• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 4,621 Views, 936 Comments

My Little Heartbreak: More With a Kind Word and a Hard Hoof - Jet_Black1980

When Heartbreak falls ill, Fluttershy takes it upon herself to not only make sure she gets better, but afterwards try to teach her a lesson about kindness! But things are easier said than done, especially with the animals giving H.B. an evil eye...

  • ...

Cooking with Kindness

Chapter 39

Cooking with Kindness

"I-I'm goooing toooo geeeeld yooou!" Heartbreak slurred.

"Oh dear! That should have knocked you clean out by now!" Dr. Nickers admitted while crossing his back legs instinctively. "You don't have any Eponain in you?"

Heartbreak glowered at the stallion, and instead of answering, attempted to push herself up and lunge forward, all the while making an inequine noise!

"Ope! Nurse Goodfilly! Time for a booster!" Dr. Nickers panicked as he jumped back, his wide almost empty eyes turning to terror as his wide grin faltered!

"On it!" Nurse Goodfilly exclaimed, leaping over the bench, pulling another prepped Newfield out of her mane and administering the contents to the snorting tan shoulder of the manic mare as she attempted her charge again!

Heartbreak stumbled and returned to her sitting position on the bench. "Sommma a birrrrch treeeeee..."

Pinkie, positively perplexed by the events that just unfolded in front of her, looked at both Dr. Nickers and Nurse Goodfilly. "Was... was that necessary?" she asked. "Is H.B. going to be alright?!"

"Oh, totally for sure!" Dr. Nickers said, picking up Heartbreak's right forehoof, checking somethin, and then placed an ear on her barrel. "Oh, good! Her heart is still beating and she's still breathing!"

Pinkie's face blanched and she started to question her judgment in doctors and nurses. "Hey! What's the big idea!? This isn't my fault! It's all that Jetbl-" suddenly she stopped mid-sentence and looked at Nurse Goodfilly, her eyes narrowing...

Nurse Goodfilly gave a sheepish frown, a small guffah, and disposed of the needle she was holding, though for some reason Pinkie only furthered in narrowing her gaze at the golden eyed mare. "Is something wrong? Do I have something in my teeth?" she asked fretfully.

Pinkie gave her a bit of stare down while tapping her chin. "Yooou look awfully familiar... have we met before?" she asked, puzzled.

"I'm pretty sure we have not..." Nurse Goodfilly replied assuredly.

"I'm sure I've seen you somewhere..." Pinkie said looking over the nurse's messy mane and tail, inspecting her teeth, and peering into her eyes...

"Fluutttershiiii... treeeee pla..." came the half muffled words from Heartbreak's muzzle as her face was half in the bench.

"Ah! Yes! ‘A Summer Sun's Celebration's Midnight Nocturne'!" Nurse Goodfilly exclaimed. "Fluttershy played the part of a tree, and I was an imp!"

Pinkie continued to look suspect for a few more moments before Dr. Nickers came between the two.

"Ladies! Ladies! I am sure however you two met can wait!" Dr. Nickers chuckled uneasily. "Right now, how about we get Miss Heartbreak-"

"H.B.!" came the near demonic mutterings of said pony.

"Yes!" Dr. Nickers shrieked. "How about we get H.B. to x-rays before the sedative wears off?! So I can avoid unnecessary surgery!" he begged. "For myself..."

"De... bay... table..." Heartbreak managed to push out alongside unearthly cracking sounds...

Pinkie glared a half second more before her face switched back to happy and cheerful. "Okie dokie lokie!" she beamed while cheerfully assisting the spaghetti noodle limp Heartbreak onto a gurney.


Cream Puff looked up at the amazing variety of ingredients contained in the many glittering, pristine jars. Each one placed cutely on the clean and stable looking shelves.

"Golly! Ya've got all sorts of peels!" The little filly exclaimed. "Lemon peel, orange peel, lime peel, an' each 'em has their own brand new labels too!" She gasped and zipped over to a section of kitchen implements. "An actual honest-to-goodness zester!? Why, there ain't a speck of rust on it, an them teeth are still sharp!" she gasped.

