• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 33,365 Views, 2,955 Comments

My Filly, Nightshine - The Abyss

Jason's life has grown dull. After months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. Then, one day, as he watches a family play in the park, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

  • ...

Bat Snuggles

“Grr... how do I get this darned thing open?” Jason muttered, his hoof fumbling with the knob on his front door. His eyebrows furrowed as he bit back another growl, the knob barely turning from his efforts. “Uh... Nightshine?” he asked, looking down between his two forelegs.

“Yes, Daddy?” Nightshine shot a smirk up at him as she tried to stifle a giggle.

“...How do ponies open doors with their hooves?” Jason asked with a small chuckle.

“Well, this kind of door knob is usually meant for unicorns. They can just grab it and twist it with their magic, so it’s not a problem for them. Did a unicorn use to live here or something?”

“I wouldn’t know. I got the house when it was empty, and they didn’t tell me anything about the previous owners, so you’re probably right about them being unicorns.” He rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof, trying to scratch an itchy spot with his fingers. “Oh, heh...” His eyes went wide. “Hey, Nightshine? Guess who forgot to grab the house keys back at Twilight's?”

“You? Hehe, it’s okay though!” Nightshine nuzzled his left foreleg and purred, loving how his soft fur felt against her cheek. Her eyes drifted shut as she let a soft smile slide onto her face. “I’ve waited too long for this...” she whispered. “Oh, and...” Nightshine grinned as she turned to face him. “You forgot your clothes at Twilight’s.”

Jason’s entire world screeched to a standstill. All of the noise from the market and from ponies trotting by faded away in a split-second. His ears flopped down of their own accord as his eyes went as wide as they could. Jason glanced over his shoulder, his head whipping back and forth as he searched the faces of ponies walking by, searching for any of them giving him odd looks. A few ponies were looking his way, some with inquisitive looks upon their faces. He heard soft murmurs of, “Is that a bat pony?” and, “Woah, no way! Look at him!”

Picking up Nightshine with a hoof, he hastily made his way to the door in the fence, then pushed Nightshine on top of it. “Quick, hop down and open the latch! I gotta get inside before more ponies see me naked!” he said in a hushed voice.

“Huh?” Nightshine cocked her head to the side as she balanced herself on the fence. “But all ponies are already—”

“Nightshine, I don’t have time to argue, and I can’t fly over the fence! Please, can you just open the dang door?!” Jason hit the door with a hoof, ignoring the bit of pain that exploded from the soft part of his leg.

“Hmph! Fine...” Nightshine said, rolling her eyes as she spread her wings wide. She glided down to the ground, then trotted back to the door. Spotting a little bit of rope hanging down from the handle, she wiggled her butt and crouched, then jumped up, biting down on the rope with all the strength she had. She dangled back and forth, then after a ferocious yank, the latch popped open.

As soon as he heard the latch click, Jason pushed the door open, letting it slam against the fence, walked as fast as he could into the backyard, and went straight for the sliding glass door. “God, I hope it’s unlocked...” he muttered, though right before he lifted a hoof up to the handle, he heard a sound that made his heart freeze.

Nightshine was crying.

His ears perking up, his head whipped around and found Nightshine sitting near the corner of the fence in the dirt. “Nightshine!” he cried out. Throwing caution to the winds, he tried to gallop, but tripped over his own hooves and fell flat on his face. Pain erupted from his tongue as his vision grew slightly blurry, but he ignored that. He forced himself back up on shaky legs, then walked as quickly as he could to where Nightshine sat. “N-Nightshine... I’m so sorry,” he whispered as he flopped down beside her. Each of her sobs pierced his heart, feeling as if someone was driving a hundred needles into it. He ran a hoof through her dirty hair, brushing away as much of the dirt and dust as he could. “C’mere, you...” he whispered, spreading his forelegs.

Nightshine lowered a hoof from her tear-filled eyes and saw a sweet, loving, and caring smile upon Daddy’s face. After a couple moments of hesitation, she pushed herself up on trembling legs, and after she shot a wobbly smile back up at Jason, she buried her face into his chest as she curled up in his forelegs. She wiped her tears on his soft fur and tucked her head in the crook between his leg and chest. Moments later, she felt something wet and prickly run down her back, making her jump a little. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Jason licking her back clean of all the dirt. When his tongue brushed against her folded wings, she couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “H-Hey, that tickles!” she said, playfully swatting his leg with a hoof.

“I wouldn’t know, sorry. Isn’t this what daddy ponies do, though? Licking their little ones clean?”

