• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 4,621 Views, 936 Comments

My Little Heartbreak: More With a Kind Word and a Hard Hoof - Jet_Black1980

When Heartbreak falls ill, Fluttershy takes it upon herself to not only make sure she gets better, but afterwards try to teach her a lesson about kindness! But things are easier said than done, especially with the animals giving H.B. an evil eye...

  • ...

A Shallow Inkwell

Chapter 31: A Shallow Inkwell

I feel myself roused from sleep once more. There’s a mix of odd feelings: some of them negative, while some of them are hopeful as they are tickling at the edges of my slowly waking mind.

"Ugh, why do I feel so...existential?" Is that a feeling? Surely it has to be if there's a word describing it. “Stupid brain. Yes, that is a feeling. Why don’t you show me why you’re making me feel that feeling, huh?” I try to grasp at any images that my nighty treks through the lands of sleep and sand brought me.

A big mess of nothing seems to come to me.

"Really? No dreams at all? Not even a little night-" Just then, flashes of something metallic with large spirally red eyes flashes in my subconscious and a cold shudder travels through my spine. "Or maybe I shouldn't try to remember last night's dream..." I hug myself to stem any trembling.

Turning to look at the living room window I am hit with a wave of disorientation as I realize the window isn't where it should be.

"Actually..." I mutter looking around the room to regain my bearings and quell that little, cold, anxious feeling in the back of my skull. "Everything's wrong..."

The room is too dark, the normal slivers of light aren't where they should be, the familiar comfortable couch doesn't feel like a couch. In fact, if I didn't know any better, I swear it was...

I paw... or hoof around with my forehooves. "My bed..." I say disconcertedly out loud. "How did I..." I shake my head. "How the fet do you think you got here, H.B.?" I scoff. "Obviously you pushed yourself up the stairs and climbed into bed." I say out loud, shaking my head.

"I swear, what an illogic-" Just then, I noticed something in a crack in the wood of my ceiling. “-cal?”

It's like a glowing set of red marbles peeking through the crack. I realize what they are after a moment, though I don't think that the ponies would or if they did that they would like it.

"Oh, hi Lucas!" there's a cheerfulness in my voice that feels almost... alien to me. 'Whatever, you can't be happy to see a familiar set of eyes?' "Heeeey there! Was it you that inspired my sleep-addled brain to come up with something from the movie ‘Aracnaphobia’ to frighten me?"

Then again... those eyes look kind of different.. Almost... larger? It's hard to tell at this angle.

"My, what big eyes you have, Lucas..." I turn to my left and stare at the wall. "All the better to see you with, my dear, H.B.!" I say to an imagined audience in a high, tiny, girly little voice. "Isn't that right, Lu-'' I turn my head back to the ceiling, only to see that the eyes in the darkness are gone. "-cas.."

Well, that's a mood killer, or at least it spoiled that smiley, happy feeling of there being some... one... some being... just another living creature in the house near me, who tolerates me, maybe even... likes me...

My stomach grumbles and reminds me to do my due diligence and feed it.

"Yeah-yeah..." I lift all four hooves up into the air and twist to roll myself out of the bed. "I wouldn't want to spend too long in the same room with a-" I search for a better word than 'monster', but nothing better comes to mind. "-thing like me either..." I grumble this as my hooves land with a clitter-clatter-clop on the floor and I walk out of the...well... my bedroom...


Fluttershy stretched her wings out several more times as she practically dragged herself down the dusty road to Heartbre-

"H.B." The pegasus said aloud almost as she was trying to correct an unseen narrator.

It felt as if she was pulling herself to H.B.'s house. While she had slept through the night, it was a restless sleep on unfamiliar bedding. Her muscles felt stiff and her wings needed stretching.

"Maybe Angel was right and I should have walked just a few feet to my bed and slept there instead of the couch... '' She said to herself once more, flapping her wings and stretching them out.

Now, once again at the stone path of the 'Olde Miller House', Fluttershy found herself a touch hesitant in going down that rocky pathway leading to that darkened door.

The large decorative heart window with the old growth vine sprawling down the middle seemed less like an interesting oddity of house that Heartbr-

"H-H-H.B." Fluttershy said, a bit fretfully attempting to take a hesitant first step into the yard.

H.B.”, it was less of an interesting feature of the house and a little more of a symbol of something. Was it the number of times she had tried to start a lesson, only for the whole thing to get interrupted and fail somehow? Had that cursed branding she talked about somehow leeched off her and seeped into the cracks-

"Oh, hey Fluttershy!" Croaked a sleepy sounding Heartbreak voice.

