• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 15,595 Views, 1,840 Comments

Change: Queen of The Hive - tom117z

Changeling hives are vanishing with no trace left behind, who, or what is hunting the changeling race? And what fate awaits Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her hive?

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41 - The Battle of Fort Hurricane

The Next Morning

It was time.

The new day had broken. Ponies woke from their beds, beginning their usual morning routines unabated. The night had been peaceful, uneventful and full of pleasant dreams provided to them by the Princess of the Night.

The members of the EUP serving at Fort Hurricane could be included among those. Those who watched the night returned for a well-deserved rest, and the rest of the base’s personnel began to rise. A large complex of brick and stone, a vast fence covering the training ground and landing area for their aerial fleet. This included a dock for a single zeppelin, though that was empty at the time. The Equestrian flag fluttered proudly in the breeze, all personnel happy to serve under it. For defences it included a few ground based flak guns and a pulsating pink crystal within the base that could produce a shield when charged by a unicorn.

The ponies of the EUP began their morning duties, ensuring the secureness of Fort Hurricane and would continue to do so throughout the rest of the day.

Among this group was one crew aboard the fort’s compliment of helicopters. They were meant to replace the escort of the Gleaming Shied the previous day, but with its loss they had remained grounded until new orders came in.

“I want you out there, looking for survivors,” Colonel Strong Hoof, a middle-aged earth pony veteran of the EUP, commanded the squad boarding the helicopter. “The swarm should have long moved on by now, so it should be safe. But you are to return to Fort Hurricane the moment you see even a single shard of chitin, understood?”

“Understood sir!” the sergeant in charge of the squad, a unicorn, confirmed.

The Colonel nodded. “Good. Now, you will be the only ones out there, we can’t risk more than we have to for this mission. Just get in there, search the crash site and the surrounding area, and get out. No unnecessary heroics.”

“Aw, what’s the point then?” one of the younger ponies boarding the transport joked.

“Can it, Private!” the squad leader snapped as he turned to glare at the pony. “If you can’t take this seriously, you can better serve by cleaning the latrine!”

That shut the pony up, and he quietly boarded the helicopter with his four comrades.

“My apologies, sir,” the Sergeant said to Colonel Strong Hoof. “It won’t happen again.”

“See that it doesn’t. Now go, there might be ponies needing your help.”

That was all the prompting the sergeant needed. After boarding the helicopter it took no time in taking to the air and departing from the fort. From there it headed straight in the direction of the Gleaming Shield’s last known position, making no detours while the pilots kept a close eye out for a single black spec among the horizon.

The entirety of the trip had ended up being a peaceful one, nothing by the lush green rolling hills below came out to greet them. Nothing seemed wrong with the world, and the ponies could almost mistake the mission for any old patrol across the Equestrian landscape.

That is, until they came across the Gleaming Shield herself. Or at least the burnt out hulk of twisted metal and charred, dismembered corpses.

“Holy Celestia… We’re meant to find survivors in this?” the pilot asked incredulously.

“We’re not meant to find anything,” the Sergeant responded. “But we will try nevertheless.”

The helicopter began to circle the wreckage, the side doors opened up so all could scan the surface for signs of life. Of course there were none, nothing but dead whispers in the wind.

“Should we land?” the pilot asked.

The Sergeant looked at the scarred land below with a grim expression, shaking his head. “Negative. There’s nothing down there wanting to be rescued. Call it in.”

“Yes sir.”

And so they pulled away from the mass grave, heading back in the direction of Fort Hurricane. The pilot radioed the results of the search in, the ponies on the other end being not at all surprised by the unfortunate news, but no less saddened.

It was half way back to base, however, that their luck changed.

“There’s somepony down there!” the pilot reported, peering through the window. “He’s definitely in EUP armour, and it looks charred!”

“A survivor?”

“Possibly. If he is he must have been walking all day and night towards Fort Hurricane,” the pilot replied. “Tough son of a bitch.”

“Well, has he spotted us?” the Sergeant enquired.

“No. He might be in a daze. Can’t say I blame him.”

“Bring us in to land a little way in front of him, prepare the medical supplies,” the Sergeant commanded. “And that salve, we want to know if this guy is really a pony or not.”

The pilot did as ordered, the aerial vehicle diving from its altitude and touching down onto the dirt a little distance in front of where the spotted survivor was walking. That definitely got his attention, and he stopped in his tracks as the ponies on board disembarked and made their way towards him.


