• Published 14th Nov 2014
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My Little Heartbreak: More With a Kind Word and a Hard Hoof - Jet_Black1980

When Heartbreak falls ill, Fluttershy takes it upon herself to not only make sure she gets better, but afterwards try to teach her a lesson about kindness! But things are easier said than done, especially with the animals giving H.B. an evil eye...

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Feathers for the Fluttershy

Chapter Fifteen: Feathers for the Fluttershy

“You don’t know about Zephyr?” Fluttershy asked with such surprise that it caused the tea set to shift slightly and clink about.

“Noooope,” Heartbreak replied, rubbing the side of her face. “Can’t say that I have. Though..” she paused thoughtfully. “Isn’t a ‘zephyr’ a type of breeze? So wouldn’t his name mean ‘Breeze-Breeze’ or ‘Wind-Wind’?”

Fluttershy let out the smallest of chuckles, causing the tea set to, once again, clatter about on her back.

Heartbreak held up a hoof, concern painting her face. “Not that I think that it could happen, but maybe you should place that on the table, so that it doesn’t fall.”

“Oh,” she replied, gently sliding it off her back. “Okay.”

“So...” Heartbreak paused as she enviously watched Fluttershy preparing the tea with ease. “Older or younger brother?”

“Younger,” she replied, finishing the preparation off with a few sprinklings of crushed honey blade grass. “Although, that isn’t really the reason I came here...”

“Eh?” Heartbreak queried, slipping the hook handle of the cup into her hoof hole.

“No..” Fluttershy replied, pausing to mull over the best way of how to approach the topic. She took a deep breath. “Well, Twilight came by to visit me this morning, and she decided that I should be your teacher this month.”

“Ah, so that’s what you were trying to tell me before I derailed the conversation with my coughing and speaking of spiders.” Heartbreak replied, scratching the side of her head. “I mean, yeah, I guess I’m ok with that. You are taking care of me while I recover, might as well make the most of the time and make sure that... Princess Celestia gets her letter, right?” She stopped and blinked. “Wait, Twilight’s back?” Interest lit her voice as the steam coming off her tea curled up and around her nose.

“Yes, but only for a little while, then she’s going to the Crystal Empire for more-” Fluttershy caught herself, realizing that she would have to obfuscate the real reason Twilight had been gone for so long. “-tests.”

“Jeez,” Heartbreak replied, blowing on her tea and rolling her eyes. “More tests?” she asked between a long sip of her tea. “What? Do unicorns have to register their horns every so many years?”

Fluttershy blinked at the question presented to her. “I-I don’t know...? I’m sorry...”

“I-It’s okay. I guess...“ Heartbreak replied staring at the inside of her teacup. “I’m just a little bitter over how this, uhm,” she sighed swirling the liquid a bit before taking another sip. “I hesitate using the word, ‘relationship’, but you know, student-teacher relationship has been going as of late.”

“Oh, well-”

“I mean, I guess I could’ve written her a letter to see how she’s doing,” Heartbreak interrupted. “By that same token, she could’ve written me a letter telling me what she was up to or at the very least if she was ok or whatever...” she muttered before slurping down what was the last of her medicine.

“Well,” Fluttershy began after a small pause. “Maybe she’ll have some time to visit you before she has to go up north.”

“Yeah,” Heartbreak reluctantly agreed, setting the cup back on the tray and slipping the hook out of her hoof-hole. “Anyway, what does Twilight being back have to do with a letter from your brother?”

“It doesn’t, not really,” Fluttershy replied, picking the tray up and returning it to her back. “Muffins just delivered it right after Twilight left to help Spike with something at the library.”

“‘Muffins?’” Heartbreak asked, her head tilting slightly before her eyes lit with recognition. “Oh, you mean Derpy?”

“Well...” Fluttershy sighed a bit and looked down uncomfortably. “That’s what some ponies call her. Even though it’s not very nice.”

