• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 33,365 Views, 2,955 Comments

My Filly, Nightshine - The Abyss

Jason's life has grown dull. After months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. Then, one day, as he watches a family play in the park, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

  • ...

A Hopeful Heart

Lily stirred awake, her ears flicking about as she awoke from a dreamless yet satisfying sleep. A yawn forced her muzzle apart as she lifted her head from Jason’s pillow. She blinked a few times, then shielded her eyes with a wing as the sun’s light streamed in through the windows. Lowering her wing after a few moments, she found Nightshine sitting in front of the couch, a wide smirk plastered on her face. Lily tensed up, then relaxed a little bit. “Hey, little one...” she said softly, shooting her a warm smile. “You sleep well?”

“Yeah, but it looks like you slept better!” Nightshine chirped back. “Told ya snuggling with him was awesome!” She hopped up on the couch and jumped on top of Jason, wrapping her forelegs around his neck. “Morning, Daddy!” she said, nuzzling his cheek over and over.

“Ugh...” Jason opened his eyes, staring right up at the ceiling. Rubbing his neck with his left leg, he wrapped his other leg around Nightshine and held her close. “Good morning, Nightshine.” He glanced down to his left and noticed that Lily was pointedly staring at the coffee table, unable to meet his gaze. “Hey Lily...” he said as he stretched.

Lily coughed lightly. “You two happen to have any pancake mix around here? I can whip us up some killer pancakes if you do!” she said, looking towards the kitchen.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure we do,” Jason said. “You know how to cook?”

“Of course,” Lily said with a light-hearted scoff. "I learned from watching Princess Luna make her mother's recipe many, many times."

“Heh, alright then. If you wanna make us some breakfast, that’d be awesome. I should start cleaning up around here if I want this place to be presentable by the time that inspector guy comes around.” Jason stood up and looked around. “Well, all we really need to do is make sure that the kitchen is cleaned up,” he said, folding the blanket that he and Lily had shared. “And the beds have to be made. Guess I’ll start in my room.”

“Okay! I’ll let you know when breakfast is ready!” Lily called out after Jason as he walked past. Nightshine trotted after him, but stopped in front of the entryway to the kitchen. “Something on your mind, little one?” Lily asked.

“Um...” Nightshine rubbed her foreleg with a hoof as a nervous grin broke out on her face. “I know I’m only a filly, and I know I’m gonna be a mare eventually, but...” Her head drooped a little.

“What is it?” Lily asked, cocking her head to the side. She turned on the burner and rifled around in one of Jason’s cabinets until she found a large pan.

“Well... nopony ever taught me how to cook before,” Nightshine said, hesitantly flicking her gaze up to meet Lily’s. “C-Can you maybe show me how to make pancakes?”

“Oh, of course!” Lily pushed a chair over from the table next to the stove. “Here you go! Just hop on up and I’ll show you how simple it is to cook these delectable delights!” A sudden knocking on the front door made her pause.

“I’ll get it!” Jason said as he hurried over to the front door. “Everything clean over there?” he asked, looking over his shoulder.

“Uh... yep!” Lily called back.

After taking a deep breath, Jason turned the door handle and opened the door. “Oh, it’s just you two,” he said, breathing a sigh of relief. Jason shifted from side to side, his tail swishing about as if it had a mind of its own.

“Yeah, it’s just two of the four princesses of Equestria,” Twilight shot back with a grin, then shot him a quizzical gaze, watching his wings tremble slightly. “You okay?”

“O- Of course!” Jason stepped aside, then closed the door behind them. "Just still getting used to being a pony and not wearing clothes around princesses, is all," he said with a laugh. "I'm kinda nervous about this inspection thing, too."

“So? We only wear clothes when—” Twilight laughed. “Oh, right. You always wear clothes.”

“Yeah. Gotta stay decent, unlike—”

“All of Equestria?” Luna smirked, trotted past him, and promptly flopped down on the couch, spreading herself out across the cushions. She buried her muzzle underneath a cushion. “By the way, Lily? When we get back home, pease remind me that I need a couch such as this for my bedroom.”

