• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 2,377 Views, 96 Comments

The Legend of a Shadowmare - JasontheDemon

The story of Daemon and his fight to save his dying race.

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Rise of Peace

Chapter 17: Rise of Peace

Everything that could have gone wrong, had. The potion didn’t work, Daemon was dying from a laser wound in his chest, and to top it all off, it was revealed that Lux had no intention of stopping his onslaught once he was done killing the last Shadowmares. The rain poured on as Fluttershy slowly drifted into denial.

“Come on Daemon... quit goofing around... I know you’re not dead. You CAN’T be dead. Come on, open your eyes and get up! This isn’t funny anymore! Daemon!”. Fluttershy continued to plead and nudge at Daemons limp body while everypony inside was dealing with the loss in their own way.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie were sobbing uncontrollably, hugging each other for comfort. Desdemona and Twilight were yelling at the Doctor, screaming that he said ‘it would all be alright’. Rainbow Dash was trying to hold in her tears the best she could as she repeatedly punched a wall while Applejack was crying and trying to stop her. Ezreal, Aura, and Flara were just hanging their heads in mourning.

Back outside the general started to chuckle, “Well, he wasn’t my prefered target, but it’ll do! HA HA HA HA HA!”.

As seconds ticked on Fluttershy just stared at Daemon. How was it that he could be dying? He was from the legendary pony race called ‘Shadowmare’. They never died in the stories... they were supposed to be invincible! That’s what made them so scary! They couldn’t be stopped... or at least that’s what Fluttershy always was told. Memories of Daemon started to flood Fluttershy’s mind. Images of laughter, joy, and serenity overcame her. Daemon wasn’t the one of the Shadowmares from the stories... he was so much better. He was kind, funny, gentle, and always doing things not for himself, but for others. Fluttershy never felt so sad. It was like her entire life was going to be meaningless if it meant she couldn’t live it with Daemon. In the time she had known him, she became more attached to him that anypony else.

Daemons breath started to slow down and Fluttershy snapped from her trance. Fluttershy couldn’t breath. Her heart felt like it was being ripped from her chest the moment Daemon let out a death rattle. The rain stopped as Fluttershy looked on, tears still strong in her eyes {Link 1} {Link 2}. She knew she wasn’t asleep but everything felt like a horrible nightmare.

A sick feeling filled her throat and she let out a cry of heartbreak, “DAEMON!!!”. The piercing shriek of a painful loss was heard by everypony.

Fluttershy collapsed on the lifeless corpse of the Shadowmare she had loved. Fluttershy continued to sob on Daemons dead body while Lux glided down to the front door of Twilights house.

“Knock knock...”, the hulking Lightmare said as he gave one strong blow to the door, causing it to break off the hinges and fly across the room. “Has anypony seen a Shadowmare around here? Oh wait, nevermind. I see her. Ha ha ha ha ha!”. Lux pulled Desdemona by her hair using his magic and brought her outside away from others who were left cowering from his display of amazing strength.

There was only one thing on the sadistic Lightmares mind now... enjoy every last second of beating the last Shadwomare into oblivion.

“So how does it feel knowing that you are the last of your race? To know that you have come so far only to fail?”, Lux asked, moving his face closer to the magenta mare, grinning psychotically. Desdemona just glared at him and spat in his face. Angered by her action, the general tossed her to the ground and caught her as she bounced so he could throw her again.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was still sobbing on Daemon, but she now noticed a small piece of paper peeking out from his pocket. Curious of what it was, Fluttershy pulled it out and read it. ‘When you find yourself in your darkest hour, show her how you feel before facing the light’. Fluttershy was shocked. If she understood the message correctly, that meant that Daemon felt like she was worth dying for. He gave his life for her because he couldn’t show how deep his devotion was in any other way. This tore the yellow pegasus’ heart open once again. She would have done anything to just hear him say that it was going to be alright one more time. The world around her, including the beating that Desdemona was currently receiving, no longer existed in Fluttershy’s mind. All that was left was her and Daemon. She never even got to say goodbye.

