• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 33,365 Views, 2,955 Comments

My Filly, Nightshine - The Abyss

Jason's life has grown dull. After months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. Then, one day, as he watches a family play in the park, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

  • ...

The Flicker of a Flame

No, no, no! Jason thought as his wings lost their rhythm. He struggled with all his might to keep himself aloft, but ultimately failed like he had been doing all day. “Oof!” he grunted as he slammed into the ground yet again. Lily stifled a giggle with a hoof before she trotted up to him, holding out the same hoof for him. Jason grabbed it, letting her help him up, then brushed the dirt from his face.

“I thought teaching you to fly would be pretty easy, especially since you have the body of a full grown pony,” Lily said. She licked her hoof and rubbed Jason’s cheek, wiping away some dirt that he’d missed. He shied away from her touch, making her pause. “Heh, sorry,” she said. “I can get a little carried away sometimes.”

“It’s, uh... fine, I guess,” Jason said, rubbing his cheek where she’d just touched him, hoping to hide his rather obvious blush. “It still there?” Lily giggled, his heart fluttering from her beautiful, light laughter. He sighed, his shoulders slumping. “Guess so, huh?”

“Hehe, yeah! You’re gonna need a shower after we’re done for sure! It’s kinda funny to see an adult crash again and again, especially when Nightshine is learning a lot faster than you are!” She looked behind her and saw Nightshine hovering a few feet above the ground, a wide grin on her face. “Be careful, sweetie!” she called out. “You’re getting a little close to that tree. Angle the tips of your wings forward so you don’t hit it!”

“O-Okay!” Nightshine yelled back, struggling a little as she tried to do what Lily said. After a full day of flying practice, her muscles were very, very sore, and she wanted nothing more than to go home and take a nap. She stumbled a little bit as she landed, panting heavily. With her legs trembling, she eyed the tree above her, looking for a branch thick enough to hold her weight. “Hm... Aha!” she exclaimed with glee, her eyes going wide. Mustering the rest of her strength, she wiggled her butt as she prepared to fly up, and though it was just a short distance, she hoped that she’d be able to make it. She flapped her wings down as hard as she could, propelling herself up.

The tips of her forelegs wrapped around the branch, making a wide grin break out on her face. “There we go!” she said. Pulling herself up, she looped her tail around the branch and let go, swinging back and forth. “Much better...” she murmured to herself as her eyelids drifted shut, her forelegs curling up against her chest. “Time for a...” A yawn broke her sentence in half as a smile slid on her face. “A quick nap...” she finished, her ears flicking back and forth.

Jason chuckled, hearing Nightshine softly snoring away. “I think that’s enough practice for one day. Maybe we can pick things up after that guy comes to inspect my house tomorrow?”

“Sounds like a plan to me!” Lily chirped. “Come on, let’s go get her. I’m sure she’d like some dinner before bed,” she said, trotting towards Nightshine.

“Now that’s the best thing I’ve heard you say all day!” Jason chuckled and followed Lily down the path. His eyes drifted down to her swishing tail, mesmerized by its rhythm. A few butterflies appeared in his stomach, flitting about as they searched for a way out. He shook his head, realizing that he had just been staring at her rear end, conflicted thoughts running throughout his mind. She is kinda cute... “So, uh... what were you thinking? I can cook a little bit, but I’ve never had to cook as a stallion before.”

“That’ll come with time, and I can teach you a little bit if we have time later in the week; it all really just depends on what Luna’s plans are. So... I was thinking we could go out for dinner and get something quick to eat. Know any good places around here?” Lily shot a glance over her shoulder and noticed that his cheeks were a tad bit rosy, shining a light pink through his gray coat. “Not as a date, silly!” She swished her tail back and forth at him, then gestured for him to catch up to her with a wing. Though I wouldn’t mind him asking me out... He is kinda cute, but... work always gets in the way.

She didn’t notice Jason’s shoulders slump down.

Jason trotted past Lily and sat below Nightshine. He gently booped her muzzle with a hoof, chuckling as she wiped her eyes with her little hoovsies in the most adorable of ways. “Come on, little one, we’re gonna go get some dinner!”

“Aww, already? But I was about to take a nap!” Nightshine pouted and crossed her forelegs as her ears flicked back. The wind brushed against her left side, turning her away from Jason.

“Heh, I can see that, but Daddy has crashed too many times today.” He held out his forelegs, then said, “Lily is gonna come, too!”

