• Published 6th Nov 2016
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Change: Queen of The Hive - tom117z

Changeling hives are vanishing with no trace left behind, who, or what is hunting the changeling race? And what fate awaits Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her hive?

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66 - A New Change

The Next Day

Twilight’s dreams were… inconsistent, to say the least. Some were dark and dismal, some happy and elated. Her mind was all over the place, hopping from one point to the next. Princess Luna hadn’t visited, though she probably had her hooves full with every other soul within the city of Canterlot. Either that or her dreams were too erratic even for her. But whatever the case may have been, Twilight ultimately had little reason to complain.

After all, it had been some time since she was even allowed to dream.

And amongst those dreams she could hear more and more voices gradually returning, full of joy and celebration for the Queen of the Equestrian Hive’s release. Her hive mind was slowly knitting itself back together, every changeling who had been a part of it subconsciously reaching out and finding her again. It would take some time to heal completely, for all those yet to be found to reconnect to the hive, but its inevitability was certain. Though she had to mourn those who could no longer return, having ascended into the everafter.

She would always hold Immortalis in contempt for their loss.

But with some voices gone, so would others join. There were still refugees from the hive of Queen Draco, those who had been claimed with her old friend on the Empress’ initial return. They would all have a welcome place in Twilight’s hive in the days to come.

But whatever the case may have been, even drained as she was, Twilight could not remain in a state of sleep forever. Slowly, she forced herself to open her weary eyes and take stock of her environment. She was back in her old room, the one she had lived in before Celestia had given her the observatory tower. The same room where she had discovered that she was, in fact, not a regular old unicorn. The place she had stayed on first reuniting with her mother, and after Serpens had attempted to claim her life.

And now she was here again, as was the dragon curled up at the end of her bed like some kind of loyal dog acting as its master’s guardian. Twilight snorted at the sight, wondering if this is a previously unknown effect from his time through the mirror portal, as long ago as that was.

Spike stirred at the movement, his draconic eyes slowly opening. “T-Twilight?”

“Yeah, Spike. I’m here.”

“Um, good,” Spike muttered, as good with early starts as he always was. “Was hoping it wasn’t just a really good dream.”

“It could still be. Dreams within dreams.”

“Ugh, don’t start on that.”

Twilight laughed. “Okay, Spike. I’ll behave.”

“Yeah. Good.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, slowly sliding out of the bed while making sure to leave her assistant relatively undisturbed. He hadn’t left her side since the battle’s conclusion yesterday, almost as if he was scared she’d vanish should he lose sight of her. Now, he slept like the baby dragon she knew all those years ago. Twilight smiled, giving the slumbering drake a small kiss on the forehead before she left the room entirely.

He’d find her when he finally woke up again, but he deserved the rest in the meantime. Twilight did as well, but she could not will herself to sleep any longer. She still had a lot of work to do, and people to see.

The conclusion of the battle had been a blur. She recalled meeting the strange changeling drone, one who Shining Armor had encouraged her to get to know better. She had filed that somewhere in her brain for a later time. But after that she had been reunited with her friends in the flesh, before Princess Luna had emerged with a rather beat up Queen Vulgaris, the Changeling Queen’s chitin now sporting a dark red colouration. The latter didn’t stay long, wishing to see what had become of her hive. Luna, meanwhile, forced Twilight to the nearest medical professional for a check-up. Most of the changelings who’d been with Immortalis had departed by this point, heading back to their respective hives in a daze. Many had wound up in Canterlot, and were rounded up in the castle for the time being.

Twilight could still see many of those drones wandering the halls in confusion, trying to come to terms with the recent trauma they had been forcibly subjected to. More than a few hadn’t even been guards or soldiers, but simple civilians pressed into a war they wanted nothing to do with. Too many were young, mere teenagers the likes of Iuvenes and Puellula.

The Empress had used every changeling she could, with no care as to who or what they were.

