• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 15,595 Views, 1,840 Comments

Change: Queen of The Hive - tom117z

Changeling hives are vanishing with no trace left behind, who, or what is hunting the changeling race? And what fate awaits Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her hive?

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12 - Setting Out

After a long trip, the gleaming spires of Canterlot were certainly a most welcoming sight for Queen Twilight Sparkle and her changelings. And, as expected, Canterlot was ready to receive them, and they had rolled out the red carpet to greet them. As they approached the city a small contingent of Royal Guard flew out to escort them to one of the castle’s larger courtyards, and they fell into position flanking the Queen. From their vantage point high in the air, as they passed over the city, all of the buildings and citizens down below seemed like distant ants, though the distance lessened as they progressed though the city’s airspace. Approaching the castle, they lowered their flight path ready for landing, but only slightly so, as the castle was higher up on the side of the mountain than the rest of Canterlot.

Finally, they passed over from the city, crossing the outer wall and into the castle itself. They bypassed the entrance as the swarm flew straight over the decorated rooftops and into the royal gardens. It was here the guard escort disengaged and left the changelings to their landing, however a large group of ponies were already awaiting their arrival in the large courtyard. Celestia stood at the head of the throng, accompanied by Captains Broad Sword and Vladimir Vespertilio. The courtyard itself was a large square shape with various bushes crafted into different shapes; each and every single one was individually a work of art. At the centre of the courtyard was a large stone gazebo with a glass roof, from which four large pathways spanned out on each side, each one leading towards a doorway into the castle or out into other areas of the gardens. One path was a straight shot, serving today as the visitor’s runway, leading them up to the gazebo and the waiting hosts within. Aligning with the path, Twilight was the first to touch down.

The Changeling Queen set down lightly, but urgently. Spike and Scorpion landed not a second behind her and the rest of her changelings all piled in behind them. Spike and Scorpion saw their Queen signal them with a nod to stay back with the rest of the changelings as she herself briskly approached the gazebo and it occupants.

“Was it too much just to meet us at the front door?” Twilight enquired, coming to a stop just in front of the gazebo. “You know how much I hate all this pomp and circumstance.”

With a chuckle, Celestia stepped forwards and shared a warm welcoming nuzzle with Twilight. “Next time I’ll leave you waiting in the hallway, how about that?”

“Funny. But seriously, what’s with the welcome?”

“Is it too much for me to be excited to see my old faithful student?” Celestia quipped. “On top of that, however, I had to be sure you were safe. With what’s going on lately I couldn’t be too careful.”

“I appreciate that, but with what I’m about to do I’m heading directly into that danger anyway.”

“So I heard,” Celestia replied, a pained expression flashing across her face to less than a second. “Walk with me.”

Celestia instructed Broad Sword and Vladimir to remain with the changelings, and as the royals walked off they went to talk to Scorpion and Spike.

“Young Spike,” Broad Sword greeted. “A pleasure to see you again.”

“Likewise,” the dragon responded.

“And you too, Captain Scorpion,” Vladimir added in. “I take it the journey was smooth?”

“No crazed afflicted changelings sighted,” Scorpion confirmed. “Which was a relief, I’d rather not find out what process caused that to happen to them. I can only imagine captains finer than I have fallen victim to it.”

“Oh don’t say that, you’re probably the finest changeling Guard Captain your species has to offer, Twilight wouldn’t have given you the job otherwise,” Vladimir stated. “Captain Carduus did leave some pretty big horseshoes to fill.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“You’re welcome. You’ll have plenty of it during the coming days.”

“I take it you’re all coming along then?” Scorpion enquired.

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Spike interjected. “Celestia began making plans the moment she received my message, didn’t she?”

“Pretty much,” Broad Sword confirmed. “Three helicopters, five guards each, each one containing a different squad of Lunar, Solar and Changeling Royal Guard respectively. I ride with my guard, Vladimir with his and assumedly you lot with yours.”

“They’re charged up and ready to go as we speak,” Vladimir said. “We figured the Queen wouldn’t want to waste any time on this.”

“You figured correctly,” Scorpion confirmed their suspicions. “Will you be arranging for the rest of our changelings to return to the hive?”

