• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,612 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Really big mistake, Yes Yes Yes!

Today was going to be an extra special day, oh yes yes yes! Until I messed it up, big time. Yes yes yes. This little purple earth mare with a white and pink mane has messed up big time...

This place is so quiet, the one place where the laughter of my fellow Ponyville ponies doesn't reach. Maybe that because it's the one place in Ponyville that is actually sad... and we ponies don't like to think about sad things. But that also makes it the perfect place to hold the meeting I need to hold today. Yes yes yes, nobody is going to bother us out here while we talk!

It doesn't take long before I see a pony with a green mane and a ladybug cutie mark trotting towards me, and with a smile I knew my super-secret message had reached unicornia!

"Wow, Razaroo, you sure can pick the creepiest places to talk." Mish Mash Mee shuddered, looking around at the eerie decor all around us. "I mean, Ponyville cemetery is the last place I would think about planning a pony's birthday party!"

"I needed someplace where other ponies wouldn't see the neat tricks I wanted you to do for Scotaloo's party, yes yes yes!" I told him, looking around at the growing shadows of evening. "I wanted this to be a surprise, and an orange unicorn doing magic right in the middle of Ponyville might draw some attention, yes yes yes?"

"Yeah, I suppose it might." He replied, looking at the tombstones all around us, and shivering. "But I don't understand what's with this need to show up Fiesta Flair on this whole birthday party thing. Couldn't the two of you just work together, and-"

"I'll never work with Maretonian taco slurper! No! No! No!" I snapped back, glaring at him angrily. "Not after she stole Frisco from me!"

Mish Mash just looks at me in surprise, and I think about how crazy I must sound. I don't really hate Fiesta, oh no no. It's just that hosting birthday parties has always been my thing here in Ponyville. When I was a little filly, we were making little scrapbooks in arts and crafts class. One of my friends had a birthday that weekend, and I surprised her with a gift, and took a photograph of it. Everyone loved it so much, that I started saving the pictures showing my friends getting birthday surprises in the scrapbook, and I actually began to plan the parties myself. Yes yes yes, I became the town's birthday party planner, and the scrapbook became my birthday book!

But all that was before Fiesta Flair discovered her special talent was putting together all kinds of parties, when I asked her to help me put together a pinata for Tink a Too's birthday. She discovered she enjoyed making wonderful fiestas for ponies to celebrate, and started competing with me in the party business. Yes yes yes, we could have gotten along just fine, her taking the town's other parties and festivals, and leaving me the birthdays. But no no no, she had to have it all! I had to sneak birthday parties in under her radar, using my book to stay one step ahead of her on the Ponyville birthday calendar. But then she found a way to personally strike at me, in a way that tore my heart in two.

His name was Frisco, and he was the sweetest stallion I had ever met. Yes yes yes, I met that wonderful pony at Tink-a-too's birthday party, he was bobbing for apples that Applejack had provided. He was a bridge builder here in Ponyville, and worked very hard to keep the roads and sidewalks repaired and safe. He loved hanging around my parties and celebrations, and I could always count on him to show up and keep me company... even if he didn't know the ponies the party was for! He was my favorite party pal at all of the birthdays I ever threw.... until that little latina pony stole him away from me!

"So, what do you want me to do for Scootaloo's birthday?" Mish Mash asked me, cocking his head to the side. "It must be really big if you want me to use my magic."

"Fireworks! Yes yes yes!" I exclaim, waving my hooves in the air. "I want a big display of exploding fireworks, that'll impress every pony in the land!"

"Fireworks? But you don't need magic for that!" He exclaimed in protest. "You should talk to Sparkleworks, those are her department!"

"But these have to be bigger and louder than normal fireworks, so that they'll be bigger and louder than anything Fiesta could produce!" I reply, pointing up at the nighttime sky. "Yes yes yes, fill the heavens with bright and colorful BOOMS!"

"Are you sure, Razz? You know how mixed up my magic is, compared to other unicorns!" Mish Mash Me warned me. "Who knows what would happen if I tried to magically generate a fireworks display."

"Please, Mish Mash, just do it." I reassure him, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "Yes yes yes, I'll take any responsibility for what happens!"

"Okay," He sighed, his horn lighting up. "but don't say I didn't warn you!"

A light from his horn shot up into the clouds, and a massive series of explosions lit up the sky above. it didn't occur to me that the ponies in town would see such a large display from here, but I was so excited about the display, that I really didn't care. I was so caught up in my triumph, that I didn't see the magic affect the cemetery around me, or the strange sounds coming from the old part of the cemetary? Oh, how was I supposed to know what was going to happen next? I was such a foolish, foolish little pony... yes yes yes....

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