“Oh. Huh,” Heartbreak replied, her ears falling down as she got up off the couch to follow Fluttershy back to the kitchen. “Another thing I did not know.”

“It’s always good to be aware of others’ feelings.” That’s something a teacher would say, right? She thought before turning her attention to the crowded-looking sink and the particular puzzle of where to place the newly-soiled dishes.

As she moved a bowl about with a feather tip, the curling of a most putrid smell hit her nose.

“Oh-” Fluttershy gasped and jumped back, her face twisting up before she covered her nose to further investigate the situation emanating from within the pile of neglect. “-my...”

“Yeeeeah...” Heartbreak shied away, rubbing the side of her head and looked away in embarrassment. “I’ve been meaning to get to those. It’s just,” she clicked her tongue and waggled her front hoof. “Well, ya know, I was sick.”

“It’s alright,” Fluttershy replied understandingly as she hoofed around through the mess of plates, cups and the occasional bit of silverware in search for the sink stopper. “I can take care if it if you like...”

“Uhm,” Heartbreak uttered nervously. “You don’t have to do them... I mean. If you don’t want to that is...”

“I-I don’t mind,” Fluttershy answered, listening for the gurgling sound the sinks would make once they had fully drained. “And besides, it’s something that needs to be done.”

“Gah!” Heartbreak gasped, recoiling back once she caught a whiff of the ‘kitchen stink’. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She conceded, covering her nose with her hoof and backing into the kitchen door frame. “Sooo... You and Zephyr... I take it that you don’t like him very much, do you?”

“Well,” Fluttershy’s wing folded back in an awkward shame. “I do like him... Sometimes it’s just that, well, sometimes he doesn’t always... uhm, follow through with some of the things he says he’s going to do and that can be a little bit, somewhat, maybe just a little-”

“Disappointing?” Heartbreak interjected.

Fluttershy looked down at the ground and sheepishly nodded. “Yes, disappointing. Or at the very least, he can sometimes, but not always, but often enough for me to notice, he tends to-”

“Let you down?”

“Yes...” Fluttershy replied meekly, shuffling the assortment of cups, plates and bowls in the sink so that there would be some actual room to wash them.

“Ah, so he’s one of those kind of brothers.”

“Oh no, he’s not always like that,” She paused. “Well except for that one time.”

“That one time?” Heartbreak, bit her lip. “I’m not prying or anything, am I? You’d let me know if that was the case, right?”

“Of course I would,“ Fluttershy replied, looking around the kitchen for any more errant dishes. “Well, you do know about the day I found my love for animals and earned my cutie mark?”

Heartbreak replied by nodding. “Yeah... Fell from the clouds, found yourself in a meadow, sonic rainboom, new animal fffriends and all that jazz.”

“Uhm, yes.” Fluttershy replied, spying a couple of cups near the refrigerator. “Well, a year after that my parents decided that flight school just wasn’t for me.”

“Oh?” Heartbreak asked, clearly sniffling and struggling with a bit of mucus that had been loosened by the power of warm, sweet medical tea.

“Uhm, yes.” And without thinking, Fluttershy pulled a paper towel from the dowel it was on and brought it up to Heartbreak’s suffering nose. “Blow please...” She requested softly.

Heartbreak was taken aback, but instead of protesting, obeyed while holding a hoof around Fluttershy’s to keep the makeshift tissue steady.

“Ugh,” She said, getting a glimpse of the contents of the tissue before Fluttershy crumpled the mess up and disposed of it in the kitchen trash. “T-thank you.”

“It’s alright,” Fluttershy replied, seemingly unphased by the amount of snot that one pony’s nose could hold. “Anyway, both my parents agreed that veterinary classes on the ground would be much better suited to my special talents and after a few years of those classes, I was ready to offer my services to any animal or pony with a pet in need.”

“That makes sense,” Heartbreak said, sniffing once more and clearing her throat a little.

