• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 15,595 Views, 1,840 Comments

Change: Queen of The Hive - tom117z

Changeling hives are vanishing with no trace left behind, who, or what is hunting the changeling race? And what fate awaits Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her hive?

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40 - The Calm Within The Storm

That Night

As ponies tucked themselves into bed, they continued on forwards. As ponies said goodnight to their loved one and tucked their foals into bed, they formed a shadow across the land darker than the night itself. Stallions, mares and foals throughout Equestria believed they were safe in their beds, that the threats they had heard so much about were a long way from their comfy lives and happy families.

They were so very wrong.

The changeling swarm didn’t tire, purpose forced them onwards throughout the night. The swarm didn’t stop for anything, each having a clear objective for them to fulfil. Only those foolhardy travellers caught in their path warranted any kind of attention, usually a few drones briefly breaking away from the rest to pick off the unfortunate souls. It would always be a short and quick task, those drones then rejoining their swarm leaving but cadavers in their wake.

Fort Hurricane. Ponyville. Manehatten. Vanhoover. Las Pegasus. Each was a target for the swarm, the former three most of all. Each was soon to face the Empress’ wrath, and then see the ponies’ reponse.

That night those little ponies would sleep comfortable in their beds, even those remaining awake would enjoy the bliss of the bright night’s sky. They would all know peace that night, and peace of another kind in the morning to come. The peace brought about by death.

For while that night the streets remained clean, soon they would become rivers of blood. Blood that would, by all intent, pave the way to changeling victory.

The changeling would let them sleep that night, it was but a simple act of kindness. But war waits not for such things, and was fleeting at best. All in the swarm knew what was to come, knew what was expected of them. From simple drone to powerful Changeling Queen, each was ready to perform to the best of their abilities in the name of Immortalis.

An Empress who was watching all that transpired with great interest, and equally great confidence.


“Wow, it looks all posh and stuff!” Valiant childishly remarked as the colt ran slightly ahead of his parents.

Guards in the hallway gave Valiant but fleeting glances, then returning to their stoic stance as the sentinels watched over the castle. It was mostly the Lunar Guard out at that time, with the moon having risen to its full majesty and the sun long having fallen to sleep. And, all had to note, it was almost certainly past the colt’s bedtime. But as it was they had been rather busy, being moved into the castle from their home in the city was no small thing.

“No running in the halls, Valiant,” his mother scolded him. “This is the princess’ home and you will respect it as any other.”

“But I’ve never seen the inside before! At least not this far in!” Valiant Snow protested.

“You do want to make a good impression for the guard, don’t you?” Broad Sword stated, knowing just what to say. “And imagine what would happen if the princess came around that next corner…”

The answer would probably be an amused chuckle, but nevertheless Valiant gave a quick yelp before slowing down and walking next to his parents trying to act all official and disciplined like a guard. This did cause his parents to titter at their son’s expense, but it was short lived as one last corner led them to the two room they were seeking out.

“Alright, these are the rooms the Princess provided,” Broad Sword announced. “The left is our, the right is yours Valiant.”

They were located in the royal wing of the castle, only a hallway or two away from Princess Celestia’s personal chambers and the room where Twilight Sparkle had once lived as a filly. The Princess of the Sun had thoughtfully provided the previously empty rooms for her Captain of the Solar Guard and his family during such a troubling time, there were very few safer places in the whole of Canterlot. Meanwhile, Carduus’ family and the other changelings had all been given accommodations in the guest suites within the castle that were usually provided to visiting dignitaries and the likes. Canterlot Castle always had a surplus when it came to such accommodations, so finding the space for those changelings fortunate enough to avoid assimilation was a non-issue.

Every single one of them was certainly luxurious, the changeling never having lived in such a space before, though the rooms in the royal wing were certainly that little bit above those in the guest wing of the castle.

Valiant, quite typically, ‘volunteered’ to inspect his room before that of his parents. Opening the rather ornate door he found himself in a large room where most of his personal items had already been moved over earlier that day. His toys were neatly arranged in various locations around the room, a bed larger than Valiant had ever seen sitting against the back wall.

“Wow! Awesome!” Valiant voiced his approval, jumping onto the bed and proceeding to use it as a trampoline.

