• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,604 Views, 202 Comments

Tales of Another Ponyville - Paradise Oasis

Stoybelle tells tales of the ponies of a very Different Ponyville....

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It can't end like this!

The four of us put up one heck of a fight. Rainbow Dash and Spring Fever were kicking the equestrian ponies away, knocking the left and right. Blue Mist and I headbutt several of them away, knocking about dozen of our attackers. We fight well, but they outnumber us twenty to one. The four of us are quickly overwhelmed, and we soon find ourselves in chains, and at the mercy of captors.

"Take those defective freaks back to the circle in the clearing!" One of the mad stallions declared, his eerie glowing eyes staring at us in contempt. "We'll decide what to do with these Ponyville mutants there!"

My name's Daisy Paisley, and I'm Ponyville's resident tracker. My purple coat and mane can often be seen in the bushes and wooded areas around Ponyville, looking for things people have lost and pets that have run away. My keen sense of smell and heightened senses can find nearly anything; a skill that serves the ponies of our town well.

Yep, bringing home misplaced things and friends, that has been the pride of my family for generations. My mother was a tracker, as was her mother before her. My family refined and perfected these tracking techniques for generations, each generation refining and improving them better than the last. Someday, I'll pass these skills onto my own daughter, along with the special touches I've added from my own experiences.

At least... if I can get myself and my friends out of this mess.

"Wow, there are sure a lot of angry ponies out there with torches and pitchforks." Blue Mist commented, looking out at the crowd that had tied us to this big oak tree. "You think they really mean to do us in?"

"Don't be silly, darling! No pony would actually KILL another pony!" Rainbow Dash relied with a laugh, trying to keep some levity in our dire situation. "Even these thuggish bullies and brutes!"

We were all taken back to the Equestrian's encampment in the woods, where they all gathered to scorn and jeer at us. It's kind of hard to tell these demonic horrors from one another, they all look like vicious cannibals eager to devour us. But one stallion- Mysterious Entry-something or another, I believe his name is- kind of seems to be acting as their leader. He appears to be up in front of the others at the moment, ranting and raving about what should be done with us.


We ponies of Equestria are the most loving, tolerant, and friendly equines in the world. We try to make friends with the most rude and abrasive of creatures, and can forgive even the crudest of insults and most evil of actions. Every pony is entitled to make mistakes, and every pony is entitled to bad judgement now and then. We can live in harmony with almost anyone or anything.

But these... these...aberrations! These... freaks of nature! With the little hearts in their eyes and magnetic hooves and sickeningly sweet demeanor! They are a race of degenerate deformities, born of centuries of isolation in the toxic cesspool that is Ponyville! How dare one of them call themself Rainbow Dash! How dare one steal the name Pinkie Pie! We know what the real ponies are like, and we're not going to tolerate these false ponies!

But now, these mutations have found their way out into our world, seeking to spread their vapid and two dimensional personalities to the rest of Equestria! Their girly imperfection is an insult to our sophisticated and three dimensional personalities. And so we must rid ourselves of these imperfect ponies, before they can pull down our generation of pony's obvious superiority.

And so, gather the firewood, my fellow Equestrians! We shall let the fires purify these imperfections from our presence, freeing us from their shallow taint! Then, we shall follow the vermin's trail back to their nest, and exterminate that generation of Ponyville ponies from existence! Raise a brohoof to our success, my equine brothers and sisters! Praise be to great Celestia and Luna, and let the perfection of our generation's shine forever!"

"That does it, our goose is cooked!" Spring Fever panicked, about ready to burst into tears. "I'll never see my patients or my hospital again!"

"Now calm down, Spring!" I reassure her, trying to blow a few stray mane hairs out of my face. "I'm sure we'll find a way out of this mess. We've been in worse situations than this before, we'll get out of this somehow!"

