• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 15,595 Views, 1,840 Comments

Change: Queen of The Hive - tom117z

Changeling hives are vanishing with no trace left behind, who, or what is hunting the changeling race? And what fate awaits Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her hive?

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34 - A Storm is Coming


Four mares and one dragon sat alone in Sugarcube Corner. The Cakes had closed the place and taken the twins out for the time being. The town hall was practically under lockdown, and the EUP were swarming the place, medics having the body of the Mayor carefully removed.

Pinkie, with her mane limp and straight, placed a tray down onto the table. The tray contained a mug of cider each for Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Spike. Fluttershy had nothing, while Pinkie Pie began nibbling feebly on a cupcake.

“This blows,” Rainbow Dash stated with a huff, putting aside a pack of ice she had been holding against her head. “When did we start losing these things? I mean, it usually goes that we meet a bad guy, come together as a team of friends and stuff, and beat up said bad guy.”

“Maybe we’re getting old,” Applejack dryly remarked.

“Forget that! I’m only twenty six for pony’s sake!”

“I feel a heck of a lot older right now.”

“That’s just the feeling of defeat. It sucks the joy from your soul,” Pinkie Pie said in monotone, sounding not too dissimilar from a certain sister of hers.

“Uh, what she said.”

“There’s no point moaning about it,” Spike growled, gulping his cider down in one before slamming it back down. “We lost. Nothing we can do about it.”

“What’s going to happen to all those poor changelings?” Fluttershy asked, the red marks around her eyes showed she had been crying not so long ago.

“I imagine they’ll be forced to become part of the Empress’ army,” Spike stated with blunt truthfulness. “Simple fact is, we couldn’t stop them. Maybe if I were a couple centuries older, or Rarity and Twilight were both there with us.”

“Or if the rest of the Wonderbolts were here…” Rainbow Dash muttered. “Like to see them try that fight again against all of us…”

“Well, we have those EUP ponies here now,” Fluttershy pointed out, sniffing a bit. “I mean, they can protect the town with us. Right?”

“Against an attack like earlier, yes,” Spike confirmed. “It would take something much bigger to crack that armour.”

“Don’t tempt fate, it doesn’t like it when ponies do that,” Pinkie scolded seriously. “Believe me, it’s a little grumpy.”

“Doesn’t change the facts, Pinks,” Rainbow Dash retorted for Spike.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Ya’ll told Princess Celestia yet?” Applejack asked the forlorn dragon.

“Not yet,” Spike admitted. “Can’t think of what to write.”

“Just say it how it was, sugarcube. We got thrust into a bad situation we were not at all prepared for. Nothing anypony could have done better, not against those odds.”

“Always the voice of reason, aren’t you?”

“I have to be with friends like these,” Applejack managed to joke, gesturing towards Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash specifically.

“Yeah, very funny cowgirl,” Rainbow stated with a roll of her eyes.

“What are they going to do about the town mayor position?” Fluttershy asked. “Now that… you know…”

“I don’t know,” Spike said with a sigh. “Mayor Mare always said she’d come out of retirement if she was needed. And now is a good a time as any.”

“She was in office the last time changelings ran amok,” Applejack pointed out. “Speaking of authority, I heard the EUP are turning the library into their command post.”

“It served as a strategic position during the battle eight years ago,” Spike reminded the mare. “And I swore I recognised a few faces from the aftermath. Makes sense that they would send a few veterans in.”

“Exhibit A right here,” Rainbow stated with a flex.

“Knock it off, Rainbow,” Applejack scolded. “No need to show off now.”

“Just lightening the mood, AJ. Celestia knows we need it.”

“I’ll be happy when we have our Sparkle back,” Pinkie Pie stated.

“You already have party ideas forming for that victory, don’t you?” Spike asked knowingly.

Pinkie’s mane seemed to inflate itself a bit, if only ever so slightly. “You better believe it, bucko!”

“I think we could use it,” Applejack agreed. “But enough with the procrastination. Spike, ya’ll have a letter to write.”

“Yeah, I know,” Spike stated. “Oh, she is going to be angry.”


“Come onnnn!” the young foal by the name of Valiant Snow pleaded with the largest puppy eyes he could manage. “Pleaaase!”

Façade shifted uncomfortably. “You would just be disappointed. Really, I’m horrible.”

“Just try! You can’t be THAT bad!”

“You want to bet?”