“Huh? Why is that?” Twilight asked. “It’s just a couch.”

“Yes, it is, my dear Twilight, but it is a comfy couch! We do not have such comforts back home. All of the couches and chairs look pretty and fancy, yes, but they are not comfy. I wouldn’t even care if it was the ugliest color so long as it was this comfy.” Luna giggled as she finally pushed herself up into a more respectable position, a light blush tinting her cheeks a rosy pink. “Pray tell, Jason, where did you happen to acquire this couch?”

“Uh... I got it used from some family that bought a new one. They gave me a good deal, so I couldn’t really turn it down.”

“Oh, I see... Hmph! It is of no matter; it is comfy nonetheless, and I require one to replace that awful thing Celestia gave me for my birthday a while ago.” She prodded the couch with a hoof, then lay back against it. “It’s pretty warm, too, not like like just one pony was using it...” Her eyes narrowed as the cogs turned in her head.

“Jason and Lily snuggled on it last night!” Nightshine chirped with glee. “I woke up and saw them this morning before they woke up, and even though I didn’t think it could happen, she was smiling in her sleep! I didn’t even know you could do that! Isn’t that cool?” Silence filled the room, making her smile slowly fade away. “Um... did I say something wrong, Daddy?” she asked, looking up at Jason.

“Uh...” Jason rubbed the back of his neck as he felt every mare’s gaze fall on him. “It’s a long story.”

“One that I would be most curious to hear back on the train ride back up to Canterlot,” Luna said, shooting Lily a deep, knowing smirk. “Wait, what are you cooking over there?” she asked, her ears perking up as she sniffed the air. "I could go for a second breakfast..."

“Well, I’m just about to start making some pancakes, and Nightshine here was gonna help me! Everypony want some?” she asked. A chorus of yesses filled the room, Luna’s reply drowning out most of the others. “Awesome! I’ll let you know when they’re ready, okay?” Looking down at Nightshine, she said, “Hey, can you go and grab some blueberries from the fridge? Blueberry pancakes are Luna’s favorite!”

“You got it!”

Luna cleared her throat. “Anyways, how’d the inspection go?”

“He hasn’t arrived yet. To be honest, I’m expecting him to be here any min—” A soft knock came from his front door. “Well, like I was saying, any minute. I guess this is him, so... act natural, I guess?”

Letting his hoof rest on the doorknob, he took another deep breath to steady his nerves and opened the door, revealing a tan earth pony. “Hello there!” he said, standing aside to let him in. “I take it that you’re the home inspector?”

They nodded once as they took a couple steps inside. “I sure am. The name is Ba—Oh my heavens, Princess Twilight and Princess Luna!” He bowed low, his right foreleg curling up as his muzzle brushed against the floor. “It is quite the honor to meet you,” he said, standing back up. “My name is Bartholomeus, and I am here to inspect this home to see if it is suitable for... uh, hang on a tic.” He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a clipboard. “Uh... Nightshine? Yeah, that’s the one!”

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Luna said, nodding once. “We came hoping to hear whether or not Jason had passed your examination, but it appears we came a little early.”

“Yes, well, be that as it may, the train was running a little late. I was supposed to be here half an hour ago,” Bartholomeus said with a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his neck.

Jason closed the door and stepped to the side. “So how do we go about this home inspection? Do you just have to look around or what?”

“That is a part of it, yes, but I do have to interview both you and Nightshine.” He flipped a couple pages over and peered down, pushing his spectacles up. “Hm... would it be okay with you if I start with the home inspection?”

“That’s fine with me,” Jason said. “As you can see, this is the living room, the kitchen is over to your right, where Nightshine and our new friend, Lily, is showing her how to make pancakes, and if you look further to the ri—”

“Ahem! New friend?” Bartholomeus’ eyes narrowed. “What do you mean by that, good sir?”

“Uh... Well, Lily is one of Princess Luna’s guards. She and Luna came down to help out around here, and Lily has been absolutely wonderful to Nightshine; almost like the mother she never had.”