"Oh now, what's this? The little freak thinks she could get away?" Their leader overheard me, and trotted up to where we were tied to gloat. "I'm very sorry, my dear, but even if you got out of those ropes, you'd never find your way back tough those woods to your precious Ponyville alive!"

"Oh yeah? Well, it just so happens that Daisy here is a tracker!" Blue Mist boasted defiantly, struggling against the ropes. "She could find her way back through the woods with her eyes blindfolded!"

"Nice going, Mist dahling." Rainbow Dash snorted at him in annoyance. Turning her head back towards the fanatical stallion, Rainbow tried to downplay the fact our party's lone stallion had so carelessly revealed. "Look dahling, Daisy doesn't really have that good of a sense of direction at all! I mean, she was supposed to be leading us to our lost princess, and we ended up out here in the wild you you ... er, gentleman." Dash rolled her eyes. "It's plainly obvious to everybody that-"


"It's everyPONY, you filthy Ponyville piece of sewage, everyPONY!" The stallion raged, smacking Rainbow Dash in the mouth so hard with his hoof, that he sent several teeth, spittle, and blood flying from her mouth. "I shall not have a pony from a defective generation mutilating our glorious Equestrian language! If you cannot pronounce the words properly, then keep your freakishly large muzzle SHUT!"

Rainbow glared back at him in anger, her eyes ablaze with fire as blood dripped down her broken jaw. I have never seen the kind and gentle Rainbow Dash this angry before, and it sends a shiver down all of our spines. Even our cruel captor takes a step back, looking away from Rainbow's burning gaze as fear grew in his dark heart.

"Well then, we'll just have to take care of your precious Daisy first, so that you cannot escape our righteous wrath!" He motioned to a few of his unicorn lackeys. "Guards, prepare the toxic bath of anger! We'll make this one feel our hatred towards her!"

I am quickly untied, and dragged away from the others. They lash a large logging chain around my midsection, and pull on it to raise me high into the air over a large bubbling cauldron, which the unicorns keep pouring the magic from their horns into. The stallion leader glares at me with fiendish delight as I am lowered into the cauldron.

"This toxic acid water, taken from one of the nearby streams, boils with our eternal hated towards you Ponyville ponies!" An insane grin forms on his face as he glares up at me murderously. "My unicorn followers keep the acid magically burning with our rage. As you are slowly- and painfully- dissolved away into nothing, think of the favor we are doing to the world by ridding it of your blasphemous presence!"

They slowly lower me into the cauldron, and a terrible shock of pain shoots though my hooves the moment they touch the foul smelling liquid. Every nerve ending in my body suddenly explodes with a burning agony, as it feels like every hair on my coat and mane is on fire. looking down into the cauldron, I see the acid permanently burning the lower half of my body blue, and scorching the ends of my lovely hooves a sickly green. Raising my head to the sky, I let out a pained and terrified scream to the heavens.


"Yes! Yes!" The stallion leader whinnied in triumph, almost sounding like he was in a euphoric ecstasy. "Burn, Ponyville heretic! Burn!"

Oh great B'zekre, this can't be happening! I have a whole life ahead of me! I want a successful career as a tracker! I want to have many more happy times with my friends! I want to have foals some day, and a husband who loves me! I have a duty to pass on my tracking skills to the next generation, and live the full and happy life my mother intended for me!

It can't end like this!

It can't end like this!

"Daisy! NOOOOO!" I hear Spring Fever's voice behind me, and the sound of the rope holding my friends snapping. I don't know what happened next, but I heard the sounds of fighting and struggling all around me, and the cauldron I was being dipped into was suddenly knocked aside. The chain holding me in the air was lowered to the ground, and I found myself lying helplessly on the grass.

"Daisy, can you hear me? Are you all right?" Spring's voice called out to me, as I saw her standing over me and checking my vital signs. "Daisy, stay with me now! DAISY!"

I tried to stay awake, tried to respond to her pleas, but I felt too blasted weak to move. The pain and ache finally overcame me, and darkness and silence engulfed the world around me....

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