• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 33,365 Views, 2,955 Comments

My Filly, Nightshine - The Abyss

Jason's life has grown dull. After months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. Then, one day, as he watches a family play in the park, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

  • ...

A Close Call

Lily grinned as she woke up, cracking an eye open to find Jason yawning and rubbing his eyes. “Morning...” she murmured, letting her eye drift back shut. She rolled over to lay flat on her belly, her wing draped over his back and his over hers. All was warm and soft, but above all, she finally felt loved, something that she’d been yearning for for quite some time. All that time spent cuddling her pillow back in the barracks paled in comparison to the warmth that she felt from Jason.

“Hey, you...” Jason said, nuzzling her cheek. He shrugged the sheets off of his back, and as he made to push himself upright, Lily’s grip on his back pushed him back down.

“Did I give you permission to leave, soldier?” she asked with a soft giggle. She rolled over onto her back and pulled the sheets back up over their shoulders with her hooves, letting them curl up onto her chest. After glancing at the clock, she said, “The train doesn’t leave for another two hours or so, and we did just wake up, so why not spend some quality snuggle time together?” Lily pushed him onto his side with a wing and wiggled her way into his embrace, tucking her head under Jason’s chin.

“Because we have to get ready. We haven’t even packed our bags yet.” Jason tried to get up again, but Lily’s grip was just too strong. He settled back down and yawned. “But I wouldn’t mind catching a little bit more sleep. I’m sure that Nightshine feels the same way, too.”

“I bet she would... if she was awake,” Lily said, unable to keep herself from yawning. She closed her eyes, and as she felt Jason drape one of his legs over her, she latched onto it and smiled as she let sleep take hold once again. “Just another fifteen minutes...” she mumbled.

Nightshine paced back and forth in front of Daddy’s door. She’d already showered, packed her bags, and had gobbled down an apple from the kitchen. She had knocked on Jason’s door a few times already every five minutes or so, but she’d heard nothing aside from the occasional snore, and once she was all ready to go, she spent nearly an hour pacing in front of his bedroom door.

The ever-increasing need to make sure that Daddy and Lily were awake and getting ready combined with the fact that she could potentially interrupt some serious snuggles between the two of them ate at her, making her grow more and more antsy. She knew how important snuggles were, especially in a budding relationship, but on the other hoof lay the Gala. The train was the best way to get up there, and with their beginner level experience, there was no way that they’d be able to fly all the way there, let alone carry their fancy clothes with them.

There was no way that she was going to miss the second most important day of her life. Praying that they’d forgive her for waking them up, Nightshine ruffled her wings, took a deep breath, then sat down and raised her hoof to knock on the door again, and as she looked over her shoulder at the clock, she knew that now was the make it or break it moment. “Daddy!” she called out, fervently beating on the door with her hoof. “We gotta go!” When she heard no response, she bit her bottom lip and opened the door, hoping that Lily and Jason were decent.

She covered her eyes with her leg as she crept inside, then slowly lowered it to take a peek, though she couldn’t see what was happening on the bed. She spread her wings wide, and with a leap and a flap of her wings, she landed on the edge of the bed as gently as she could, relieved to discover that Jason and Lily were both soundly asleep, all snuggled up to each other. Maybe I could get in on the snuggles! she thought, eyeing the small amount of filly-sized space left between the two of them. “There’s no time...” she muttered, pausing in her tracks. “But maybe on the train?” Nightshine grinned at the thought, and as she spread her wings for a second time, she jumped on top of Jason, ferociously nuzzling him awake.

“Mmm, just a few more minutes, Lily...” Jason murmured, still fast asleep. He rolled over onto his other side on top of Nightshine, tugging her close with his forelegs.

“No, Daddy, it’s Nightshine!” she said with a laugh as she tried to wiggle her way out of Jason’s forelegs. “We gotta get going or we’re gonna miss the train up to Canterlot!” she said, half-heartedly fighting to escape.

“Okay... just a few more minutes...” Jason softly said, his eyes still shut tight.

It was obvious to her that he was still sleeping deeply. Nightshine gave up as the warmth from Jason’s body started to seep into hers, but she was on a mission; she had to step up and be the responsible one, so she did the only thing that made sense to her in the moment: she bared her fangs and bit down as hard as she could on Jason’s exposed foreleg.

“Ow!” Jason bolted upright and shook his hoof about, yanking it out of Nightshine’s mouth. “What was that for?” he asked, glaring at her before relenting after a few seconds.

“Didn’t you hear what I just said? We gotta go!” Nightshine exclaimed. “We don’t have much time before the train is going to leave, you two are still in bed, and like I said, we gotta go!”

“I’m up, I’m up...” Lily groaned as she stretched.

“Why didn’t you say anything or try to wake us up?” he asked, shooting a quizzical gaze Nightshine’s way.

“I’ve been trying to wake you up for almost an hour!” she shot back. “Why didn’t you wake up when you were supposed to? Didn’t you hear me banging on the door?”

Lily coughed lightly, interrupting them. “Well, we did kinda wake up a while ago, but... we wanted to snuggle for a little bit longer. I know you know how, uh... nice it is, so... yeah. I kinda fell asleep on accident, and I think Jason did too, so... my bad.” She shrugged as she yawned, pushing herself out of bed. “What time is it, anyways?”

“It’s time to go! The train is gonna leave in twenty minutes and you’re not even packed!”

“O-Oh.” Lily’s mouth formed a tight circle. “Dibs on the shower!” She flung herself out of bed a split second later and bolted for the bathroom. “I’ll be quick!” she said, shutting the door behind her.

“We don’t have time to shower and pack our bags!” Jason yelled after her. A few moments passed in silence before he heard the door to the bathroom open again. Glancing at Nightshine, he said, “Gotta let me up if you want me to get ready, little one.”