“You wanted to see me?” Vladimir asked as he entered the war room, finding Shining Armor and Broad Sword examining the glowing, flickering map on the table’s surface. Specifically, they were looking at Fort Hurricane. “What are you two even doing in here?”

“Vlad, good timing,” Shining responded. “We need to talk.”

“I gathered,” he stated in turn.

“It’s about the swarm,” Broad Sword spoke up. “The one that brought down the Gleaming Shield.”

“Near Fort Hurricane?” Vladimir rhetorically asked, seeing why they were examining that location specifically. “What about it? Has there been another sighting?”

“None, which is more worrying than not,” Shining Armor noted. “We’ve been discussing what they could be up to, and we’re a little concerned about Fort Hurricane’s safety.”

“It’s a decently sized compound, and has been involved with changeling related activities in the past. Its destruction would be a message to Equestria,” Broad Sword explained. “We’re worried that is the changeling’s intent.”

Vladimir hummed, his metal wing twitching. “Well, have they reported anything in?”

“Not yet, but remember that the Gleaming Shield was assigned to Fort Hurricane as well,” Broad Sword responded. “Shining Armor wants to head over there with a small contingent to reinforce it.”

“Which has been arranged, by the way,” Princess Cadance stated as she entered into the war room. “It’s amazing how much you can get done when your child isn’t taking up your time.”

“You miss her,” Shining pointed out.

“So do you,” Cadance shot back. “The quicker this whole thing is done, the quicker I can hold my little filly again.”

“You said you arranged something?” Vladimir asked, getting the conversation back on track.

“Oh, right.” Cadance cleared her throat. “A few transports full of members of the Solar Guard. I’ve had some EUP rerouted to Canterlot to replace them in the meantime. As a Princess it would be foolish of me to leave the capital understaffed.”

“And one of you are coming with me,” Shining stated with authority. “Doesn’t matter which one, but the other should hold the fort here. We can’t all go.”

“I’ll tag along,” Vladimir volunteered. “I’ll inform Princess Luna, and after that I know Broad can hold things here.”

“That I can,” Broad Sword agreed. “I’ll make sure the city is still on the side of the mountain when you return.”

“Well if that’s settled, the guard are waiting,” Princess Cadance stated. “Vladimir, I can tell Aunty Luna myself while you get your equipment. You and Shining need to prepare to leave immediately.”

“Eager to get rid of me this time?” Shining asked his wife with a smirk.

“I know you’re leaving this time,” Cadance deadpanned back. “Besides, I’m coming with you.”

Shining blinked. “Huh? That wasn’t the plan…”

“Plans change, honey,” Cadance snarked in return, stealing a quick kiss from the now flustered prince. “So get going, I’ll meet you down there.”

Fort Hurricane

The squad had just returned from its rescue mission, reporting a single survivor having been found. They had confirmed that he had been checked over for changeling infiltration, and then came in to land so the pony could receive immediate medical attention. The squad themselves were checked over for changeling infiltration, and confirmed to be the ponies they appeared to be.

Carried on the stretcher, the wounded soldier was carted off of the helicopter and towards the medical bay. With that done, the squad dispersed and all headed into the mains structure for debriefing. That was one task that none of the squad enjoyed, and all of them monotonously reported in what they had done to Colonel Strong Hoof. They had encountered the stricken hulk of the Gleaming Shield and found no survivors there. After that they had called it in and began to return to Fort Hurricane, and it was there that they had found the single survivor of the travesty. After confirming they were not a changeling and giving them first aid, they had returned to base and got to the point they were then at. After that they were dismissed, the squad going separate ways.

The Sergeant himself headed straight for the communications room, where the various technological and magical machinery used to communicate over long distances were located.

Meanwhile, in the infirmary one of the nurses was checking over the survivor they had just lifted onto a bed. She noted that they seemed to be unconscious, though their burnt and dented armour had already been removed and discarded. She lit her horn, casting a small healing spell to help do away with any pain the poor pony was dealing with while the doctors prepared to give him a full check-up.

That nurse then tried and failed to scream when the patient awoke amidst green flames and sharp fangs latched onto her throat.

“Sergeant, what are you doing in here?” one of the ponies manning the communications equipment asked as the rescue mission's leader came walking in.

He responded by drawing his blade and slicing the pony’s neck. A second pony was silenced with a bolt of magic to the face while the third was also impaled by the sharpened steel sword. With a green flicker in his eyes and his expression but that of a zombie, the Sergeant then charged his horn and sent jolts of magic into all of the equipment, frying it all until it was but useless junk.