“Really?” Nightshine’s eyes went wide as a grin slid on her face. “Awesome!” She unlooped her tail from the branch and fell into Jason’s waiting legs. She wriggled about in his grasp until he let her down. Her legs still trembled, and her wings were very, very sore. “Um... can one of you guys carry me back into town?” she asked with a sheepish, hopeful grin.

“Do you even need to ask?” Jason lay down on the ground, letting Nightshine clamber onto his back. She settled down on his upper back, her head resting against the back of his neck. “Ready?”

“Mhm...” Nightshine murmured as she closed her eyes. She nuzzled the side of his neck and latched onto his mane, her tail hanging off of his left side.

“Alrighty... here we go!” Jason stood up with a grunt, then looked up at Lily. “What are you in the mood for?”

“I dunno, something light? We have been working out all day, after all.”

“Fair enough.” He nodded back towards town. “Shall we?”

Lily grinned, feeling her stomach grumble. “Yeah, let’s get a move on! Can’t believe you made me skip lunch...” she said, nudging his side with a wing. “But hey, it was worth it, even if you didn’t make that much progress.”

“I didn’t make you stick around,” Jason said, nudging her back, the tip of his wing grazing against her cutie mark. His mouth instantly went dry, as if he’d just eaten a bag of sand. Her eyes shot up to his. “S-Sorry! Still getting used to these darned things...” he said.

Lily’s eyes narrowed for a few seconds, then she relaxed, letting a smile grace her lips. “That’s perfectly understandable.”

Phew! “Thanks.” He shot her a grateful smile, then heard Nightshine giggle.

“Hehe, you touched her butt!” Nightshine snickered, hiding her grin with a hoof. “You must really like her, huh?”

Jason’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. “What? No, it’s not like that at all, I, uh... I mean, I do like her, but it’s not like that!” His shoulders slumped in defeat as he sighed. He lifted his head, seeing Twilight and Princess Luna sitting on a bench near the edge of the park. Jason’s eyes locked with Twilight’s, who waved him over with a wing. “Oh great, I think Twilight and Luna were watching me fail at flying...” he muttered.

“Oh?” Lily giggled. “Maybe they were just watching Nightshine learn how to fly; she is the cuter one after all!” She waved back at the princesses with a wing. “Come on, let’s go see what they want!”

After dinner, Jason sighed, a smile tugging his lips upwards as he stretched his sore wings. “How’re you feeling, little one?” he asked, feeling Nightshine scurry up his right hind leg and onto his back.

“Sleepy...” she murmured, burying her muzzle into his mane. Nightshine wrapped her forelegs around his neck.

“So, uh...” Lily rubbed the back of her neck as she shivered, a cool breeze tickling the nape of her neck. “Wanna practice some more after your house gets inspected tomorrow? Princess Luna and Twilight both wish to go shopping all day tomorrow, and Twilight said that she wants to meet us somewhere for lunch.” A yawn forced itself past her lips. “As for your flying, you did okay for somepony who never flew before. I’m sure we can make some improvements after you’ve got some shut-eye!” she chirped.

“Yeah, that sounds fine to me,” Jason said, trying his hardest not to yawn, but as always, they were always so darn infectious. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow, then? Want to just meet at my place?” She smiled at him, making it hard for him to hold her gaze.

Lily giggled. “Yeah, for sure! Can’t wait!” she said, flying off in the direction of Twilight’s castle.

Jason watched her until she flew out of view, then sighed, already missing her company. “You ready for bed, little one?” he asked, trotting towards their home.

“I’m ready for snuggles!” Nightshine corrected him with a light nuzzle.

“Haha, yeah, for sure.” Jason made quick time back to their home, and after letting himself in, he gently closed the door. He walked through the living room, down the hallway, and into Nightshine’s room. He flopped down onto the bed, letting Nightshine slide under the covers. “Wanna make room for me?” Jason asked as he yawned again.

“Mhm!” Nightshine scooted over, then snuggled up against Jason’s side as soon as he pulled the covers up. “Just gotta...” She squirmed against his side, pushing herself under his wing. “There!” she said as she curled up against his side, using his wing like a blanket.

“Comfy?” he asked.

“Yup!” Nightshine said, curling up under his wing. “And warm...”

Jason let out a content sigh, then pulled a pillow over for himself. Minutes passed as Nightshine’s warmth seeped into his coat, and right as he was about to fall asleep, somepony knocked on his front door. “Now who the heck thinks it’s okay to knock on my door this late?” he asked, grumbling as he pushed himself up, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep.

“I dunno. Maybe go check?” Nightshine mumbled, wrapping herself up in her blanket.