"Eeep!" Fluttershy squeaked, rearing up and looking around, only to see the tan, blue eyed mare standing on her front porch, a cup hoof in her hoof-hole as she appeared to be just as startled as the yellow pegasus.

"A-are you alright?" Heartbreak asked, her cup clattering in her hoof, threatening to spill a brown liquid within or even cause the cup to jump from its hole and shatter on the cement below.

"Oh… I'm fine!" Fluttershy reassured, walking over to H.B. once she gathered herself. "I'm sorry if I startled you by being startled, it's just-" She stopped herself, she couldn't tell H.B. the reason she had become startled was that she was lost in a fear bubble that originated from her thoughts about her! 'That would be super rude and mean and-'

"You didn't sleep all that well?" Heartbreak asked, her wide eyes glancing over the rim of whatever tea smelling liquid that was in her cup.

"Uhm, well...not really..." Fluttershy finally admitted, watching the large snapdragons slither out from their hiding spot from under the porch stairs. "I...I slept on my couch instead of my bed..."

Heartbreak let out a small huff of a laugh. "That's a little funny..." She said, trying not to inhale tea as she expressed her amusement.

"Oh?" Fluttershy asked, her voice trying to sound as neutral as possible.

"Uhm, because, apparently I managed to drag my branded backside up the stairs and into my bed," Heartbreak replied, chuckling a little. “Somehow.”

"O-Oh..." Fluttershy said, somewhat confused.

"Ssso!" Heartbreak stammered, seeing that Fluttershy found the swapping of places less amusing than she did. "Uhm... where’s Rainbow Dash...?"

Fluttershy tilted her head at Heartbreak. "Don't you remember? She's going to meet us at the park.."

"Oh, right, right," Heartbreak said, taking a long sip of what really was bitter tea. "And we're going to the... ferrier... but not before the bicycle store to get my bike looked at and painted?"

"I thought you just wanted it painted..." Fluttershy said, a small relief in her voice as Heartbreak did indeed recall the events from last night.

"Well, I mean, if we're going to get it painted, we might as well get it looked at," Heartbreak said, glancing at the contents of her cup and then at Fluttershy before looking back at the cup and tilting her head back to drain the rest of the tea. "Rarity did buy it at an auction, but the front tire is starting to feel...wobbly.” She sighed and grimaced. “I've had one too many bikes die on me in my lifetime."

"Uhm, I suppose that is a good idea," Fluttershy agreed, the ‘Fighty’ snapdragon, she was sure it was Fighty, due to the larger speckling of white spots on their ‘muzzle’, starting to nuzzle at her foreleg.

Heartbreak finished tea with a loud gasp. "I.. apologize if I seem all over the place this morning, Fluttershy," she said, eyeing the tea leaves and absentmindedly taking note of the abstract shapes they took. “Huh, looks like a bent leg... I'm still trying to clear out the cobwebs from sleep... Oh! Speaking of cobwebs, guess what I spied in a crack in the ceiling?"

"Cobwebs?" Fluttershy guessed, becoming more at ease as the two snapdragons practically cuddled her front legs all the while making soft cooing noises.

"Well... close... " Heartbreak said, gesticulating with the still be-cupped hoof. She frowned at herself and placed the cup on a shelf near the door, making a mental note and promising that she would remember to rinse said cup out later. "More like the... Creature? I feel wrong calling them a thing... but the creature that makes the cobwebs up in a crack in the ceiling... So, I really should say ‘who’ I spied in the crack."

"Lucas was there watching you as you woke up?" Fluttershy asked, a bit of hope in her voice. 'Afterall, if the spiders take a liking to H.B., then maybe they could help her, and I wouldn't have to- no, wait, is that a bad thought? Am I a bad pony for thinking that!?'

"IIIII thought that too, but when I looked closer, their eyes were much... bigger..." Heartbreak took a deep breath and tried to recall any other details of that ever so brief encounter, but none came. "Much, much bigger, that's for sure..."

"Oh! Maybe you were able to see a rare glimpse of the Vaneighsain Sad Faced Spider Queen!" Fluttershy exclaimed, her wings fluttering and her ears perking up. "Or at the very least, maybe one of the spiders that's directly under her in the colony!"

Heartbreak blinked a bit as if she was reaching for an ellusive thought. "Right, excuse me, I'm just trying to recall whether or not you had told me that these spiders lived in colonies."

