• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 33,365 Views, 2,955 Comments

My Filly, Nightshine - The Abyss

Jason's life has grown dull. After months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. Then, one day, as he watches a family play in the park, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

  • ...

Going Home

Jason stepped out of the orphanage with Nightshine a couple of hours later, glad that he’d signed out of the hotel that morning. The sun was already beginning to set, leaving them with only a few hours left of daylight. Serenity had informed Jason that a representative from the orphanage would be down in a month, give or take a few days, to inspect their home, giving him more than enough time to get everything sorted.

Nightshine smiled as she closed her eyes, standing on the front steps of the orphanage. She took a deep breath and tilted her head back, then let it out as she opened her eyes. The sun at her back and Jason at her side, she felt like nothing in the world could hold her back anymore.

“You coming?” Jason stood at the bottom of the steps and looked back at Nightshine. “Surely you want to get to your new home as quickly as possible, hm? Come on, maybe we can catch the next train home!” He beckoned for her to follow him.

“Okay!” Nightshine trotted to keep up with Jason, a noticeable pep in her step.

Jason grinned as he looked down at her. She beamed with a radiance that he’d never seen before, and he hoped that he could replicate that in the future. So many ideas of what they could do together swirled around in his mind, but as much as he would have liked to keep fantasizing, he forced them back so that he could focus on the task at hand: getting them home.

Eyeing the open sky above her, Nightshine fluffed her wings as the urge to soar through the clouds popped into her mind. “Hey... can I fly real quick? It’s been way too long since I’ve had any fun.”

Jason felt a rather strong breeze come from behind, helping him make up his mind. “You know... I’d rather wait until we got back to m—our house.” He saw Nightshine’s shoulders slump in disappointment. “However, if you’re still up for it when we get back home, I’ll take you to the biggest field we can find and let you fly as much as you want, okay?”

“Okay!” Nightshine perked up at that.

“And if you want, I can get you flying lessons. I just so happen to know a certain pony who claims to be the fastest flier in all of Equestria, so maybe we can have her show you some pointers? How’s that sound?”

“That sounds awesome!”

As they made their way down the streets, Nightshine’s stomach grumbled. She’d missed lunch because she had been adamant in staying at Jason’s side all throughout the finalization of her adoption. She didn’t regret her decision in the slightest, but as they passed a bakery that had the most delectable of scents wafting out, Nightshine paused.

Jason didn’t notice that she’d stopped until he was four paces ahead of her. He saw her gazing into the bakery, biting her lower lip. With a chuckle, he asked, “Hungry?”

Nightshine glanced between Jason and the bakery a couple of times, then walked back to his side, her head hung low. She didn’t want to upset him minutes after getting adopted, so she pushed her hunger pangs out of her mind and threw on a fake smile. “N-no, I’m fine, sir. I, uh... I heard something strange, that’s all.”

Jason stepped up to her and kneeled down. Nightshine sat down and held his gaze, and even though she had said that she was fine, Jason saw the longing in her eyes. “Really?” He heard Nightshine’s stomach grumble, making him grin in realization. “Aww, you heard your stomach grumble, eh? Come on, let’s get something to eat.” Jason lifted Nightshine up and cradled her in her in his arms just like how he had caught her. “Before we do, though, I just want to make a couple of things clear...”

Nightshine curled her forelegs up to her chest and flicked her tail once, wriggling to get more comfortable. “W-what?” she asked rather meekly.

“You can just call me Jason, or, uh... Dad, if you want to, I guess.” Jason walked up to the bakery’s entrance and crossed through the threshold. As he made his way up to the counter, he threw on the most reassuring smile he could and told her, “And you don’t have to lie to me. If you need something, or if you need to talk about something, you can always come to me. Okay? I promise I won’t get angry.”

Nightshine relaxed in Jason’s grasp. “Okay. I’m sorry about lying to you, Jason, but... I just really want you to like me...”

“Haha, I already do! I think you’re as cute as a button, and...” He dropped his voice down to a whisper. “I liked you more than everyone else at the orphanage.” Jason angled his left hand so that he could scratch her behind her ears, knowing that she’d like that.

“Thanks...” Nightshine nuzzled Jason’s chest, then noticed that they were already at the counter. The mare working in the back saw them and started trotting up to them.

“So whatcha want? It looks like they have muffins, cookies, and a bunch of other yummy-looking stuff.” Jason let go of her hind legs and wrapped his free arm under her forelegs, letting her see all that the display case had to offer as she dangled in his grasp.

