• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 33,363 Views, 2,955 Comments

My Filly, Nightshine - The Abyss

Jason's life has grown dull. After months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. Then, one day, as he watches a family play in the park, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

  • ...

Becoming Closer

Jason woke up in the middle of the night, his neck stiff. Nightshine was nestled safely in his arms, sleeping contentedly with her head resting on his arm. I should get back to my own bed and let her sleep on her own... Heh, it’s a wonder that I haven’t woken her up with my snoring... He rolled over onto his back and sat up, gently moving Nightshine’s head from his arm to the pillow. The moon’s light pierced through the thin curtains, lighting up the floor in a faint silver glow. Jason pulled the sheets off of him, making sure that they never left Nightshine’s body as he crawled over to the foot of the bed.

He grimaced as his feet touched the cold floor. What warmth they held dissipated in mere moments, making him want to get to the warmth of his own bed. Walking up to the door, he looked over his shoulder and watched as Nightshine rolled over in her sleep, her forelegs reaching out, searching for something that wasn’t there. He licked his lips as the seconds dragged on, knowing that she was searching for him. His feet growing colder with each second, he tip-toed up to the bed and scratched Nightshine behind the ear. Her right hind leg twitched and a content smile grew on her face as her forelegs stilled.

Jason withdrew his hand and walked back to the door. Nightshine rolled over again, this time facing him. Her smile was gone, and her ears were laying flat on her head. Wanting to make sure that Nightshine slept well, Jason started to pull the door shut, but a particularly loud squeak from one of the door’s hinges made him wince. He cracked open an eye to find Nightshine rubbing her eyes. Staring through the crack between the door and the door frame, he watched her roll over, reaching around the empty bed as she tried to find him.

“Jason?” she meekly asked as she looked around, her voice soft and timid. “Where are you?”

Jason froze, unsure of what to do.


Okay... I can’t take the cuteness anymore... Jason pushed the door back open and took a step inside, his hand still resting on the doorknob. “Hey, sweetie... everything okay?”

Nightshine’s shoulders drooped a little as her head whipped around. She bit her bottom lip and stared up at him, the sheets covering her hind legs. “Why’d you leave? I thought you liked snuggles with me...” She pouted, sticking her bottom lip out.

Jason chuckled as he stepped back up to the bed. He sat down beside Nightshine, who clambered up onto his lap, nuzzling into his neck. “Please don’t go... I’ve spent so much time alone that not being next to you... it’s... it’s just scary. I don’t like being alone.”

“Shhh... it’s okay, Nightshine, I’m not going anywhere...” Jason stroked Nightshine’s mane while he used his other hand to hold her against his chest. “I didn’t mean to frighten you, honestly. I didn’t mean to fall asleep in your bed, and I was planning on going back to my own after I finished reading to you. That’s what I was in the middle of doing, but I forgot that your door has some pretty squeaky hinges.”

“So... you do like snuggling with me?” Nightshine asked hopefully.

“Of course I do. But I don’t think we can do it every single night.” Jason felt Nightshine tense up in his arms.

“W-why not?” Nightshine stammered out.

“Well, I didn’t buy you all of this nice furniture just to have you snuggling with me in my bed!” Jason said with a short laugh. “It did cost me a good amount of bits, after all.”

Nightshine looked up at him. “But what if we snuggled in my bed? It’s so big that both of us could totally fit on it!” A wide grin broke out on her face. “Isn’t that why you bought such a big one?”

“Actually...” Jason scratched the back of his neck. “I bought it so that you could grow into it. It’s just another way of showing that I want you to stick around, ya know?” He scratched her behind the ear, letting a grin slip on his face when he saw her smile.

“I guess, but... I’ll stay only on one condition!” Nightshine giggled, sitting down on Jason’s lap.

“Oh? And what might that be?” Jason asked with a lifted eyebrow. “A lifetime supply of sugar cookies?”

“Nuh-uh!” She placed her forelegs on Jason’s chest and pushed him down onto her bed. Before he could sit back up, she curled up into a ball on his chest, then said, “I just wanna snuggle tonight. Hm...” When she was sure that he wasn’t getting back up, she stretched out and wrapped her wings around him, just under his shoulders. “See how comfy this is, Dad?” She felt him run a hand through her mane again, prompting her to relax. “You know, I always fantasized about sleeping under my future mom or dad’s wing. I used to tuck a pillow behind my back, then pull the sheets over me to fake it. That’s what helped me fall asleep most nights...”

“Huh... really?” Jason felt his chest warm, much faster than a blanket would have done. “Oh, I think I see what you mean, but I think I’m a little tall for this.” He scooted back until his head was touching the pillow. “Hey, if you let me get up, I have an idea I think we’ll both like.”

Nightshine’s ears perked up at that. She lifted her head and stared at him for a few moments, then slid off of his chest, falling onto her side. After folding her wings, she watched Jason sit up, then walk out of the room. She heard him fumble about somewhere in his bedroom, and when he came back, he was wearing a loose-fitting gray sweater. She sat up, placing her forelegs between her hind legs and scooted over for him. He settled down on his back, then held up the bottom of his sweater. With a smile, he said, “Here, try this. My mother used to do this with me when I was about your size, so I think it’ll work out fine.”

“You.. want me to get under your sweater?” Nightshine asked, her head cocked to the side. “But won’t you get hot underneath the covers wearing all of your clothes?”

“Nah, this sweater will keep me warm.” Jason motioned for Nightshine to come in. “I won’t have to use the blankets wearing this.”

Nightshine tentatively stepped onto his chest, then settled down onto her belly. She scooted herself up, the soft fibers of the sweater pushing her ears back. Her head popped out just under Jason’s neck, so she nuzzled into it as she felt herself warm up. “Wow...” she murmured, wrapping her forelegs over Jason’s shoulders. “I think this is better than getting a wing-hug.”

“Heh, is that what it’s called?” Jason pulled the rest of Nightshine’s mane out from under the sweater for her, then wrapped his arms around her back. He slowly rolled over onto his side, letting Nightshine pull her forelegs back under the sweater. “I know my sweater is gonna get stretched out from this, but hey, it’s old, and I couldn’t think of a better use for it.”

“I...” Nightshine yawned, then licked her lips. “I think so too...”

“Glad ya think so...” Jason whispered. “Oh, and first thing tomorrow, we’re gonna start working out. We’re gonna get you so strong that you’re gonna be able to fly for days...” He felt Nightshine kiss the bottom of his chin.

“Too bad you can’t fly with me... I’d love to fly with you.”

Jason sighed, then relaxed as he fluffed the pillow. “Me too, sweetie... me too.”