• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 2,377 Views, 96 Comments

The Legend of a Shadowmare - JasontheDemon

The story of Daemon and his fight to save his dying race.

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Daemon's arrival

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{optional intro music}

Chapter 1: Daemon's Arrival

Our story begins in Ponyville on a beautiful sunny day. The Mane Six were all having a picnic in the park... well, all except Pinkie Pie who was late for some unknown reason. Normally Pinkie wouldn't miss a chance to have fun with the others, so Twilight, who was the smartest one there, was a little curious about what could be taking her so long.

While Twilight was pondering this she heard a shout off in the distance, “GIRLS! A NEW PONY IS IN TOWN!”. It was none other than Pinkie, who was running at a breakneck pace. When she stopped, she started talking frantically. Nopony could understand her so, as usual, Twilight put her hoof over the energetic pony's mouth.

“Now Pinkie” Twilight said, “What is so important about this new pony? Don't you usually just make friends and move on?”.

“Yeah” blurted Rainbow Dash, who was presumed to be sleeping before the outburst, “just talk to this new pony and get it over with”.

Pinkie Pie settled down with a slightly scared and nervous look on her face, “That's just it... I can't...”.

This statement was meet with many shocked looks and a few gasps. Pinkie Pie was never afraid to make a new friend! This situation was not only unheard of but also thought to be impossible!

“Are ya feelin' alright?”, Applejack said placing her hoof on Pinkie's forehead.

“I'm fine, but the pony I was telling you about didn't look like he was...”, mumbled the concerned looking pink mare. “That's why I came as fast as I could!”, she shouted, “because he looked really hurt! He needs help!” At this, the group of friends asked Pinkie to tell them where she saw the stallion and ran straight there.

It just so happened that he was leaning against Twilight's tree house right where Pinkie said she last saw him. There was a large crowd gathered around him, but everypony was keeping their distance, and it was clear to see why. The stallion looked positively demonic! He was about the same size and build as princess Luna. His coat was a dark, ashy red. His mane and tail were a shade of crimson, almost blood red. His mane was spiked up and messy making it look somewhat like fire. The same was true for his tail. He was wearing tattered leather shoes that were held together with a few buckles and a vest that was equally as worn with a few pockets on the front. But this isn't what made him look so terrifying. What was keeping everypony away must have been his wings, horns (five in all), and two of the most startling eyes you could ever see.

The newcomer had the standard unicorn horn on his forehead, but he had two more behind both temples (making five horns total). They were smaller and curved up (much like a demon would have). His wings were almost like dragon or bat wings. They had no feathers, just skin in between the bones of the wings. However, even though he had the right requirements to be an alicorn, there was something that told Twilight he was something else entirely. His eyes were captivating, but also very intimidating. They were a bright, vibrant red. So much that you would think they were glowing. The pupil of his eye was elongated and the iris was striped with black lines that extended outward from the pupil, much like Pinkie's pet alligator, Gummy.

Even though his appearance was shocking, most ponies felt pity for him. He seemed like he was near death by the look of pain on his face. He was breathing heavily, staring out ahead of him in the direction of Canterlot. Twilight was the first to walk up to him when he closed his eyes, in an attempt to rest.

“Hello there...” she said cautiously approaching him, “ My name is Twi-” she was cut off by a quick and hostile looking glare. The stallion shifted his weight, pushing himself off the tree that was supporting him. His fatigue was very apparent as he struggled to stay standing.

He took a few slow, trembling, steps forward then painfully muttered, “I must go on... the mission isn't complete... I must...”. He then passed out, collapsing on the ground with a thud.

The demonic stallion awoke three hours later in the hospital, feeling woozy and confused. The mane six were there surrounding the bed, all except Fluttershy who was hiding in the hall poking her head around the corner.

“Well, it looks like the sleepy head is awake.” Rarity announced in her regal tone.

“I thought he looked better asleep”, Rainbow Dash said with a smirk on her face.

“Umm... hello there again”, Twilight said, afraid of receiving another glare.

“Again?” the stallion said puzzled and disoriented.

“Oh, you probably don't remember me because you passed out shortly after” Twilight told him with more confidence.

“Actually, I... I can't remember anything!” he shouted with sudden shock in his voice.

“Wait you can't remember anything?!”, Twilight said fearing the worst.

“Okay just to make sure, where are you from? What were you doing here before you passed out? Do you have any family or friends?” “What's your favorite color?!”, Pinkie joined in, pointing a light at him like in an old detective film.