He then lifted his sword in his magic, and then slit his own throat.

Similar incidents occurred throughout the base. Several ponies were slain, alarms suddenly spreading throughout the base. Each one killed themselves after their task was either complete or failed, the changeling in the infirmary had killed two other doctors before the EUP stormed in and cut them down.

One of the ponies, the private who had smart mouthed the Colonel earlier that day, had made his way to the shield crystal. After being denied entry he attacked and killed the guards within, and despite receiving lethal injuries in the process he continued on as if he didn’t even notice. He brought up his blade and drove it directly through the crystal, shattering it to pieces. Next he located one of the other discarded weapons and lifted it to his throat.

Only to be tackled by Colonel Strong Hoof.

“What have you done!?” he shouted at the Private, who seemed to be coming out of a daze.

Finally noticing the Colonel, he made to mutter something. “Q-queen… in… mind…”

The entire incident played before his eyes, his previously suppressed memories re-emerging, and yet the Colonel would not know any of it.

As the squad approached the pony they each took on a cautious posture. There didn’t seem to be any danger, but they still had to be careful.

“Hello? Soldier, can you hear me?” the Sergeant called out.

“Yes…” the pony responded.

“Alright, good.” The Sergeant got a little closer. “Listen, we’ll confirm your identity and then get you help. You’re going to be fine.”

A nearby rock suddenly exploded into green flames, the solid object being replaced with Queen Vulgaris, revealed to be quite the master shapeshifter.


The squad reached for their weapons, only for a green pulse of magic to engulf them and freeze them in place. The pilots were caught reaching for the radio, trying to report the incident back to Fort Hurricane.

“Poor little ponies, too compassionate for your own good,” Vulgaris chided as she circled the frozen and yet still aware ponies, she then turned to the drone disguised as an injured EUP soldier. “Board that contraption of theirs. I’ll take what information that may be useful from their leader’s mind, and then wipe their memories of this. Hmm, then let us see what we can program our little ponies to do for us…”

Then, all energy fading from him, the Private died.

Then Fort Hurricane suffered several impacts. Spells launched from the arriving swarm of changelings. Strong Hoof immediately went to scramble the garrisons within those surrounding walls, but the first strike had caused so much chaos and confusion it would make Discord himself think twice. The flak guns lit up the sky, and the changelings returned in kind. None of the landed helicopters ever made it to the air as dozens of drones tore them all apart, single metal shard by single metal shard.

Then they began entering the fort itself.

Strong Hoof ducked as a changeling burst in through the door. He swing his collected blade and rendered in in two, several of his ponies moving to back him up. Another changeling kicked one of those ponies aside and tried to take a bite out of Strong Hoof, though his fangs shattered on the Colonel’s armour before having their head smashed into a nearby table and being knocked out cold.

The entire structure rocked and small chunks of debris fell from the ceiling, outside the four arriving changeling royals beginning their demolishment of the building.

“Sir!” another EUP soldier, this one a mare, ran in with urgency on her face. “We’re being overrun! They’re really throwing everything at us!”

The entirety structure shook again, Strong Hoof growled. “So many changelings for one base, they want to make an example out of us.”

“Sir, what do we do?”

“We can’t fight this attack, we need to evacuate.”

One of the soldiers shook his head. “We won’t get any of our birds into the air. I doubt there’s even any left by now.”

“Can we escape on hoof?” the mare suggested.

“They’ll pick us off!”

“We don’t have much choice!” the colonel responded. “We cannot fight off an attack of this magnitude, and we cannot summon reinforcements. Gather everypony we can, we need to make a push out of this base. Hopefully they will be more interested in focusing fire on the structure itself.”

“Yes sir!”

They all obeyed their commanding officer, collecting as many survivors as they could while continuing to fend off the invading forces as best they could. Over this span of time the flak guns outside went quiet, the changelings who had just finished flattening them turning their sights on the main structure. Fort Hurricane was starting to buckle, one of the upper floors caved in entirely and crushed whoever was still inside. All those higher up floors were abandoned to the swarm, all the remaining ponies fighting to defend the ground floor as they prepared. There were no survivors outside now, only those taking some refuse within.

They barricaded the entrances and the windows, fighting to keep the changelings from gaining entrance. All of those who did they cut down before they could do much damage, but it didn’t stop them from trying. Piece by piece the building was disintegrating around them, they had to leave and it had to be soon.

