• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,296 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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CM: Fly Away

X grinned widely at his opponent. Oddly enough, he found it refreshing to face someone who just straight up stated their intentions, showing neither insanity nor trickery in their approach. It felt oddly like the sparring sessions back at HQ, but with more at stake...though not much more, in his opinion. "You seem pretty confident," he observed idly, "taking on an S Rank Maverick Hunter, especially one with my record and abilities. Or is that arrogance?"

"Nah, nothing like that," Spider debated smugly. "More observation, and research. Most of your more devastating combat abilities either require your armor upgrades, or only come into play if your kid is in immediate danger." He glanced around playfully. "I don't see her around, and oh look! You've only got your basic armor with dash boots. What an unfortunate turn of events for you."

"I can still call Piano to fuse with him," X countered firmly, though he was beginning to get a bit nervous.

"Which will be quite devastating to me...if you can hit me," Spider offered playfully. "I admit, I wouldn't be able to take many hits from you physically. I'm more the glass cannon type. But I'm built for speed, evasion, and power hits. And your current equipment set - with or without Piano - is not built for speed or maneuverability. So the question is...am I confident that I can land enough blows on you to slow you down before you can hit me? Or are you lucky enough to catch me unawares?" His grin widened as he slipped five cards into his hand before throwing them into the air in front of him, creating an energy barrier to deflect ranged attacks. "So X...feeling lucky?"

X hid his nervousness. Yet again, he was up against that most dangerous of foes...competent. An idea struck him, and he hoped it would work well. He tilted his head to look past Spider, eyes wide. "That depends if this is back up or competition. Long time no see, Dynamo."

Spider's eyes widened in shock, and he spun around quickly. "S-sensei?" he gasped in surprise...only to see no one there. "What the-" The sound of dash boots and a closing door informed him what had happened. "Oh...Sensei's laughing at me for sure..."

Up where Spider had leapt down from, a blue haired individual lowered his red visor to laugh. "Nyeheheh..."

X raced quickly through the halls to get away from the bounty hunter he was ill-equipped to deal with at the moment. I can't believe that actually worked! he thought in relief. Still, I was counting on Dynamo having a rep, but Sensei? I hope I can find Octavia before I encounter him again. She might know some password of Dynamo's to keep him in check. He blinked as he noticed the damaged aspect of the halls he was passing through, with grates hanging from walls and scattered over the floor. This place sure took a beating...

As he entered a chamber, he encountered a pale brown armored individual whose lower half had been replaced with a hoverchair. "You are the Maverick Hunter X, are you not?" a voice emanated from the figure, his mouth not moving showing the extent of damage he'd taken in his life.

"Yes, that's me," X confirmed. As he saw it, this was either an ally or not a threat. Either way, there was no harm in properly identifying himself, and possibly some good.

"I am Aile," the figure introduced himself. "I am a member of the Resistance."

"Alright," X responded as he let out a sigh of relief. "Can you give me more details about what's going on?"

"As you made it this far, I assume you've deduced that our leader, Chief R, has been caught by the Rebellion Army?" Aile inquired.

"I figured it was something like that, given how disorganized things are here," X confirmed. "Is he still somewhere in Central Tower?"

"Yes," Aile stated firmly. "He is being held in the Governor's Precinct. However, I no longer possess the combat capabilities necessary to perform the rescue operation. While I have information and access codes, I would be incapable of overcoming the Rebellion forces alone."

"Then I'll just have to escort you," X offered warmly. "Won't be my first escort mission. I'm here to gather information, after all, and speaking to the leadership seems to be the best way to go about it...and from what I hear, Chief R's the only leadership who hasn't put a price on my head."

"Thank you, X," Aile offered warmly. He then reached towards an ID Comp embedded in his chest compartment.

"Don't," X interrupted firmly. "I said I'd escort you. You're coming with me."

"I would be a hindrance," Aile warned worriedly.

"Your information will be helpful, and I can handle anything we come across...save one individual," X spoke confidently. "And I don't like needless sacrifice."

As he spoke, the door he'd entered through opened to reveal more of the spherical Mechanaloids he'd first faced in the Ruins.