“We’ll make doubly sure they all get back in one piece,” Broad Sword assured the changeling. “Or at least our XO’s will, they will be in charge during our absence.”

“Good to know.”

“Anyway,” Vladimir continued. “We’ll be stopping briefly in the Crystal Empire on the way there, and then continuing forth to the hive.”

“Will any crystal ponies be joining us?”

“No. Our current convey won’t have enough room on board, and the Crystal Empire has no helicopters of their own stationed there. We’re not sure about Shining Armor, but that will be decided when we get there.”

“He would stow away on board one of them if it meant being there for his sister,” Spike joked. “He’s determined like that.”

The three of them conversed a little longer after that. The rest of the changelings and ponies alike around them remained patient and professional until they had their orders to carry out. Eventually the wait would indeed come to an end after Queen Twilight Sparkle’s voice reached out over the hive mind, specifically to Captain Scorpion.

“Scorpion, have Spike and both pony captains meet with us in training grounds,” Twilight commanded over the hive mind.

“Right away, my Queen!” Scorpion acknowledged.

“Scorpion?” Vladimir called out questioningly. “What is it?”

“It was Twilight,” he explained. “She has commanded us to meet with her and Princess Celestia in the training grounds.”

“Ah,” he responded. “That would be where they are currently located, ready to go when you are.”

The thestral knew why they were down there, it was after all the same place where they had landed after the assault that killed Infiltrator Serpens all those years ago. He still remembered the flurry of activity that night as doctors rushed away the wounded, including the battered then-Commander Broad Sword. It was also where they had taken away Sergeant Longshot’s body to be interred in the morgue. It was all because, ever since helicopters had come into military service ten years prior, that was where their pads had been set up.

The walk to the training grounds had been made in silence. The Princess and Changeling Queen content to simply walk at each other’s side. The silence, however, was eventually broken shortly before they were due to reach their destination, when Princess Celestia turned her head to her fellow head of state. The Princess had a few questions to ask before they got down to the business at hoof.

“So, what exactly happened at the Council?” Celestia asked as the two walked through the section of the castle serving as the barracks.

“Arrival went as expected,” Twilight began. “I was met by Queen Cocoon and her daughter. We discussed various things, and then parted ways.”

They reached the end of the hallway and passed through a doorway that led outside the castle. Exiting the barracks they stepped onto a pathway that would lead them a little away from the castle proper and down to the training grounds they were heading towards. This part of the castle grounds was quite sparse in comparison to the majority of it, largely due to the fact that the particular section in question would usually only ever host the guards stationed at the castle. The castle’s outer wall could be seen to her left while to her right, and past the castle, the steep incline of Mount Canterhorn was visible.

“And after that?” Celestia continued the conversation on forwards.

“Not much. It was mostly waiting around for the meetings to begin. And then it happened…”

Twilight went on to explain everything that had happened at the meeting in as much detail as she could, so much so that they stopped just short of the training grounds to fit it all in. She told them the debate that had occurred, what the other Changeling Queens had reported experiencing with the current crisis, and finally she informed Celestia of the deal she had made with them.

“You’re taking a terrible risk going up there,” Celestia stated as they finally passed over into the currently empty training grounds. “Especially with as many Changeling Queens disappearing as there have been lately. You could very well join their ranks.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ve dealt with plenty of ancient evils before.” She put on a cocky tone of voice, and looked at her former mentor with a smile on her lips.

Celestia rolled her eyes at the joke, but her face became sombre. “I know, but the next could always be our last,” she retorted. “All luck runs out eventually.”

“But you’ve planned around it, right?”

Celestia smirked, gesturing to the end of the grounds. “You know me too well, Twilight. As I know you.”

Twilight nodded in approval as she spotted the three helicopters having final checks run by their pilots and a few other ponies. Ten guards, five of Celestia’s and five of Luna’s, were all preparing nearby.

“I should have known!” Twilight laughed. “Of course you wouldn’t send me in there alone.”

“With changelings being affected, I thought it prudent to send some ponies as insurance. They’ll watch your back out there. Broad Sword and Vladimir will be accompanying you. I’d go in pony if I could, but I have duties here I cannot neglect.”