“Valiant, what did I say?” Broad Sword stated.

“Guards don’t need to be so guardy in their own rooms!” Valiant retorted. “I’m on break!”

Broad Sword went to tell him that ‘guardy’ wasn’t an actual word, but a slight kick from his wife told him to let their son enjoy the moment.

With their son enjoying his own room, they decided to leave him to it and check out their own in the meantime. Like with Valiant, on entering their bedroom they noticed that many of their personal items had been moved over. A few books, wedding photographs and other such things. A four poster king sized bed had also been moved into the room for them, an object that was easily the largest thing in the room.

“Overkill, don’t you think?” Scarlet Snow deadpanned.

“Gives us a lot of room to work with,” Broad Sword remarked in return.

“There’s nothing wrong with our own bed,” Scarlet retorted. “I happen to have a lot of good memories in it.”

Broad Sword blushed briefly at his wife’s sultry look, before shaking it off. “Well, it’s only temporary.”

“Not that we know how temporary,” Scarlet pointed out, walking up to the side of the bed and giving the mattress an experimental nudge. “Well, I can’t really complain. Who gets to live in the royal wing of the castle at any point in the lives, huh?

“Us apparently,” Broad Sword replied. “The perks of a royal guard.”

“I’m not sure the situation could be described as a ‘perk’ considering, a lot is going to happen the next couple of days,” Scarlet replied with a sigh. “Makes me wish I was still in the EUP, able to do my part.”

“There are other ways to do your part aside from fighting,” Broad Sword noted. “And having you here to protect Valiant when I cannot… it’s a comfort to me.”

Scarlet smirked. “Believe me, any changeling who tries to hurt him will wish they hadn’t. I haven’t lost my touch.”

“I’ll take your word for it. Come on, let’s see if Valiant has calmed down yet.”

Scarlet nodded in response, the two leaving their room and proceeding back into the one next door. When they arrived, Valiant indeed had stopped jumping on the bed. He was, however, laid on his back snoring his head off as one of his hind legs twitched intermittently.

“Heh, more tired than he was willing to admit,” Broad Sword stated in amusement. “We better leave him be until the morning.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Scarlet agreed. “Why don’t we see if your changeling friends are up and about?”

“Fine by me.”

As it turned out, Valiant wasn’t the only one to completely crash atop their bed in a deep and blissful sleep amidst Luna’s guidance within the dream realm. Much like the colt, a slightly older young mare by the name of Iuvenes mumbled slightly in her sleep as she shifted slightly beneath the covers.

The room within the guest wing was one shared by the whole family, a double bed being up against one wall with the single bed containing Iuvenes being up against the opposing wall. Unlike their teenage daughter, Carduus and Panacea were fully aware and awake. They were stood near their talking daughter speaking in hushed tones.

“It’s a little amazing how well she can sleep with everything that’s happened to us lately,” Panacea noted. “You’d never be able to tell something was wrong.”

“This is our daughter we’re talking about,” Carduus replied with a chuckled. “She’s sleep through an entire invasion.”

“You’re exaggerating.”

“Yeah, you’re right. It’s actually just a teenage thing.”

“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience there, dear,” Panacea remarked.

“Come on, we were all her age once,” Carduus rebutted. “You can’t claim you don’t remember it.”

“Yeah, true enough. Though, it seems like an eternity ago. Queen Chrysalis was still alive, changelings were still largely regarded as myth and legend… So much has happened in just ten years, ten years since that wedding.”

“Everything always stems back to our ‘invasion’ doesn’t it?” Carduus said, rubbing his chin. “I wonder what would have happened if it never had gone ahead.”

“Honestly, things may seem to stem from it but I don’t see anything happening better if it didn’t happen. I think things may even have been worse.”

Carduus hummed. “Yeah, so do I. Twilight would have died, and the Empress probably still would have returned regardless. On top of that, Queen Crudelis would still be alive.”

“Yeah…” Panacea sighed. “Point is, it’s nice that Iuvenes can have some peace and normality when all of, well… everything is going on.”

“Well, we’re in probably the safest place in Equestria right now,” Carduus pointed out. “For however long that lasts, I hope as long as possible.”