Mrs. Cake could only smile sweetly at the unadulterated enthusiasm of the filly as she marveled at things that she had long considered mundane. "Well, we do pride ourselves on a well organized, maintained, and stocked kitchen, dontcha know."

"Five types of sugar!?" Cream Puff said, astonished. "Ya got eight kinds of flour?! An-an-an!" The little filly looked dizzy at the wide array of containers in this one kitchen alone! "We got nothin' like this back at the orphanage!"

Fluttershy walked up to Mrs. Cake after setting down their saddlebags safely behind the counter. "Thank you so much for agreeing to this..."

"Well, it's a slow day and it was really hard to say no to a face like that..." Mrs. Cake waffled.

Cream Puff approached a rather modern looking door and cautiously opened it.she was met with a refreshing cold burst of air. When she peered inside, she could not hold in her delight. "An' actual, upta date, workin' Friesian 2000 refrigerator?! Good Golly sweet Molly! Ya got that there fancy Prench butter!"

Mrs. Cake laughed a little. "Yes we do, but please don't hold the door open for too long!"

"Sorr' there, Mirssus Cake, Ma'am." Cream Puff replied a bit of fear infusing her voice as she quickly closed the refrigerator door. "It's just... Ah'm haven't seen so much finery..." She paused and looked down. "Well, not for a long time, that is..."

"Oh... uhm..." Mrs. Cake tried to cover up her discomfort. "Oh! So, what are you wanting to make again?" she asked, attempting to steer the conversation to a much more positive place.

"We was just thinkin' somethin' simple..." Cream Puff trailed off. "Oh, the things Ah could make with this setup!" She turned away and crossed her forehooves. "Not that Ah'd go and make anythin' without yer permission Missus Cake, Ma'am... after all, Ah ain't S.T. Urchin, as ma daddy would say, he's greedier than a bear in a rabbit's honey pot he is... so... maybe... muffins? Yeah, muffins."

"You can totally make those and you said that you were making these for Heartbreak?" Mrs. Cake asked, giving as bright a lemony as she could.

Cream Puff nodded her little golden eyes already having moved on to wandering the inventory for what she would need. "Uh-huh... though, an' Ah don't mean ta be rude or nothin', but she much prefers ta be called H.B.! Missus Cake, Ma'am."

Mrs. Cake clicked her tongue, and gently tapped her hoof against the side of her head. “Right, I’m sorry.” She waggled said hoof and her ears fell in embarrassment. “It’s been months since I’ve seen... H.B., that I sugah plumb forgot! So what kind of muffins were you hoping to make?”

“Uuuuhm... Oh! Can Ah make lemon-blueberry oatmeal muffins!?” she asked, giving the barest bit of pleading.

“Oatmeal? That’s something we rarely use around here. Something that you’re more likely to find at the Apple family farm...” Mrs. Cake mused much to Cream Puff’s dismay. “But we do have it. It’s on the second to top shelf, just below the seeds- poppy, pumpkin, chia, cardamom, and sunflower. Maybe if you’re trying to make this a-” she paused. “-healthy treat, you could add one of those!” she suggested.

“Oh, no-no-no!” Fluttershy interjected, her ears folding, wing fluffing, and hooves tip-tapping on the floor.

Cup Cake went wide-eyed and pulled back. “I’m sorry it was just a suggestion...”

“No... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell like that...” Fluttershy awkwardly apologized. “It’s just... H.B. has an allergy to sunflower seeds...”

“Oh... Oh... heavens! I didn’t know!” Mrs. Cake said, covering her mouth. “Well, thanks for telling me. As I said it’s been... ages last I even talked with H.B.. That poor dear is quite the homebody, especially seeing that rumor has it she fell into a large sum of dough.”

“What’s that gotta do with any of this?” Cream Puff asked once she realized Mrs. Cake didn’t mean bread dough.

Mrs. Cake waved a hoof. “Nothing, nothing, I just know that if I didn’t have to knead dough if my dough met my needs, I might not be apt to do all that much either...”