"Preons!" Aile called out warningly. "Rebellion Army foot troops-"

X cut him off by tackling him through the door onward before triggering the shift to X Fury. "Skull Buster!" he roared out as he fired the charged beam back through the door.

The explosion rocked the tower as the room was rendered impassable.

X disengaged the combination to save charge, brushing his hands off. "That should hold them."

"...I begin to understand what you meant about being able to handle anything we encounter," Aile managed to say at long last.

X grinned and nodded. "Come on, let's go."

X swiftly escorted Aile through the halls as they made their way up through the tower towards the Governor's Precinct. As they got close, they encountered a Resistance soldier dressed in the dark green of a Class 3 uniform. "Aile!" he called out as they approached. "We're in trouble! Several of my friends are being held just ahead-"

"I've got this," X interrupted as he stepped towards the door.

"D-do you need backup?" the soldier asked worriedly.

"I believe X has this well in hand," Aile quickly soothed the soldier's concerns.

"X? You mean the legendary Maverick Hunter?" The soldier let out a gasp of relief. "We're saved!"

As X stepped through the door, three Preons confronted him. Before they could approach, X triggered X Fury, seized the closest one, and used it as a bludgeon to smash the other two. Shifting back, he called out, "Coast is clear!"

Three females dressed in darker variants of what had recently become standard female shopkeeper wear - a short armored dress with matching gloves and boots, colored in a pattern matching the class of their wares, and matching hats with a Zenny symbol - stepped out, quickly offering their thanks. They introduced themselves as Saffron, Cumin, and Jasmine, the Item, Weapon, and Force Metal quartermasters for the Resistance. While regulations forbid them from giving him their items outright - not only was he not a member of the Resistance officially, they needed to turn a profit to keep the Resistance supplied - they did offer him a discount for saving them.

With that finished, X continued to escort Aile through the halls. However, as they reached a dead end hallway, he held up his hand. "Get back!" he called out, shifting into a combat stance.

Spider chuckled as he leapt down from the roof. "Well, your instincts are good, I'll give you that," he offered with a chuckle. "But don't think you'll escape so easily this time."

"And why would he need to escape, Spider?" Aile asked suddenly, moving up to just behind X.

Spider's eyes widened in shock. "A-Aile," he stammered, a look of conflicted emotions crossing his face. "It...it's been a while. What have you been up to?"

"Helping the Resistance and Chief R protect the populace," Aile replied firmly. "I couldn't exactly continue my more rambunctious lifestyle...after."

Spider looked away, his right hand clutching his left arm tight enough the metal of glove and sleeve creaked. "...it wasn't supposed to happen..."

"It wasn't your fault, Spider," Aile stated quickly. "I never blamed you."

"Doesn't stop me from doing it," Spider grumbled, unwilling to meet Aile's eyes. He then let out a disgruntled 'tch' through clenched teeth. "Well I'm in a pickle. I'm going to have to break one of Sensei's rules, one way or the other. I either renege on a bounty I've taken, or turn my back on a friend."

"Is a protracted pro bono job really such a bad penance?" Aile asked teasingly.

Spider shuddered violently. "Certainly better than...eating the spaghetti." He shook himself off, then turned to look at the camera. "Sorry, Jango, but I'm through with this job!" With that, he threw one of his cards at the camera, destroying it. He smirked at X. "Hope you don't hold all this against me...not if we're going to be working together."

"It was professional, not personal," X allowed. "Though it's a pity. If I were better prepared, I think I'd enjoy testing myself against you."

Spider chuckled softly. "You aren't the only one." Looking up, he saw several Preons approaching from behind. "So how are we handling these guys?"

X pointed his buster over the back of his head, shooting out the roof above the approaching Preons and crushing them beneath, the smashed Preons creating a barricade preventing others from getting to the group. "The simple solutions are the best. Let's go."

Author's Note:

Spider joins the party!

Now, I'm pretty sure I made it clear that Dynamo was actually Skull Man (who had Sans' personality), but with a new personality hiding his true nature that had evolved over two centuries. Anyone guess what that personality was originally based on now?

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