Jason chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Nah, I think ignoring them would be the best idea.” He laid a gentle kiss on the back of her head and trotted out of her bedroom. His eyebrows furrowed as he wondered who could possibly be at his front door, but he knew he’d find out soon enough. Letting his hoof rest on the door handle, he pushed it down and cracked the door open. “Lily?” he asked, opening the door the rest of the way. “Something wrong?”

“Heh, kinda.” Lily rubbed her right foreleg with a hoof as she took a hesitant step forward. “Twilight’s castle is all locked up, and I can’t get in.

“Isn’t it usually unlocked?”

“I mean, yeah, it is, but... Luna likes to sleep with her door locked. I guess she wanted to lock everything up tight? She can get a little weird sometimes.” She shrugged. “So... I know we just met, but...” She bit her bottom lip as she flicked her eyes up to his. “Any chance I can crash here for the night?” she asked with a nervous chuckle.

“Uh... yeah, I guess that’s fine.” Jason stepped aside and let her in. “Welcome to the Thestral Inn, where the blankets and snuggles are complementary,” he said in a funny voice, not even taking a second to think before he spoke.

“Awesome!” Lily trotted inside and sat down, looking about his place. “So where are we gonna snuggle?” she asked, a blush sitting plainly on her face. “I hope your bed is big enough for the both of us.”

“I, um...” Jason blushed furiously as he froze in place. “I was joking.”



“Daddy?” came Nightshine’s voice.

“What is it, sweetie?”

“If she wants snuggles, then you should give her snuggles. I don’t mind letting you snuggle with her tonight,” she said. “Besides...” Nightshine looked up at Lily and grinned. “He’s the best snuggler around!”

“Heh, that’s a pretty big claim.” Lily flicked her tail around herself as she looked him up and down. “I’m a pretty good snuggler myself, but I’m a little rusty...”

Jason gulped. I hate being put on the spot, but... should I? She seems open to the idea... “I guess we could give it a shot,” he said.

“Great!” Lily chirped. “It’s been too long since I snuggled with someone as cute as you!”

Jason’s eyes went wide, his tail swishing about behind him. “Uh...”

“Is he blushing again?” Nightshine giggled. “He’s been doing that all day around you!”

“Nightshine!” Jason exclaimed, rolling his eyes. “Come on...”

“What?” Nightshine cocked her head to the side. “You are the best snuggler! And you like her! What’s stopping you?” She ruffled her wings.

“Okay, that’s enough out of you, little one,” Jason said, chuckling nervously as he gently pushed her back towards her room.

“Fiiiiine,” Nightshine said, retreating back to her room. She closed the door until there was nothing but a sliver for her to peek through, then she lay down, her eyes locked on them both.

“So... we don’t have to snuggle if you don’t want to,” Lily said, casting her gaze to the floor as her shoulders slumped.

“N-No, it’s fine.” Jason stood up and nodded past Nightshine’s room. “My room’s at the end of the hall.” He heard Nightshine squee. “And little fillies should go to bed!” he called out.

Nightshine giggled, then pushed her door the rest of the way shut.

Lily rubbed her left foreleg with a hoof, then sighed, letting a soft smile slide onto her face. “I can tell you’re nervous. Heh, I know I’d be if I was put in the same situation,” she said softly. “Tell you what...” She flopped down on his couch, then yawned, flicking her mane to the other side of her neck. “If you really like me as much as Nightshine says, wouldn’t it be best for you to ask me out on a date first? After all, snuggling like lovers before we were even dating? Even Princess Luna would consider that scandalous,” she said with a giggle. “So whatcha say? Wanna ask me out on a date?”

Put on the spot twice in a matter of minutes? “Uh...” Jason gulped.

“You don’t have to decide just yet. I’m a patient mare.” She lay her head down on one of the couch cushions and pulled the blanket off of the top of the couch. “I’ll be fine here for the night.”

“So...” Jason licked his dry lips. “You need anything else?”

“Nah, I think I’m good.” Lily used her forelegs to unfold the blanket, then draped it over herself.

“Cool. I guess I’ll see you in the morning?”

“I suppose so. You want me gone before the inspector shows up? I can help you spruce the place up a little if you want me to in the morning.”

Jason yawned. “Sure, I bet Nightshine would love to have you stick around a little bit longer,” he said, walking back to his bedroom. He walked through the doorway, then paused when he heard Lily cough like she had something to say.

“J-Jason?” Lily felt herself blush as her gaze momentarily flicked to the floor. “Thanks for letting me stay the night,” she murmured.

Jason returned her smile. “No problem.”

As she watched his door click shut, she sighed. He really does like me... she thought, knowing all too well that Twilight’s castle wasn’t locked at all.