Cream Puff frowned, what was with ponies, getting on the case of her favorite reader?!

Sensing the tension in the air, Mrs. Cake felt the need for a hasty escape.

“Well, any who, the twins are being awfully too quiet for my liking, so I’m going to go check in on them...” she said, practically clip-clopping to the stairs that lead to the second floor. “If ya need anything, just give a hollar...

“We will...” Fluttershy said, watching as Cream Puff, as if on instinct, starting to pull out the kitchen implements for her creation. “Is everything alright, Cream Puff?” she asked once Mrs. Cake was out of view.

Cream Puff paused for a moment, a hoof in several mixing bowls. “Yeah... everythin’s fine... Ah... Ah just didn’t think that Missus Cake had any sort of vinegar with H.B. is all...” She opened a cupboard. “Ah, fetlocks. Ah shoulda asked her where the she keeps the bakin’ powder while she was down here...”

Fluttershy peered around the corner towards the stairs. “Well... she hasn’t gone upstairs yet, would you like me to ask her?”

“That’d be awfully kind of ya there Missus Fluttershy,” she tapped at a muffin tin under several cookie sheets. “An’ maybe ya can know some of the air outta dough about H.B....” Cream Puff said bitterly as she started greasing the muffin tin.

Fluttershy popped around the corner and saw that Mrs Cake was testing bottles and stowing fresh diapers in her mothers' saddlebags. “Uhm, Mrs. Cake? Excuse me?”

“Oh! Fluttershy! You right startled me...” Mrs. Cake gasped, jumping before turning around. “You already need something?”

“Oh... Sorry... No... Well, yes... I need to ask you something...” Fluttershy took a deep breath, her wing stiffening. “You don’t have anything against H.B.... or Cream Puff, do you?”

“What? Oh Celestia no! It’s just...” she peered into the kitchen before continuing. “Sorry, little ears hear the darndest things. Back in May, Pinkie brought Hear- H.B. here to do a little work and she said her little ‘fet’ word one time around Pumpkin and Pound and I haven’t heard the last of it. Anyway, it’s just... I knew Cream Puff’s parents. They were business rivals with Sugar Cube at one point...”

Fluttershy looked surprised. “Really?” she asked.

“Oh, yes, Just Desserts was pumping out puff pastries, eclairs, and donuts of all kinds and nearly cornered the market on bismarck. Then about three years after little Cream Puff came along, something happened between Puff Pastry and Creamy Eclair. Never knew what, but one night before they were set out to travel to Vanhoover, meeting with some ponies named...” She rubbed her chin and tried to recall before clipping her hoof on the floor. “Otis and Liberty. Otis ran an orchard and Liberty had her lake, but the night they were set to go, they had a bit of a squabble over honey of all things! They set out through the Everfree and well...” She looked in the kitchen again. “You can guess the rest...”

Fluttershy’s ears drooped the tragic story presented to her. “Oh...”

“If I come off a bit... sour as a cumquat when it comes to... H.B. it’s nothing against her... not really anyway. It’s just I see that sparkle in that little filly’s eyes and know what she’s looking for...” She shook her head with a pucker on her face as if she bit down on a lemon. “I just don’t want to see her heart get broken, and I hate to say this, but with a pony named ‘Heartbreak’ involved, it doesn’t seem like a matter of ‘if’ it’ll happen, but ‘when’.”

“I-” Fluttershy began wanting to protest, but just then, stereo crying of two foals penetrated the walls and made it to Mrs. Cakes’ ears.

“Ope! Sorry, Fluttershy, but duty calls!” Mrs Cake gave a crinkled smile, placing two bottles in her mommy nursing saddlebags. “Like I said, if you need me for anything, just give me a... quiet call. Though if little Cream Puff is anything like her mother Puff Pastry? That’ll hardly be an issue.” she commented on going up the stairs. “Coming, my sweet cakes!”


Angel watched from his hiding spot as his Fluttershy finished speaking with the matriarch of the Cake family spoke about her concerns involving the ‘pony’ thing that was named ‘Heartbreak’.