“My parents-” she plucked the cups that had caught her attention earlier from their resting place and put them in the sink to join the rest of the dishes. “-surprised me with a bit of a large nest egg that they had been saving up, so that I could buy a place of my own.”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes while leaning against the kitchen door frame. “Pffft, wish my parents had been that kind.” She turned her head in slight embarrassment as Fluttershy gave her a questioning look. “Right, I didn’t mean to interrupt again, please continue.”

Fluttershy turned on the faucet. “Well, I looked around and found a place that was maybe just a little better than my cottage.” Heartbreak shook her head, blinking a little. “Is something wrong?”

“You’re going to have to forgive me,” she replied. “It’s just that I have a hard time imagining any place nicer than your cottage.”

“It’s true,” Fluttershy replied, picking up a bottle of dish soap and adding a squirt to the sink of steadily rising hot water. “It was much bigger, had many more rooms, and even a full meadow in the backyard!”

Heartbreak lifted a hoof and pointed it at the living room. “Should I gather any bowls or cu-” She almost asked before a tickle in the back of her throat silenced her with a few coughs.

“Only if you feel like you can,” Fluttershy replied, turning the faucet to the other sink to fill it with rinse water.

Heartbreak hmm’ed. “Nah, I guess they can be saved for later,” she replied before leaning on the other side of the door frame. “Sooo, I take it that Zephyr’s the reason you have your current cottage and not that place.”

Fluttershy shut the faucet before she reared up against the counter and began to scrub a dish with her hooves before slipping it into the the rinse water with her wing.

“In a way-” she paused and attempted to think of a nice way to say it. But there just wasn't any. “Yes.”

Heartbreak blinked as the pegasus effortlessly repeated the process of washing another dish. “And... how’d that happen?”

“Well,” Fluttershy pulled a cup from the water before using her feathers to clean the inside. “On the day that I was meant to meet with the realtor, my parents stopped by and asked if I could watch him.”

“And being the good sister you are, you decided to say yes to that.”

Fluttershy nodded, putting the cup into the rinse water. “They were going to Nieghara Falls and it had been a really long time since they had been able to spend any time together alone.”

“Ah,” Heartbreak cleared her throat a bit.

“Anyway, I took Zephyr with me,” She slipped the cup in before pulling a hook handled mug out. “On the way there, we saw that a carnival was setting up nearby.” Fluttershy looked up and began to stare out the window, caught up in the memory.

“He wanted to go, but I explained that the realtor wouldn’t wait and that maybe we could go after meeting with her,” she said, scrubbing the mug. “He was very dissapointed, but I thought that he understood. So, I didn’t think anything of it when I asked him to watch my saddlebags once we got there so I could...water the meadow.”

Heartbreak snorted and shook her head in confusion. “Uh, huh?”

Fluttershy’s wings folded against her in embarrassment. “Use the bathroom...” She replied really quietly.

“Oh,” Heartbreak bit her lip. “I was confused because you said this place also had a meadow.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy replied, quietly fumbling about with the mug. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. Though you could have said ‘picking posies’ and I’d probably have thought the same thing,” Heartbreak took a small breath and gave a little sigh before rolling her eyes and shaking her head. “Anyway! What happened after you used the bathroom? Cause I got a feeling on where this is going...”

Fluttershy resumed washing the mug. “Well,” she began, staring at the soapy water. “By the time I had gotten back? He was gone.” She turned the oddly shaped drinkware, checking for any missed spots. “And by the time I found him at the carnival, he had already spent quite a bit of the money on tickets, rides and games...”

The pegasus glared at some imperceivable minor spot that had to be at the bottom of the mug.

“And.” She took a deep breath, her voice taking on a much harsher, more resentful tone. “By the time that we got back to the house?” she asked, her wings fluffing up in irritation. “The realtor had sold it to another pony.” She scrubbed harder at the stubborn spot, “Not that it would have mattered, seeing that we didn’t have enough money to afford it anymore.