Valiant Snow and Façade were in Valiant’s family home along with both his parents and Vladimir as well as Carduus and his family. Scarlet and Broad Sword had invited the rest over after they had returned from the hive, the mare in question was in the process of cooking homemade hayburgers along with hay fries to go along with them. There was also a nice selection of drinks ranging from juice and lemonade to a few ales and ciders for the adults. Iuvenes had moaned that she in her mind was old enough at sixteen to at least try an alcoholic beverage, but her parents were not entirely receptive to the idea.

Nevertheless, all but Scarlet were sat around in the back garden chatting idly. It was during this time that Valiant Snow caught wind of Façade’s shapeshifting difficulties and the child immediately wanted a demonstration. Façade was not so thrilled about that.

“You should turn into a giraffe! No, Nightmare Moon! WAIT! A Zeppelin!”

“OK kid, one, a zeppelin is far out of any changeling’s capabilities. Two, even if it weren’t, it takes highly skilled shapeshifters to change into anything other than a pony or other equine shaped thing. And I can’t even do that!”

“You won’t know until you try!” Valiant stated eagerly. “That’s what mama always says!”

“Mine too. And I have tried, and I failed. I don’t need to do that again.”

“But I didn’t see it!”

“You’re literally arguing with a child,” Carduus pointed out with a laugh. “You’re doomed to lose.”

“I’m not doing it,” the changeling deadpanned in response.

“Aww, but it would bring a foal great joy,” Vladimir jeered lightly. “You wouldn’t want to disappoint the kid, would you?”

Valiant offered even bigger puppy eyes.

“I feel like you’re all ganging up on me,” Façade stated.

“I’m staying out of this,” Broad Sword remarked.

“Don’t expect me to stamp on his dreams,” Panacea jokingly agreed.

“I kind of want to see you try too,” Iuvenes sheepishly added in. “I mean, I can shapeshift just fine.”

Valiant looked towards the teenage changeling mare. “Oh! You should show me too then!”

“Oh? Well…” Iuvenes tapped her chin for a moment. “I can do a great impression of the Queen!”

Green flames quickly surrounded the teenager, replacing the chitinous form with that of a lavender unicorn mare with a blue mane and pink striking through it.

“Thou must provide me with books or be forever banished to checklist duty!” ‘Twilight Sparkle’ declared in a mock voice of nobility.

Valiant was reduced to hysterics at the display, and Iuvenes broke off the form with a proud look on her face.

“Has the Queen ever seen that?” Vladimir asked in bemusement.

“Oh, she found it funny,” Carduus assured. “Actually, it was more of a mix between amusement and bemusement. Spike was reduced to tears and hysterics though.”

“And now he has to do it too!” Valiant spoke up again with a point towards Façade.

“Uh oh, no escape for you,” Vladimir jabbed at the changeling. “Seems you’re just going to have to bear it.”

“You’re all horrible people and you should be ashamed,” Façade joked with a sigh of defeat. “Fine, but this won’t be pretty.”

“Don’t worry Façade, beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” Panacea stated.

“Yes, and I can already feel your judging stares,” Façade replied. “Alright, here goes nothing. Literally, in all likelihood.”

Façade took in a few deep breaths. A few more seconds passed with nothing happening, the others watching with curiosity. Then, Façade deeply concentrated as he channelled all the magical reserves within himself. He pictured a Pegasus stallion with an orange coat, green eyes and a black mane. He allowed green flames to envelope his entire body, felt the magic doing its work and shifting his form into that of a Pegasus. He shut his eyes as the magic began to evaporate and melt away.

His eyes opened to the sound of snickering, and a look at his hoof showed it was still black and full of holes.

“Eh, told you it wouldn’t work.”

“Oh don’t worry,” Vladimir stated with a snort. “It worked alright. Kind of. Not really.”

Façade was confused, but then caught something out of the corner of his eyes. Looking towards his left wing, he noted it was an orange Pegasus wing completely contrasting with the rest of his body.

“Oh. Well, that’s something I guess.”

“Yeah, but your left eye is also green,” Broad Sword pointed out. “And pony-like. You look a little bit patchy.

Façade huffed, releasing the Pegasus wing and single green eye. “As I said, I can’t shapeshift well. I’m fine with pretty much all other magic I use, but that one eludes me.”

Carduus shook his head. “I wouldn’t worry about it. You’re not an infiltrator after all.”


“You did take on that Princess and her guards pretty much all by yourself,” Panacea pointed out. “That was pretty impressive.”

“I can be determined when I want to be. And when you can’t shapeshift you put more time into practicing what you are actually good at,” he stated casually in response. “But to be honest, it was only because I caught her by surprise. You did make a good distraction.”