But after the check-up the day before, Twilight had done her best to calm the changelings with the help of a few other Changeling Queens; those who had opted to temporarily remain in the city. Queen Cocoon had likely stayed up all night doing just that, but Spike had eventually dragged Twilight away to get some rest.

She hadn’t seen hide or hair of Celestia. She hadn’t even seen any of her friends and family after her initial defeat of the Empress. Things had simply been too busy and hectic.

Normality would not return in but one night.

Twilight saw several of her own changelings as she made her way to the throne room, each one bowing to her as she passed by. Even some of the other drones, or at least those able to notice her, looked at her in reverence - The one who had defeated the Empress and freed them all. She didn’t feel so much like that herself. She had spent far too much time under her spell for that.

She approached the throne room, hoping that some familiar faces might be inside and waiting for her. And in that regard, she would not be disappointed.

The great doors opened, and Twilight immediately saw all of the gathered individuals within. Princess Luna was there, as were both the Captains of the Royal Guard. There were changelings present too, Carduus and Façade to be specific. The former’s family were not present, likely resting up following what had transpired the previous day. Façade caught Twilight’s eyes as she entered, though he immediately broke eye contact as if embarrassed. Likely because of their introduction before.

But then there was one other. One whose eyes widened at the sight of the Changeling Queen, filled with untold amounts of joy.


“We didn’t mean to!” Puellula cried out, burying her head in Scarlet Snow’s chest fur. “I’m sorry! Really really sorry!”

Puellula continued her distraught wails, which bounced off the walls of their bedroom they were in, being held in the comforting grips of both Scarlet and Soronis. The two changeling sisters had undergone the same metamorphosis as the others who had been connected to the Empress. They were both coloured with a blue tint, though Soronis’ shade was much darker than Puellula’s.

“I know, Puellula, there’s nothing to be sorry for,” Scarlet assured for the fiftieth time that hour, all while her son continued to sit on her back and just watch the exchange. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“Pue, it’s done now,” Soronis said gently to her sister, rubbing her back as the younger changeling wept.

“B-but if the Queen hadn’t saved us when she did…”

“She didn’t do it alone, darling,” Rarity quipped, sitting just off to the side. “And everything worked out fine in the end, you really have nothing to worry about.”

“But if it had-”

“Then the shield would have failed and we would have fought,” Scarlet said bluntly, before looking the teenage mare in the eyes. “But it didn’t, we’re all safe.”

“I… I…” Puellula sniffed. “I didn’t want to be like Serpens!”

“Oh, Puellula…” Soronis sighed, holding her little sister tight.

“Will she be alright?” Rarity asked Soronis.

“Just give us some time,” she replied. “Everything that’s happened recently, it’s been a little tiring.”

“I understand, we’re all here for you if you need it,” Rarity stated, offering the young changeling a small smile “And once you’ve recovered, we still need to finish that little project of ours.”

Soronis smiled. “I’ll hold you to that, Rarity.”

“But of course, darling! I have so many plans and ideas, these new forms are simply asking for all kinds of divine designs!”

Puellula gave a small hiccup, before looking up at the fashionista with a weak smile. “I… kinda was looking forward to the ones you already made.”

Rarity sighed ruefully. “As was I, but alas I doubt they really survived Manehatten. But I am not one to give up so easily, and so I shall return to the drawing board and improve upon them in the most fabulous ways!”

“Heh. I believe you.”

Valiant gagged. “Girls and dresses…”

Rarity gave him a critical eye. “Now don’t be like that, I could design you such a handsome suit.”

“Uh, no thanks.”

“In the design of a guard’s dress uniform.” Suddenly, like a light switch got turned on, Valiant's eyes lit up with interest. Rarity gave a victorious grin. “I thought so.”

“Yo, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash’s voice called out, just as the mare in question poked her head in through the door. “Twilight’s awake, some guys saw her head towards the throne room.”

