• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,604 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Winter Wishes-A day in the life of Flitter Flutter

And now, we turn back the clock a decade or two, to the time we were all little fillies, and Wysteria's mother, Flitter Flutter, was mayor of Ponyville at that time.She had an... interesting... way of running the Winter Wishes festival, to say the least..

Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear! It's already nine A.M., and I'm not out there in front of the Christmas tree! This is a disaster... catastrophe... crisis... emergency! Today is the Winter Wishes festival, and I am not present... accounted for... ready... at the tree to begin the lighting ceremony to start the Christmas season! It'll be a terrible tragedy if I'm not there to direct the ponies what to do!

"Wysteria, get up! Rise and shine! Awaken from thy slumber!" I call into her bedroom excitedly. "We need to get going! Get into gear! Initiate motion! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!"

"Ugh, do we have to, mom?" I hear her groan, rubbing her eyes with her hooves. "I wanna sleep in, it's a holiday!"

"No time! No dilly dallying! No hesitation! No delay!" I respond, rushing in and throwing her covers off. "I need you to help me put a few ornaments on the Christmas tree, and smile and talk to all our friends while I'm busy!"

Oh dear, oh dear....turkey and dressing in the oven, it'll have to cook while I'm gone... pink key and white ribbon cutie mark polished, yellow coat shiny and clean, pink and purple mane coiffed and hair beret in place.... spectacles? Were are my blasted spectacles? I could've sworn I left them on the counter top! Where is that scatterbrained husband of mine?! Probably still loafing in bed, no doubt!

"Bumbleberry! Get your useless flank out of that bed!" I yell in at him, throwing a pillow at that lazy purple stallion with pink and gold mane. "I need you to keep an eye on that turkey while I'm away judging the ornaments at the festival!"

"Huh? Whuh?" He replied groggily, looking up at me in confusion with sleepy eyes. "S'okay, don't worry about it, honey. I'll take care of it."

I gallop out of the room, and immediately hear the sound of snoring again. Ohhhh, that man is so lazy... lethargic... idle... unwilling to move! I mean, I know stallions are useless except for breeding and fighting, but I got the most pathetic one of all! All he ever does is garden in that strawberry patch of his, and lay around in the sun and sleep all day! He practically slept through our first date, and I had to order him to marry me on our second date, because he was too lazy to propose! If I weren't around to order him around, he'd probably just play cards with those worthless friends of his!

Ohhhh, I don't have time for all this reminiscing! Wysteria will just have to join me later, I gotta hop on my scooter and fly! Ohhh, I just love this little blue gizmo... gadget... doohickey... thingamabob I ride around on! It gets me places faster than I ever would galloping, and I get to wear this cute blue helmet when I ride it. Already I'm zipping by the homes of ponies cooking their turkeys and setting their tables, all sitting down to meals with their families. I wish I had the time to waste time like they do, but I have so very very very much to do around Ponyville!

I've had so much energy to do so many things! I was my school's most enthusiastic cheerleader, and I organized every school play and party, and I knew from my cutie mark that I had a knack for organizing things! Other ponies just seem so... lazy and lethargic compared to me, and I have to keep myself from yelling at them because of how LAZY they seem... appear... look to me! I can't stand how my parents only worked eight hours a day, what a waste of a perfectly good day! Oh well, that's enough time for self-contemplation, I've arrived at the festival!

Only the little fillies are here right now; Cheerilee and her little sister Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie and Toola Roola, and those two poor little ponies with the odd birth defects, Starsong and Sweetie Bell. They've all made ornaments for the Winter wishes festival today, and it's up to me to judge which one is the best. The winner will get to place the star on top of the tree this year, and all the little fillies will get to hang their ornaments on the branches! Let's see let's see... I don't have much time to decide which ornament is the best.

Ohhhh, I'll just pick Cheerilee's, because I like that really cute button she put on her ornament! Now, all I'll have to do is leave the star from the top of the tree with her, and she can put it on at the ceremony tonight! I don't have to worry about the filly and her friends opening the box, because we always tale the little fillies here in town an old mare's tale about the star actually being alive, and granting wishes to all the ponies in town. And it's not like something crazy could happen- like the girls opening the box, and some crazy weather dragon comes down from willy-nilly mountain at the edge of town, and stealing the star.

But that would be crazy... ridiculous... ludicrous...absurd! Now, I'll just leave the star in it's box right here for Cheerilee to keep an eye on, and I'll head back home to have some of that yummy turkey that my waste of a husband was supposed to have been preparing for our Winter Wishes feast! Ohhhh, I can't wait to try that cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and vegetable plate! Then, it's off to start getting ready for Christmas next month! Whoa, I'm so terribly busy busy busy busy busy.....

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