“Hmph. I see... Very well, then! Let us move on.” He walked up to the entrance of the kitchen and paused. “Well, hello there, little one!” he said, a wide grin on his face as his eyes fell upon a young bat pony pouring a cup full of blueberries onto a half-cooked pancake. “You must be Nightshine!”

“Y-Yeah, that’s me,” Nightshine said, shooting him a cautious glance. “Are you that inspector pony?”

“I sure am!”

“Well, it’s, uh... it’s nice to meet you, sir!” Nightshine said, letting a little smile grace her lips.

“Well-mannered, and seems to be happy here...” Bartholomeus said, scribbling that down on his clipboard.

“I sure am! Daddy taught me that you’re supposed to be kind to strangers, too,” she said.

“Already calling him Daddy? That’s odd... Hasn’t it been a week or so since your adoption?”

“Uh... I think so. He’s my daddy, though; I just know it!” Nightshine said with glee. “When we first met, I just knew in my heart that he would take me away and give me a home! And I—” She felt Lily nudge her side with a hoof, making her look up at her with an questioning gaze.

“That is good to hear! Anyways, I assume the pantry is well-stocked?” he asked, pulling it open and peering inside. “Hm... a little low.”

“W-We have been rather busy preparing for your visit, and, uh...” Jason felt a pit in his stomach grow as he followed the inspector down the hallway.

Lily coughed to get Nightshine’s attention. “You were laying it on a little thick there at the end, sweetie,” she said, feeling a tad bit uneasy. I hope that doesn’t hurt her chances of staying with Jason...

“Oh, I know!” Nightshine said with a giggle.

“You’re a little devil, you know that?” Lily asked, returning Nightshine’s giggle as she ruffled her mane with a hoof. “So... did Jason really teach you to be nice to strangers?”

“Nope! I just said that to make him look better,” Nightshine said, her smile faltering. “Some of my friends at the orphanage actually came back because their new parents failed the home inspection. They, um... they were sad for weeks. Barely ate anything, too, and...” A shiver ran down her back as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “I don’t want Jason to fail...” she muttered, her ears flicking back. Barely a moment passed before she felt Lily wrap her forelegs around her, pulling her into a tight hug.

“That’s never gonna happen, Nightshine, and don’t you dare speak another word of that. Banish those thoughts from your mind and don’t ever let them return,” Lily said, rubbing Nightshine’s back.

“O-Okay,” Nightshine said, sniffling a little bit.

“You promise?” Lily sat back, then wiped the tears from Nightshine’s eyes as she nodded. “Come on, shall we go see how things are going? I’m sure that everything is going smoothly.”

“Alright, and... thanks,” Nightshine said.

“Anytime, sweetie.”

“Thank you for your time, Jason, Nightshine,” Bartholomeus said, tucking his clipboard back into his saddlebag. He grinned as he watched Nightshine climb up Jason’s leg, using her wings to give her an extra boost to latch her forelegs around his neck. She pulled herself up, her head appearing over his shoulder, a wide grin on her face.

“It was our pleasure, Bartholomeus,” Jason said. "Would you care to share breakfast with us?”

“Heh, while I would enjoy that, I must be off to Trottingham on the very next train to get to my next appointment!” Bartholomeus said, walking towards the front door. “I wish you two the best of luck!” he said as he let himself out.

A heavy silence filled the room, one that Twilight broke after many seconds. “So?! Did you pass?” she asked.

‘We sure did!” Jason said. “And Nightshine? I have a surprise for you!”

“Oh?” She draped herself over his shoulder. “What do you mean?”

“We’re going to the Grand Galloping Gala!”

Nightshine gasped. “Really?!” Nightshine asked, her eyes wide. “Eeeee!” She launched herself off of Jason’s shoulders, spreading her wings wide. She flew around the room a couple of times, then headed straight for Jason with her forelegs outstretched. She hit him hard, making him stumble back as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck. Jason lost his balance and fell down, his back hitting the front door, but Nightshine was too focused on nuzzling him to notice.

“The pancakes are ready!” Lily called out from the kitchen. “Come and get ‘em!”

