• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 15,578 Views, 1,840 Comments

Change: Queen of The Hive - tom117z

Changeling hives are vanishing with no trace left behind, who, or what is hunting the changeling race? And what fate awaits Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her hive?

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36 - Equestrian War Plans

Canterlot Castle, Two Days Later

It had been two days since the assault on Ponyville, two days without another attack on Equestrian soil. And yet sightings continued to be reported all throughout Equestria, and the aggression on display was clear to everypony. Ponyville would almost certainly not be the last attack from the Empress of the Changelings and her swarm, everypony knew that something big was coming their way and it would be coming very soon indeed. As such, the princesses knew it was time to gather and consider a plan to deal with whatever the changelings had in mind. They had to put aside singular issues for the time being, with further survivors from the Equestrian Hive unlikely combined with their current inability to help Queen Twilight Sparkle, and consider the big picture.

They all knew that while the Empress had recently been focusing and hunting down all the independent changelings she could, that objective would soon be replaced by another. They all knew the Empress had set her eyes towards Equestria. They all knew she would strike out soon and without warning. And they all knew something had to be done about it.

In that regard, the three alicorns were gathered in the war room alongside all the various high ranking figures in the guard, the EUP and even the Equestrian navy. The table was practically filled up, and all eyes examined the magically projected map intently as they waited for Princess Celestia to officially begin the meeting. Of course, Broad Sword, Vladimir and Shining Armor were present, though to some of the other ponies’ surprise they had been joined by both Carduus and Façade. Captain Spitfire of the Wonderbolts in particular couldn’t help but eye them curiously, before glancing back towards the map.

Eventually, the three alicorns had stopped discussing between themselves and Princess Celestia stood to her full height. The others knew this to be a sign to stop their own chatter and give the Princess of the Sun their full attention. Once silence dominated and all eyes were on her, Celestia considered the ponies and changelings before her for a moment before finally speaking.

“You all know why we’re here,” Celestia stated. “For some time, changelings hives have been going silent all across the various lands they inhabit, and Queen Twilight Sparkle started an investigation. Ten days ago, Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Changeling Queens all vanished. Since then all independent changelings have been hunted down and forcibly integrated into some kind of universal hive mind that strips them of their free will, and the town of Ponyville was attacked and the mayor killed in the process.”

Some muttering emerged from the gathered ponies, but Celestia lifted a hoof to silence them. Once she was sure she had their attention again, she continued on.

“Thanks to the intelligence provided by these changelings here, Carduus and Façade,” Celestia said while gesturing a wing towards the changelings in question. “We have confirmed a changeling known as the ‘Empress’ has enacted a coup against the Queen’s Council using a power over the hive mind not displayed in any other changeling, and that this Empress is from an era long past.”

“Excuse me, Princess?” Captain Spitfire spoke up. “What do you mean ‘an era long past’?”

It was Luna who answered. “Much like I once was, the Empress was a mere legend to scare naughty children. But she has proved herself to be very much real and a threat to ponies and changelings alike. Nay, a threat to the entire world.”

“Very few free changelings remain, and her sights are on Equestria as we speak,” Celestia declared to the gathered ponies. “Their attack on us is coming soon, and we need to discuss defensive options.”

“In regards to defence, we should start by having a garrison in every settlement throughout Equestria,” Captain Broad Sword suggested. “Reinforcements to Ponyville didn’t arrive in time, had they done so the mayor may have lived and those changeling refugees might still have their own minds.”

Celestia sighed. “Agreed. Normally I wouldn’t want to disrupt the lives of my ponies with a military presence such as that, but desperate times call for desperate measures as the saying goes.”

“I can see to the deployments immediately,” General Iron Hoof stated dutifully.

“What of our naval forces?” Admiral Sea Breeze asked, scratching her chin. “Seems to me the changelings are a purely land and air-based enemy.”

“We do have some coastal cities, like Manehatten,” Princess Cadance pointed out. “We should have ships ready to give support to them should they be attacked.”

“I can have the fleet deployed to strategic positions and on alert day in and out,” the Admiral confirmed. “I’m willing to bet our guns can rip into any swarm in the sky, and we can also transport EUP when necessary.”

“These changelings are innocent,” Celestia pointed out. “Acting not of their own will. I want you to keep casualties among them to as much a minimum as you can manage. A high priority on prisoners if possible.”

“All to respect, Princess,” General Silvermane addressed the alicorn. “But casualties may be unavoidable, a full invasion will have our hooves tied.”

“I know,” Celestia said regretfully, suppressing the red-hot rage she had against the Empress for all she had done. “But you must do your best. If we don’t at least try to save as many as possible, then we will be wilfully committing murder.”

“We understand, your highness,” Iron Hoof confirmed. “We’ll give the order for our ponies to injure and incapacitate, and leave killing as a last resort.”

“All due respect, but in a sustained conflict how long can we keep such a philosophy up?” Spitfire enquired. “I don’t want to kill innocents any more than the rest of you, but it isn’t practical in the long run.”

“We may not need the ‘long run’,” Façade spoke up, addressing all those present. “If we can end this conflict quickly, we can prevent mounting casualties on both sides.”

“And how do you expect we do that?” Silvermane asked incredulously.

“It’s simple, really,” Carduus remarked. “When a queen dies, the hive mind collapses. Queen Crudelis and her hive, for example.”

“So, we cut the head off the metaphorical snake,” Spitfire stated in understanding. “The Empress.”

“Indeed,” Celestia stated, sounding almost gleeful at the thought as her eyes once again containing the briefest of orange flickers.

This time, however, Luna had noticed it.

“It is clear that the Empress needs to die,” Celestia continued. “If we do that, then all the changelings will be freed. Twilight will be freed.”

