. The further the transformation went, the deeper and more villainous the laugh got. When the metamorphosis was complete, there was a black insectoid creature in place of the once sweet looking pegasus.

“I am Chrysalis! Queen of the Changelings!” the vile creature said. “I suppose I should have tried harder to mimic that pathetic mare but sometimes my hunger gets the best of me. I could feel the love seeping off of you both yesterday and it was divine. If I kept draining you of your love for a while longer I could have returned to full strength, but what I got was enough to sustain me for now. So could you be a dear and let me go? That would be great, thanks.” Chrysalis chuckled.

After she finished her little spiel, Daemon felt an all too familiar pulse course through every cell in his body.

‘Oh no! Not now! Anytime but now!’ Daemon thought as his body surged with the power of his inner rage. Desperate to make sure he didn’t kill her without getting the real Fluttershy and Desdemona back, he had to resort to intimidation. Daemon gave a very angry glare at the queen and slammed his hoof next to her head with amazing skull shattering force.

His eyes seemed to look directly into her soul as he shouted, “You will NOT order me around! I am the one in control here and as you are right now, I could easily destroy you! Now you are going to bring them back now or else!”.

Normally Chrysalis would have laughed in his face and shown him that she was really the one in power, but she wasn’t. Her strength was feeble at best since her little ‘invasion plan’ went wrong so many months ago. She had been surviving on the scraps of kindness here and there as she trekked back from the badlands to the south. As things were she had no choice but to do as this odd looking stallion requested. With an exasperated sigh she transported the two ponies she banished to the center of the room. They were in deplorable condition.

Fluttershy had a bruised and scraped forehead, not to mention the small bleeding cut on her cheek and dirt smudges all over her. Desdemona was in even worse shape. She had a large bleeding gash right beneath her horn and a black eye. They both looked like they were put through the wringer.

“There they are, both safe and sound... well for the most part. Now let me go, we had a deal.”.

Daemon was gone. His eyes were glowing with hatred and his teeth were clenched shut in pure fury. Chrysalis saw that he wasn’t playing around and knew that right now he had her at his mercy. Her confident smile turned to a look of worry and fear. For the first time in centuries, Chrysalis felt afraid of a pony. Even though his appearance was alarming, there was no reason for someone of her stature to fear him.

‘I am the queen of all Changelings, so why is it that his gaze makes me tremble?’ as these thoughts when through Chrysalis’ mind, Daemon turned to look at the two mares behind him.

When he turned back to the Changeling queen he was furious, and Desdemona didn’t help in that matter.

“Go ahead Daemon. Kill her! After what she did to me and Fluttershy, she deserves to die!”, Desdemona said, only to be contradicted by Fluttershy right after.

“No Daemon! Nopony deserves to die! This isn’t you! Don’t do it!”, she cried. It was as if the two were both sides of his conscience, one leading him down the path of light, the other leading him down the road to revenge {Link 2}. All Chrysalis was able to do was pray as the ponies tried to sway the decision of the enraged Shadowmare. The growl Daemon was making was almost feral... beastly even.

“Listen to the yellow one! You can’t kill me! Ponies aren’t known for acts of murder!” Chrysalis cried out, hoping her logic was correct.

Desdemona laughed wickedly. “Well most ponies are peaceful in nature... but we are a different breed. Have you ever heard of the Shadowmare race?”. Chrysalis gasped and her pupils shrank in the horror of her revelation. “That’s right! We are Shadowmares! Oh, and just for your information... Daemon here gets rather violent when angered. Sure, if you were at full strength you would probably be able to handle him, but in your current state... you are as good as dead.”. Daemons rage was in full force. He was ready to end the life of the queen before him, but suddenly as he pulled his hoof back ready to strike, he felt a familiar touch grab hold of him.

“Please stop! I’m begging you Daemon! Don’t kill her! I couldn’t take it if you did! Please... please just stop.” Fluttershy sobbed.

