• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,296 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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CM: Get Crazy

Author's Note:

As I've said before...every so often in these super-long running fics, I get the urge to just - as the chapter title says - get crazy with things, and write what I think is hilarious, awesome, or both.

You've been warned. I'm not apologizing.

Despite the best efforts of the attacking group, nothing seemed to be damaging Sigma's new body. Zero's Bass Cannon simply glanced off the alloy of his armor. Plasma blasts were reduced in damage until they could barely scuff. Slashes of saber, polearm, lance, and whip managed to cut the armor somewhat at high intensity, but the armor regenerated faster than even Marino in Quicksilver could manage to strike a second time. Even Epsilon's massive energy discharges didn't leave a lasting effect.

On the other hand, Sigma didn't seem to have as much trouble inflicting damage. While he couldn't move fast enough to strike with one of his massive arms accurately, or to stomp with a hoof, the shockwave of his limbs' sweeping passages could send the Hunters and their allies tumbling off their feet. On top of that, each 'face' had different ways of attacking with energy. The 'X head' would unleash a barrage of energy blasts that hit the entire area, relatively weak but next to impossible to dodge. The 'Zero head' unleashed a Bass Cannon blast...which would be lethal if he was able to hit anything with it. The 'Axl head' summoned an energy construct of a random Maverick or Rebellion member that Axl had fought in the past, powerful but easily disrupted. Thankfully, Cinnamon was able to generate a powerful energy field to keep everyone's energy at full.

However, as the minutes ticked by one thing became absolutely certain. Sigma might not be able to destroy them, but he was only toying with them anyway. There was no way they'd be able to take him down in the hour he'd declared it would take him to finish modifying his control circuitry to steal the free will from every non-human on Earth. "I don't get it!" Zero snapped angrily. "We should be seeing some effect from all the damage we're doing!"

"There is an effect," Epsilon growled angrily. "It's just not adding up enough. The Supra-Force Metal binary core does have limits...but at our current output, there's no way we'll reach those limits in the time we've got. Even trying to overclock my Ether Crystal core won't do it."

"Isn't there any way around that?" X demanded angrily. "Remove the Supra-Force Metal, maybe?"

"Ferham and I already checked," Marino spoke up, dashing next to the group. "They're protected by powerful energy fields. Lethal to anyone with a positronic brain, and a powerful enough current to fry Octavia something fierce if she tried. And her Nova Strike can't punch through."

"Does anyone have a plan?" Massimo pleaded in despair.

"...I think I have one," Axl murmured softly. "But...it's risky."

"We're a long ways past risky, kid," Scarface growled. "Spill."

Axl lifted up the Ancient Arm. "Sigma's binary Supra-Force Metal is impressive...but it's only two. This has nine Ether Crystals inside. If I can activate it completely and unleash its full output, the blast should be more than his systems can handle, and eliminate him and the Supra-Force Metal in one shot."

"Sounds like a great plan!" Zero spoke up. "Why haven't we tried it sooner?"

"Because I'm going to be a complete sitting duck while I charge it, since it'll shut down most of my other systems to gather the proper energy," Axl explained flatly. "And if I'm interrupted mid-charge, the energy could backlash and destroy us all. So the rest of you would need to keep Sigma's attention off me and the massively obvious energy buildup that'll be visible on Pluto."

"That's...a hurdle," Massimo allowed. "But I'm sure we can keep his attention-"

"For five minutes," Axl added at last. "And since he's been able to completely ignore our assaults until now, this is literally our last chance at success, and he's probably heard every word we've just said..." He shrugged. "Well, if we fail we're all screwed anyway, so...Hail Mary?"

"Not the worst final words," Sigma growled out as he loomed over the group. "Not the best, but they'll do." Lifting one hoof, he brought it down in an attempt to crush Axl.

Massimo lunged underneath the falling hoof and lifted his arms, catching the falling hoof and holding it. "Giving it everything!" he roared out as he channeled all his stored energy into his limbs to hold the hoof just far enough above Axl's head that it acted as a shield from Sigma's other assaults.

"Don't waste that!" Epsilon roared at Axl. "Start charging!"

Nodding, Axl braced himself as he leveled his arm with the Ancient Arm aimed at Sigma...swallowing as he realized the current line of fire was through Massimo, and he wouldn't have a chance to get out of the way. "Massimo..."

"I am Steel Massimo!" Massimo roared out as his energy continued to flare. "Son of the hero, heir to the legacy!" He shifted his grip so he clutched the outside of the hoof. "If this is how a legend dies..." His eyes flashed as his hands clenched. A crunch sounded as his fingers dug into the armor, locking in place as Sigma's armor healed around the intrusion. "Then bring it on!"

Gritting his teeth, Axl started the charge, trying to blink away the tears so they wouldn't affect his aim.

"Engaging max charge," the Ancient Arm intoned as the outer cover flew off, the inner cylinder beginning to spin. "5%...7%...10%..."