Nightshine’s ears perked up at that. She took a few sniffs, then bolted towards the kitchen like a dog chasing a cat.

“Congratulations, Jason,” Luna said, slipping off of the couch. She held out a hoof to help him up. “I did not have a shred of doubt that you wouldn’t be able to pass the inspection.”

“Heh, thanks. I was worried sick throughout the entire thing; it felt like I was walking on pins and needles.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “You think that his decision was influenced by yours and Twilight’s presence?” he asked.

Luna simply smirked at him. “Oh, I don’t know...” A grin slowly grew on her face before she couldn’t hold back anymore. “Don’t tell anypony I said this, but I think he almost peed himself when he saw me and Twilight.”

“Ha! I’m sure anypony would, given the circumstances. Anyways... there’s not enough chairs in the kitchen for all five of us, so would it be okay if you and Twilight ate out here in the living room? You could sit on my comfy couch again, as you so eloquently put it.”

“You know me too well, Jason; I was going to ask if it was alright to eat there,” Luna said with a giggle. “Celestia hates it when I do that!”

“My mom was the same way, but I still did it anyways,” Jason said. “You wanna go lay down again? I can bring you a plate.”

“That sounds lovely, thank you,” she said. “By the way, Lily and I need to get going after breakfast. I need to help my sister prepare for the Gala, and I told her that I would be back early this afternoon to assist her.”

“What, so soon? I guess it has been a few days...” He shot a forlorn glance Lily’s way.

Luna’s eyes softened. “Well, if it is any consolation, I do not think this will be the last time you and Lily will meet.”

“Yeah... One can only hope.” Stepping into the kitchen, Jason grabbed a bottle of syrup and let Lily carry in the plates of food. “You know, a little birdy told me that Lily is a good cook,” he said as he walked back towards the kitchen. He sat down at the small table where Lily was placing their plates on the table for them. As soon as Lily sat down, Nightshine immediately started scarfing down her pancake, almost as if she was inhaling it. “Woah, slow down there; you really should take little bites so you can enjoy it more,” he said with a chuckle.

Nightshine grinned. “But it’s so good!” she said, squeezing no small amount of syrup onto the remains of her pancake. “You want some?” Nightshine asked, holding out the bottle for him between her two front hooves.

“I would love some, thanks.” Jason poured some of the syrup onto his pancake, then pushed the bottle across the table towards Lily.

Nightshine suddenly gasped. “Lily! Are you going to the Grand Galloping Gala too?” she asked, staring up at her with wide eyes. “A mare as pretty as you should definitely be there!”

Lily rubbed her foreleg with a hoof. “Uh... to be honest, I don’t know. The schedule for the guards was posted yesterday, and I’ve been here for the last few days, so... yeah.” She forced herself to smile. “I sure hope I don’t have to work, though! I’ve always been scheduled to work the Gala in the past several years, though, so... I don’t think my chances are good.”

“Oh, uh... I’m sorry to hear that,” Jason said, feeling a tad bit uncomfortable. “Any chance you could get somepony to take your place?”

“I really doubt that anypony would want to take an extra shift, even if it’s for the Gala. I do have a bit of seniority, though, so... there might be a chance that I’m free,” she said hopefully.

“I see, so... Luna said you two are leaving after this,” he said softly.

Lily’s shoulders drooped as her ears flicked back. She set her fork back down on the plate and glanced off to the side. “Yeah... I heard her tell you that.” She licked her lips, then glanced back up at him, her cheeks a soft, rosy pink. “I’m, uh... I’m gonna miss you guys. I’ve had a blast hanging out with you two, and... about last night, I’m sor—”

“Hey, don’t worry about it,” Jason said. “I didn’t mind it one bit.”

Lily perked up at that. “Y-Yeah?”

“Yeah. You’re always welcome to stop by when you can! I’m sure that Nightshine would love that, right, little one?” he asked, tousling his daughter’s mane.

“Sure would!” Nightshine said through the half-chewed food in her mouth.