“Oh, they have chocolate chip muffins?” Nightshine’s eyes went wide as she spotted her favorite treat. “Can I have one? Pretty please? I haven’t had one in years!” She pointed at the treat with a hoof as she looked up at him.

“Of course!” Jason lowered Nightshine down to the ground. “Wait, years? How often do they take you guys outside of the orphanage?”

“Um, maybe twice a year? But it’s always for dumb stuff like old dusty art museums.”

“I... see.” Jason looked up to see the mare working the bakery waiting patiently with a smile on her face. “Hey, how’s it going?” he asked, returning her smile.

“Very well, thank you! What can I get ya?” The baker was a light-cream unicorn with a pink mane that just barely reached her shoulders. She looked rather young, though she was easily old enough to hold a job.

Jason looked down at Nightshine. “Hey, what else do you like? You can have anything you want.”

Nightshine stared at Jason in shock. “R-really?” Jason nodded. “Well... I do like chocolate chip and sugar cookies, too.”

Perfect! My favorites... Jason looked back at the mare and said, “We’ll take six of those big chocolate chip muffins, a dozen chocolate chip cookies, and a dozen sugar cookies!”

“Alrighty then! Give me a couple of minutes, and I’ll have them all ready for you! Will this order be for here or to go?” The baker turned and paused as she waited for his answer.

“Um... can we have the two dozen cookies and four of the muffins to go, please? The little one here is pretty hungry.”

“Of course! Your total is twenty-seven bits, by the way.”

“Cool...” Jason shoved his hand in his right pocket to grab the bag of bits, but stopped when he felt Nightshine tug on his pants. “What’s wrong?” he asked, noticing the look of regret on her face.

“That’s way too much money, Jason... I just, um... I just wanted a muffin.” Nightshine grimaced as she looked at his feet.

“Hey... it’s all right.” Jason kneeled down so that they could see eye-to-eye better. “I like to treat myself from time to time. Besides...” He placed a finger on the bottom of Nightshine’s chin and gently lifted her head up. “You’re worth it.”

Nightshine stared into Jason’s eyes before she closed her eyes and nuzzled into his hand. She felt the beginnings of tears form up in the corners of her eyes, but she forced herself to keep herself from breaking down. She smiled as the urge to hug him overcame her. “Th-thank you...” Nightshine had not known what to expect, but being showered in love and affection just minutes from leaving the orphanage made her heart warm, even if it was in the shape of expensive treats.

“No problem, sweetie.” Jason tousled her mane before he stood up to pay.

Nightshine shifted closer to him until only an inch separated them. He had a way of making all of her fears and shortcomings simply fade away into nothingness, a sensation she had never felt before. She felt the beginning of a bond form between them as she started to trust him, letting her drop her guard even more.

“Twenty-seven bits, right?” Jason asked as he counted the bits out.

“Yup!” The baker nodded as she pushed three boxes tied shut with a soft-pink ribbon. She took Jason’s bits and put them in the cash register, then smiled at them. “Thanks for your business! See you two next time!”

“Yea—” A train whistle cut Jason off. “Uh-oh...”

“You two getting on the last train of the day?” The baker asked. “If you go through the alley just outside and to the right, you should make it! You have about a couple minutes before they leave.” She took the two chocolate chip muffins that she hadn’t packed and put them into a separate bag.

“Thanks!” Jason tossed a couple of extra bits down to show his gratitude, grabbed the baked goods, then jogged outside, Nightshine hot on his heels.

“Are we gonna make it?” Nightshine asked with a hint of worry in her tone.

“I hope so!” Jason broke out into a run as the train station came into view around the corner. Nightshine had to gallop to keep up with him, and as the buildings flew past them, the thought to fly popped into her mind. She opened her wings to take flight, but Jason’s words from before popped into her mind, making her fold them back to her side.

The two of them hopped onto the train just as it was leaving the station. Jason collapsed into the closest seat in the nearly-empty train car and placed the boxes of goods on the empty seat in front of him. Nightshine hopped up next to him, picking the seat by the window.

“Hey, don’t we have to pay for tickets? I don’t want us to get thrown off...” Nightshine frowned as she saw the conductor punch a pony’s ticket further up the train car.

“Yeah, but we can just buy the tickets from the conductor. Don’t worry, I’ve done it before.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out his bag of bits, then when the conductor asked for their tickets, he simply handed him eight bits for the two of them.