“Scorpion, have Spike and both pony captains meet with us in training grounds,” Twilight commanded over the hive mind.

“Right away, my Queen!” Scorpion acknowledged.

“I take it they will be able to handle the Frozen North?” Twilight enquired.

“Of course. They have all the necessary enchantments protecting them. Though, you will need to stop off at the Crystal Empire.”

“A chance to say hi to the family,” Twilight remarked. “We should also fill up on love straight from the Crystal Heart while we are there, for what we must do we could use the extra energy.”

“That would be wise,” Celestia agreed.

“How long until they are ready?”

“Now,” was the reply she gave. “You need only select the five, aside from Scorpion and Spike, who will accompany you.”

“Then there is no time to waste, Celestia. Thank you.”

Celestia smiled. “Anything for you, Twilight. You know I am always here when you need me.”

Twilight Sparkle returned the smile affectionately. “I know, and it is mutual. I wish I could stay with you for a while, mother dearest, but the matter is urgent.”

Celestia raised a curious, and amused, eyebrow. “Did you just call me ‘mother dearest’?”

“My tone may have been joking, but in reality it’s no less true, is it?” Twilight remarked. “My mother once called me the ‘three mothered mare’, or something to that affect. Between you, Chrysalis and Velvet, I couldn’t have asked for more. Though, I suppose I’ve been the ‘two mothered mare’ for a little while now.”

Seeing Twilight’s mood fall, Celestia draped a loving wing over the Changeling Queen. “Well, I can tell you for a fact that you have made all three of us proud. Queen Chrysalis may no longer be with us, but the love she held for you is no less relevant.”

“I miss her,” Twilight said dejectedly. “Even after all these years, I still miss her. I was there when she died, I watched as my mother sank into oblivion.”

“Hers is a death you will never truly recover from,” Celestia said honestly. “I love you as my own child, as does Velvet. And I know you love us in turn, but the bond you held with Chrysalis went beyond either of us.”


“It’s true,” Celestia cut her off. “Your bond was deeper than ours, she did birth you after all. But you are strong, you will prevail through the pain.”

Twilight didn’t do anything for a moment, and when she did she simply smiled and leaned her head against Celestia’s. The two remained content in their tender moment for what seemed like an eternity, but this showing of their vulnerable sides however was cut short by and awkward cough to their left.

Quickly regaining their composures, the royals saw Broad Sword, Vladimir, Spike and Scorpion all arriving as expected.

The three departing helicopters were nothing but dots against the horizon as Celestia finally ended her watch from her balcony. After the last few checks had been made and they had finally departed the hour of twilight was at hoof, and night would soon come forth. Worry pressed deep against her gut, but she forced herself to remain calm, just as she had done every other time Twilight had rushed forth into danger.

“I heard you and Queen Twilight had a rather touching moment together,” Princess Luna stated teasingly as she joined her sister on the balcony. “It was apparently a rather adorable display.”

“Oh shush!” Celestia flicked her sister with her ethereal tail, but couldn’t hide her own smirk.

“Have you even thought about having your own child? For the record I do think you would be a great mother looking at your bond with Twilight.”

“I would need to find the right stallion first,” Celestia joked. “Mother knows Cadance has been trying to ‘hook me up’ in that regard.”

Luna chuckled. “Indeed.”

“What about you?” Celestia teased. “Any stallions caught your eye?”


“What goes around comes around, dear sister.”

Celestia faced her sister for a few moments more, before turning her head to look out on the horizon once more. Twilight’s entourage were no longer in view, something that only added onto the already substantial worry she held.”

Luna turned to leave, but as she did so she glanced back at Celestia and said: “She will be fine. You’ll see, sister.” She smiled confidently. “But Night Court opens soon. You know where to find me should you need anything.”

With that, Luna departed again. Celestia didn’t even glance towards her sister as she did so, continuing to look out in the direction where Twilight would be travelling.

“I hope you’re right, dearest sister. I hope you are right…”

Author's Note:

Just to let you know:

Chapter 15 is where everything goes to shit... :pinkiecrazy:

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