Tears were streaming down her face. Desdmona thought that her pleading was all in vain... that is until she noticed Daemon was coming to. His eyes started to soften. The aura of fury around him lightened. Even the dense suppressing feel of the air started to dissipate. As Daemon returned to his original self Desdemona realized what was going on... Fluttershy was somehow able to break him out of his rage! It was a honest to goodness miracle! This mere pegasus’ touch was able to throw thousands of years of evolution out the window and free Daemon of his biological flaw! It didn’t make sense but that’s what made it so unbelievable. All this new information made way for Desdemona to hatch a plan.

Daemon was coming to his senses and said, “Fluttershy... is right. Even though you hurt those I care about, you were doing it to survive... you don’t need to die.”. Fluttershy was so happy from hearing this that she hugged him hard enough to suffocate him.

“Can’t... breathe!”, Daemon struggled to say as he was being crushed by Fluttershys embrace. Fluttershy quickly noticed that he was turning purple and let go.

“I’m sorry... I was just so glad that you stopped that I couldn’t help myself.” Fluttershy apologized.

“It’s okay. You were right. I can’t kill her no matter what she has done to us. that would make me just as bad as her, if not worse. Miss Chrysalis... I’m sorry about that, but you can’t hurt others and think you can get away with it. Also you shouldn’t have to steal love, you are a queen after all. You should find somepony who loves you for who you are... like I did.”, Daemon said, looking over lovingly at Fluttershy.

“You have no idea what it’s like being a Changeling! I am despised by all but my subjects! What makes you think you can tell me what to do? And furthermore how do you think I can find true love in such an unforgiving world?!”, Chrysalis scoffed.

Daemon laughed a bit, shaking his head in pity. “Let me just tell you that YOU have no idea what it's like being a Shadowmare... I have been hiding all my life, running from those who wish me dead. I’ve been through hell... but I still see the world as a kind and beautiful place where even somepony like me can find compassion. You just need to change your attitude a little and give it a chance... or is it impossible for a Changeling to alter her point of view the way she can alter her appearance?”.

Chrysalis was moved by the stallions words. She had never encountered a pony who had the gall to talk to her in such a way, but she felt like he was speaking from the heart and he knew what he was talking about. Maybe she could give his proposal a chance. For as long as she could remember she was made out to be ugly, evil, and unlovable... but for the first time she felt like this Shadowmare knew what that was like and she didn’t feel so alone. She actually wanted to try finding love now, but how would anyone accept her after all she did? Suddenly she felt something move across her cheek. she moved her hole filled hoof to touch it, only to discover that she had a fluid leak coming from the corner of her eye.

“Are you crying?” Fluttershy asked as Daemon released his hold on her.

“Preposterous! I am queen of the Changelings! I don’t...”. Chrysalis stopped as soon as she felt the warmth of the small pegasus’ touch. She was shown an act of kindness from one who she had hurt only six hours prior. There was an awkward silence as the yellow pony caressed the Changeling. Chrysalis broke the silence and said that she had to go somewhere to think.

Desdemona was a little upset that she was just being let go (mostly because it was Chrysalis’s fault that she wasn’t able to attend the tour at the chocolate factory). Daemon just kept saying that he trusted her to do the right thing from now on and she was only doing what she needed to survive. It was in a Changelings nature to feed off of love in order to keep living. It wasn’t Chrysalis’s fault... she was just starving and in dire need of nourishment. Fluttershy was just glad to be back home without anypony getting seriously hurt.

After night fell, Desdemona decided to tell Fluttershy and Daemon what she had learned earlier that day. “Daemon, Fluttershy, take a seat. I have something important to tell you.”. They did as she requested and Desdemona continued to speak. “Earlier, when you were losing yourself to your rage, do you know what snapped you back to reality, Daemon? I saw what I thought was impossible. Fluttershy, it was your touch that brought him back. I don’t know why, but contact with you coupled with your feelings of desperation stops Daemon from giving in to his dark tendencies. I know it’s a risk, but I would like to test this theory out tomorrow.”.

Daemon didn’t want to go through with Desdemona’s crazy plan of course, but Fluttershy said that it would all be fine as long as they were together.