Oh yes, the creature preferred to be called a small cute nickname, but that was just a ploy to make them appear less menacing, less threatening, and more equine.

Oh, how a mother’s instincts on what was a dire threat were so close to the unseen truth!

He frowned at thinking about his past attempts at ridding the very land of this abomination of this blight known as Heartbreak. Each one was more embarrassed, more extravagant, more desperate than the last.

This time, for his poor sweet Fluttershy’s sake, this time had to be different! This time he had to be more subtle, more cunning. By Frith and his blessed bum, this time he would be different!

Yes, he would have to be quick, yes, he would have to be covert, and yes his timing would have to be just right.

Lucky for him, he was all these things, and more importantly, he was now armed with vital information about his enemy’s weakness!

Now how about to deliver the seeds of my enemy’s demise?’ Angel asked himself, hiding in a patch of spilled white flour in the corner of the sugar saturated sweet shop. ‘I, Angel Bunny also need to know in what measure! Too few and the beast won’t have eaten its poison! Too many and not only will it refuse to eat, but both cream colored filly and my Fluttershy will know something is amiss!


“By... golly, this here fancy ee-lec-tronic mixer is gonna make makin’ this a breeze!” the little filly said to Fluttershy. “We ain't got nothin’ like this at the orphanage. Well, we useta, but then S.T. Urchin tried going an makin’ crepes in it, an’ made the whole thing too thin, an’ batter got everywhere! Includin’ the motor! An’ cause Missus Hayneighan ain’t too keen about buyin’ anythin’ new, seriously the mixer was donated ta begin with, we’ve had ta mix everythin’ by hoof! Or with yer mouth, whichever yer take, but sweet spiced gumdrops on a stick! This is gonna save me from a sore hoof an’ a sore neck!”

Fluttershy could only smile sweetly as she watched Cream Puff’s enthusiasm and vocabulary grow. Unbridled and unrestrained by the chains of her current living conditions, the little filly’s happiness brightened the kitchen, despite her favorite reading pony not being there.

“That’s wonderful to hear,” she said, looking over the ingredients in a well used cookbook. “So, uhm, what do we need first?”

“Pffft! Beggin’ yer pardon an’ no offense, Missus Fluttershy,” Cream Puff said with a foalish giggle. “But Ah ain’t gonna follower anythin’ from that there cookbook, not when Ah got Ma Ma’s recipes right up here!” She tapped her little head. “An’ in here...” She placed her hoof over her heart.

Fluttershy could only give an emotional smile and teared up. She took a deep breath to get a hold of herself. “Alright then, what do we do first?” she asked.


Angel quickly darted past little crumbs and candy bits that sprinkled on the floor from the day’s baking.

A piece of peppermint, a sticky bet of caramel, some errant jimmies, puddles of pudding, a half eaten cinnamon bun, bubblegum, and slices of dried banana all conspired against him in creating a viscus, sticky, slimy, spicy, and crumbly confectionary minefield.

However, with just a hop, skip, and a jump, he was able to avoid all of them and make it to the other side of the kitchen, undetected. All that was needed now was to transverse up the selves to the waiting prize on the top shelf: the bag of sunflower kernels.

Thankfully, there was a nearby stack of bags of toffee candies and boxes of hazel and walnuts that could make this feat all too possible.

What seemed just a little daunting was the matter of opening that bag.

Sure, he could just open the bag and take it from the top... but then he could get sunflower seed oil on his paws, and if his Fluttershy was anything it was observant. She would be able to smell anything foreign on him.

He could nibble a small hole in the side to let the gray-brown kernels spill into the mixer along with the ingredients... but if the bag was inspected, Fluttershy would be sure to know it was him! He had chewed one too many curtains, couches, and errant plushes when he was a fluff for her not to know his teeth marks.

A metallic glint caught his attention from behind a large cupboard.

Wedging his small white fluffy body through the crevice between the cupboard and wall he managed to reach for the object.

Much to his delight, it was exactly the thing he needed.

