• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 4,621 Views, 936 Comments

My Little Heartbreak: More With a Kind Word and a Hard Hoof - Jet_Black1980

When Heartbreak falls ill, Fluttershy takes it upon herself to not only make sure she gets better, but afterwards try to teach her a lesson about kindness! But things are easier said than done, especially with the animals giving H.B. an evil eye...

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Of Bunnies and Fillies

Chapter Eleven: Of Bunnies and Fillies

“The secretary pony then walked down the hall, but not before giving little Heartshine a smile and wishing her a wonderful time with her mother on ‘Take-Your-Filly-To-Work-Day’.”

It’s been over four hours. Four fricking-fracking-fetting hours of reading this superfluously sugary slop to this little cream-coloured filly that has only been broken by bathroom breaks, tea, and muffins.

And while these four hours haven’t been the worst, for some reason, they’ve been the longest.

Maybe it’s the medicine in the tea that whatshername -- Robin? Yeah, Robin Goodfilly -- gave me to drink. Perhaps it’s the fact that Cream Puff has practically stayed glued to the couch and is all too close to my side. Or maybe it's the fact that I have been listening to the sound of my own voice for the past four -- wait, quick peek at the clock -- 6:28? Geez, four hours and twenty-eight minutes.

Gah! Monologuing again, H.B.? Get to your point already!

Fine! Something about reading this long feels... weird. Feels... wrong. Is it the reading? Or is it Cream Puff? Looking over at her as I clear my throat of some phlegm and continuing to read ‘Heartshine Goes to Work’, she gives me this all-too-sparkling smile.

Fet. I really hope I’m not projecting any negative feelings. She is, after all, just a little filly; and, at her age, or at least the age that I think she would be if she were... a child... she’s likely highly impressionable.

Reminding myself of this fact doesn’t dispel that uneasy feeling. What exactly was is it about C.P., other than you just know that the little fetter is trying to get me to adopt her, that’s making me so uncomfortable and at the same time... So...- fet, what’s a good word for being unable to say ‘No’ to them, that isn’t ‘irresistibly cute’?

Damnit, nothing’s coming to me.

When Cream Puff turns the page, I notice that this chapter is coming to a close; and with it, this book. Seriously, this feeling isn’t like with the others, ‘The Summer Readers’ that is. So, what is it that’s bothering me about letting Cream spend time with me like this?

Is it that, when it's the group of them, their squabbling distracts them from focusing so much on me? Or is it the fact that this is one-on-one time and that could lead to feelings of jealousy in the others? Could it be the overly cute face that has begged and pleaded for-

“Just one more story, please?” Cream Puff’s cloyingly sweet southern drawl begs. Ugh. She’s already prepped and ready with yet another book from out of her bag before I’ve even had a chance to utter the words ‘the end’.


“Well,” I bite my lip and rub my eyes. Gotta keep them closed so that I don’t see that disappointment on her face. Those stupid little cute eyes will suck you in and force you to read another book, H.B.! You know it! Resist! Resist! Resist! “I really hate to ask this, but-”

“But?” She quietly asks, her little hoof touching my foreleg.

Damnit, just dive into asking the stupid question already, H.B. If you don’t? She’ll be here all night! It’ll be like ‘if you give a mouse a cookie’ only with fillies! The longer you draw this out, the worse it’s going to get. I take a deep breath and turn to look at her.

“Shouldn’t you be getting t-” My words are halted when I turn to see her face beginning to crumple as I almost finish with ‘to the orphanage’. “-back home, soon? I’m sure that they’d be worried if you didn’t show up for dinner.”

If the pinning back of Cream Puff’s ears didn’t alert me to the fact that, no, my sudden change of words did not indeed have the desired effect, then the way that her forelegs are drooping defeatedly over the side of the couch while she stares sadly at the ground has.

“Miss Hayneighan would say that it’s just one less mouth ta feed.” She pouts, a small tang of irritation tainting her voice.

Well, there’s something I didn’t expect her to say. I’m at a total loss at what I should reply with. I mean, I could say something. Inquire further about what that small comment meant. But that would give her the false idea that I care more than I-

She nudges me with a hoof. Fet. I must have spent too much time in the land of Monolog and she’s thinking my silence means something it doesn’t.

