• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 4,620 Views, 936 Comments

My Little Heartbreak: More With a Kind Word and a Hard Hoof - Jet_Black1980

When Heartbreak falls ill, Fluttershy takes it upon herself to not only make sure she gets better, but afterwards try to teach her a lesson about kindness! But things are easier said than done, especially with the animals giving H.B. an evil eye...

  • ...

Shadows Over the Sun

Chapter Twelve: Shadows Over the Sun

In the darkest corner of the library, forelegs spread limply upon the table before her, head resting atop a pillow of books, a small pool of drool shining in the moonlight, we find that Twilight Sparkle has fallen in the battle that she was diligently fighting in.

Yes. All the coffee, donuts, and other sweets in the whole of Equestria can not stand against the tide of the persistent foe known as sleep. It was only a matter of time before late nights of combing through tomes would finally demand payment for their toll.

The soft snoring that echoed through the library was broken with a gasp that shook the young unicorn awake.

“Anything it takes!” She shouted, slamming her hooves down on the table. Her eyes flung open and she began to look around startled by the sudden shift in scenery.

Twilight rubbed her forehead before passing a hoof through her mane as she attempted to recall where she was exactly.

“Oh, right,” She remembered, yawning widely. “The library.” She shook her head and tried to rub the sleep from her eyes.

“What--” She paused and let out a wide yawn whiles stretching her forelegs up above her head.. “--a strange dream.” she continued, pondering the phantom memories. There had been... a kitten? A talking kitten, who called himself Mephistopheles, the King of Cats? Somepony named Linda, and a Telegrand Lion-taur-thing?” She once again shook her head. Whatever that was. Bizarre.

“And what was up with that stallion's voice in the background?” She wondered out loud to nopony in particular. The voice sounded so familiar, yet she couldn’t place it. Grimacing, she wiped her drool off the cover of the book she had been resting on.

Rubbing her face once again, she grumbled as other details from the dream fought to escape her. There was a place... with oddly identical houses on broken, roughly repaired streets and two massive flashlights that were as tall as buildings, lit up only at night. .

As those things evaporated away, the particulars of her environment made themselves more pronounced and something seemed off about the library that she couldn’t quite put her hoof on.

Just what was it that was wrong?

The answer quickly struck her as she realized that it wasn’t just her corner of the library that was darkened.

With a yelp of panic hitting her, she turned to look at the library’s clock, only to find that it was not brightly lit up by yellow sunbeams but by the cool, blue-white moonlight.

“10:30 pm?!”

Twilight skimmed through her list of research material. Most of the titles were scratched out. She grumbled to herself realizing the rest had already been checked out. Her horn lit up as she haphazardly gathered her notes, scrolls, and quills and stuffed them into her saddlebags.

“Fet!” She yelped, tugging her saddlebag straps far too tightly.

Due to force of habit, Twilight covered her mouth, only to realize moments later, that despite all her commotion and even the sudden, loud H.B.-ism, there wouldn't be any library ponies shushing her at this hour. “Right, it’s after hours.”

Just then, as if in defiance of her assessment, her ear flicked back and caught a faint noise with low undertones. It almost sounded like...

“Music?” Twilight asked out loud before re-adjusting her saddlebags to be less painful. She closed her eyes and let her ears focus on the sound. Yes, that was music! Kinda muffled and accompanied by some humming. Making her way to the source; which so happened to be, very conveniently, the front desk, she cautiously looked around.

“Hello?” She inquired, hooves on the front desk. Reaching her head over the front counter to see if there was anypony back there, something caught her eye.

The library’s checkout catalog! And it was left wide open!

Twilight bit her lip. Maybe it was the grogginess of sleep still lurking about or the fact that she had spent almost a month combing through books and scrolls only to come up empty hooved, but the gnawing temptation to break standard library rules and take a peek at the list of signatures and marks crept into her mind.

But could she do it?

I could, after all, just wait for them to be done with the book; they can only have it for two weeks max. But then again...

Twilight made one more pass around and quickly turned the ledger around, scanning the list of books that had been recently checked out.

“Advanced, advanced, advanced, advance-,” She muttered quietly under her breath, her eyes scanning the list before stopping at the full title she sought. “Advanced Theoretical Magical Concepts and Arcane Enchantments!”