Nightshine stared out of the window as the last few buildings of Canterlot passed them by. They went through the final wall of the city, then a vast amount of space opened up. Her eyes went wide as she stood up to get a better view. “Woah... I never knew there was so much space...”

“Well, you guys were up on the side of a mountain.” Jason reached for the bag containing the two muffins and opened it up.

“Yeah, but... I’ve never been outside Canterlot before...” Nightshine sat back and fluffed her wings, itching to go and take flight.

“Here.” Jason held out one of the muffins for Nightshine, already free of the wrapper. “So I take it you haven’t travelled much?”

Nightshine shook her head as she took the muffin from Jason’s hand. “Thanks. And no, Miss Serenity never took us out of the city. I think it was because there were just too many of us.” She bit into the muffin with gusto, making crumbs fly all over the place. It only took her a few seconds to devour the entire thing, and that was no small feat, for the muffin was bigger than her hoof. “That was so good...” she said with a satisfied sigh.

“Dang, you’re already done?” Jason hadn’t even taken the first bite out of his own muffin. He chuckled and grabbed the box of chocolate chip cookies and placed it down between them. “Here, have as many as you want!”

Nightshine ate to her heart’s content, cramming so many cookies into her mouth that both of her cheeks bulged out. After swallowing what was in her mouth, she eyed the last cookie like a predator would look at their prey. She had just devoured the first eleven without taking a moment to think about Jason. As guilt made her shrink in her seat, she guiltily offered the last cookie to Jason, holding up the box for him with an apologetic smile on her face. “Want the last one? Sorry I ate the rest...” Her ears flicked back as she waited for him to be disappointed with her.

“Nah, you can have it.” Jason propped his legs up on the seat across from him, the other box of cookies on his lap. “Thanks though.”

“Y-you sure?” Nightshine asked, unable to keep a bit of hopefulness out of her tone. She really wanted that last cookie, for they simply melted in her mouth in the best of ways.

“Of course! I bought these for you, remember?”

Nightshine smiled her thanks and set the box down, then took the last cookie. She looked at Jason, then at the cookie, then back at Jason. Then, Nightshine split the cookie in half and offered the left half to him. “Would you at least share it with me? I don’t feel good eating an entire box of cookies that you bought.”

“Yeah, sure, but only if you help me eat this sugar cookie.” Jason split a cookie of his own in half and held it out for her. They exchanged their halves and promptly ate both halves at the same time. “Woah... that’s pretty good, right?”

Nightshine nodded with a large grin on her face. “Yeah, that really was good! Too bad we don’t have anymore of those awesome chocolate chip cookies left...”

“Hm... well, we could bake some when we get back home! I love cooking, and I’d be happy to teach ya if you want.”

“Okay.” With a full tummy, Nightshine pushed the empty cookie box onto the floor. The sun was beginning to set off in the distance, and after years of being made to go to bed nearly immediately after sundown, Nightshine felt herself become sleepy. As a yawn forced itself past her lips, she curled up into a ball on her seat and laid her head on her hooves.

“Getting sleepy?” Jason rubbed her back with his hand, scratching her between her wings as she nodded. “Probably would be a good idea. We’ve got at least another three hours before we get back to Ponyville...”

Nightshine cracked her eyes open and looked up at him. “Oh, really?” As she felt Jason’s hand travel up her neck, she laid her head on his right leg and gently nuzzled his belly. She curled her forelegs up and shifted so that she could sleep on her side. Her ears occasionally flicked as she felt his fingers massage each one.

Jason smiled down at her as she shifted again, this time flicking her tail around her flank. “I can’t wait to show you your new home, Nightshine... I don’t have your new bedroom set up yet, but the first thing on the list, after getting breakfast at one of the best little restaurants in Ponyville, is to go to the furniture store. I’m gonna let you pick out whatever you want.” He heard her hum in satisfaction. “You can get a desk, as big a bed as you want... anything. And believe it or not, but I heard that you can buy a mattress made out of clouds! Wouldn’t that be awesome?”

Nightshine nodded again as she felt sleep starting to tug at her weary mind. She snuggled a bit closer to Jason, then sighed happily as she felt him rest his hand on her side, right next to her wing. The swaying of the train car mixed with Jason’s warmth lulled her into the world of dreams a few moments later, leaving her with a small smile on her face.