Rarity nodded, before turning back to the other four. “I’m sorry, but my attention is required elsewhere. I shall endeavour to check up on you later.”

Soronis gave her a warm smile. “OK, Rarity. We haven’t connected back to the hive yet, so give the Queen our best.”

“I will, darling. Get well soon.”

“Twilight…” Celestia whispered as the Changeling Queen stepped into the throne room.

The Princess of the Sun had just been talking over the situation in the city with her sister and the captains, with a changeling perspective from Carduus and Façade. She had not expected Twilight to be up and about anytime soon, but now that she was…

Celestia broke off from the other, approaching the changeling gingerly. She stopped but an inch away, muzzle to muzzle.

And then she threw her forelegs around her in a crushing hug, one which Twilight returned in earnest. They remained like this for a good minute, the only sound reaching their ears being that of the other’s heartbeat. It was like a world filled with naught but tension and worry washed away, each one enjoying the warmth of their embrace, respectively motherly and daughterly. Finally, however, they had to part.

“Thank you,” Twilight said to her mother-figure, giving her a small smile. “For finding me.”

Celestia smiled back, giving Twilight an affectionate nuzzle. “Always, Twilight.”

“So, feeling better?” Carduus asked as he limped over to the Queen. “You gave us one hell of a scare.”

“You and me both, Carduus,” Twilight responded. “You took a big risk in doing what you did. You and your family.”

“Well, by that point it was going to happen one way or another. Can’t say I was comfortable with my family coming with me, but you know them. They made their choice, and my opinion was naught,” He joked.

“And you were right.”

Carduus nodded. “Maybe. We had to try, either way. Thank you for proving us right.”

“Some retirement this turned out to be,” Vladimir jabbed, instinctively going to pat him on the back with his right wing, before realising it was gone again. “Ah, right,” He waved his stub up and down, “That broke.”

“You never said, can it be repaired?” Princess Luna enquired, stepping closer to her captain.

Vladimir shook his head. “It’s scrap metal. But they assured me I’ll get another one of the same model. Good thing too, I liked that wing.”

“We know,” Broad Sword deadpanned.

“So how are things?” Twilight asked of them.

“Better than they were,” Façade noted, trotting up to the Changeling Queen. “All changelings from the battle have been moved into the castle, as you know, except the ones who left straight away. Equestrian doctors are doing what they can, as are what changeling medics who remained behind. And those who are lucid enough to perform their duties.”

“And the rest of Equestria?”

“The EUP has been ordered to focus on relief efforts,” Celestia explained. “Without the Empress, the changelings are in disarray. Even if, for whatever ludicrous reason, they still wished to fight… well, they are far too disorganised for it.”

“They won’t fight. None of us wanted this war,” Twilight stated. “This was always more of Crudelis’ sort of thing.”

“Indeed. This war is finished,” Luna agreed. “I’m just not sure how things shall proceed.”

“Better, I would hope,” Façade said. “First though, I need to find my family. I’ve heard from some of the other changelings that they’re among the refugees somewhere. I hope that’s true.”

“Your family was taken?” Twilight asked sympathetically.

Façade nodded. “Yes. Unlike me, I suppose they look more like you.”

“I don’t know, I think the classic look will become quite a novel one.”

“So what, I’m a collector’s item now?” Façade playfully snarked.

“I could wrap you up and place you on a shelf it that’s what you really want.”

“If you want to keep me close.”

Twilight blinked, a blush forming. “Well, I- Uh…”

Façade seemed to realise what he had just said as well, matching Twilight’s redness. “I’m… sorry, my Queen. I didn’t mean to…”

“No! It’s fine! Just, well…”

They were both saved from further embarrassment when the doors to the throne room opened up once again, and from the outside corridor nine ponies strolled in. Twilight’s friends and family, all of them.

“Twilight!” Twilight Velvet called out, running up to and embracing her adoptive daughter. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re safe.”

“You too,” Twilight replied, hugging back. “And you, Dad.”