“No...” she said, her face now holding a look of serene determination. “I can still say goodbye, even if he won’t hear it.”. Fluttershy placed her hoof on his cheek and positioned his face forward. As her face neared his she gently whispered, “I will always love you...”, and then their lips met. Fluttershy was kissing Daemon goodbye... but she didn’t realize the faint glow that started to emanate from him. The light slowly surrounded the both of them and a strange energy started to lift them in the air.

Nopony but Desdemona saw what was happening. As the kiss continued the light grew stronger and the two were now floating at least five feet above the ground.

Suddenly, a fluorescent red beam of energy shot into the air and dissipated the clouds, gaining the attention of everypony and leaving a beautiful night sky. The beam wasn’t the only thing that shocked everypony though... Daemons flank started to shine and sparkle. In a flash a mark appeared right over Daemons scars. It was a red peace sign with horns! Daemon now had a cutie mark! The energy started to die down and the couple landed gracefully in the moist earth below. Fluttershy seemed to not realise what happened and was still crying. Daemon was now glowing with an aura of pinkish-red and he lifted the crying mares chin. Startled by his touch, Fluttershy gasped and her eyes grew wide in disbelief. Daemon slowly opened his eyes and assumed a loving expression.

Fluttershy was speechless as Daemon spoke. “I don’t know why you’re crying... I thought it was a nice first kiss.”. Daemons voice pierced the air and made its way to everyponys ears. It wasn’t like the Royal Canterlot Voice, it was like it transcended space and time and flowed straight into the mind. Daemon seemed to gain almost god like power and his aura was wafting around, filling the air with a sense of peace and tranquility. His energy made everypony feel relaxed and calm.

Fluttershy spontaniously wrapped her arms around him and cried, “Daemon! I thought you were dead!”.

Daemon chuckled, “me too... now Fluttershy, please go back inside. I have an attitude to adjust.”. Fluttershy released Daemon and looked at him briefly before flying back inside.

Lux had just been standing still, looking at Daemon in complete disbelief the whole time. Desdemona was still in the grip of his magic, weak and battered from the savage assault of blows she had received.

When Daemon started making his way towards the general, Lux snickered evily and threw Desdemona back inside like a ragdoll. “I guess I’ll have to play with her later... it seems that my other toy is still working.”. Daemon stopped a foot in front of the towering stallion and looked up to see him face to face.

Back inside, Desdemona was laughing harder than she ever had before. Her hystarical behavior scared all but Flara, who had started to laugh along side the bruised Shadowmare.

“Okay, I don’t get the joke... what’s so funny?”, Pinkie pie asked.

“The prophecy came true!”, Desdemona said through her weak laughter.

“Prophecy? What prophecy?”, Twilight said, confused as to what they were referring to.

“An ancient prophecy known by both Shadowmares and elite Lightmares. It was foretold that ‘when the element of kindness falls in love with the fury of the beast, the result shall be everlasting peace’. The element of kindness was said to be a beautiful yellow mare judging by the ancient scripts we researched. Who would have thought that the myth was speaking of her? See that’s why it’s so funny! They were destined to meet and all of this was supposed to happen! He is the warrior of peace!”. The blonde mare continued to giggle along with Desdemona.

The Doctor walked up, straightened his tie and said, “oh so that’s how it goes... I knew that something was missing but I never figured out what. I suppose the lifeforce of the kiss was enough to kickstart the formula. They do say that life energy is easily exchanged through the lips.”. Desdemona managed to sit up a bit and started to apologize to the doctor, but he said that there was no harm done and it was alright.

Turning their attention back to the stallions outside, it seemed that Daemon and General Lux were having a stare down.

“So you managed to get your second wind... no matter. I am more than capable of taking you down again!”, Lux shouted. Daemon showed no sign of fear or anger. He actually looked at Lux with what could only be described as sympathy.

“I don’t want to hurt you...”, Daemon said, his voice echoing in the heads of everypony there. “If you surrender and promise to give up your violent ways, no harm will come to you.”. Lux bursted out in monumental laughter.

“You think you can hurt me?! Do you not remember what happened last time?! I must have hit you harder than I thought! Or it could be that I didn’t hit you hard enough... let me see if this helps remind you!”. Lux threw an insanely powerful punch at Daemon. Right before it connected, Daemon moved out of the path so fast that it took Lux a moment to realize he dodged it {Link 3}. “What the buck?!”, the general shouted, taking another swing at Daemon, which he simply dodged like the first. “Hold still damn you!”.