“I’ll add it to my resume,” Carduus deadpanned. “You should have seen me before my injury, I was never a slouch at combat.”

“You were the Captain of the Royal Guard,” Façade said. “Even today they still hold you in high regard.”

“Did. They’re all gone now.”

“You don’t know that for sure, more could have gotten away,” Vladimir stated hopefully.

“You weren’t there,” Façade stated in agreement with Carduus. “It was bad. Had the hive not been in such a state of panic things might have been different. But with every drone reeling from the disconnection a defence was basically impossible. I still remember it happening to me the first time, the second time was only easier because of my understanding the situation. Less confusion. That, and I had help at hoof the first time unlike all those back at my hive.”

“Enough of the doom and gloom,” Scarlet stated as she approached with several food trays held in her magic. “Dinner is ready.”

“Yes!” Valiant chirped up at his mother’s arrival, jumping from his seat and flying towards the food.

“Hold on a moment, let me put it down first!” Scarlet stated with a chuckle.

“Huh. Never actually had a hayburger before,” Façade noted.

“What did you eat while at the embassy?” Scarlet enquired.

He shrugged. “Whatever the cafeteria served usually. Went to a carnivore restaurant once, they did good pork. Apparently it came from Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres I heard.”

“Wait, Sweet Apple Acres produces pork?” Vladimir asked in surprise.

“Vlad, what do you think they keep pigs for?” Broad Sword pointed out, taking a bite out of one of his fries.

“The EUP will be there by now, aunty,” Cadance assured the Princess of the Sun. “You can stop pacing about.”

“But we have yet to hear from Spike,” Celestia pointed out, not stopping her constant pacing around the throne room.

“Sister, the sun must be set soon. Please calm yourself!” Luna demanded.

“Yeah, Princess. It’s getting silly,” Shining Armor agreed. “It’s been a very long day.”

Celestia hadn’t stopped pacing frantically around ever since she had ordered the EUP to Ponyville earlier that very day, even after they had moved from the war room to the throne room. Along with everything that had been happening thus far, a threat to Ponyville had left her at wit’s end.

“SISTER!” Luna shouted out in her Royal Canterlot Voice, shocking Celestia into submission.

“Must you do that, sister?” Celestia asked through gritted teeth, her ears still ringing.

“When needs must,” Luna replied in the affirmative. “And you are acting like Twilight Sparkle missing a deadline.”

Celestia raised her eyes at the comparison, and couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yes, I see the resemblance. I suppose she must have gotten some of that from me.”

“Apparently,” Shining Armor deadpanned. “Though she isn’t as bad nowadays.”

“The tasks and demands placed onto royalty will do that,” Celestia stated. “But some situations just brings it all back out.”

“She was very much like Twilight as a filly,” Luna confirmed, much to Celestia’s irritation.

“Yes, and you were always moody,” Celestia retorted, a teasing grin on her face. “So much black… We get it, you’re sad.”

“In that case…” Luna began with narrowed eyes. “I didn’t want to say anything, but the royal cake is having an effect on the waistline, dearest sister.”

Celestia snorted in response, ready with her own witty comeback.

“Well, situation… defused?” Cadance questioned.

“I think so…” Shining Armor replied uncertainly. “It’s hard to tell with them sometimes.”

However, just as the situation lightened and Celestia’s mood brightened for the first time since Princess Cadance arrived in Canterlot a couple days prior, it was all snatched away by the arrival of an awaited letter.

All eyes turned to the scroll that lay on the floor, and Celestia was the first to snatch it up before Luna or anypony else could. She hastily opened it, and her eyes darkened on reading its contents. Nopony saw it, but her eyes seemed to flicker orange for the briefest of moments.

“Ponyville was indeed attacked,” Celestia announced, her voice without emotion. “The EUP… failed to get there in time. The Mayor is dead, and all the changeling refugees taken by the Empress’ forces.”

“That’s terrible!” Cadance stated in shock. “What about Twilight’s friends? Spike?”

“They’re all fine,” Celestia stated I confirmation. “Shaken up, but alright aside from some bumps and bruises.”

“This is grave news,” Luna said in concern, placing a hoof on her sister’s shoulder. “But fear not sister, we are at your side during these troubled times. After all, a storm is coming.”

“Nay, sister,” Celestia rebuffed. “It’s already here.”

Author's Note:

This chapter is the halfway mark of the story.

A bit of lightheartedness this time around mixed in with the dark. Not sure how much of that will be in the chapters ahead, the road is darkening. Dark before the dawn and all that, and we are in the middle act.

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