Heartbreak’s eyes went wide as she watched the not-so-subtle transformation taking place before her. “Uhm, Fluttershy-”

“In fact,” Fluttershy continued, the irritation in her voice nearly turning it into more of a growling sound rather than a sweet whisper. “I had to almost beg the realtor for my current cottage.” She explained, the sink starting to froth a bit due to her increased vigor in attempting to removed the cursed spot from that same mug.

“F-Fluttershy-” Heartbreak meekly said, holding up a concerned hoof.

In. Fact.” Fluttershy’s eyebrows narrowed and her teeth started to grit and nearly grind. “Had it not been for the fact that I offered to take care of the realtor’s daughter’s pet iguana, I wouldn’t even-”

“Fluttershy!” Heartbreak raised a hoof and lightly tapped the pony on the shoulder.

“Eeep!” The pegasus turned abruptly, the mug nearly slipping out of her hooves. She fumbled it a little bit.

“I think that mug is clean,” Heartbreak slowly said as she pulled her hoof away.

“Oh,” Fluttershy turned back to the sink, away from the obviously concerned and perhaps even a bit terrified Heartbreak. “I’m sorry...” She whimpered, slipping it into the rinse water before pulling out some more dishes from the sink.

“It’s ok,” Heartbreak replied, pushing her mane back and breathing a small sigh of relief. “If it is something that you’re still that sore about, maybe I shouldn’t have asked.”

“It’s all right,” Fluttershy replied, taking the dishes out of the rinse before putting them into the drying rack. “You didn’t even know that I had a brother this morning.”

“Maybe, but-”

Just then, the grandfather clock began to chime half past the hour.

“Oh!” Fluttershy gasped, covering her mouth in surprise. “What time is it?”

Heartbreak turned around and leaned out the door to glance at the time. “Uh, Eleven-thirty-ish?”

“Already?” she asked, pulling the plugs from the sinks and flicking her feathers dry. “I really should be getting back home, I don’t want Angel to worry about me.” With that, she went to the living room and gathered her saddlebags.

“Yeah, can’t have him doing that...” Heartbreak said, a crack in her voice forming as Fluttershy made her way down the hall and out the front door. “I guess that’s why you were chosen to be the Element of Kindness.”

“Oh?” She asked, turning around, her wings preparing themselves for the small flight back.

“Right, I was continuing from the middle of a thought.” Heartbreak looked away while biting her lip a little. “It’s just that you’re always putting the needs of others before your own,” she replied, an awkward laugh mingled in with what was meant to be something meaningful.

Fluttershy smiled while tilting her head. “That’s really what kindness is all about.”

Heartbreak chuckled, giving her a little smirk. “Is that the lesson that you’re trying to teach me?”

Fluttershy gave Heartbreak a sheepish look, the tip of her hoof digging slightly into the ground. “Do you think, that is if it were the lesson, that would be a good lesson to write?”

Heartbreak’s face tensed up and her ears fell backwards. “Well...uhm...”

Fluttershy bit her lip and whimpered. “That is, unless, you don’t think it’s a good lesson...”

“Huh?” Heartbreak’s eyes darted away from eye contact with Fluttershy before rubbing a hoof on her foreleg. “Oh, uhm, no, it’s a great lesson!” she exclaimed.

“Then what’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked, slowly blinking and, once more, tilting her head to the side.

Heartbreak scratched at the back of her head with her forehoof. “Well--” She started, awkwardly. “--It’s just that--” she sighed a bit before looking up at the diminutive mare. “--it seems like the most... what’s the word I’m looking for?” she asked, fumbling and tapping her chin. “Overused? Obvious? Sorta... Incomplete?”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy recoiled, her wings folding and unfolding as a feeling of anxiety took over her.

“Well--” Heartbreak opened her mouth and then closed it before starting again. “It’s like...” She closed her mouth, paused and looked as if she was chewing on her thoughts a bit more. “Well, these letters are meant to be, like, you know... profound. Right?”