“I am very glad to hear that,” Lily said with a soft smile. Their conversation lapsed into silence as she stared at her mostly-untouched pancake. Should I ask him? This could be the last time I see him in weeks... Her heart throbbed in her chest, screaming at her to make the first move. She felt Nightshine poke her side, wrenching her from her thoughts. “Hm? What’d you say?”

“I asked if you were gonna finish that pancake,” Nightshine said. “So... are you? They’re only good for a few minutes before they get all soggy; they’re really yummy!” She wiggled in her seat, praying for a positive answer.

“Yeah, sure. I usually don’t eat breakfast anyways,” Lily lied.

Jason’s eyes narrowed. “Uh... you sure?” he asked as he watched Lily push her plate towards Nightshine.

“I’m fine,” Lily said, “I’m honestly not really hungry right now.”

Jason’s eyes narrowed further, then he relented. “Okay then. Thanks for making these; they’re great,” he said over the sounds of Nightshine gobbling up the pancake. He finished the last few bites of his own and stood up, taking away their empty plates. After he placed them in the kitchen sink, he poked his head out of the kitchen and asked, “You two finished out here?”

“Yep, and I am afraid we must get going,” Luna said, licking a bit of syrup from her lips. “Shall we, Lily?”

Lily sighed. “Yeah, but we need to stop by Twilight’s castle to get my armor; I left it in my room.”

“Very well, but we should hurry. The train to Canterlot leaves in twenty minutes, and I had them hook up my personal train car to the end so that we could relax in private,” Luna said. “And it’s stocked with your favorite snack, too!” She slipped off the couch, stretched, then used her magic to open the front door. Twilight followed her outside, though she did shoot a warm smile Jason’s way.

“Wait, you have mangos?” Lily asked breathlessly.

“What’s a mango?” Nightshine asked, cocking her head to the side.

Lily chuckled. “It’s only the bestest, most tastiest fruit imaginable! I’ll be sure to bring you some the next time I’m around, okay? They might actually have some around town down here, though they can be rather hard to find sometimes.”

“Awesome; I can’t wait!”

“Great. Well, it was really nice getting to know you two. Would you like to walk me out?” she asked.

“Of course.”

“Thanks.” Lily stood up and walked past Jason, feeling her muscles tense up as her tail brushed against his leg. A light blush appeared on her cheeks as she walked towards the front door, following Luna and Twilight outside. A light breeze blew her mane to the other side of her neck as she stepped out onto his small front porch. She felt little pinpricks form on her neck, making her wings tremble at her sides as she watched Luna and Twilight walk away.

“Are you coming, Lily?” Luna asked, pausing when she realized that Lily wasn’t with her and Twilight.

Lily’s heart throbbed in her chest. “J-Just a minute, Princess!” she called out. Taking a few deep breaths to steady her nerves, she flicked her tail a couple of times and turned around. “Hey, Jason?” she asked, looking up into his eyes, her mouth feeling incredibly dry. “I know this is a bit of a long shot, but... um... would you maybe want to go on a date with me sometime soon?” she squeaked out.

Jason’s eyes went wide, though he regained control after a couple of seconds. “Yeah, I’d like that,” he said, blinking a few times. “I’d like that a lot.”

“Really?” Lily’s eyes lit up with glee as she pranced in place. Yay! She darted forward and wrapped her forelegs around his neck, nuzzling him for a few seconds before she realized what she was doing. “Heh, sorry. I think I got a little carried away there...” she said. “Anyways, I...”

“Lily!” Luna yelled from further down the road.

“Coming!” Lily yelled back. She smiled sheepishly as she looked back up at Jason. “Guess I gotta go, huh?” Nightshine trotted up to her, stood up on her hind legs, then wrapped her forelegs around her neck.

“Promise you’ll come back soon?” Nightshine asked, tightening her grip for a few moments before she let go.

“I promise,” Lily said.

Jason took a deep breath, then licked his lips, hoping that the question that sit on the tip of his tongue wasn’t too forward. “Hey, so, uh... if you’re not working during the Grand Galloping Gala, would you like to be my plus one? I don’t have anyone else to bring, and I think that’d be a really fun first date.”