“Ah’d understand if ya didn’t want me around-”

“What? No!” Fuck, I hate being right about things like this. Seriously, is there no way to win here? “It’s not that, Cream Puff-” come on H.B., think of something that doesn’t sound like you just want to get rid of her! “It’s just that-”

Just then, I’m interrupted by the ‘tickle-the-back-of-your-throat-fairy’... Should it be a fairy or a breezie? Fet! A wheezing cough and a hacking of some phlegm forces me to ponder that stupid question for later. Gah, here I thought I was getting better. Nope. Still sick.

Wait. I’m still sick!

“-Beeecause of my cold,” I start out, trying to regain some level of composure. “I haven’t been able to get out and do any shopping. So I wouldn’t be able to give you a proper meal is all...”

“Oh...” Comes Cream’s quiet reply.

“Yeah...” Fet. Where’s that tea. Pffft, right in front of you, H.B. Reaching forward, I slip the hook into my hoof hole and take a long drawn slurpee-sip.

Cream Puff’s face twisted into an expression of unsettlement. I’m not sure if it’s the ‘sticking things in my hoof’ or the slurping. Either way, it seems that I’m going to be forced to repeat myself.

“So... When do you have to be back?” Keep the cup over your mouth and avoid eye contact. Yes, she’s been nice to you. But, she keeps this up any longer and you might be forced to let her spend the night here. And we all know what happened the last time we let fillies spend the night here.

“Well... dinner’s not ‘till seven thirty and the home ain’t too far from here--” She glances at me and her overly cute eyes make contact with mine. Fet! I told you to look away! Look awa-- “So, just a few chapters?”

Damn it. I take a deep breath through my nose and let out a defeated sigh.

“All right, just a few chapters of-” she squeals in delight and places the book across my foreleg. “‘Heartshine and the Big Soccer Game.”

Huh. So ponies call it soccer and not ‘hoofball’. Ha. Pony soccer... Kylie and me used to play... a game... like that...

Just then, it hits me: Why I’m feeling so uncomfortable about Cream Puff spending this much time with me; Why she’s making me so uncomfortable.

Kylie. She’s reminding me of Kylie.

All right; she isn’t a perfect facsimile of my girlfriend’s daughter, but the thought of little ponies playing soccer is triggering memories of the times where we’d bring out our plastic ponies and kick a little ball between them.

Dave was such a neglectful father when I arrived into their lives. He was always on the computer, wrapped up in his own little worlds. I might not have been any better but at least I tried to be there for her! What happened that caused her to turn on- NO! Fettity-Fuck! You’ve already did this when the CMC were here! We don’t need to go over it yet again!

I attempt to stop my mind from going any further into that blackened, burnt and broken little place, but it’s already too late. I can already feel myself tearing up and some heavy sniffling happens.

Ah, come on! Not here! Not now!

“Miss H.B.- Ah mean, H.B. Are ya’ll right?” Cream Puff asks, a hoof touching my shoulder.

“Yeah!” I reply. Well, it’s more of a squeaking response which is having a hard time pushing through some coughing and phlegm. “Just a sudden nasal drip!” She’s sure to buy that it’s just me being sick, and not suddenly having a near pass with yet another emotional breakdown.

Fet. If I don’t do something, snot is going to get everywhere.

I waggle my hoof in the general direction of where I swear I put the tissues. “Would you mind?”

“Not at all!” She exclaims, quickly fetching the box, all too happy to help her favorite reader, I’m sure.

“Just set them--” I motion to that crack made by my foreleg bending. “--right here...” She gives me a confused look. Great, time to reinforce the lie. “Shakey hoof, remember?”

“Oh yeah,” She replies, placing the pillowy soft looking bits of paper down. With one hurried motion, I crane my neck down and proceed to blow my nose into them.

“Ugh... S-so,” I begin trying to pull myself back together as Cream Puff excitedly opens the book before me. “‘Heartshine and the Big Game’, Chapter one...”


As the clock chimed seven, Heartbreak finished with chapter three. Looking up at the sound, she gave a little nudge to Cream Puff and attempted to give her a serious look.

“So, I guess it would be about that time for you to be getting back for dinner, eh?” She inquired, head tilting in the direction of the grand old timepiece..

“Yeah..” the little filly replied, frowning and getting up. “Ah guess it would be that time...”