Night Light joined in on the hug, holding his daughter tightly. “Welcome home, Twily.”

Eventually, the Three Mothered Mare parted from her adoptive parents and looked towards the others, smiling brightly at them.

“Twilight,” Cadance simply greeted, the alicorn embracing her sister-in-law. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

“And I you,” Twilight responded. “You must be exhausted after the bombardment we gave you.”

Cadance chuckled. “Don’t worry about me, you’re not the only one who’s good with magic.”

Twilight gave a faux gasp of offence. “Oh, Cadance! How could you ever say that to me!”

Cadance laughed. “Deal with it.”

“How’re you feeling, Twily?” Shining Armor asked as Twilight and Cadance parted.

“Good. Better after a night’s rest. Spike’s still sleeping.”

“Hm, not surprising. He always was a sleeper.”

“I’m sure Spikey Wikey will join us soon,” Rarity said, before giving Twilight her attention. “Twilight, you should know that Soronis and Puellula are fine. They send you their regards.”

“They’re alright? That’s a relief, I’m sure they will re-join the hive mind in time.”

“That is our hope too.”

“It’ll all be fine,” Rainbow Dash said confidently, swooping up to Twilight’s eye level. “Especially now that we’re all back together.”

“Of course it will, darling,” Rarity agreed, before trotting up to and examining Twilight. “But my my, look at you! I’ll need to redesign your entire wardrobe!” Her eyes sparkled mischievously.

“I’m sure we can talk about that frilly stuff later, Rarity,” Applejack stated, dragging the protesting fashionista back and depositing her a safe distance away. “No need to bother her with that stuff now.”

Rarity huffed. “Fine, we can talk about it over dinner.”

“But, are you sure you’re alright, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked gently, placing a hoof comfortingly against her. “You went through a lot recently.”

Twilight smiled at the pegasus. “Yes, Fluttershy. I’ll be fine now. I just need to concentrate on helping the ponies and changelings get through this. Wherever it leads us.”

“To sunshine and rainbows, of course!” Pinkie Pie bounced happily. “We did just shoot a big one, after all. Now all changelings have a bit inside them!”

“Almost all,” Façade pointed out in a deadpan.

Suddenly Pinkie was next to him, leaning on his shoulder. “Aw, don’t worry. I’m sure Twilight will have plenty to share with you!”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

Pinkie gave him a sly wink. “You know what I mean…”

Façade just stared at the pink mare blankly as she bounced away, scratching the back of his head idly in confusion.

“Alas, things are becoming crowded,” Luna announced, putting herself between them all. “We all have a lot of catching up to do, but we have a great many more task as well. We should all be helping.”

“Seems practical,” Applejack agreed. “If there’s a need to get down and do some work, I’m as honest a worker as you’ll get.”

“Sure, I’ll help,” Rainbow Dash stated. “Just point me in a direction.”

“Shining, can you find them some things to do?” Twilight asked of her brother. “Anywhere their skills could be of assistance.”

“Roger that,” Shining confirmed, motioning for the five Element Bearers to follow him out.

They all bid Twilight farewell, promising to catch up at dinner, and they departed to see where they could lend a hoof. So too did Twilight’s adoptive parents, not wishing to get in the way. And then they were followed by the captains as well as Carduus and Façade, wishing to see where they could help.

Twilight and Façade shared an awkward glance as the latter departed.

“Well, I blew that…” he muttered dejectedly to himself. “I suppose shapeshifting isn’t the only thing I’m bad at.”

“I wouldn’t feel too bad,” Carduus reassured him. “As awkwardly as that went, you’re both just as bad. I think you, if nothing else, made a friend today.”

Once those four had departed, that left just the three princesses and one queen inside the throne room.

“Hm, it’s nice to all be together again,” Cadance said wistfully.

“It is, but we can’t exactly stand around and just soak it up,” Princess Celestia pointed out. “I should prepare a statement. Something to reassure our ponies.”