"I ... might have.. but I'm not sure..." Fluttershy replied, worriedly tapping her chin against her hoof as she too tried to recall. "That isn't a problem is it?"

"Oooh... nooo.." Heartbreak said, her voice dipping like a power outage. "It's just... I've seen pictures and videos of colony themed spiders.... and they're interesting to say the least.. with their habit of taking down larger prey by working together..."

Fluttershy could hear the palpable worry in Heartbreak's voice. "While that is true in most species in the wild, the Vaneighian sad faced spiders are an information gathering species and wouldn't jeopardize their home! They also like you a lot!" she said, unable to hold back the delight in her voice.

"Ha... Any reason for that?" Heartbreak asked fishing for some sort of verification that maybe, just maybe, something in Equestria's bestiary didn't see her as some sort of tainted eldritch thing from beyond the stars.

"Oh, it seems that you're keeping away all the other creatures and predators that would otherwise destroy many members of the colony!" Fluttershy explained gleefully.

"Oh.." Heartbreak said, her ears falling to the sides of her head.

Fluttershy's eyes widened and her ears pinned in concern... "I didn't do anything wrong, did I? If I did, I'm sorry..."

"No... No.. No, it's fine," Heartbreak said, stowing away any disappointment she was feeling.

"Are you sure-"

Heartbreak took a deep breath while nodding as she exhaled. "Yes! I'm fine. After all you said today is going to be a fun day. So! Let's get my bike to the shop, my hooves to the ferrier, and then our ffff-fetting flanks to the park in time to meet Rainbow Dash!" The tan mare said gritting her teeth a little while donning her saddle backs before closing and locking her door.

"Are you sure everything's alright?"

"Right. As. Rain!" Heartbreak said, awkwardly pushing her bike. "Now come on! I don't want too many eyes seeing me with this thing! Though maybe we should stop somewhere for a quick bite to eat. Something light."


Walking next to my bike, I'm not only pushing it, but some very weirdly strong emotions down.

'They're spiders. Why should I care if a bunch of spiders happen to be using me as a means of protection?'

Yeah... At least your lazy good-for-nothing branded backside is good for something.

'Shut. Up. Goth. Bunny.'

Good thing you’ve got your bike to stand, because you still don’t know how the fuck to walk like a pony. You know that right? Even when you’re walking like you are now? Your legs don’t feel right. All the ponies know that there’s something wrong with-

'I said Shut Up. I don't need my inner insecurities, my inner fears, and inner doubts flaring up.'

Oh, but why not? It wouldn’t be a day if I didn’t say something. It’s not like you’ve let me say anything before bed like you used to. Also, how do you think you’re going to fuck up this little lesson today? Say something insensitive? Get so mad your tail or mane does a Jinji Ito and make you look like a freak? I mean, even more so with that hole in your hoof like a fucking change-

'Shut. Up. Today will be fun.' I think to myself. 'Fluttershy said that she believes that I can do this, so do this I will.' Though as the two of us are leaving my little homestead, I can't help but feel like I'm being watched...

Looking up, I realize that I'm not wrong..

Little red dots that are clustered together are lining the branches of the trees, around and in the rocks, and many other things in my yard that I might have overlooked are in fact eyes. Millions of them.

I then see an orb weaving spider scuttle to the corner of its web in a hidy nest as I pass by as if it were a scared parent staying out of a child's sight when hiding Christmas presents or Easter eggs. The spider... resembles Lucas... but... bigger... I push up my glasses a little and notice that there’s not just one spider in that little nest, but several spiders all peeking out from that very same corner.

"Fluttershy?" I can hear the concern in my voice and my ears dropping down. "Are... are all these spiders... sad faced spiders?"

Fluttershy looks around with such a... casual expression at the... innumerable gathering.... "Oh, yes..."

"They're all the same species?" My voice wavers a bit while I start making a more concerted effort in my hoof steps so as not to... accidently crush a single member of this... what is a gathering of spiders called? 'Whatever...' Now that I’ve been made aware of these new... roommates... I can see so many of them... There are jumping spiders, and grass dwellers, and even one that has flattened itself around the branch of a tree. "They all look so... different from one another..."

"That's because the Queen has different spiders for different information gathering tasks!"

"Huh..." I'm not sure what to do with that information, so I decided to just keep walking while minding the grass... 'It's best not to kill any member of a swarm of spiders... even if it's by accident’.