“If I’m not working, I would absolutely love to go with you, Jason,” Lily said, her rump wiggling about in excitement. “Anyways, I really gotta go now. Goodbye, you two!” She opened her wings and flew off in the direction of Twilight’s castle, waving at them until she disappeared from sight.

Jason waved back, then stepped back inside. “Heh, sure didn’t expect that coming.”

Nightshine laughed. “You kidding? I saw it a mile away!” she said, playfully nudging his side.

“What? How?” Jason asked, puzzled.

“Daddy, I’m a filly. All fillies can tell when somepony has a crush on somepony!” Nightshine said with a giggle. “You two look so cute together!” She gasped. “You think she could be my mommy one day?!”

Lily trotted back inside the barracks, a gleeful pep in her step. Making her way over to her bunk bed, she kicked open her trunk, unceremoniously dropped her saddlebag and armor inside, then shut it. She flopped down on her bed and let loose a heavy sigh of content, unable to keep a smile off her face.

“What, you’re not even going to say hello?” her friend’s voice came from the bunk above her.

“Abigale?” Lily glanced up to find her friend looking down upon her with a smirk. She pushed herself up. “Sorry, I didn’t even see you when I came in.”

“Yeah, I was sleeping; my shift was this morning,” Abigale said as she swung down to land on Lily’s bed. She lay down on the other end of the rather small bed and let her smirk deepen.

“Uh... what is it?”

“Something happened down in Ponyville, right? I can see it all over your face!” Abigale said, nudging her best friend with a hoof. Her fangs glistened in the fading sunlight streaming in through the windows. “Come on, we’re besties; we tell each other everything! Spill the beans already!” She brushed a bit of her light purple mane out of her eyes and waited with unwavering attention.

Lily giggled nervously, then leaned in close. “I met a stallion down there, and...” she said, keeping her voice soft. “I asked him out!”

“Eeee! I knew it!” Abigale screeched, her tail swishing about behind her.

“That’s not the best part; he’s a thestral, and he invited me to the Gala!” Lily said, smiling at her friend’s excitement. “He’s got a really cute daughter, too!”

Abigale’s smile faltered. “Wait, what?” Her eyebrows furrowed that. “Hold on, hun, you want to get involved with a stallion who already has a filly?” She shook her head. “No, no, and no! That’s a horrible idea! What if he gets tired of you and wants to get back with the mother? Would you really want to get hitched to him and have to deal with that in the future? Every time he looks at his daughter, he’s gonna think of his ex-wife! You really should break things off as soon as you can.”

Lily’s mouth hung open wide. “Okay... I’m gonna stop you right there. His daughter was just recently adopted from an orphanage here in Canterlot, and I really, really like this guy. I am not going to break things off.”

Abigale blinked in shock, unable to speak for a few seconds. “Oh, wow. That changes everything,” she said, a small smile returning to her lips. “I apologize for making those assumptions about him.”

“Thanks,” Lily said, relaxing a little bit. She returned Abigale’s smile, then said, “I really would like for you to meet him, Abi; he’s really sweet, and he’s pretty much everything I’m looking for in a coltfriend.”

“Yeah? Well, I’m glad to hear that! Now I just gotta find a coltfriend of my own! Oh hey, did you see the schedule for this weekend when you came in? I’m off this weekend!”

“Really? Lucky!” Lily hopped off her bed. “If you’re off, then that must mean that Celestia’s guards will be watching over the event instead of Luna’s again!” She trotted away from her friend, heading towards the front of the barracks, her eyes locked on a piece of parchment nailed to the far wall.

“Yeah, but Luna always likes to have some of her guards there, remember?” Abigale asked from across the room. “I think she likes to show us off...” she said, followed by a short chuckle.

Lily screeched to a halt in front of the schedule, her eyes darting across the page until she found her name. Her heart dropped into her stomach, unable to believe her eyes. I have to work during the Gala? B-But why? Why?? With tears brimming in her eyes, she shouldered open the doors leading outside and took to the skies.

“Lily, wait!” Abigale said, leaping up from the bed. She galloped towards the doors and kicked them open. She looked up, praying that Lily was still within eyeshot, but she was long gone.