“We could have overwhelmed this city, and we were just one hive,” Panacea. “You can’t deny that, you were there!”

Carduus grimaced. “We… did overwhelm the guard pretty quick. But it’s been a decade since then, they’ve had time to learn. We helped them do that, remember?”

Whatever Panacea’s answer would have been, the doom and gloom was interrupted by a knock on the door. Composing themselves, Carduus and Panacea opened the door to reveal Façade standing there without his usual armour.

“Not interrupting am I? I heard you from out here, if you were trying to be quiet you failed miserably.”

The couple blushed. “Well, Iuvenes didn’t wake up…” Panacea mumbled.

“Doesn’t mean much. The kid could sleep through an invasion,” Façade retorted.

Carduus nudged his wife. “Told you so.”

“Oh hush you,” Panacea silenced the changeling stallion, a little irritated.

“So, what were you talking about anyway?” Façade enquired.

“Nothing important,” Carduus stated, limping on out of the room while Panacea stayed in the doorway. “What are you doing here anyway?”

Façade shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep. Did a bit of reading, but then decided to see if you were up. I was obviously right.”

“Seems we had the same idea,” Broad Sword stated as he and Scarlet walked towards the changeling from down the hall. “Valiant fell asleep, so we thought we’d check up on you all.”

“We’re fine,” Carduus assured. “Where’s Vladimir?”

“He and some of the other in his guard were anted by Princess Luna for something or other,” Broad Sword answered. “Doubt we’ll see him until tomorrow. Things have been a little hectic for us.”

“As the captains, I can imagine,” Carduus stated in understanding. “Still remember when I filled the role. Still miss it too.”

“Yeah well, I think Vladimir understands your position a little more now.”

“Like hay he does,” Carduus scoffed. “He got a new wing and he’s golden. I’m stuck with my injuries, and there’s no quick fix.”

“Alright, let’s stay civil,” Façade interrupted. “We’re all tired, no need to get tempers all riled up.”

“Oh, they’re always like this,” Scarlet dismissed, rolling her eyes. “Even between Broad and Vlad. Stallions…”

“Hey, I’m a stallion and I’m the perfect gentlemen,” Façade protested.

“Until you have something to prove, or just feel like butting heads for the sake of it,” Panacea commented, sharing a hoof bump with Scarlet.

“I think they’re ganging up on us…” Façade remarked to the other stallions with a laugh.

“See, they’re just as bad,” Carduus stated. “Perhaps its just a thing with those who wear the armour of the guard, EUP or whatever.”

“Hey, I’m a doctor,” Panacea reminded him in protest.

“And you’re married to him,” Façade remarked, pointing at Carduus. “I’m sure it rubs off.”

“Good thing the princesses don’t mind a bit of jesting within their ranks,” Broad Sword noted with amusement. “Actually, they’re responsible for their fair share. Especially between one another.”

“The Queen is just as bad,” Carduus added in.

“Princess Celestia was her mentor, wasn’t she?” Façade asked.

“And Queen Chrysalis was her mother, what a combination…” Carduus chuckled. “None were ever lacking in wit.”

“Well, it’s always good to have personality to go with what is considered the epitome of Equestrian beauty,” Broad Sword said with a smirk. “Luckily, my wife had both.”

“Awww, you can be charming sometimes,” Scarlet admitted with a quick kiss on her husband’s cheek. “Still, I bet the same could be said for the Changeling Queens amongst the hives.”

“True enough,” Carduus responded with a nod.

“Did Twilight Sparkle find that out for herself?”

"I'm still surprised changelings haven't tried courting her on an hourly basis," Carduus joked. "She would be quite the catch for those not yet tied down."

"Tell me about it..." Facade stated almost dreamily, all present turning to look at the oblivious changeling with amused smiles.

“Seems our newest friend has a crush on the Queen,” Carduus muttered quietly to the others.

Broad Sword shook his head. “Well, let him dream. Come on, let’s go get a drink.

So the group went off into the night, returning a few hours later to get some actual sleep before some would return to duty in the morning. That next morning, however, would prove to be an eventful one.

One that would shake Equestria to its foundations.

Author's Note:

A bit of calm, considering the changelings' plan shall next be enacted.

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