Once in Ponyville proper, I start to become... self conscious... and why would that happen? Well, hypothetical voice asking these questions, it's because I'm pushing along a very pink bike with these large heart decals in the wheels! That's why!

"Good morning, H.B.!" A familiar, light, ‘English-ish’ sounding voice jumps into my ears. Turning to the source, I see Ghost Writer waving at me from his stall.

Suddenly, and without warning, the pink bike just accidentally finds itself flying away from my hooves and into a nearby alleyway! The pale stallion gives a bit of a shocked look at me.

"Uh... Hey... G.H." I say with a nervous laugh and as much enthusiasm as a wet sheet of vellum. Fluttershy seems to notice the tone of my voice. Or something, she’s giving me a look and I’m not sure what she’s thinking, but she's not saying anything. Either she knows my feelings about this pony or maybe Ghost has a reputation... or she's confused at the fact that I just chucked my bike into an alley...

"Are you... feeling better? Last I heard, you were suffering from something downright awful, though I must confess that it feels as if it were a decade ago!" Ghost Writer says far too cheerful for this hour of the day ...

"It's only been about two weeks..." Fluttershy interjects, her wings fluttering as she looks around.

"Uhm, hmmm, yes..." Ghost Writer grins awkwardly and taps his front hooves together. "What I mean to say is that I was worried for my most frequent customer! What with Twilight out of town..."


"Oh, Twilight's back," Heartbreak interrupted, idly checking on her bike in the alleyway..

Ghost Writer perked up at hearing that. "Oh frabjous news!" he exclaimed, adjusting his black neck scarf and primping his mane. "When ever did this happen?"

"About a week ago..." Fluttershy said looking at the distant park, scanning for any signs that Dash could be waiting on them... She couldn't spot any colorful flashes from this distance.

"A week ago?" Ghost Writer balked. "Why haven't I seen her?" He asked, his mustachioed face tilting ever so slightly. “I would have thought that she would like to see the shipment of the newest quills! Or some of my novelty inks, or what shape the more recent inkwells are taking coming out of Canterlot...”

"Something to do with unicorn horn registration or something like that, right Fluttershy?" Heartbreak asked, turning to the mare for confirmation.

"Oh... Oh, yes!" Fluttershy responded, remembering that that was the reason she had given. "Very important unicorn horn registration business..."

"Unicorn horn registration? Why, I haven't heard of such a thing..." Ghost Writer said, rubbing his chin.

"It's for unicorns with very powerful magic," Fluttershy said, attempting to sound like she knew what she was talking about.

"Oh..." Ghost Writer said, tapping his hooves together, his ears drooping down. "Then I suppose that it isn't any wonder why I have not heard of it... Considering that my lineage has... weakened magical abilities..."

Heartbreak blinked. "Huh... I did not know about that..." At that moment Fluttershy tapped her shoulder.

"I-I don't mean to be rude, but Rainbow-" Fluttershy began.

"Oh, right," Heartbreak turned back to Ghost Writer. "My apologies there, Ghost, but we have errands to run today."

"Well then... We will have to finish the conversation another time. " A quizzled thought passed through the pale pony's mind. "Before you leave, did you say what you were sick with?"

Heartbreak made the briefest of pauses. "Oh, no, I didn't.” She snickered, eyeing the poetic pony’s genuinely curious inquiry. “It was a case of everything all at once."

Ghost Writer scooted as far as he could in the small space of his stall and snorted incredulously. "Everything?"

Heartbreak felt a tickle in her throat and cleared it with a thick, wet sounding hacking. "Well, every foalhood illness. I didn't get vaccinated when I came to Equestria." She explained, a bit of a wide smile on her face as she noted that Ghost Writer had levitated both a white cleaning cloth and filled spray bottle. She then saw Fluttershy growing ever more anxious, and started to walk with her. "Right, I'll tell you about it later," she called out to the pony, grabbing her bike from the alley and turning the corner alongside Fluttershy.

Ghost Writer turned a shade paler as he imagined every foalhood illness all at once. He then picked up his calendar book and checked some dates while wiping down the counter. "Methinks it might be wise to schedule my own round of shots..." he muttered to himself, the lingering image of what an incredibly sick H.B. looked like in his head causing him to spray the inkwells, before gently wiping them off..


That was by far the... I wouldn't say best... but the most... normal sounding conversation I've had with Ghost Writer. I think he's actually mellowed out.

Granted, his reaction when hearing Twilight's name was concerning. A little too eager if you were to ask me, but then again, I might be reading too much into it. Though... I might have taken a little too much delight when describing how sick I got...