Fluttershy thought about what was said on that dreadful night. “Princess Celestia did say something like that...” She replied softly.

“Right!” Heartbreak quickly exclaimed. “And while ‘putting others needs before your own’ is a good core lesson in kindness, it really isn’t all that... profound...”

“I guess not...” Fluttershy quietly muttered.

“I-I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Heartbreak asked, rubbing her shoulder and looking up pleadingly before letting out a little cough. “I mean, if that’s all right with you...”

Fluttershy smiled softly and nodded. “Yes, I will see you tomorrow.” She replied, softly flapping her wings and taking off into the clear blue sky.


As Fluttershy ascends higher and higher, her vistage growing smaller and smaller, I can’t help but feel a mingling of guilt, longing and maybe even a bit of disgust at myself.

After all, wasn’t this what I had been constantly trying to avoid? Letting these ponies take care of my problems, thereby letting them become too involved in whatever is left of what you could even define as my ‘so-called-life’, and detracting away from their lives? What if I mucked up things that they need to do?

These are the moments where I finally understood the anxiety and depression issues my girlfriend would talk about. She would always freeze in place, her words becoming garbled, her actions limited, and--

“Fetting, fet-fet, H.B.,” I comment out loud while cringing and squeezing my eyes closed. “You’re doing it again. Stop inner monologuing and actually deal with the situation. Maybe Fluttershy is right. Maybe this could be a good enough lesson to write to Pretty-Pretty-Princess-Cake-Eater. Maybe you should write it down now and--”

Just then, before I could finish that thought, something lightly touches the bridge of my... muzzle.

Opening my eyes, my forward vision is momentarily obscured by a creamy yellow object that gracefully flickers lightly in the breeze. It’s a feather.

One of Fluttershy’s feathers.

A warm feeling wafts through me when I think about these past few days and all the little things she’s done for me during my time in Equestria. The past two days it was ‘dragging my stubborn ass to the doctor’ along with ‘make sure you take your medicine’. Along with ‘I’ll do your dishes cause you physically can’t’.

Then there was the day of Creativi-tea; she apparently held me down so that Twilight could administer the antidote in time. Not to mention when the six of them shanghaied me off to Canterlot when I first arrived.

It was Fluttershy who was upset with Twilight when I got hurt during their plan to recapture me. In fact, she was so upset that she left, but then she came back for the big show-down and-

Just then the wind threatens to push the feather off my nose.

“Ope!” I counter and fight to keep it there. Pausing, I quickly look around to see that there aren’t any surprise guests coming to show up unexpectedly. No ponies? Good. “I-I’m sure she won’t miss this...” I whisper under my breath.

Slowly, I walk back through my doorway so as not to disturb this newly acquired item. I have been practicing balancing a few things on my face like I’ve seen ponies do. This exercise thankfully has gone better than placing things on my hooves. Which is still, not surprisingly, failing.

After a short distance into the living room, I spy a vase that’s on a small table next to the door that leads into the garden. It looks like at one point in time it may have contained flowers or the like, but right now? I think it should make do for something else.

I carefully, cautiously and with all precision and effort that I can muster, tilt my head to the left and watch the feather make a new home in my chosen vessel. I adjust and push the feather around until I’m satisfied with its position.

Despite it not being at center stage, I momentarily muse about how the new presentation of the sunny yellow plume among the otherwise dark and oddly-coloured collection of trinkets of owners past actually livens up the room, .

“I just hope there’s nothing creepy about collecting pony feathers...” I comment out loud. “I mean, they are just feathers.” I say with a slight nervous chuckle.

Author's Note:

Another chapter? So soon?! What madness is this?! Anyway, I'd like to thank my editors, Anticarrot, Schism, and Auracle Song!
Chapter art is Here!!
Oh, HB... Where will this little path lead you?