Heartbreak, smiled a satisfied smile. There wasn’t any arguing, fighting or disagreements. Wow! That was a lot easier than I expe-

“It would be,” Cream Puff began before suddenly flashing the mare a playful, almost impish smile. “If ya could catch me, that is!” she exclaimed, quickly hopping off the couch.

Heartbreak’s look of satisfaction quickly dropped and she grimaced before rolling her eyes.

“Cream Puff-” She started before taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. “What -”

Suddenly, the little filly interrupted the question by popping up from behind the couch, greeting the all too serious face with a very silly one!

“What--” But the moment that Heartbreak attempted to question Cream Puff, the filly dropped down and scampered under the couch before it could be asked!

“Ya can’t catch me!” Came the muffled cry that was mixed with fits of giggling.

Heartbreak stood her ground and refused to get off the couch. Instead she opted to lean over the couch and attempt to ask her question once more. “What--

However, she was once again interrupted by the playful antics being thrown her way! This time, instead of a goofy face, it was an outright light touch to the nose!

“Boop! Yer it, H.B.!” Cream Puff crowed, quickly slipping out from under her hiding place and racing off towards the hallway.

“What are you doing Cream Puff!?” Heartbreak nearly shouted, her face still scrunched at what just happened.

Cream Puff’s wild flurry of play came to a sudden halt and she turned around, looking away. “Ah was just playin’, H.B... Ah-ah’m sorry... ah didn’t mean ta...” She whimpered sheepishly while kicking the floor lightly with her hoof.

“Fet...locks...” Heartbreak swore under her breath, before rubbing her nose. “Cream Puff, look... I didn’t mean to yell... it’s just-” She took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling before letting it out before turning her attention back to the cowering little filly. “-we made a deal. A few more chapters and you’d go home.”

“That’s not what’cha said!” Cream Puff protested. “Ya just said a few more chapters!”

Heartbreak’s shoulders dropped at the little southern rules lawyering that Cream Puff was performing.

Ah, shucks... She thought, slowly walking back to the couch. Ah must of really messed up, her mane and tail are getting all sorts of curly! Cream Puff bit her lip and attempted to turn on the little filly charm with some big eyes.

“Ah’m sorry, H.B.” Cream Puff said, noticing the irritation that was rippling through Heartbreak’s body. “It’s just, ah really like spending time withs ya, an’ the home tain’t all that far away... an ya looked like ya could’a used some cheerin’ up, on account of ya lookin’ really sad for a bit...”

Heartbreak looked down and sighed a little more while pushing the book off her foreleg and towards the confectionary themed saddlebags.

“Cream Puff, would you come here?” Heartbreak asked, looking distantly at the coffee table.

Oh boy, now yer in fer it, Cream. Sheepishly, Cream Puff obeyed.. “Yes, Miss-uhm Yes, H.B.?” the little filly suddenly felt something lightly touch her nose.

“Boop, You’re it.”


In Fluttershy’s cottage, amber rays of dusk were sneaking their way through the blinds. As they crept up the wall, one of them happened to reflect off a small mirror (meant for birds to entertain themselves with) and onto the back of the snoozing pegasus.

The small beam of light warmed her shoulder and gently roused her from slumber. Eyes still dusted with the sands of sleep, she slowly lifted her head and began to stretch out on the couch.

“Oh, what a lovely nap!” she murmured, before yawning widely. “I feel so much better,” she rolled off the couch and continued to stretch. “And it’s only-”

Suddenly, the shock of the clock hit her as she read the time. “Seven-twenty?!”

Awoken from their own naps, the wildlife inhabiting the cottage began to chitter and squeak in surprise as the yellow pegasus started to pace frantically about in an attempt to locate her saddlebags.

“Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!” She gasped, struggling to put them on and skitter to the door. “Oh Fluttershy, how could you have slept for so long??”

Still struggling with the bags, she huffed and let them fall to the ground.

“Pony-” She began before taking a deep breath and calming herself. “-Feathers!.” She glared at the bags as they lay on the floor. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes. “It doesn’t matter, Fluttershy. You don’t need them. H.B. is sure to understand. Why, with how tired she was? She most likely slept the whole day too.”

Just then she felt a light tugging on her leg. Turning her head, she saw the little white cotton ball looking back up. “Yes, Angel, what is it?” He, of course, responded by rubbing his belly and pointing at his mouth. “Oh, you’re hungry...”