Ah-ha! She thought, still a little paranoid about being caught. S.L.G.? Who’s that? Oh, confound it! She didn’t put down her cutie mark... Twilight was about to inspect the log further, when suddenly a magenta hoof came down in the middle of the page, and a glaring set of eyes that belonged to said hoof looked down at her.

A young unicorn mare with orange mane done up in a ponytail, wearing headphones looked seethingly down at Twilight. “Who are you, and what are you still doing here?”

Pulling back from the desk, Twilight gave a panicked response. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. Uhm, I was going to ask you the same thing, didn’t Raven tell you that I would be here late?”

“My name is, uhm, Summer Reader, ” she replied with a slight west Coltifornian accent as she leaned over the checkout desk to look at a small yellow stick-it note. “Oh, yeah, right. She totally did. Look, I have been swamped with so many things that I completely forgot. Good thing I have Everfree Terrace to keep me company.“ She tapped her hoof on her headphones. “Cause like, Dewy, totally forgot to tell me that this job would be so difficult.”

“This job can be quite the challenge,” Twilight agreed with a nervous laugh. “I happen to live in the Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville. I mean, it’s nowhere near as big as this library, but still...”

“Heh, they have you stuck in some dinky library in ponydunk, Ponyville?” Summer asked, shelving a few books up behind her. “That must totally suck.”

“Actually,” Twilight frowned as this green page was essentially belittling not only her precious library but her chosen adopted home! “It’s quite nice and I’ve come to know the ponies of Ponyville to be some of my best friends.” she replied curtly.

“That doesn’t answer the question of what you were doing, like hovering over the ledger.” Summer replied, turning her head and grimacing at Twilight. “I might not remember some of what Mr. Decimal said, but I do happen to remember him telling me that it was against the rules for other ponies to look at it. Something about ponies going all stalking after other ponies who checked out books they wanted or something like that?”

Twilight frowned back at the mare who looked to be barely a filly showing such an abrupt hostility towards her. “I was just,” She started. “Well, you see,” She waffled, then she suddenly remembered the headphones Summer was sporting. “I’m sorry, it’s just late and I happened to have fallen asleep while doing some incredibly important research-”

“Still doesn’t explain why you were playing pegas and hovering over the ledger.” Summer chided, while rolling her eyes. “Just admit that you were caught breaking the rules already.”

Twilight gave Summer an irritated glare. “Kind of like how you’re breaking the rule of ‘no headphones in the library’?”

“Uhm...” Summer held up a hoof and then suddenly shrunk back. “Yeah, look, I really need this job,” She began, while pulling the ledger away. “How about you forget about my pretty colt band and in turn,” She closed the ledger and pulled it away from Twilight’s reach. “I forget that you might have been attempting to ‘break’ the rule about violating ponies’ privacy, deal?”

“I-” Twilight was about to scold the miscreant librarian, when suddenly, her ear twitched and she heard a familiar voice passing outside the library door.

“Thank you for joining me, Lieutenant Brightheart. Do you have your report?” The kind, wise voice asked as it grew distant down the hall.

“Deal?” Summer asked, attempting to snap Twilight’s attention back.

“Huh? Yeah! Sure!” Twilight exclaimed, excitement growing in her veins. Was that? It had to be! “I’m sor-excuse me-I have to-” With that she made a mad dash out the door.

“Wait! You didn’t-” Summer called out, trying to stop her. “Check those out..” She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. “What-ever. Did my job, now on to more important things...” she said, putting her headphones back on and disappearing into the back.


Twilight raced down the hallway as quickly as she could, all the while struggling to make herself more presentable.

“That had to be-” she muttered out loud, while frantically looking down both corridors that were at the end of the hall “But which way--” Just then in the distance she could hear the muffled sounds of a conversation.

Smoothing out her mane and tail and re-stuffing her saddlebags, she practically galloped towards where she had heard the voices. The balcony, she has to be there! Twilight thought as she stopped and peered around the corner to find none other than-

“Princess Celestia...” She murmured.

There, in the soft moonlight, the regal looking alicorn stood. Her ethereal mane and tail of many-coloured splendor, flowing with the gentle night breeze. Her majesty’s wings folded but flickered ever so slightly as she talked with two royal guards. In that moment, Twilight found herself awash with feelings of awe, respect and hope. However, there was an emotion that felt completely out of place:


Twilight bit her lip. I guess that’s to be expected now, She thought. After all, the last time I saw her was -that- night. A pang of guilt made its way into her mind. And the last time I even sent her a letter was when I nearly poisoned H.B. with the tea Zecora gave me.