“Pinkie! We're trying to see if he has amnesia! Not find out if he prefers red over blue!” Twilight yelled at the energetic pink lunatic. “...okay, now that's out of the way...” Twilight sighed, staring at Pinkie then back to the mysterious new pony, “do you know the answer to any of my questions?”. The stallion appeared as if he was focusing all his energy into pulling just one answer out of his head, but to no avail.

“No, I can't remember a thing...”. It was silent for a few moments before he looked like he just found the holy grail and popped his head up. “Wait!” he said with a gleam in his vibrant red eyes, “I remember... my name! My name is Daemon!”.

This was better than nothing, at least they knew what to call him now. But his name alone wasn't good enough for Twilight, she wanted to know what kind of pony she was dealing with. For some reason she felt like she knew what he was but couldn't put her hoof on it. She decided the best way to find out was to go home to the library and look through her books until she discovered the answer.

With her goal in mind she announced to the others, “Let's go back to the library, we may be able to find out more there. You are welcome to come if you feel up to it, Daemon.” He merely shook his head in agreement.

On the way there, Daemon became acquainted to the six ponies. All except Fluttershy who kept well away from him. Daemon was confused as to why she wouldn't approach him. When he asked he got 'it's just the way she is' or 'be patient, she will warm up to you' as an answer. Feeling like the odd one out, the new addition to the herd of friends stayed quiet most of the time. After about four hours of Twilight flipping through books, she gasped. 'That isn't a good sign' thought Daemon.

“How bad is it, Twi?” asked Applejack, praying for good news but expecting bad.

"No it's not that it's bad exactly...” Twilight responded looking at the words in her book, wide eyed and a little shaky, “its just unexpected... I think he may be... a... a...”.

“Out with it!” Rainbow Dash yelled in nervous desperation. “He's a Shadowmare!”. There was a collective gasp from the rest of the mane six.

Daemon obviously was confused by what this meant, since he had no memory anyway, and gently asked, “what is a Shadowmare?”.

Twilight looked at him with sadness in her eyes, as if she was about to tell him he had two months to live, and said, “They we're supposed to be a race of ponies from long ago... nearly four thousand years ago to be precise... But they were thought to be no more than an old mares tale. They were said to be the most evil kind of pony out there! Unfeeling, destructive, blood thirsty monst...” her voice trailed off noticing her explanation was putting Daemon on the edge of tears. “Uh... don't worry though! There is no proof of anything so everything in these books could be wrong!” Twilight's attempt to make him feel better didn't seem to work too well. Pinkie saw that this information was weighing heavily on his heart and went to hug him, but he stepped away (probably thinking that he was not worthy of such treatment). Nopony knew what to say... even Pinkie Pie who was an expert at lifting spirits was at a loss of what to do.

The silence was broken by Rarity, “it's getting late... we should decide where you should stay for the night, Daemon.”.

He looked up at the beautiful white pony and replied, “I... could just sleep outside...”. Twilight was not pleased hearing this.

“NONSENSE!” she practically screamed, “you can stay at Fluttershy's cottage! She has an extra bed and knows how to treat many injuries.”. Fluttershy whimpered in fear, not loud enough to be heard, but she whimpered none the less.

Before the ponies were able to head out, Twilight's baby dragon, Spike, came running downstairs, afraid of what the commotion was a few moments before. When he saw Daemon, he assumed that Daemon was attacking the others or causing some kind of distress to them. Spike quickly dashed in front of Twilight and blew a fireball in Daemons face. Other than a little soot on his face, Daemon seemed to be fine.

“Spike! This is Daemon! Our new friend! Now apologize!”.

“That won't be necessary.” Daemon said quickly after Twilight finished, “now, Spike was it? Try doing that one more time...”.

Daemon's face was one of serene confidence. Even though Spike thought this new guy was out of his mind after only three seconds from meeting him, Spike did as requested. This time was different. When Spike blew out the flames, Daemon inhaled deeply, engulfing the green fire. As if that wasn't enough, he then blew the fire back out into Spikes face! Singed by his own fire breath, Spike stood there, with a look that can only be described as 'priceless'. Daemon started chuckling at the stunned dragon, who slowly started to chuckle back. Before long the two were laughing on the floor, clutching their stomachs. When they stopped Daemon gave the purple dragon a joyous look, “catch ya later little dude!”.

“Back at ya!” Spike said pointing at the Shadowmare, like they had been friends for years. Twilight gave a little laugh as they finally headed off.

