• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,281 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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1: The Second Charge

When X beamed back into Maverick Hunter HQ, he ignored everyone around him as he rushed to the med lab. "Are they okay?" he demanded of Lifesaver. "Octavia and Zero? Are they alright?"

Lifesaver shrugged his shoulders. "Octavia's fine. She was just flash blind. She's recovering nicely, and should be ready to join you in battle again soon." He gestured to where Octavia was pushing herself to her hooves, her eyes covered by a purplish visor that resembled dark sunglasses.

X rushed to her side, gently stroking her mane. "Where'd the glasses come from?" he asked, confused and concerned.

"A reploid not in the registry stopped by and gave them to her," Lifesaver explained. "Introduced himself as Prometheus. Said the glasses would interact with her armor to let her maneuver by echolocation if her eyes took too long to recover, as well as protecting them while they recovered. After he gave them to her - and spent a few minutes brushing her mane to calm her down - he went up to talk to Dr. Ciel and Dr. Cain."

X nodded, managing a soft smile as Octavia nuzzled him to assure him of her well being. "And Zero?" he asked.

"He...is not doing so well," Lifesaver explained, gesturing to the stasis capsule - based off the original Light Capsule X had been found in - that held the portion of Zero that was recovered. "He's missing several crucial components, and what parts he still has are badly damaged. We've put him in stasis until the missing parts can be recovered and his repairs completed."

"So...he's alive, but in a medically induced coma?" Octavia inquired.

"Basically," Lifesaver confirmed.

"Alright," X said at last, getting back to his feet. "Octavia, you stay here and rest up. I'm going to go finish Sigma once and for all."

"Father, no!" Octavia called out, getting to her hooves. "Don't leave me behind!"

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, X," Lifesaver stated bluntly. "According to new protocol, you can't go out on Hunts when she's injured. New directive from Dr. Ciel."

"What?" X demanded angrily. "Why?"

"To keep you from becoming a monster," Ciel said bluntly, walking into the med lab behind X. "Do you even remember what you did after Octavia beamed out?"

X blinked. "I don't...I broke through the defenses to place the beacon."

"I meant specifics," Ciel pointed out, turning on a screen and calling up the video files of X's rampage through that part of Sigma's Fortress.

X stared in shock at the footage of his brutal treatment of the Boomer Kuwanger duplicate and the large spider mechanaloid. "I...did I..."

"Prometheus was able to give me a few details about your construction," Ciel explained. "Something that was deliberately designed so it couldn't be duplicated, and thus is in no Reploid in existence...but is in you and Zero. It's triggered by your fear for Octavia, especially when she isn't present. As such, you aren't allowed to go on missions while she's in the med lab."

X swallowed the bile in his throat, still staring at what he'd done. "U-understood."

"I'm ready to go," Octavia pointed out, hopping down from the bed and walking up to X's side. "This sonar is really advanced. Someone who really knows sound technology must have designed it. And we can't really let Sigma recover his forces any further."

Ciel nodded. "If you're both ready to go..."

X and Octavia beamed into the new section of the Fortress, X immediately bracing himself protectively around Octavia. "Are you sure you're up to-"

Octavia promptly shot a bat mechanaloid out of the air, one X hadn't even seen yet. "I'm not helpless," she growled out. "I can fight."

Sighing, X nodded, leading the way further in.

The first obstacle they faced was a set of three moving platforms. For some reason, X felt nostalgic at the sight. The pair leapt across easily. The mechanaloid enemies proved no true obstacle, and before long they entered a chamber containing a duplicate Chill Penguin. Knowing from the real Chill Penguin about his vulnerability, X and Octavia immediately switched to Flame Mammoth's weapon. The copy was unable to face the two pronged flaming assault - especially as it had only a basic combat program - and quickly went down.

Beyond there, Octavia took control of a Ride Armor, using the systems in her glasses to interface the sonar with the Ride Armor's systems. At the end of the path, they left the Ride Armor behind, climbing up twin passageways where shooting up resulted in everything they encountered being easily destroyed before it could become a threat.

In an open air area, they encountered a duplicate of Storm Eagle. X used his strategy of freezing the wing joints and breaking them off, while Octavia used Chameleon Sting to fry the duplicate's highly-sensitive optic circuits, causing its systems to crash.

After a short climb upward, they encountered another Fortress Guardian. This one seemed to be a giant face. The eyes and nose were separate drones that attacked in different patterns, and the mouth was a spike trap.

"Careful of the spikes," X warned. "They generate an electromagnetic field specifically designed to fry positronic circuitry."

Octavia blinked. "You mean what makes your inorganic brain work?" she asked.

"Precisely," X confirmed.

"But my brain's organic," she pointed out. "What effect would it have on me? I mean, the sonar isn't registering the spikes as a danger, except the points, and them minimal."

As they had been talking, each of the eyes had attacked, colored blue as they moved towards first X and then Octavia before returning to their protected sockets. At that point, the walls closed in, forcing X to climb to avoid the spikes. Octavia, however, was caught off guard and fell into the spikes, but managed to land between two.

"Octavia!" X called out worriedly as the nose started to bounce around. "Are you alright?"

Several blasts shot upwards, impacting the nose. "I'm stuck, but otherwise fine!" she called back up. "According to Varia, if the spikes were smaller, I could walk right over them, and between them if they were larger. But I'm just the wrong size for these. I can beam out just fine, though!"

Before long, all three parts of the Guardian were obliterated. The spikes vanished as it ceased to function with a rather impressive explosion. Octavia happily climbed out of the pit.

"Setting up the beacon to get us to the next sector," X stated happily, tousling her mane.

With a wide grin on each of their faces, they beamed out.

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