'What, is some... guy taking an interest in Twilight like that bothersome to you? Is that why you never approved of Flas-'

I cut my thoughts short.

'One, it's fine if some... guy takes an interest. It's just, two, it's just gotta make sense, and three, quiet you. That is something that hasn't happened yet!' I mentally shout at... myself.

"H.B." Fluttershy's gentle voice might as well be a branch breaking instead of a twig snapping with the way it pulls me out of my thoughts!

"Wha-?" I ask, momentarily losing balance on the bike.

"Eeep!" Fluttershy steadies my bike, her face suddenly getting a little too close to mine in the process. "Sorry..." she says once everything has resettled. "I just wanted to say that we're.. uhm, here."

Looking up, I see the red bicycle shaped sign that reads ‘Tire Spoke’s Pumped Up Bikes!’ above my head.

"Oh, huh, so we are," I say, Fluttershy almost cautiously opens the door. With the way she jumps at the bike bell ring as we walk in, you'd think this was setting up to a series of unfortunate ev- 'Can it, Heartbreak that kind of thinking can lead to it actually happening.'

The bike shop is exactly as I would expect a bike shop from Equestria. Bikes of all sorts lined up to be looked at: mountain, casual, tricycle, quad cycle, thick tire, thin tire, 'girly' bike, 'boy' bike, and everything in between.

The walls are fitted with bike racks that fold and unfold to allow for, you guessed it, more bikes. Though the back wall's bikes seem to be more decorative, historical collector bikes, with the 'penny-farthing', the chainless, and the... Fet, I can’t read that too well, squinting isn’t helping, maybe if I adjust my glasses... Ah, yes the ‘Banana Pie Seat’?

All of which are, of course, adapted for the pony form.

On the wall to my right there’s helmets, knee pads, water bottles, and tire pumps. I can’t help but tap some of the wares with a curious poking hoof.

"Hello?" Fluttershy quietly calls out once we have noticed a serious lack of staff.

At the front counter I see an ever so lovely shining desk bell. Never having been able to ring one of these when I was little out of fear of punishment from my parents, mostly my mother, or retaliation from an angry shop owner, I dare to chance an opportunity to indulge the urge.

Once the bell sound rings through the stop, I am not met with a feeling of satisfaction but of regret as the sharp metallic sound causes my ears to pinback. Quickly, I make an attempt to silence the metal thing, only to cause it to clatter in protest as if it were still calling out to who the fet runs this shop and I was trying to cover it with a pillow.

Alas, it is too late, as it has summoned an eccentric looking stallion from somewhere behind the depths of that front counter.

I say eccentric, due to the fact that at the moment of his arrival, the poor pony had not only had both of his forehooves ensnared by the front wheel of a bicycle tire, but somehow, beyond all logic of Euclidean geometry, his head had joined its compatriots in wheel-based bondage!

"Oh! Happy day! A customer!" The cornflower blue stallion with thick rimmed glasses, windswept dark blue and yellow striped mane and tail, a tool belt-saddle belt, and a thick... Swedish? German? Scandinavian? Or would that be Scandineighvian? "Unt you have brought your own bicycle! Have you brought it in for maintenance, repair, or other?"

"Uhm..." I blank with how... straightforward he's being. Meanwhile, poor Fluttershy has ducked behind me at what must be quite the sight.

"Oh, so sorry. Where is being my manners?" He unyokes himself of the tire around his head. "There! I am Tire Spoke, Ze Bicycle repair pony, here at your service. Now, are you here for maintenance, repair, or other? Might I suggest maintenance because of the small wobble in your front tire?" he pauses and then reinspects my bike. “Unt it also seems to be appearing that your poor fahrrad was thrown into maybe an alleyway?”

"Uhm... Nooo... Of course not..." I shake my head from the spectacle of him pulling his head out of the bike wheel and being called out on my actions. "Right. My name is Heartbreak, please call me H.B.." If I had a phone that had something like voicemail, that's what it would be, along with leaving a message after the scream. "I was here for.. other, I suppose. I want the decorative hearts removed, and the bike repainted, but if you think it needs maintenance... I guess that's fine."

"Oh jah! It iz always the utmost importance to keep jour bicycle in tippy-toppy shape!" Tire Spoke says walking from behind the counter. I see that he has, surprise, surprise, a bicycle for a cutie mark. Maybe there’s something in there indicating that he repairs the bikes, like a broken chain, but I’m not going to look that hard at his backside. It still feels weird knowing so much just by looking at a little picture on a pony’s butt as it is. He plucks at the spokes of my bike like they were harp strings. "Dah, dis is my specialty!"