The plan was to make a push out into the training ground and keep moving until they were out of Fort Hurricane and into the landscape beyond. At that point those who made it were to split into smaller groups and independently to the relatively nearby Equestrian Hive. They all knew it to be empty, and it had become their best bet to wait out the storm before seeking a way back to the main body of the EUP.

“We’re all ready, sir!” one of the soldiers reported to Colonel Strong Hoof. “Just waiting on your word.”

“How’s our exit?” Strong Hoof asked with urgency.

“Several changeling attempting entrance, but most of the swarm are striking elsewhere for the moment,” the pony reported. “But I don’t know how long that window of opportunity will last.”

“Then we leave now!” he ordered. “Push forwards, charge!”

The changelings forcing their way in via the ponies’ chosen exit were met with a quick and grisly end, the full body of the surging EUP smashing into them and striking them down. Several other changelings were quick to notice the sudden departure and fired spells into the emerging group. Several of the EUP were quick to fall to this barrage, others began to duck and weave through scattered debris for cover as they made their escape. The earth ponies flattened any changeling directly in their path, pegasi charging at any changeling diving straight for them while the unicorns did their absolute best to protect their fellow ponies via a mix of destruction magic sent at the changelings and shield spells to provide the EUP with cover.

Queen Cocoon looked away from the main structure as her daughter, Vulgaris and Imperious continued to strip it piece by piece. Her glowing red eyes locked onto the fleeing ponies hungrily.

“Focus on the structure,” the Empress commanded. “Leave nothing behind. Send some drones to hunt down those who flee.”

“As you wish.”

Some of the drone broke away from the main body of the swarm, moving to pursue the fleeing EUP. The ponies made it all the way to the edges of the training grounds before the changelings caught up to them, but then the swarm became determined to let them go no further.

The drones moved to surround the ponies in the air and on the ground, attempting to box them in. The ponies continued on forth, never giving up in their attempts to fight their way through. Slowly, however, the changelings were succeeding in their efforts.

The battleground quickly became condensed, ponies and changelings laying into one another in an epic struggle to the death. Colonel Strong Hoof struck down one changeling attempting to bite one of his fellows, before killing another attempting to do the same to him. Blades clashed, skulls shattered and bones snapped. Both sides were unrelenting, but as there seemed to be less and less ponies and changelings seemed just as numerous.

Strong Hoof ducked under one changeling’s blade before giving them a heavy buck to the ribs, which clearly shattered into many little pieces. As he turned to continue the fight, however, a spell impacted his barrel and sent him hurtling. He landed on the hard ground in excruciating pain, his vision swimming. A black chitin covered figure appeared over him, blade raised with the intent to finish the Colonel then and there.

Only for a metallic wing to swipe through and behead the changeling.

“I’ve got him!” Vladimir shouted over to Shining Armor, hoisting the Colonel onto his back as the latter used his magic to assist another group of EUP.

The arriving helicopters overhead fired their weapons into the changelings, succeeding in dispersing the crowd as the Solar Guard began to assist their fellow ponies in pushing back against their pursuers. Cyan beams of magic assisted in that effort, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza having formed a set of crystalline armour around herself as she made sure to protect those ponies who had survived up until that point. Most of the EUP had been killed in their escape attempt, but it appeared those who remained had reached salvation.

“Get the remaining survivors aboard!” Shining commanded. “Fill them to capacity and then some! Just get them out of here!”

“On it!” Vladimir shouted back.

Over by what little remained of Fort Hurricane, the arrival of the Solar Guard had started to gain attention.

A green portal in the ground sprung forth and Queen Cocoon quickly emerged, the Empress having allowed the slight change of plans. While the others continued to raze what had not so long ago been a symbol of the EUP’s strength, Queen Cocoon’s feral gaze locked onto the Captain of the Lunar Guard. Vladimir had just loaded the injured Colonel onto a helicopter when a magical aura snagged his tail and violently dragged him backwards. After skidding along the ground he found himself looking up at the snarling Changeling Queen with a blade of green magic hurtling towards him. Almost instinctively, he brought up his metal wing with the blades unleashed, using his weaponised appendage to block the attack.

The struggle was momentary, for a cyan beam of magic struck Cocoon in the side and sent her down into the dirt. Vladimir looked up to see Cadance come soaring down and land beside the Changeling Queen, who quickly rolled back up onto her hooves and fires several bolts of magic at the alicorn.

