• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,613 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Think Pink!

You know, I think this is going to be one of those extra special good days that comes along on an extra special rare occasion! See, I was just helping Twinkle Twirl and her dancers set up over in the town square for the Spring Promenade tomorrow, and they've got a really neat routine put together that involves dancing between the parade floats, and-

Oh, sorry about that! I'm always thinking one step ahead of what I'm doing! My name's Pinkie Pie, and I'm the mayor of Ponyville! Yep, it my job to make sure everything in this town runs smoothly around here. And believe me, in a crazy town of ponies like this, that's an awfully hard job to do! But my friends always manage to pull things through, no matter how goofy it gets around here.

Like... take the other day, when I decided to bake some cookies. I had just gotten a bunch of dough and other ingredients from Sweetberry's sweet shop, and was on my way home to make some yummy chocolate chip cookies for my friends and I, when a familiar green pony came galloping up to me.

"Hya Pinkie, whacha doin'?" The green pony asked me, nearly bouncing up and down in excitement. "Ohh, you've got baking stuff there! Are you gonna make some cookies?"

"Oh, hi Minty." I greeted her, a smile on my face. "Yeah, I was just going to go back to the house, and bake a few dozen chocolate chip cookies. Wanna come and help me?"

"Sure!" Minty exclaimed, bouncing along after me. "I love to help you make mint cookies!"

"I said chocolate chip, Minty." I sigh, trying to ignore her enthusiasm. I'm used to overly excited ponies like Minty, I grew up with a house full of them. Jumping around, breaking stuff, acting all hyper and talking to people who weren't there. I'm surprised Mama Pie didn't go insane dealing with all my sisters. She told me I used to be like that too... until I caught a cold when I was real little, and got really really sick.

The doctor said it affected my brain, and he told mama pie I wouldn't be the same- he didn't mention it would also make me sane. I stopped acting wacky like my sisters, and started acting like a normal girl. That when my voice got all stuffy from the damage the cold did to my sinuses, and I turned into the extra-super serious pony you know now- well, extra super serious for a Pinkie Pie.

Anyway, the two of us trotted back to the balloon house- it's a really big house shaped like a hot air balloon, it's where I live- and Mints dashed in ahead of me, eager to start baking.

"Ohhh, let me measure out the ingredients Pinkie, pleeeaasssse?" Minty begged me, hopping up and down as I unpacked my grocery bags. "I'll make sure I get all the ingredients just right!"

"I dunno Minty, maybe you should-" But before I could even get another word out, she had already tore open the bags, and dumping flour, baking soda, and other ingredients into the mixing bowl. "Minty, no! We need to measure those out just right!"

After I had cleaned up her first little oopsie, I started to measure out the proper ingredients- a teaspoon of this, a cup of that- and carefully monitored Minty as she poured each into the mix. It all seemed to be going well, but what I didn't know was that little trouble making was 'fixing' my recipe every time I turned my back, pouring in this or that at random. I really should of realized this when Minty got real nervous when I wanted to taste the batter.

"Here, why don't you just let me lick the spoon?" She asked nervously, her eyes darting around nervously. "You don't want to taste that icky old stuff, now do you?"

"Minty, we followed the direction to the letter, this stuff shouldn't be icky!" I pointed out, starting to get suspicious.

"Welll, you don't want to spoil the surprise of how good they'll taste, now do you?" She grinned, moving between me and the bowl of batter. "Let's just hurry up and get these things into the oven, so we can enjoy all that chocolate-y goodness!"

So, putting my suspicions aside, I poured the batter into the cookie tray, and put the cookies into the oven. So imagine my surprise when the chocolate chip cookies I was supposed to be baking suddenly turned green.

"Ohhhh, Minty!" I growled, trying to suppress my anger. "What did you do to my cookies!?"

"Just... added a little mint flavoring... " My friend whimpered, backing into a corner as I stared her down. "...and maybe a little green food coloring, maybe."

It was just then, that the oven behind us began to shake, rattle, and roll.

"MINTY!" I yelled, scowling angrily at the oven that was now hoping around. "What else did you put in?!"

"Well, maybe a bit to much baking soda and yeast..."


The oven, well... it blew up. The explosion sent green goo and batter flying everywhere- all over the walls, all over my furniture... it coated everything, All my favorite paintings were ruined, and all the pages in my favorite books are all stuck together. Rainbow Dash later told me all the ponies in town saw a minty goopy-green mess was pouring out the windows, and they all came running to help.

As for Minty and I, we were plastered up against the wall of my house, trapped by all this icky gunk.

"Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten us into." I groaned, rolling my eyes as I was hanging upside down. "Oh Minty Minty Minty... when will you ever learn?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...!" Minty cried, as the other ponies came galloping in to pry us free. "...Oh Pinkie, why do I keep messing everything up?!"

*Sigh* It took us four hours to clean all that nasty goo up, and we both missed our dates with stallions that night. I'm not angry at her though- she is my friend, after all. It's just Minty being Minty.

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