“I’ll manage the ponies actually running around in the halls then,” Princess Luna decided. “And perhaps Cadenza here can assist?”

“Then I shall continue to oversee the changelings,” Twilight added in. “This is going to be a busy next couple of days.”

“Yes, yes it is,” Celestia agreed. “Is it bad I’m looking forward to some plain old paperwork?”

Twilight chuckled. “Not at all.”

“Bleh, paperwork. What’s the point if it doesn’t even do a dance number?” a rather chaotic voice sounded from atop the throne. And when they looked, sure enough, the Lord of Chaos himself sat on the red velvet seat. “Really, how dull.”

“YOU!” Twilight shouted in a sudden rage, all three alicorns turning with Twilight to face the interloper.

Discord raised his mismatched appendages defensively. “Yes, okay. I know I missed a lot… again, but once I found out that Fluttershy was in trouble I came back as quickly as I could!”

“And when was this, Discord?” Celestia asked in a bemused manner.

“Uh, well…” Discord tapped his talon and paw together. “In your time standard, about five minutes ago?”

He was then on the receiving end on some incredibly familiar glares.

“Yes, this is very much like the last time,” Discord noted. “But it all turned out alright. And you surely did learn some things from this escapade, you always do. You got your inevitable ‘friendship beats all’, and now you can move on with your lives.”

“Yes, we did win in the end…” Twilight said with a dangerous edge.

“See, it always works out in the end,” Discord stated casually, popping into existence a circular symbol with one half black and the other white. “Ying and yang. It all balances out, Chaos and Harmony and blah blah blah.”

“Uh huh.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Oh come now, Twilight. You mustn’t be such a stern-faced grump, live it up a little! Huh, but now that I think about it, what happened to you? Truly, I believe most people will prefer the classic design.”

A lavender hue surrounded Discord and lifted him into the air. He took on an expression of momentary surprise, but that quickly shifted into one of mere annoyance as he was dragged from the throne room.

“You owe me a library!” Twilight shouted as they exited together.

The two royal sisters, meanwhile, just watched it all transpire with a strange mixture of bemusement and amusement simultaneously.

“Well, Tia, if that’s not a sign of normality’s return then I don’t know what is,” Luna deadpanned.

“Indeed,” Celestia replied with a nod. “I hope Twilight isn’t too hard on him.”

“He is the Spirit of Chaos,” Cadance pointed out in retort. “He wouldn’t make it easy.”

“You speak the truth, unfortunately,” Luna replied. “Though if she has found a way to stop him from simply vanishing, then I want to watch.”

Celestia laughed. “Yes, sister, as would I. But come, we need to-”

They were interrupted as the throne room doors opened once again. But the sight they saw was not an expected one.

It was the Changeling Queens. All of them. Xerox, Plastron, Cocoon, Pupa, Tempora, Antannae, Carapace, Acadica, Arisana, Austriaca, Germanica, Nursei, Ingrica, Orbata, Pensylvanica and the still heavily bruised Vulgaris. Even the daughters of Cocoon and Vulgaris, Princess Insecta and Princess Imperious, were among them. They had all returned to Canterlot, and each one of them stood behind Queen Cocoon as she approached the royal alicorns.

“Princess Celestia. Princess Luna. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,” Cocoon greeted, nodding her head respectfully. The Queen’s chitin was now a cyan colour, contrasting with her daughter’s dark purple. “I am Queen Cocoon.”

“Yes, we know of you,” Celestia responded cautiously. “I know you remained to help, but the others had departed before now. What is this?”

The Changeling Queens all shared looks. Some showed acceptance, some showed severe hesitation. But all knew it was time, and this had to be done.

Cocoon cleared her throat. “Princess Celestia, Matron of the Sun. Our time in the shadows is over, and we wish to take the first step in starting diplomatic relations with Equestria. And in turn, we wish to assist in rebuilding what was lost.”

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