“Well yeah, when they’re little itty bitty babies! But when you get around my age, they just toss us in the bath tub. Speaking of which...” She stood up and brushed herself off. “Can we go take a bath? I don’t wanna snuggle with you all dirty and icky like this!” She trotted away and sat down by their back door. “Waiting on you, silly!”

“Uh, you sure you’re okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you, really. I guess ponies are a lot stronger than humans, huh?”

Nightshine shrugged. “Sure looks like it, and I was just a little surprised. It didn’t hurt that bad. Besides, I’ve taken harder hits falling out of the tree at the orphanage!”

Jason lifted an eyebrow as he cocked his head to the side. “And what were you doing up in that tree, hm? Didn’t Serenity tell you not to do that?”

“Uh... yeah, but she got tired of telling me that over and over when I just kept doing it.” Nightshine snickered. “So she kinda just glared at me, but... maybe that was why she didn’t like me that much...” She glanced at the ground, her ears folding flat on her head. “Oh well! Doesn’t matter now, does it?”

“Yeah, I guess not.” Jason pushed open the back door, letting Nightshine scamper inside. She hopped up on the couch and patted the seat next to her. “What?”

“We need to have a little chit-chat,” Nightshine said with a giggle.

“Alright, just give me a few minutes to throw on some clothes. I can’t believe I walked home completely naked...” He managed to take just one step before Nightshine cleared her throat rather obviously. He glanced over his shoulder, his right leg raised to take another step.

“That’s what we need to talk about, Daddy!” Nightshine said with a light smile. “Now, come on, stop dilly-dallying!” She waited until Jason hopped up onto the couch beside her, and as soon as he settled down, she pushed herself between his forelegs. Letting her own forelegs curl up on her chest, she snuggled a little bit deeper into his embrace as he pushed his legs together, holding her tight.

“You sure you’re okay?” he asked softly, nuzzling her cheek with his own.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I think you just wanted to get inside quicker so we could snuggle!”

“Heh, sure, let’s go with that...”

“Yeah... Anyways...” Nightshine laid her head against the side of his left leg. “Haven’t you noticed that ponies don’t wear clothes? That’s why I was a little confused when you were acting so nervous.”

Jason’s words caught in his throat as Nightshine’s words clicked in his mind. “Uh... Yeah... I guess you’re right.” He looked down at his butt and sighed. “How am I gonna get used to this?” he asked, gazing down upon his daughter.

“I dunno, in foal-steps? Maybe we can have you just walk around town tomorrow morning when everypony is still waking up or something...” Nightshine murmured, her eyes already drifting shut. Daddy’s warm legs were gently lulling her to sleep, but as she rolled over onto her side, laying a hoof on his foreleg to pull it in and snuggle with, her eyes shot open. “Hey!”

“What?” Jason cocked his head to the side.

“You were gonna let me fall asleep like this, weren’t you?” Nightshine demanded, letting loose a short yawn as she pushed herself up. “You know I wanted to try snuggling with wings tonight!” With that being said, she hopped off of the couch and gently bit down on Jason’s hoof. “C’mon!” she said with glee, a smile forcing its way onto her lips as she struggled to pull Jason off of the couch.

“Oh, okay then.” Jason gently pulled his hoof free from Nightshine’s mouth, then slipped from the couch. He lifted his left leg, and nearly lost his balance as Nightshine jumped onto it, wrapping all of her legs around it. Steadying himself, he grinned as he slowly walked across the room, listening to Nightshine squee with every step he took. Pushing open the door to her bedroom, he held his leg above the bed and let Nightshine fall onto the soft sheets. He jumped up onto the bed, then lay down beside his daughter. “So, uh... how can we make this work if I don’t know how to use my wings yet?”

“Hm...” Nightshine rubbed her chin as she squinted at Jason’s wings. “Well first, which wing would you want me to snuggle with, Daddy?”

“Whichever one you want, sweetie,” Jason said, rubbing her back with a hoof. Frantic knocking on his front door made him pause for a moment, his ears flicking up in the direction of the sound. “Looks like we’re gonna have to put snuggling on hold for a couple minutes... You want to get comfy? I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Okay!” Nightshine chirped, wiggling beneath the sheets.

With a soft sigh, Jason pushed himself off of the bed and walked to his front door. More insistent knocking came, making him hurry up. “I’m coming... Jeez...” Now standing in front of the door, he tried to grab the knob, but found the same problem from just a few minutes ago. “Uh... It’s open!” he said loudly, taking a couple of steps back. The door swung open a second later. “Ah, Twilight!” Jason said with a smile. He bowed before her, then lifted his head. “Care to come in for some coffee? I think I have decaf around here somewhere.”