I smirk at the word 'specialty.' My brain keeps trying to autocorrect it to special-tea. "Heh, special-tea." I accidently say aloud.

"Dah! Dat is what I said! Is my specialty!" Tire Spoke repeats, looking just a little offended. "Do you doubt me?" he asks pointedly.

"Oh no!" I reply, I can feel my ears droop and I scramble to explain myself. "I was just making a joke to myself, because I like tea... the drink, and 'specialty' sounds an awful like 'special... tea..' like tea that's... uh... well.. special...” The light blue stallion stares intensifies at me for a bit of an uncomfortable while.

"Oh! Now I be getting it! Special... tea as in tea, that is special! Ho-Ho-Ho! Dat is very funny!" His face goes from bemused to suddenly serious in less than a second. "Now, vhat color are you wanting zis bike to be painted? We have many options from periwinkle to chartreuse to vermillion to-"

"Black." I interrupt him because I get the feeling if I let him, he'll go on and on and Fluttershy is already looking uneasy.

"Black?" Tire Spoke asks.

"Black?" Fluttershy repeats surprised.

"Yes. Black." I affirm.

"Not anysing more...colorful or pretty or-"

"I said ‘black’," I assert. Fet- fuck. Fuck. I can feel my tail twitching.

"Alright, alright. If it is what foäulein Heartbreak wants.."

"H.B." I correct him. Fluttershy’s uneasy hoof is drawing near my shoulder. I must be practically radiating that negative energy or something.

"If H.B. wants it painted black, then who is I, Tire Spoke to judge?" He asks, shrugging his shoulders.

"Uhm, any chance you could get it all done before maybe eleven or noon?" I ask pleadingly.

"Dat would cost extra..." ... I really have to wonder if the whole 'money makes you crazy' thing has some validity to it, because for the smallest of moments, the thought of 'it always costs extra' popped into my head.

'Just say what you usually say.' "It's fine, money isn't an 'issue here'." Was that said too casually? "By which, I mean it's fine." Wait, did that come out how I meant it?! "By which I mean-"

"H.B. won't have any trouble paying what will be agreed to." Fluttershy interjects, the comforting hoof finally touching my shoulder giving it a small rubbing motion. She must really want to make it to the park on time.


"Vell zen," Tire Spoke pulls out a manual number crunching machine, "With calculating standard costs, unt extra labor, unt magic, unt time for ze expensive black paint- wait a moment..." he gets out a document. "Could you be please signing here stating that you are not nor have you ever been associated with ze so called ‘artist’, Cloud Gate.”

“I feel like that’s a reference that I’m missing out on...” I mutter... It can’t really say that right? Oh. Huh. Look at that. That's really what it says. I take out my mechanical pencil, stick it in my hoof hole, sign the paper and put it away. ‘I've gotten pretty good at that.

"Oh, he is a horrid pony!” Tire Spoke scowls. “Pony scientists discover this form of ink that is blacker than any other black ink known to pferde unt what does this eles do?! Make it so that no pony can ever use it with a bunch of anwaltwieselwörter!”

I vaguely recognize something in there, but the rather... I’m going with German; yup definitely German- sounding words are confusing me. The way he’s saying them though makes them sound unpleasantly uncomfortable... “Oh... Right... anyway.. Here you go.” I push the paper back to him.

He looks at my signature and the little black broken heart that I’ve added. “Ah! Wunderbar!" Tire Spoke gasps in the moments after. He then shakes his head. "Anyway. Your total cost with Equestrian tax comes to three--hundred unt seventy-seven bits. Will that be cash, check or credit?"

Author's Note:

Holy carps, a whole new chapter?! Is this a sign of progress?! Yes it is. I'm sorry to all of you for this taking so long, but there's going to be like a second chapter coming out either tomorrow or later tonight. Cause I went and wrote up an over 9K chapter and was advised by Skitty to cut the chapter in half. So then I had to draw up another bit of chapter art...
But Anyway... We get to see a face that we haven't a long time, Ghost Writer! The german is subject to correction if there are any german speakers in my reader base. And for the keen-eyed readers you might actually see a forth character in the chapter art! <-- Featured here.

So, thank you to all my readers for still reading and staying with me on the this journey of mine... And thank you to my editors Scared Ghost and the wonderful ThePsychopath!