• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,297 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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Less Important Battles

X laid back, sighing in frustration. He'd tried to talk Zero and Colonel into stopping their fight to no avail once he ran out of popcorn. Appealing to Octavia for help, she'd suggested taking the fight to Maverick Hunter HQ, since it wouldn't be honorable of Colonel to beat Zero after he was tired from beating Sigma. The fact that Zero showed no signs of fatigue was not mentioned, and Colonel agreed to reserve fighting to defend his sister's honor until after Zero was fully checked out and recharged.

The fact that Zero seemed just as overjoyed at the idea only made Octavia groan nearly as much as X.

After returning, X had discovered something that had left the next few hours a delicate balance between pleasant, unpleasant, and frustrating. On the one hand, Alia was on duty and seemed to adore his new fluff. On the other hand, so was every single other female Navigator or Hunter on staff, and the only ones who weren't equally as appreciative were Iris and CiCi. X wasn't sure how to feel about having every single humanoid female Reploid on staff at HQ stroking his fur, and Octavia's laughter did not help.

Eventually, however, Lifesaver insisted on bringing the group down to the Med Lab to have them checked out. After giving X the OK, the defusion process was observed carefully. The end result of the process, however, revealed that the Armor units and power up chip had been fully incorporated into the Adapter, and were now a part of Piano, and would be applied when the Adapter was activated. While not an entirely welcome revelation, X considered it a fair trade for how much power the Piano Adapter gave him...and also made a mental note to not use it except against Sigma, should he show up again, or anyone like Sigma.

Colonel was also put under observation for a time, observing his systems for any sign of error resulting from the installation of the Hikari Antibody. The report was rather positive, as it only showed an increased resistance to outside tampering of his brainwave patterns. It had no other effect on his systems, and the attack program had no effect on how his saber worked otherwise. Lifesaver then began mass producing the Hikari Antibody program as an immunization against and a treatment for the present version of the Sigma Virus. He was quick to explain that a viral program would naturally evolve and adapt to become more efficient and work around antiviral software, much as a biological virus became resistant to antibiotics over time, and unlike X and Zero's neural data, the Antibody could not evolve on its own. They would have to tweak it for each new iteration of the Virus when it came.

Of course, Zero - who had just been fully recharged and checked out - made a crack about it being a pity it didn't increase Colonel's intelligence, and Colonel had responded with his sword...only for Lifesaver to grab both of them by the ear and drag them out of the Med Lab, telling them to do that somewhere with less delicate equipment. They had silently marched into the training simulator before drawing their beam swords and lunging for each other.

X was one of many now sitting in observation, watching the fight progress. Someone, he wasn't sure who, was providing plenty of popcorn, so he felt no reason to interfere in the fight unless serious injury was done.

Of course, as interesting as the sword fight was between two evenly matched warriors, the things they were shouting at each other were rather amusing.

"How dare you lay a hand on my sister!"

"It was innocent!"

"You have defiled her!"

"I didn't touch her like that!"

"You were playing Strip Poker!"

"It was her idea!"


"She beat me every hand!"

"How dare you expose yourself to my sister!"

After a quick flurry of sword clashes, the pair braced their blades against each other, each trying to overcome the other by pure force. They then leapt apart, charged energy into their sabers, and lunged.


Both froze as Iris walked in, glaring at Colonel. "Again, brother?" she asked, her voice resigned.

"I...don't know what you're talking about," Colonel replied evasively, not quite meeting her eyes.

"This is the 37th time, brother," Iris pointed out exasperatedly. "It's a pattern by now. That doesn't fly."

"None of them were good enough for you!" Colonel proclaimed defensively.

"That's my decision, not yours!" Iris snapped back.

"They only cared about your specs, not your spark!"

"I have to get their attention somehow!"

"As your older brother, it's my job to protect you!"

"Protect, not control!"

"I only want what's best for you-"

"And I want a second date for once in my life!"

Colonel and Iris stared at each other for a time, before Colonel turned to leave. "We'll discuss this more at home," he stated primly, marching out.

"Next time, bring your S game!" Zero shouted as he left.

Colonel paused at the door to glance back over his shoulder at Zero. Only Octavia was sharp eyed enough to spot the momentary smirk.

Iris sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry about my brother, Zero," she apologized. "He is a combat Reploid first and foremost, after all. I suppose this is just how he shows how much he cares about me..."

"You free next Saturday?" Zero asked.

Iris blinked in shock. "...eh?"

"Well, I kinda need to take you on a first date before I can give you that second date you want," he pointed out. "As much as we hung out here, pretty sure 'liaisoning' doesn't count as a date."

"It's not even a word," Iris chided, smiling a bit. "But...you do realize my brother will try to kill you again if you try to court me."

"So I'll pick you up at six for dinner, hit an eight o'clock movie, ten o'clock duel with your brother, and I'll have you home by eleven," Zero suggested. "That work for you?"

Iris tried and failed to suppress giggles at the absurdity of the suggestion. "Seriously?" she finally gasped out.

"I'm a Maverick Hunter," Zero replied easily. "My day-to-day job involves going out to face off against Reploids who are going to try and kill me. I'm used to it...and to a certain extent I enjoy it. With or without your brother's threats, I'd still want to date you Iris. The fact that he's going to challenge me every time is just a bonus. That fight was fun!" He flexed his shoulders as he stared at his beam saber. "Think I'll tweak my combat specs a bit. Fighting with the beam saber like that felt...right. Like it was something I'd done before...something I was once designed to do."

Iris sighed, rolling her eyes. "Of course the only interesting boy not intimidated by my brother is also a battle junkie," she murmured. She then smiled happily. "See you Saturday." Leaning in, she left a peck on Zero's cheek before sauntering off.

After three minutes, Octavia walked up. "Uncle Zero?" she asked, gently poking him with one hoof.

With an eerie creaking sound, Zero tilted back without bending any joints before falling flat.

Author's Note:

In nearly every "between games" fanon I've ever read about X and Zero, X has been the shy, reticent one who can barely talk to girls in an unofficial capacity, while Zero is the happy-go-lucky player. Nothing in any of the games I've seen supports either interpretation, but nearly every fanwork I've seen uses them.

I decided to tweak that a bit for this story. 'Awkward chick magnet X' is more fun to write than 'hikikomori X', and 'love struck Zero' is hilarious to me.

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