In his paws, a long forgotten treasure, was an adjustable box cutting knife.

With this blade, he could make exact cuts in the bag with minimal effort. He could then toss it in the same forgotten place and because it was something that came from this candy coated confectionery the cuts in the bag could potentially be spun as a clumsy mistake from one of the Cake ponies...

He slid the blade in the unusable position and grabbed a bit of ribbon from the gift box-box. Wrapping it around his shoulder and waist, he slid the stowed weapon of his enemy’s soon to be healthy breakfast food onto his back and began hopping up the summit of bags, boxes, and finally shelf.

Once at the top shelf, he saw his oh, so innocent looking target: a burlap sack that was plump and fat with the dreaded death seeds.

With a satisfied grin, Angel Bunny drew the box cutter knife and slowly crept towards the sack that was nearly aching to be decorated with tiny slices.

Just as he was halfway to his target, wallpaper to his right began to chitter and shake, small particles of colorful wood fell and a mousehole, no, a Rat hole sized chunk was removed from the inside!

Out from the dark hole skittered Rat.

“Whatever Ang-” Rat began, only to have Angel Bunny quickly silence his words with a chew brown glob of sticky toffee!


Fluttershy looked around and put her hoof to her mouth.

“Sumthin’ wrong, Missus Fluttershy?” Cream Puff asked, loading the mixer with a cup of flour.

“I... I thought I heard a squeak...” Fluttershy said, scanning the room.

“Was it a rat ya saw?” Cream Puff asked, adding another cup of flour.

Fluttershy peered under the mixing table. “No... I don’t think so...” she said, almost looking upward.

“Well then, could ya come an’ help me crack these here eggs? It’s been forever an’ Ah could really use your help!”

“Yes, of course!” Fluttershy replied.


Rat struggled to remove the toffee from his mouth.

Angel could only smugly smirk as his adversary, hopefully ignorant of his plans, pulled and chewed at the sticky, brown, delicious mass. He used this opportunity to bound his way past, box cutter in paw raised at the ready to stab!

Rat chewed up the toffee the best he could and raced back past Angel, determined to stop whatever nefarious lapine larceny that he was so dedicated to commit!

He did not know what it was, just that it involved the back with the large sunny flower on it!

Quickly, before the blade could come down, Rat pushed the handle from Angel’s grasp!

In the process, however, he fell back onto the sunflower seed bag, his tiny rat claws raked across the burlap and pulled the open top down just far enough for a sizable number of them to escape and fall into the mixer below...

Angel grabbed the knife and held it close to his body, staring with contempt down at the rebellious rodent.

In that moment, there was a click and cacophonous whirl of the stand mixer erupting into the air! Sunflower seeds becoming lost in the churning flour, eggs, milk, baking soda, blueberries, candied lemon peel, salt, sugar, and other muffin ingredients!

Angel could only giggle and back away to stow the box cutter behind his back. “Thanks a lot. Rat. I, Angel Bunny could not have done this without you. Now, if Rat will excuse him, I, Angel Bunny am going to the pony vet hospital to finish the job! Rat better leave this place before he’s found out by the Cake ponies, or worse: Angel Bunny’s Fluttershy!”

With that, Angel dove down the rathole to make his escape, leaving Rat baffled at what had just occurred.

He trembled when he realized where it was that he had tunneled into. A bakery, or any place with food or a possible cat was the last place that he wanted to be! He hated to admit it, but Angel was right!

Quickly, he scurried back into the hole in the wall that he had created, hoping that he could try and catch up with Angel Bunny and thwart whatever nefarious misguided deed that the pet rabbit concocted!

Author's Note:

Animals in Equestria have a form of magic that is sort of like a cantrip. Buuuuut, things are heating up in this chapter! One more chapter till the chapter pause and I do more writing! Hopefully the next group of chapters will wrap this DECADE LONG STORY up!

...thank you all of you who have sticked around and those who are just now reading. Your comments make my day.

As always, thank you ScaredGhost and ThePsychopath for editing my mess.

And here is the Chapter Picture!