She looked at the clock once more. This, however only heightened her anxieties, causing her wings to flutter about nervously. She closed her eyes and attempted to process the time everything would take.

“I’m sorry, Angel,” Fluttershy apologized, sadly turning to her beloved pet. “but I don’t have time to check on H.B. and the market. Besides, most shops open this late won’t have anything fresh as it is...” She braced herself, for what she had to tell the rabbit was just simply horrible. “I’m afraid that tonight, you’ll have to settle for-” She bit her lip and shook her head. “-Dry food...”

Angel’s little ears fell and he began to grunt and wave his arms in protest.

“I’m so sorry,” she repeated. “But if I hadn’t slept for so long, I could have gotten everypony something fresher.”

Angel continued his grumbling only to be met with a brief, loving peck on the top of his little bunny head.

“I’m really, really, really sorry, Angel,” Fluttershy professed, once more. “But I have to go. I will be back soon. I promise.” She said, slipping out the door.


Angel stood at the swinging door, his little face hung in shock. He was so sure that his pony would have put his needs (or at the very least, the needs of the animals) before that... thing!

He thumped his foot in frustration.

What went wrong? I, Angel, wasn’t too demanding! She should have at the very least stayed here!

Just then, his thoughts were interrupted by a terrible crunching sound.

“Things not go according to Angel Bunny’s plans?” Rat wuffled in amusement, before another handful of treats were stuffed into his face.

Angel glowered as he watched his yellow pony drift further and further away, while the darkening night started to creep over the sky.

“Shut up, Rat.” He growled and slammed the door shut.


As Fluttershy approached Heartbreak’s front door, she found herself greeted by the waggling, semi-bioluminescent fronds of the snapdragons that lived under the front stoop. The plants sniffed at the air and, determining that there wasn’t any threat, began to nuzzle and comb over her.

“Oh!” She squeaked at the sudden attention. “You remember me! Hello to you too!” She scritched the chin of one of the flowers. “Are you checking me over for any ticks that might have gotten into my coat?” She cooed sweetly.

Just then, a loud, high-pitched shriek emanated from within the house and made the pegasus jump in fright.This would have normally caused Fluttershy a great deal of concern had it not been followed up by what could only be fits of giggling.

Cautiously, she knocked at the door.

“H.B? Hello? Is that you?” Fluttershy called out, her voice tinged more with disbelief rather than fear. After a moment, she heard little hoofbeats drawing closer. The door slowly creaked open revealing a little cream-colored filly.

“Cream Puff? What are you doing here?” she asked.

The little filly giggled. “Me an’ H.B. is playin’ tag an’-” Cream Puff’s words were stopped as a single perforated hoof quickly touched her shoulder.

“There! Got you!” Heartbreak gasped, looking as if at any second she would collapse to the floor.

“Ah!” Cream Puff cried out. “Ah! No fair! Ah was talkin’ ta-”

“Fluttershy...?” Heartbreak interrupted, a look of confusion painting her face as she quickly pulled her hoof away from Cream Puff’s shoulder. “What are you doing here?”

“Don’t you remember? I said I was going to check in on you?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh. Oh yeah,” Heartbreak recalled, turning towards the living room. “I thought you meant, like, later-later; like, tomorrow or something.” She explained through several long breaths before laying down on the floor. “Great. Thanks for that and now? nap time.”

“H.B.? Are ya okay?” Cream Puff incredulously asked, her head tilted to the side, “Cause that’s the floor..”

“Oh, I know,” Heartbreak stated as she starting curling up. “I also know that it’s way past time for you to go home.”

Cream Puff’s ears drooped. “Awww... But-”

“A deal’s a deal,” Heartbreak interrupted, hoof waving in the air. “And if I didn’t say it before, thanks for checking in on me, Fluttershy...” She added, the appendage falling beside her as she slowly trailed off into some soft snoring.

“Ah, shucks.” Cream Puff turned and looked up at Fluttershy defeatedly. “Ah think ma plan backfired, Miss Fluttershy, Ah’m all wound up and H.B. needs ta be put ta bed.”

“That she does,” Fluttershy found herself unable to fight the urge to giggle at the situation Heartbreak must have put herself in.