It wasn't long before the group saw the humble cottage come into view.

“So... that's it, huh...? It looks like a very lovely place to live...”, Daemon said in a way that made it obvious to the others that he was lost in deep thought. When they reached the door, Fluttershy stood with her eyes closed shaking as she reached for the doorknob. She whispered something that was too quiet for anypony to hear.

“What was that sugercube?” Applejack said putting a hoof on her shoulder.

Fluttershy then shouted louder than she ever had before “I CAN'T LET HIM IN!”, this outburst from the normally quiet and timid pony came as a shock to all. “He's a SHADOWMARE! The thing that gave us all nightmares as fillies!I can't let him stay in the same house as me! What if he really is as evil as the stories say?! NO!”, she burst through the door and locked it behind her rapidly yelling,“Nononononononono!”, as she ran to her room.

“I am soooo sorry for this!” Twilight said turning her attention to the door, “FLUTTERSHY! OPEN THE DOOR THIS INSTANT! I am not going to let you just-”

“Twilight... it's okay. I don't want you to start a fight over me...” the Shadowmare said gazing into a nearby birdbath, apparently looking at his reflection. “I will figure something out... you guys can just go”. The five remaining ponies looked at him with worried stares. “Really! I'll be fine! You all have done enough as it is, especially you Twilight”. He gave a fake smile to reassure them. They hesitated, but eventually left, feeling like there was nothing else they could do.

About two hours had passed since Fluttershy locked herself in her cottage and ran into her bed. Suddenly, the yellow mare sat up listening to a sound. It was distant and muffled, but she knew what it was... somepony was singing! She got up and went to the front door, following the voice. She knew that to find the source she would have to go outside. She gathered her courage and opened the door slowly, worried that the Shadowmare might still be outside. She could hear the song more clearly now, it was indescribably beautiful, but filled with sadness.{Link 1} Fluttershy stepped outside following the outstanding singing. She found the pony who was singing under a tree, about twenty yards from her house. It was Daemon! It was dark, but the moonlight shining on him gave off a light blue glow. He was surrounded by many small animals, all entranced by his melody. His eyes were closed so he didn't notice Fluttershy slowly approaching him. His sulking posture was that of melancholy and depression. His tune matched the sad state he seemed to be in, the lyrics were telling Fluttershy a story. She felt that the song depicted the loss of somepony Daemon cared deeply for and how he would give his life to bring her back. When the song ended, the stallion let out a deep, forlorn sigh and opened his eyes looking at the ground.{Link 2}

“You have a beautiful voice...” Fluttershy said in a gentle and caring tone. Surprised by the pony he failed to notice before, Daemon jerked his head up with a quick gasp. He zipped behind the tree, shielding himself from Fluttershy's sight with his wings.

“I'm sorry! I... I-I didn't mean to disturb you! I'll be quiet! I'll stop singing! Please! Just don't make me leave! I... have nowhere else to go...”. Daemon was in a panic... and over Fluttershy! Nopony had ever been scared of her! Not like this! But here was this Shadowmare, the myth of everypony's nightmare, begging for her forgiveness! The thought of this made Fluttershy giggle.

“Hey now... there is no reason to be afraid of me. I mean... why would I send you away?”, Fluttershy asked sweetly, trying to resist laughing at the rediculous situation.

“You...”, the cowering stallion spoke, “...you don't like me... and why would you have any reason to? I know what I look like now... I’m a monster. I don't deserve kindness, especially from one as perfect as you...”. This overwhelmed Fluttershy, flooding her with mixed feelings. She was outraged that he would viciously assault himself like this, but also embarrassed that he called her 'perfect', and upset that she was probably the one to crush his heart, making him look at himself as a monster. Her emotions led up to anger when she finally spoke.

“You are not a monster! There is no way in Equestria that a monster could ever sing with such emotion! Now you are going to come with me. There is plenty of room inside.”. Daemon didn't move.

“It's okay! I... I’m fine sleeping out he-”.

“Hush!”, Fluttershy interrupted, “I won't take no for an answer!”. Daemon could feel how serious she was and slowly stepped from the shadows with his eyes clenched shut.

“You won't be able to see where you're going with your eyes closed silly... now open them so you can follow me.”. Fluttershy's voice was back to its original sweet tone. Daemon reluctantly opened his eyes, seeing Fluttershy staring back at him. His eyes were redder than normal and a little bloodshot. “Have you been crying?”, Fluttershy asked concerned.

“A little...”, Daemon responded with a pitifully small smile.