“Oh, right!” Nightshine said with a sheepish smile. She backed up onto the edge of the bed, then sat down near the corner. “I’m all ready to go. I got my stuff by the door and already had breakfast.”

“Good!” Jason pushed the sheets off of him and slid out of bed, hastily making his way over to the closet. “Now, where would my bag be... ah, here it is.” He fumbled with the handle for several seconds, trying his hardest to loop his hoof into it. Jason paused and groaned, feeling rather frustrated.

“Here, I’ll help,” Lily gently said. “Sometimes I forget you’re still getting used to being a pony.” She grabbed the bag and unzipped it. “Can you hold it open for me? I’ll grab our clothes. Be right back!”

Jason collapsed upon the seat in the train. “I can’t believe we made it!” he said in between pants. “And a whole train car for ourselves? Lucky us. Everyone else might be up in Canterlot already.”

“Yeah, maybe...” Nightshine wearily climbed up beside him and collapsed against the window, letting her head come to rest against the cool surface. “Hadn’t run like that in a while,” she said, wiping the sweat from her forehead. “Thanks for carrying our bags, Daddy,” Nightshine said as she bumped her flank against his. “They sure looked heavy!”

“Yeah, they were,” he said as he threw the bags in a heap down in the area between the seats. Lily hopped up on the opposite seat and sat down, placing her forelegs in between her hind legs. She hungrily licked her lips as she heard the conductor yell something further up the platform. The train suddenly lurched forward, making her forelegs slip off the seat. As she fell forward, she opened her wings to try and keep herself upright, but it was too late. She collapsed onto their bags with a muffled groan.

“Maaaaaybe you should sit with us on our side,” Nightshine said, peering down at her. “That didn’t look fun.”

“Yeah, you okay?” Jason cocked his head to the side, a worried look upon his face. He slid from his seat and held out a hoof for her to grab onto.

“I’m okay, thanks. Just caught me off guard,” Lily said, shooting a grateful smile at him as she let him help her up.

“Ya know, I never thought guards could be caught off guard,” Jason said with a chuckle.

Lily rolled her eyes. “Ha ha, like I haven’t heard that one ever,” she said with a fake laugh.

“I bet. Do you...” He paused as the train started rolling out of the station, then walked over the aisle and pressed his snout against the glass. “Do you think Princess Twilight and her friends made it on?” he asked, looking all over the platform.

“I’m almost certain they have their own car; being a princess has its perks,” Lily piped up. “They’re probably in the private car back there.” She pointed back behind Jason and Nightshine, gesturing towards the end of their car. “You see the window shade rolled down? I bet Princess Twilight doesn’t want to ruin her surprise. I overheard her talking to Princess Luna about it,” she said, finishing in a sing-song voice as her gaze came to rest on Nightshine.

Nightshine gasped, her ears flicking up. “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”

“A special surprise!” Lily said, her tail wiggling about as if it had a mind of its own. She leaned in close and beckoned Nightshine in with a wave of her hoof, then whispered, “It’s a dress! You think the ones we got look great, right?” Nightshine nodded. “Well, this one is supposed to be super duper awesome! If I heard them right, it’s supposed to have some magical jewels on it, though I’m not quite sure what they’re for...”

“Woah...” Nightshine whispered back. “What kind of magic?”

“Now that’s a good question!” Lily said as she trotted to the front of their train car. “We’re just gonna have to wait and see!” She pulled down the window shade on the door leading to the next train car, her head whipping around to land on Jason a second later.

“Oh, I know that look,” Nightshine said, her ears perking up. “You want more snuggles with Jason!”

“I suppose you could say that...” Lily said as she eyed her prize like a lion about to pounce on its dinner: the perfect snuggle spot right next to the window. It looked a little tight, but she had a feeling it wouldn’t matter and that Nightshine wouldn’t mind, especially with what she had in store: group snuggles.

As Lily stalked towards them, Nightshine wrapped her forelegs around one of Jason’s and pushed him closer to the end of his seat. “Gotta make room for her; isn’t it obvious?”

“Oh, I dunno,” Jason said in a silly tone of voice. “I thought she was coming to suck my blood with those sharp fangs of hers!”

“I can do that too,” Lily said, coming ever closer. “You know, you did wake us up, little one. I think we deserve a little bit more quality snuggle time, don’t you?”

Nightshine’s ears flicked down and her shoulders drooped a little bit. “Oh,” she said, her voice losing a bit of excitement. “I understand.” She stood up and took a step towards the edge of the seat, getting ready to step off when she felt Lily’s wing stop her. She bit her bottom lip and groaned. While she felt disappointed that she wasn’t going to get to snuggle some more, the idea that Lily might stick around because of her sacrifices today might pay off in the future for the both of them. She figured that if she gave up snuggles with Daddy now, that Lily might stick around, potentially resulting in her dream of snuggling with both a mother and a father at the same time. Right before she hopped off the seat, she looked up at Lily and paused, a faint beating of hope humming in her heart.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Lily looked down upon her with a gentle smile. “I said we, Nightshine. That means all of us.” She clambered up onto the seat and lay down, partly folding her wing to let Nightshine settle back down. Noticing that Jason wasn’t meeting her gaze, she poked him with the tip of her wing, then draped it over Nightshine’s back.

“So...” Jason nervously licked his lips.

Noticing his nervousness, Nightshine smirked at him. “I’ll take the lead!” she happily squeaked out. Before Jason could utter another word, she nuzzled Jason’s wing open to lay on top of Lily’s wing. “Perfect!” As the train left Ponyville behind, she lay her head against Jason’s belly, happy that they hadn’t missed the train.