Cream Puff sulked and kicked her hoof on the floor. “Ah was hopin’ that she’d let me stay the night like she did with Scootaloo, Applebloom, an’ Sweetie Belle.”

“Maybe you can ask her later, when she’s feeling better?” Fluttershy suggested. “In the meantime, could you help me get her to her bed? Then, if you’d like, I can walk you back home.”

Cream Puff sighed. “Ah guess..”

Fluttershy gently nudging the mare’s shoulder with her nose. “H.B.? Do you think you could wait a little longer before falling asleep?”

“Huh?” Heartbreak asked, pushing her eyes open. “But-” She yawned and turned. “-the floor is so comfortable...”

“But,” she began, trying to push Heartbreak to stand. “It isn’t any place for a sick pony.”

“Yeah!” Cream Puff exclaimed, suddenly shying away when she realized how loud she was. “Sorry, Ah mean, yeah, isn’t a bed a much, uhm, softer place ta lay yer head?”

Heartbreak grumbled and frowned whiles pushing herself up. “But the bed is too far away. Couch is better...” She muttered as she unsteadily tried to stand, only to almost stumble and crash back to the ground.

Cream Puff quickly caught her favorite reader by the shoulder and helped her steady herself. “But the couch doesn’t have pilla’!” she rebutted.

“Yes there is,” Heartbreak replied, pushing her way tiredly towards the couch. “It’s under the blanket, so--” She yawned before clearing her throat with a hacking cough. “--couch has a nice blanket and pillow, and we don’t have to walk up the stairs...”

“But wouldn’t you-” Fluttershy began in quiet protest, only to find herself interrupted almost immediately.

“I-I know you’re just looking out for me, Flutters,” Heartbreak said, willfully pushing herself more towards the couch despite the efforts otherwise. “But, I want the couch, so... just please?”

Fluttershy sighed. “Alright, if that’s what you want...”

“Thank you,” Heartbreak replied, as the two of them assisted her to the living room.


“Good night, H.B.!” Cream Puff called out quietly as she walked out the front door. Though she only heard a muffled ‘you too’, it still made her giddy to have had spent this much time with the crotchety old mare and listening to the stories that had been read to her. Thems at the home are gonna be so jealous!

Fluttershy tenderly closed the door behind her, making sure that any sounds of their departure were muffled, so as not to disturb her sleeping charge.

Once the two ponies were cleared of Heartbreak’s yard and walking down the Old Miller Drive, she looked down at Cream Puff.

The little filly cowered a bit. “Uhm... Ah didn’t do anythin’ wrong did ah, Miss Fluttershy?”

“No, I don’t think you did. Well, maybe you might have stayed a little too long. H.B. is sick after all.” Fluttershy pulled away and tilted her head. “Why do you ask?”

“Miss Hayneighan gives me that look when ah’ve done somethin’ she doesn’t approve of...” Cream Puff replied as she sheepishly looked away. “Ah’m sorry fer stayin’ so long, Miss Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled. “It’s alright, it’s just that she should really be focusing on getting better is all.”

“Ah know, ah know...” Cream Puff kicked a small rock in her path. “Ah was just havin’ so much fun!”

“And I’m sure you can have even more fun when she fully recovers.”

“Yeah...” The little filly sighed and looked up in the direction of the Ponyville Orphanage. “Missus Hayneighan ain’t gonna be too happy about me bein’ out this late.”

Fluttershy cringed at the thought of the little filly getting scolded. “Oh, uhm, don’t worry about that,” She replied. “I’ll just explain to her that you were assisting me in taking care of Heartbreak. She’s sure to understand.”

Cream Puff raised an eyebrow, still skeptical as the two ponies continued their way down the road. “If ya say so, Miss Fluttershy...”

Author's Note:

Whelp, I'm not apologizing for this chapter. Like always, Cream Puff is cute and had plans of her own. The best exe-cute-d plans. But plans never the less.
The next chapter is indeed going to come out shortly, I have a new editor looking at it. But as always I would like to thank my current editing team.
That being Adorable, Eeria, Verandure, Black Walnut, Eckaji Schism, and the newest addition to the barrel of monkeys, Auracle Song!
Now, if I missed any of you who were involved, for the love of FET, let me know. I apologize in advance, but please, let me know.

Chapter art can be found Here.