“And how do we do that, exactly?” General Moe Hawk of the 8th Pegasi Rangers asked.

“She might take part in the invasion herself,” General Iron Hoof pointed out. “That’s what true leaders do.”

“I don’t think she’ll agree with you,” Spitfire remarked. “I think she will hide back in her hive.”

“We cannot know either way, at least not until it begins,” Princess Luna stated. “For now we focus on reinforcing Equestria’s defences, and then we will create a plan to destroy the Empress.”

“In regards to reinforcing our defences, I also have suggestions for a few new patrol routes I’d like to discuss with the generals later,” Vladimir said.

“The Crystal Empire has the heart, it would be suicidal for changelings to attack it,” Shining Armor noted. “The Crystal Heart’s pulse could be tuned to act like a solid barrier of pure love energy to them, while passing by ponies and giving them the normal crystal coats.”

“And it wouldn’t necessarily be lethal,” Cadance added in. “At least not inherently, though it would highly depend on whether they are outside or in an enclosed space where they have nowhere to go but a wall.”

“It seems like the best defence for the Crystal Empire,” Luna agreed. “What do you think, sister?”

Celestia nodded. “I also agree. Do what you think best, Cadance.”

“Might I add, your highness…” Silvermane spoke up again. “What of the changelings in Canterlot? And in other areas of Equestria?”

“Most of the changelings around the rest of Equestria have been taken,” Broad Sword said regretfully. “We’ve received reports that some of the changelings in Manehatten and other settlements have gone missing.”

“Do any remain?” Sea Breeze enquired.

“I believe two are still with the Element of Generosity,” Carduus pointed out. “I’m not mistaken I hope?”

“No. Don’t worry, your friends are safe,” Vladimir assured. “But most of the remaining free changelings are in either Canterlot or the Crystal Empire. Mostly Canterlot.”

“They’re targets out in the open,” Iron Hoof pointed out.

“Then after what happened to Ponyville, we should take extra measures,” Princess Celestia commanded. “Have all changelings in Canterlot taken into this very castle for shelter and protections. The same should be done in the Crystal Empire.”

“What of changelings in other places?”

“Find somewhere relatively safe and defended, and keep them out of the Empress’ hooves,” Celestia ordered the General. “That goes for all of you. Keep them safe.”

“My people will cooperate. None of us want to be the Empress’ slaves,” Carduus mentioned. “But if any do need convincing, and they are of the Equestrian Hive, come to me. They trust me.”

“You should also call in all your reservists,” Celestia stated. “We may need everypony before this is over.”

“Will do, your highness,” Spitfire confirmed. “I’ll deposit my Wonderbolts where they are needed. Though I must ask, what of Rainbow Dash? I’d prefer to have all of the main team at my side.”

“She’s better off with the Element Bearers for now. But she and her friends can assist the garrison in Ponyville.”

Spitfire grumbled in irritation, but didn’t argue further.

“Then I believe we have at least the foundations of a defence in order,” Luna declared. “But we want all of you to keep working on new methods to protect against this threat, and if you have any ideas you are to bring it to one of us immediately.”

“You all have your orders, this meeting is adjourned,” Celestia announced.

All the ponies arose from their seats and gave the princesses a respectful bow, then proceeding to file out of the room one by one. In the end, it was only the princesses, the changelings, the two captains and Prince Shining Armor who remained.

“Well, it’s a start,” Shining Armor said, shaking his head. “I just wish we knew when and where the Empress will strike first.

“Oh, we’ll find out soon enough,” Façade remarked, getting up from his seat. “I take it we’re not needed right now?”

Luna shook her head. “You may leave. Take care of yourself.”

“You needn’t even ask,” Façade stated, moving to leave the room with Carduus following shortly behind.

“They’ll be fine,” Vladimir remarked. “I hear Façade is quite good in a fight.”

“So was Twilight…” Celestia muttered.

“Cadance, could you take the others and help oversee the preparation?” Luna asked of the light pink alicorn. “I would like to talk with my sister alone for a moment.”

Cadance looked between the two sisters with concern in her eyes, but did as she was asked and led the other three out of the room. The remaining two ponies were left with an uneasy feeling between one another, Luna in particular trying to find the right words to approach the subject of what she had witnessed within her sister.

“Sister, you seemed… eager, to kill the Empress.”

“Shouldn’t I be? The sooner the deed is done, the sooner this is all over.”

“I agree. But there is a difference between us there,” Luna pointed out. “I know it must be done, but it gives me no pleasure. You on the other hoof… you seem almost gleeful at the thought.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, you know I despise killing,” Celestia shot back. “The Battle of Ponyville, the Everfree Hideout… I regretted every life I had to take those days. Each occasion reminded me why warfare tastes so bitter.”

“That is true. But this is different, and I know what I saw,” Luna rebuffed. “Your eyes don’t usually flicker orange, do they?”

“I believe you’re seeing things, dear sister. Perhaps you need some rest?”

“I think it is you who needs a break, Tia.”

“I’ll rest when the job is done,” Celestia declared, standing up and walking towards the doorway. She stopped just short, and looked back at Luna with an appreciative smile. “I know you’re just worried for me, and I’ve been difficult as of late. But don’t worry so much, please. I’ll be fine when Twilight is home.”

With those words, Celestia exited the war room and left her sister alone. Luna, however, received very little comfort from her sister’s parting words. The Princess of the Night watched the door Celestia had exited through for a few moments, before turning back to the map and slumping in her seat. She looked upon the projection of her kingdom, and felt worry for all those who resided within its borders. Dark times were upon them, but she could deal with the dark. She was the ruler of the shadows, after all. No, it was the light which she currently feared the most.

“Oh, sister…” Luna muttered. “For your sake, and that of Equestria, I hope Twilight Sparkle does come home…”

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