“No thanks, I’m just here for a couple of things. I was rudely woken up by Spike saying that an urgent letter from Princess Luna had come in concerning you,” Twilight said, a small shiver running down the back of her neck. A small breeze ran through her mane, making her wish that she’d grabbed a scarf before coming over.

“How did you guys know it was for me? Isn’t it like, kinda rude to read other ponies’ mail or something? It’s against the law where I’m from.”

“Well...” Twilight blushed a little bit as she glanced away. “Spike just thought it was another letter from Celestia asking when she wanted to spend some time together, but it was the complete opposite. I do not know why Princess Luna sent you a letter through Spike, though my best guess is that she wanted it to reach you as quickly as possible. Short of delivering it herself, sending it through my assistant was the quickest way to send a letter, so... yeah.” Twilight paused to take a breath. “I don’t know what you’ll think of this, but...” She fished a rolled-up scroll from her saddlebag and held it up, letting Jason read it. “Turns out that that FPS inspector is going to be here by the end of the week. Seeing that it’s only Tuesday, that means that they’re going to be here on either Thursday or Friday.”

“I see...” Jason let Twilight roll the scroll back up, bit down on it, then placed it on the small table beside him. “Is there anything I should know about this inspection? My place is already kinda clean, though I could maybe do a little sweeping and tidying things up here and there... You think my place looks okay?”

“It’s not just how your place looks, Jason, it’s a bunch of other things, like how well you can provide for them, how your financials look like... all that kind of stuff.” Twilight fluffed her wings and idly kicked a single rock from his front porch before looking back up. “So in the interests of giving you the best chance of passing, I asked Princess Luna to send down one of her guards to help you become accustomed to being a thestral, and even though I thought she wasn’t going to do it, she sent me another letter saying that she’s sending down one of her best! Isn’t that awesome?”

Jason’s eyebrows furrowed at the thought. “Yeah, I guess... But what about when I signed Nightshine’s adoption forms? I mentioned that I was a human, not a thestral, and they still let me adopt her. Are we going to have an issue if the inspector shows up and finds a bat pony instead of a human?”

“Uh... We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, I suppose. I’m pretty sure it won’t be an issue." She smacked her forehead with a hoof. Twilight looked up at him with a sheepish smile. “I kinda forgot to bring your clothes back, so maybe you can come by and pick them up later in the week?”

“Yeah, that’s cool. I don’t really need them right now,” Jason said with a smirk. "At least that's what Nightshine says."

“Yes, well...” Twilight blushed as she realized what he was implying. “So... I guess I’ll see you around? It is getting rather late, after all.”

“Yeah, okay. See ya.” Right before Jason closed the door, he said, “Oh, hey! Wait a minute!”

Twilight looked over her shoulder with a warm smile. “Yes, Jason?” she asked rather quickly.

“Any idea how I can open my front door? The handle is, uh... round, and I can’t really open it on my own,” Jason admitted with a sheepish smile. “If I can’t do it, then I’m sure Nightshine would have some trouble getting back in, too.”

Twilight’s ears flicked down. “Oh, sure, I can handle it. Just gimme a few seconds, and...” She lit her horn and focused her magic on the door knob. “Good pun, right?” she asked, pausing for just a moment.

“Yeah, it was pretty solid.” Idiot! Surely you could have come up with something better... Jason took a step back as the knob slowly turned into a handle, the metal flowing like water as it assumed its new form. As Twilight’s magic faded away, he tested the new handle and grinned. “Hey, thanks! That’s exactly what I had in mind. Seriously, thank you. I, uh... had a bit of a freak out when I realized that I was naked in public. We had a bit of an accident trying to get back inside, but we’re fine now.”

Twilight forced herself to smile. “Good. Well... good night. I’ll be back with Luna and her guard to help things along tomorrow, okay?”

“Sounds good! You know what time? Nightshine wants to snuggle with my wing or something like that tonight, so I don’t think that she’s gonna want to get up bright and early.”

“Probably around noon, if I had to guess.” Twilight felt another shiver run down her back, the tips of her wings trembling in the cold breeze. She looked up at the bright full moon and shot it a wistful smile. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow. Getting kinda cold out, so I think I’ll be heading back to bed,” Twilight said, opening her wings to fly back home.

“Yeah, probably a good idea. Sure is getting cold out, yeah?” Jason asked. Twilight smiled at him, nodded once, then flew away into the night sky. He pushed the door shut with a soft click and turned around to find Nightshine standing behind him with a smug smile on her face. “Uh...” Jason rubbed the back of his neck. “What’s up?” he asked, speaking the first words that came to his mind.