“Make me...” Daemon responded with a sly smile, taking off into the sky. Lux followed him up about a two hundred feet.

“You must think that you are pretty hot stuff to have dodged my strikes, but you’re not! DO YOU HEAR ME?! YOU ARE NOTHING!”, Lux yelled as he flew remarkably fast at Daemon. The Shadowmare turned and looked away in pity as Lux charged. Everypony below held their breath as the Lightmare approached Daemon. When General Lux got within reach he threw a punch with everything he had, madness strong in his eyes. Daemon moved his hoof up and with seemingly no effort at all he blocked it. A huge shockwave blasted against Daemon and tore at his tattered clothes, which he stared at solemnly. {Link 4}

“You ruined my jacket... it was a gift from Rarity. Now I need a new one.” Daemon said, turning his head towards Lux, who was stunned with fear.

“You... you... COCKY SON OF A BITCH! YOU WILL DIE!”, Lux screamed punching rapidly at Daemon. The Shadowmare avoided everything without even trying while the Generals anger grew. ‘He’s just toying with me! The bastard isn’t even taking this seriously anymore! I need to think of something to catch him off guard, but what?!’ Lux thought, adding to his missing streak with Daemon.

The general quickly realized Daemons weakness... his friends! He stopped his mindless assault of Daemon and focused on the building containing the others.

“Do you finally give up? Are you ready to change your ways?” Daemon asked. Lux didn’t respond and suddenly flew directly at the treehouse.

As he approached his horn started to shine fiercely. He was going to try and wipe out the whole place and crush the morale of Daemon, but he was far too slow compared to Daemon and was soon face to face with the godly powerful Shadowmare. Lux halted himself in midair before colliding with Daemon.

“Where do you think you’re going? I was up there, you have no reason to be running now... or are you scared? That’s it, isn’t it? You are afraid and now you want to fight dirty and hurt my friends to win, huh? You know, I pity you. Being so blind to the world around you, only wanting senseless destruction... it must be horrible.”, Daemon sighed.


The magical energy that Lux was conjuring was massive. At the rate he was going he could make an explosion the size of Fillydelphia! Daemon had to work fast to counter. He flew straight up as quickly as possible.

Watching Daemon fly off made General Lux laugh wickedly, “See how your hero runs to save himself?! He cares not of your safety! Only his own life is of any worth to him!”. Nearly everypony inside cowered in fear, believing this was their day. Rainbow Dash however, was looking towards the sky where Daemon flew off, her mouth agape.

“Uh... guys? You... might want to take cover.” Rainbow Dash said heading for the basement.

“I don’t think hiding in the basement will save us from him, sugercube!” Applejack pointed out.

“He’s not the one I’m worried about!”, Rainbow dash responded, zipping into the basement. Confused, but trusting of the cyan mares words, everypony quickly rushed into the basement.

“Do you really think that pathetic bunker tactic can save... you?”. Lux noticed that a bright light was starting to form overhead. It was Daemon performing a Sonic Fireboom... and attempting the same technique as Rainbow Dash had to make the Rainboom Mach 2. He circled overhead at a super sonic speed, creating a vortex of fire. Lux quickly shifted his focus towards Daemons mysterious maneuver and changed the structure of his spell from an explosion that was to be centered on him to a powerful stream of energy. Both stallions were readying their attacks. Daemon was finished forming the cone and was proceeding the step of breaching the point. Lux was gathering more energy than he ever had in his 6,000 year life. Daemon couldn’t believe how much force the Sonic Fireboom was producing. If he hadn’t gained his recent power, it would have torn him apart.

‘How is Dash able to take this stain without killing herself?!’ Daemon thought as he struggled against the fire cones backlash. Before Daemon was ready, General Lux fired his contained spell and made a massive beam of energy that was headed straight for the not yet prepared Shadowmare.

“YES! YOU ARE DONE FOR, SHADOWMARE!” the Lightmare General shouted, feeling triumphant.

