• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,297 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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7: Battleship Sunk

It didn't take long for X and Zero to be brought up to speed on the situation at hand. Once X had Alia properly situated in their 'off-duty' quarters, he and Zero were quick to don their armor and join up with Octavia and Axl to deal with the remaining 'Mavericks'. Iris took her usual place as a Navigator, ready to guide the group through the remaining areas. She did have some advice right off the bat. "Given the foes you've battled so far, I'd recommend invading the Battleship sea fortress," she explained. "The weapon you've all acquired from Tornado Tonion is based in electricity, and the pattern seems to suggest that the Reploid in charge of the Battleship would be based in water-type abilities, and thus vulnerable to electricity."

"Good idea," Zero praised, selecting the destination.

The first battleship they beamed to proved to be smaller than anticipated, though the deck was covered with giant turtle Mechanaloids and Mettools that surrounded the group, with drones based on a higher platform to snipe at them. X, Zero, and Axl raced around in a coordinated assault, taking down the defenders as Octavia leapt from one to the other to evacuate the civilians. The explosions from the destroyed Mechanaloids caused a large turret tower to fall over behind the group, blocking off half the ship.

"This sure seems shoddily built," Zero muttered, staring at the wreckage.

"No," X countered. "That was deliberate. We're walking right into a trap."

As he spoke, a large purple bird-shaped fighter was moved forward on a launch platform, coming to a halt at the end of the runway. However, rather than taking off, the platform began to shift back and forth along the runway as the fighter opened fire on the group.

"Flanking positions!" Octavia called out as the four shifted to right angles from each other, surrounding the platform as they moved back and forth, keeping out of the craft's line of fire as they barraged it with their weapons.

With all four of them focused on the vehicle, it didn't last long, and the explosion cause enough damage to the battleship to force the group to leap to the next one in the fleet...only to find it was already on fire, and between the flames and the large crates on board the craft greatly reduced their mobility.

"We should probably be more careful what we destroy," X warned. "If this whole thing is a trap for us, this ship's structural integrity likely isn't that good even without being on fire."

Moving carefully, the group was able to find the civilians trapped by flames and enemy fire to evacuate them before moving to the edge of the boat...where a Mechanaloid hydra raised its three heads to attack. Each head sat atop a crimson neck, launching fireballs at the group. They instantly divided to each take one head, while Zero - who had more limited ranged attacks - drew attention to let the others fire uninterrupted. Quite by accident, Zero discovered he could deflect the fireballs with his beam saber, making the battle go that much faster.

With all three heads destroyed, the battleship they were on began to explode, forcing the group to leap to the next one, which was even more on fire than the last one. "Hope nobody got killed by those flames," Axl offered worriedly.

"We'll have to investigate," Zero stated firmly, dashing forward to explore.

Exploration proved rather simple, as despite the flames they could see everything as they went. The only real hazard proved to be new Mechanaloids built like the standing tanks X and Octavia had dealt with back when they first went after Sigma, but now generating rotating holo-shields that deflected shots. However, with four of them focused on a single target, each individual Mechanaloid didn't last long.

The 'guardian' for this battleship proved to be a transforming turret tower that turned into an immobile battle mech. It had two rings of turrets that shot at the group at its direction, while the mech itself didn't fire. The group focused their attacks on the turrets, trying to take those down first. As they shot, the mech made its first real move, spitting fireballs at the group that Zero deflected with his beam saber.

After a fierce but short fight, the mech exploded, leaving nothing but wreckage for the group to continue exploring. At the end of the wreckage, they came across the 'Maverick' that had caused all these problems, a blue and white armored, narrow-bodied Reploid that resembled a flying fish. He was armed with a double bladed sword that resembled a massive propeller.

His eyes locked on Axl. "I've been waiting for you, traitor!" he barked out, his voice high-pitched and raspy.

"Still breaking your toys, coward?" Axl growled back, shifting his weapons to Volt Tornado.

"Red wants you back in one piece...but I think he'll settle for having you in pieces!" the Reploid snapped. "I-"

Before he could say anymore, hands of stone erupted out of the platform he was standing on, grabbing his ankles and holding him down. Octavia looked straight up at him from between the hands, her eyes flinty and hard. "You don't. Hurt. My little pony!" she snapped out, unleashing her Volt Tornado at point blank range.

The Reploid screamed in shock and pain as the electricity coursed through his body, only for a flaming hoof to catch him in the chin and send him flying even further up into the electrified tornado. As he arced back, Octavia triggered her Ult. Mode and activated the Nova Dash, charging forward, straight up, and then turning around the Reploid to bounce him back and forth in the air several times before slamming him back into the ground.

When the smoke and wind cleared, the Reploid was barely functioning, and Octavia stood on his back, his weapon clutched in her hoof, the blade at his throat. "What is your name?" she demanded coldly.

"M...my name is Splash Warfly-"

"No, your name is Mud," Octavia corrected, pressing the blade down harder. "Now, what is your name?"

"...m...mud..." Warfly offered.

"And you are very sorry for threatening my pony, yes?" Octavia insisted, shifting so she could knee the Reploid in the kidneys.

"Y...yes..." Warfly gasped out desperately.

"And you're going to apologize and surrender, aren't you?" Octavia growled out, kicking him onto his back and putting the blade between his eyes.

"I'm sorry!" Warfly gasped out, his arms moving into a surrender pose as fast as his barely functional servos could manage.

Zero chuckled softly. "Heh. She takes after you, X."

As X rubbed the back of his head nervously, Axl gave a hesitant thumbs up. "Uh...go Mom?"

Author's Note:

People asked to see Mama Bear Tavi.
Apparently, Splash Warfly really hates Axl.
There you go.

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