• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,612 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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Mochanaut is Missing

"Hmph! Mom wants to be that way?" I howl in defiance to the wind "Fine! I don't need to stay on butterfly island! I don't need anyone!"

Stupid, selfish, overprotective mom! How dare she tell me what to do! I am so sick of her always telling me what I can and can't do! Ohhh, clouds! There's clouds up there! We're all gonna die! Gee, Thistle Whistle! Maybe I shouldn't eat, because I might choke! Or maybe I shouldn't blink, cause I might hurt my eyelids! How could I possibly-

Oh, right... this is supposed to be where I explain who I am, and hat I'm about... right. Name's Mouchnaut, pink Pegasus with an blue and purple mane, and two coffee cups tattooed on her butt. I love making coffee and want to open up a coffee shop someday with my pal Tiara-mi-Su, and currently has no boyfriend because a certain overprotective mother won't even let me look at colts! There, that enough 'fleshing out of my character for your little journal entries you want each of us to write, Storybelle? I think your readers all probably sick of hearing a mini-biography from each and every one of us by now.

Anyway, I was flying around near the Butterfly beach, muttering to myself and plotting how I was going to get away from this stupid island, when I saw a hot air balloon come through the portal from Ponyville. Upon rubbing my eyes with my hooves and looking closer, I noticed the floating ball of hot air (the one thing the balloon had in common with my dear sweet mother) had a familiar occupant I recognized immediately.

"Wysteria, is that you?" I called out, flying up to the obviously out-of-control craft. "What the heck are you doing up here?"

"Oh dear, Mochanaut? Is that you?" Wysteria called out, looking with relief as I grabbed hold of the basket. "Please, you've got to get me out of here! I can't control this crazy thing!"

I immediately pull her out of the basket, and set her to the ground as the balloon slowly drifts it's way out to sea. I had heard the high and mighty princess of Ponyville had disappeared a few days ago, but I never thought she'd wash up here on our tropical shore. After she had shaken the dirt and sweat from her mane, I decided to see and could ask her and find out what was going on.

"Princess Wysteria, I am very pleased to have helped you." I tell her, bowing my head low before the pony I had just rescued. "But I was wondering why you have decided to grace our humble island with your presence?"

"Oh, you don't have to be so formal, silly." The princess replied with a giggle. "I just needed some time away from my royal duties, so I decided to take a break. But that balloon seemed to have a mind of it's own., and it brought me here, like it was magic or something."

"Well then, the balloon must have had some purpose in bringing you here." I tell Wysteria, motioning for her to follow me. "Perhaps there is something here on Butterfly Island that could assist with what's bothering you?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea." The Princess of Ponyville smiled, trotting her way up towards the Pegasai's village huts. "I can go and talk to Starcatcher, and maybe she could-"

"NO! No, our queen is way to busy to waste time on something puny like this!" I cry in a panic, looking around nervously at the thought of her going back to the very ponies I was trying to run away from. "Here, let me help you on your journey of self-discovery. I'm sure we can figure out how to make you feel like a better princess, if we put our heads together!"

"Hmmm, I guess we could do that." The princess replied thoughtfully. "Sure! I think that'd be a lot of fun. Why don't you lead the way, and we'll start looking for the answers together!"

And so the two of us trotted towards the island's small jungle, vanishing from sight into the thick rows of palm trees. I really didn't have any idea where this little trip was going to take me, nor did I care. The farther I am away from my fussy overbearing mother and the Pegasus tribe I really need a break from at the moment. And who knows? Maybe I'll actually learn something from this overly kind, down to earth earth pony that Ponyvillians seem to hold in such high regard.

"So, Wysteria..." I think for a moment, trying to remember the Princess's hobbies so I can start up a conversation. "...what can you tell me about the flowers that are in bloom this season?"

"Oh, do you like flowers?!" I saw her eyes light up, and I suddenly realized the monstrous can of worms I had just unknowingly opened. "Oh, there are so many wonderful kinds in bloom this time of year! But that's only the beginning..."

And so, the great princess proceeded to lecture me about spring and summer flowers, of daffodils and zinnias and petunias and morning glorys. I think I learned more about botany and growing plants in that one conversation, than I ever did from horticulturalists. I was able to get a few sentences about types of tea I liked to make and how I wanted to open a shop someday, but it was obvious that the princess was going to dominate the conversation during this journey.

And as we headed deeper into the woods, I wonder if I hadn't been a little to harsh on mom for wanting to protect me. Even if her nutty paranoia was the thing that started the whole mess to begin with.

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