• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,607 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Party Tonight!

Wow, this is incredible! This si really and truly incredible! I just can't believe ponies put all of this together... just for ME!

Banners, bows, and balloons, streamers and party hats... all this done for me. Even here, from my place of hiding behind the fence, I can see the huge mountain of presents and brithday cards all of these ponies brought with them to my awesomest of awesome Bday party! There are ponies playing games of pin the tail on the pony and hopscotch, and there are ponies eating cake and ice cream! They're all gathered here to party, to celebrate the awesomeness that is me!

"Hey Fiesta, loving the cake!" I hear Sparkleworks call out. "But I think you mighta added too much sugar!"

"Razaroo, your decorations are amazing!" Cotton Candy calls out, trying to be heard over the music. "You really outdid yourself this time!"

"Well, birthday girl, looks like you have a humongous party going on there!" Sweetie Bell says from behind me, nearly causing me to jump out of my coat. "You ready to stop hiding back here, and go out and face your public?"

I nod, and the two of us trot into the party, going on in the back garden behind my house. Every pony greets me with a warm smile, and slaps me with a hoof on my back.

"Hey, Scoots! Good to see ya!"

"How ya doing, Scoots? Awesome party!"

"Happy birthday, Scootaloo! We love you!"

"Scoo-Ta-loo! Scoo-Ta-loo! Scoo-Ta-loo!"

They cheer my name, lifting me over their heads with their front hooves as they do. This is it, my birthday, my time to shine! Everyone is celebrating my awesomeness. It's me, the daredevil Scootaloo, the most extreme and dangerous pony who lives in Ponyville. It's what I've been trying to accomplish all my life, carrying out stunts that would get other pony's attention. And it worked! Can you believe how these mares and stallions adore me! This is all I've ever wanted, and more!

It's not like I want or need Rainbow Dash's love or support.

It's not like I had her as a mentor when I was younger, who I idolized and wanted to be just like. No, I didn't spend my fillyhood wearing pretty dresses, and trying to be just like her. She didn't ignore and abandon me, leaving her more tomboyish mom to be my role model. Rainbow Flash is here in the crowd, watching me with pride. My best friend Sweetie Bell is here too, and every other pony I really care about. I don't care Rainbow Dash isn't here, and is instead off leading some crazy rescue mission that probably won't succeed.

Well, all of my friends are here to watch me succeed... all except the mare whose opinion mattered the most.

Getting on my motor scooter, I go zooming up the ramp, and take a flying leap over the gathered crowd. Leaning back on my lean machine, I go soaring through the burning ring of fire, the flames licking the edge of my mane. As the crowds roar with applause, I feel more alive than I have for a really really long time, as their attention showers over me like a sweet, sweet rain.

It's attention I never had as a filly, and I adore it.

But what's this? Everybody's over talking to Razaroo and Fiesta Flair, congratulating them on their work putting this birthday party together! Even my friends and family are over there, complementing the two party planners on their work!

"Wow, this party is so many flavors of awesome!" Sweetie Bell tells the two. "I've never seen ANY birthday party in Ponyville done this well!"

I-I can't believe it! Everybody is paying more attention to those two mares that me- the star of the show! This is MY moment to shine! A celebration of MY life! But all the drama is about those two ponies and their insignificant little feud, instead of about the birthday girl! How DARE the party planners upstage the party's focus! Ohhh, I'm just so upset, that I could just die!

"That does it, I'm outta here!" I scream out in anger, trying to hold back my tears as I galloped towards my motor scooter. "You ponies are the lamest group of party goers I've ever seen!"

"Scootaloo wait... where are you going?" Sweetie Bell pleaded, trotting over to me, trying to keep me from leaving. "This is your birthday party!"

"Well, you sure wouldn't know it how you girls are more concerned about the party than about me!" I snort in anger, revving me my bike. "So long Sweetie! I'll catch ya later!"

I take off, exploding out of my backyard fence, and heading off thundering down the road. I put all the pain and unhappiness behind me, taking off down the road at top speed. They just don't get it, they think I can just sit there at the party, hit pinatas and play pin the tail on the pony. But if I'm not content at being payed attention to, unless I am the utter and total center of attention.

And so I speed off, running away from the party, running away into my own little world again. That means another night tonight doing dangerous stunts and flips out at the canyon outside of town, then off to some dingy little motel in some neighboring town, where I'll wake up next to some stallion who's name I don't even know. At least, that's what I wish I could do in a situation like this one...

...at least, that's what would make the pain go away...

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