“Go!” Cadance commanded to Vladimir, her magic ready for the incoming assault.

Cadance met and deflected them all. The Princess formed a blade of her own from her cyan magic, the Changeling Queen reigniting hers as they both struck and the blades locked together. Sparks flew from the energised magical constricts, their owners struggling up against one another.

Then Cocoon managed to twist Cadance’s blade to one side before kicking the alicorn in the side. Cadance yelped as she collapsed to the ground, her ribs screaming. Cocoon opened her wings and took to the air, charging her horn once more and unleashed a devastating beam of magic down towards the Princess of Love. Cadance did a quick teleport to avoid incineration, appearing in the air as her own wings unfolded and kept her steady.

Cocoon fired another beam at the Princess, who flapped her wings and quickly ascended and did a few manoeuvres to avoid the trailing attack. She fired one back in turn, the two royals of two species sharing several more attacks between one another, each attempting to out fly the other in a display of both magical prowess and their flying skills.

As the exchange continued, the number of changelings had greatly diminished around the ponies and all of the transports had been loaded up.

“I think that’s everypony!” Vladimir shouted to Shining Armor, an explosion ricocheting nearby from a stray beam of cyan magic.

“Alright, get on board!” Shining stated as he hopped onto one of the helicopters with Vladimir and a few Solar Guards.

“What about Cadance?” Vladimir asked back.

“She’ll follow. Trust her!”

As the transports began to take flight once more, the remaining drones tried to stop them while the Changeling Queen remained in combat with the alicorn.

Queen Cocoon grabbed onto Cadance with her magic and span the alicorn through the air. The Princess smashed through part of the fence along the edge of the training grounds, rolling painfully across the ground. As Cadance made to recover, the Changeling Queen charged down at her with the intent to tear into the alicorn with her fangs. Cadance responded by administering a buck to Cocoon’s face, sending the Queen tumbling to the side and too crashing into the ground.

Both royals quickly recovered, adrenaline rushing through their veins. Their horns charged and each coalesced their mana into a steam of magical energies that impacted one another halfway between the two combatants. The colliding energies created sparks and little magical flames that singed the grass and fought to dominate the other. The alicorn and the changeling each gave it their all, Cadance slipping back slightly. Out of the corner of her eye Cadance saw just what she wanted to see, choosing that moment to act.

The Princess of Love disengaged her own stream of magic and rolled to the side as Cocoon’s streaked on past her. Cocoon homed back in on Cadance when the alicorn suddenly teleported directly next to the Queen and her horn gave a blinding flash.

Cocoon shouted in rage as her vision became pure white, thrashing about and firing spells in every direction in an attempt to hit her opponent. Steadily the Queen’s vision returned, and when it did she found Cadance was nowhere to be seen.

Glancing up and into the distance, Cocoon could see the helicopters in which the Solar Guard had arrived where no more than specs against the day’s sky, the Princess likely racing to join them. Meanwhile, the rest of the swarm was finally heading over the join the Queen with Fort Hurricane no longer being in existence.

“They escaped?” the Empress asked over the hive mind.

“…Yes, my Empress.”

The Empress’ growl was audible to all within her hive mind. “I see…”

The spot where Fort Hurricane once existed was no longer visible as Cadance was finally able to fly into the open door of the helicopter where her husband was located. It was a tight fit with all those inside, but there was just enough. It would not be a comfy ride back, but it was necessary given the circumstances.

“We barely brought enough of these things with us for everypony,” Vladimir said to Cadance as she entered. “Everypony who made it to us, anyway.”

“They never stood a chance, especially with their communications and shield crystal gone,” Shining noted. “They were vastly outnumbered by that swarm.”

“We saved who we could,” Cadance responded. “We need to get back to Canterlot.”

“Your highnesses!” the pilot shouted back from the cockpit. “We just received word, Queen Twilight Sparkle has been sighted!”

“Sighted?” Shining Armor’s eyes widened. “My sister has been sighted? Where?”

“Ponyville. She and a swarm of drones attacked it.”

Author's Note:

Thing is, the EUP is spread out throughout Equestria. The swarm is one giant mass.

The EUP's advantage (aside from alicorns saving their sorry asses) is their superior tech, but when that tech is taken out of commission right at the start of the fight...

Had the Gleaming Shield been on station, the shield been active and they had communications for reinforcements things may have gone differently.

Now... Ponyville, Vanhoover, Las Pegasus, Manehatten. How will these places fare?

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