"Do you really think it'll be that easy?" Sigma roared out as he started to rear back, plainly intending to lift Massimo off the ground with the hoof for another stomp.

Taking a quick running step, Scarface hurled his plasma lance. It whistled through the air before embedding itself in the energy field around one of the Supra-Force Metal chunks, nearly grazing the metal itself. The field arced like crazy. Sigma roared, forgetting his current course of action as he moved to protect his source of power.

"Good idea, Scarface!" Zero yelled out as he began leaping up Sigma's body. Drawing his beam saber, he overcharged it before trying to slam it into the other field, only to be repelled and then knocked away.

Epsilon ducked under the hoof. "Borrowing this," he told Massimo as he grabbed his polearm. Shifting out from under, he lined up his throw and hurled it, successfully embedding the weapon in the other energy field. "Your beam saber lacks the solid mass!" he called out to Zero.

"You will pay for-" Sigma began, only to be cut off as something massive, blue, metal, and aquatic looking slammed into him, making him stagger back as the thing seemed to swim back through space.

"Did...did Sigma just get body checked by a robotic space whale?" Spider demanded in shock.

"It came from Earth!" Ferham called out, pointing towards the blue planet below. Her eyes then widened. "And...it didn't come alone..."

All present - save Axl - shifted into a position where they could see what was coming. A silver turtle - by size and design, looking to be patterned after Shield Sheldon - spun like a discus before slamming into Sigma's head, unfolding as a turtle as a crimson wolf leapt off its back to bite down hard on Sigma's heads, making him roar in pain before leaping away as a green falcon raked his scalp and a black eastern-style dragon blasted him with pure Ether. "What in blazes?" Sigma roared out in rage and disbelief. "Who dares assault and humiliate the God of Reploids?"

At that point, the five robotic creatures floated in front of him, and humanoid figures leapt out of them to land lightly atop them. "Team, sound off!" a male voice declared from the dragon before it became distinct.

Atop the falcon, a skinny young man in green and white armor that couldn't seem to decide if it was space-warrior or Super Sentai proceeded to pose dramatically, performing a few martial arts maneuvers with the energy blade he pulled from his hip. "Guardian Green, Sage Harupia, claims the skies!"

Atop the blue whale, a young woman in a similarly themed blue and white outfit that showed off a little too well just how well she'd grown performed similar maneuvers as she seemed to swim through space while spinning a spear. "Guardian Blue, Fairy Leviathan, claims the seas!"

Atop the crimson wolf, a massively built young man in red and white posed similarly as he fired salvos from the massive guns on his arms. "Guardian Red, Fighting Fefnir, claims the land!"

Atop the silver turtle, a thin man stood simply garbed in white and silver, a red scarf blowing in a non-existent breeze as he slowly lifted his head. "Guardian Silver, Hidden Phantom, claims the shadows!"

Atop the black dragon, another young man - younger than the others - drew a violet beam saber and swung it about before posing dramatically. "Guardian Black, Final Omega, claims the light!"

"This planet!" they called out together as they performed synchronized martial arts movements atop their mechs. "Is protected!"

Sigma tilted his head to the side, a familiar feeling creeping into his mind. The last time he'd felt this way, Zero had been ranting at him about comprehending his sexual preference. "...what?"

Octavia, for her part, had buried her face in her hooves. "What did I just watch?" she whimpered.

"...an excellent distraction," Epsilon murmured as softly as he could. "That display bought us three minutes."

Sigma snarled angrily at the 'Guardians'. "If you think your little toys stand a chance against my Perfect Form, you are sorely mistaken! You barely scratched the paint!"

"That's true alone," Omega confirmed as he leapt into his dragon. The entire body lit up with Ether Circuits. "Form feet and legs!"

As the others leapt back into their mechs as Ether Circuits illuminated them, Leviathan's mech unfolded its tail to become legs. At the same time, Phantom's mech pulled in its limbs and settled against the whale like a shell.

"Form arms and torso!"

With that call, the wolf and falcon mechs shifted, the extended limbs folding into themselves as the mouths opened to reveal fists before flying up to the appropriate gaps where the whale and turtle mechs were connected.

The dragon mech slowly settled tail first into the gap left, its mouth opening to reveal a face as the entire thing solidified. "And I'll form...the head!"

The combined mecha posed dramatically, now standing equal height with Sigma's Perfect Form. "Behold...the Memezord!" Omega declared loudly, causing Octavia to facefault.

"What?" Leviathan demanded from inside the combined mech. "I thought we'd agreed to go with the Voltron theme!"

The combined mech suddenly pulled back the falcon arm as flames raced from the wolf arm over the entire body and into the falcon arm. "FALCON...PUNCH!" Fefnir proclaimed as the blow was delivered, sending Sigma flying back as Massimo released the hoof. "Your argument is invalid, sis. Any combined mech with that attack has to be the Memezord."

"Muu!" Leviathan pouted irritably.

X and Zero buried their faces in their hands. "If we make it out of this alive, they are so grounded..." X murmured ruefully. Zero could only nod in agreement.

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