“Oh, nothing...” Nightshine giggled as she turned back around to go back to bed. “You wanna snuggle? You were kinda taking a while, so I came to see what was keeping us from snuggling.”

Jason grinned. “You have no idea, sweetie. C’mere, you wittle cutie!” He scooped her up with a gentle hoof, then walked back to her bed. Jason tossed her down on the sheets, eliciting a squee mixed in with a soft giggle. “Ya know you make the cutest noises when you want snuggles, right?”

“I... I do?” Nightshine asked with wide eyes, her cheeks turning a furious red. Her ears flicked down as her forelegs curled up.

“Kinda, yeah,” Jason said as he flopped down next to her. “So, uh... you said something about wing snuggles?”

“Yeah!” Nightshine shot up like a rocket, her two forelegs placed between her hind legs as she beamed up at him.

“Heh, okay. So... how we gonna do this? I have no idea how to open my wings, after all.” Jason glanced over his shoulder, looking down at his leathery, dark gray appendages.”I, uh... What are you doing?” he asked, watching Nightshine as she climbed onto his back.

“Just getting into position!” Nightshine squeaked out, her legs trembling from excitement. She slipped down his other side, her tail brushing against his haunch. “So... hm.” She squinted as she cocked her head to the side. With a smile and a quick shrug, she pushed herself forward, nuzzling his right wing away from his body. It came away after a few insistent nuzzles, giving her the opportunity she was looking for. She slid in, nuzzling her way further and further until her head popped out on the other side of his wing. “Hm... almost there, Daddy!” she said with a loud squee.

“Good, because I just found out that I’m pretty ticklish right there!” Jason said with a laugh. “There anything you need me to do? Maybe roll over or something?” Please say yes... Please say yes...

“Nah, I think I’m good. Well... almost!” She pushed herself up a little more, used the rest of her strength to push a hoof out, tucked the tip of Jason’s wing below her belly, then finally snuggled in for the night.

“Um... Nightshine?” He felt his daughter’s ears flick against the tip of his wing as they perked up. “How do ponies usually sleep? I always slept on my side when I was a human, so sleeping on my belly might be a bit of a problem...” He bit his lip, worrying what Nightshine would say next. She was wondrously warm against his side, not too hot to make him sweat, and after a few moments of silence, he felt his eyelids starting to droop.

“With their eyes closed, silly...” Nightshine mumbled, already half asleep with a soft smile upon her face.

“...Fair enough. I guess it won’t hurt to try sleeping like this,” Jason said, nuzzling the top of Nightshine’s head. “Sweet dreams, little one...” He pulled a pillow over and plopped his head down upon it, letting his eyes drift shut as he placed his right hoof over his left leg.

“Love you, Daddy...” Nightshine whispered, nuzzling the inside of his wing.

“Love you too, Nightshine...” Jason murmured back. He turned off the light, letting the moon illuminate the room in a soft glow. Settling back down, he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, but after a minute, he felt something wet upon the inside of his wing, tickling him as it trickled down to the sheets. He blearily cracked his eyes open, suddenly feeling Nightshine’s breaths come in stuttering bursts. With his eyebrows furrowing, his head whipped up. “Hey...” he whispered, nuzzling her cheek. Ignoring her tears upon his cheek, he threw on a gentle smile and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Nightshine took a few moments to sniffle and wipe some tears from her eyes with a hoof, then looked up at him with a shaky smile. “N-N-Nothing, Daddy... I’m just so... happy!” She nuzzled his side insistently, as if this was the last time she was ever going to see him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Jason pulled her out from under his wing, then rolled over onto his back, pulling her into a ferocious bear hug. She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and laid a firm kiss on his neck, then nuzzled it in with a soft squee. “I think it’s time we get some sleep, don’tcha think?”

“Yeah... but what about the wing snuggles? I had it all set up!” Nightshine said with a giggle.

“Hm... hang on a second... I got this.” Jason let go of her, then pulled his right wing up over Nightshine’s back, then his left. He held them in place with his right hoof, then rolled over onto his left side. “How’s this? It’s not the most comfortable position, but for you, we can try it out for a night and work on better snuggling positions later.”

“Perfect...” Nightshine whispered in awe. “Better than I’ve ever dreamed of...” She rolled over and pressed her back against his chest, then snuggled up against his left foreleg.

“Awesome...” Jason whispered back, letting his eyes drift shut again. “Night, little one...”

“Night, Daddy!” Nightshine chirped back. Right before she fell asleep, she laid a gentle kiss on his foreleg, then nuzzled it in for good measure. Best Daddy ever...