“HEY LUX!” Daemon shouted back, “STOP SAYING ‘SHADOWMARE’ LIKE IT’S AN INSULT!”. With that said, Daemon bursted forth from the blazing inferno, streaking across the night sky like a shooting star. The blazing fireball consuming him turned toward the ray of raw magic and clashed with it head on. Seeing the tactic Daemon was using, Lux willed the beam into a more narrow shot in an attempt to stop the Shadowmare of his greatest nightmares. The point where the two great powers met seemed to be evenly matched. Sparks and bursts of intense flames shot out at the midpoint.

“GIVE UP! YOU DON’T STAND A CHANCE! YOUR MOMENTUM WILL WANE BEFORE I DO!” Lux yelled, grunting in between sentences. Daemon continued to push against the laser, putting in nearly every ounce of strength he had into forcing the beam back.

“Don't... tell me... WHAT I CAN NOT DO!”, Daemon yelled, narrowing his body to become more streamlined, pushing even harder, purging the beam and breaking through to meet Lux. Overwhelmed by Daemons might, Lux’s spell shattered and he was struck by the first ‘Sonic Fireboom Mach 2’. Much to Daemons surprise, Lux was still standing... scorched, but standing. Daemon was exhausted and breathing heavily, but Lux seemed calm and perfectly energized.

“Oh come on! I put everything I had into that! How are you...?”. At that moment, Lux collapsed. He must have been unconscious but still balanced enough to stand. Daemon chuckled as he staggered over to his fallen foe. “Insert awesome quote here...”, Daemon said before collapsing himself. His aura quickly faded as he lie there next to the enemy that had nearly killed countless others.

The sound of chirping roused Daemon from his slumber. “Ugh... stupid birds. Shut up...”, he mumbled before realizing what happened and sat up alarmed. From the looks of things he was in the hospital. It was still pretty early. He was concerned about what happened to General Lux, but seeing how he wasn’t dead, Lux must have been contained. Daemon sighed in relief before hearing a gentle snore coming from beside him. He glanced over to see Fluttershy, sleeping in a chair by his bed. Daemon always thought it was silly how she worried about him getting hurt, since he healed at an astonishing rate. Staring at her, he felt compelled to wake her and tell her everything was alright, but he wanted to wake her in the best way he could think of. A few seconds ticked by before Daemon thought of the perfect way to wake her. Fluttershy was dreaming about the night before... reliving the horror of Daemon dying. Suddenly she felt something press against her lips. She opened her eyes to see Daemon kissing her. Fluttershys heart soared, knowing that he was alive. Tears of joy began to stream down her face as she closed her eyes and kissed the Shadowmare back {Link 5}. Just as they were starting to enjoy the moment, the door flew open and Pinkie bounced in between the two startled ponies.

“YAY! Your awake! So-what-was-it-like-to-defeat-that-big-meanie?! Does-your-chest-still-hurt-from-where-he-shot-you?! Is-there-a-scar?! How-big-is-it?! Where-you-guys-kissing?! Do-you-want-some of-this-awesome-cake-I-found-in-the-mhph”. Pinkie’s chatter was silenced by Twilight, covering the chatterbox’s mouth with her hoof like always. Rainbow Dash flew in, followed by Rarity, Applejack, Ezeral, Aura, and Flara.

“So what was it like to be all ‘god mode’ like that? Do you think you could do it again?” Rainbow dash asked excitedly.

“Um, I think that was a one time thing. It was like Fluttershys kiss gave me some of her energy and it exploded inside me, but I think I used it all up.” Daemon answered.

He looked around for a moment before asking, “Have any of you guys seen D. Monica?”. The room suddenly got really quiet and everypony looked away as if they were hiding something. “What happened?! Where is she?!”.

Rarity rested a hoof on his shoulder. “I’m sorry darling. There was nothing we could do...”. Daemon could barely believe what he was hearing. He broke down and started to cry, but soon heard a familiar voice call out from behind the curtain to his right, “oh my Celestia you are an idiot!”.

The curtain swung open to reveal Desdemona lying in the bed next to him. “Thanks for indulging in my prank guys. We totally had him going!”, Desdemona said laughing. Everypony else joined in and all went back to normal... well except for the antics of the five new additions to Ponyville.