A part of her wanted to turn around and run back home, well, her parents’ house, and hide under the covers of her bed, while her mother comforted her with honey blade cookies.

However, the side of her that desperately sought answers and a chance to have at the very least, a private chat, was far stronger, and so she turned the corner to seek them out.

“Are you sure that is what you saw, General Tatterwing?” Celestia asked the crimson-eyed thestral night guard.

“Yes, Princess, I’m quite sure of it,” Tatterwing replied, her expression showing a small bit of concern. “The trio entered the room and the pegasi approached-”

Celestia paused before she glanced behind her to see what had caused the trusted guard to stop in her report. She pulled a hoof upward in surprise while a joyful but highly reserved smile leaked its way on her face.

“I am sure that all further details will be covered in both of your reports,” The Princess concluded.

“Yes, of course,” Brightheart replied, nodding. Twilight didn’t recognize the tan mare with the green eyes, however she was well aware of the Crystal Kingdom armour she was sporting.

“Then you are both free to take your leave,” Princess Celestia replied.

After the two guards had departed, a looming silence permeated the space between the two ponies.

“Princess-” Twilight began.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia interrupted, pausing only take a short breath. “What are you still doing here?”

“Well--” Twilight felt her ears fold down and she looked away. Still doing here? What does she mean by that? She took a deep breath and attempted to push past the fear. “--I sorta fell asleep while doing some intense research in the library.”

Celestia smiled while nodding as she continued looking distantly out over the balcony. “Always the determined student.” She finally replied. “Please forgive me if I sounded too blunt; however, it has been a long day. What I mean to say is that you have been in Canterlot for over a month and have yet to show any signs of returning to Ponyville and the task that you and your Friends have been assigned.”

“Oh,” Twilight replied, biting her lip and looking away shamefully. “I didn’t realize that you knew that I was here.” She scuffed a hoof on the floor.

“As a ruling Princess, you should know that it is my part of my duties to be aware of as many things as I can,” Celestia replied, looking back at the young unicorn from the corner of her eye. “Including if one of my students has arrived in Canterlot.”

“Oh, right,” Twilight quietly said, biting her lip and turning her head in shame. “Well,” she began. “I’m still here because, uhm,” she paused and frustratedly stared at the floor for a moment, her words losing themselves upon her tongue. “It’s just that the situation with Heartbreak is, well-” she frowned and rolled her eyes. “-difficult.”

“You aren’t having second thoughts about helping her?” Celestia pointedly asked.

Twilight jumped at the blunt question. “What? No! What I mean to say is this is more... challenging than I expected,” she admitted while looking to her former teacher. “In fact, Heartbreak- er, H.B., as she is wanting to be called is the reason I’m here at all.”

“Oh?” Celestia asked as she made her way past Twilight and started down the hall.

Twilight trotted forward in an attempt to catch up. “Yes,” she said hurriedly. “I was doing some research on a subject relating to the subject of cutie marks, due to the... unusual circumstances that Heartbreak happened to acquire hers. At first, I thought I would look through what the Golden Oaks Library had to offer, but with it being as small as it is, results were limited--” she explained.

The Princess nodded while covering her mouth to hide a yawn.

“--So,” Twilight tilted her head and looked down while rubbing her foreleg.”I figured ‘why not take a short break and see what I could find in the Canterlot Archives?”

Celestia paused abruptly and peered back at the pursuing unicorn. “And what have you found?”

“Not... much of anything,” Twilight shamefully admitted. “I was hoping that if I could understand these things then I could come up with a possible solution. But I kept coming up against a wall whenever I tried to find anything beyond the time of Dis-” She stopped herself before actually saying his name. “I mean, before he was first mentioned.”

“That is understandable,” Celestia replied turning her gaze towards the large hedge maze just outside the window. “Equestria was still trying to find its place in the world at that time and unlike the Crystal Empire, there wasn’t a proper record keeper.”

“Oh,” Twilight responded. “Maybe I... should have started there instead.” She proceeded to roll her eyes and flipped her hoof. “I don’t know why I didn’t start there first, it only makes sense that I should have--”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia began, widely yawning once more. “As much as I want to continue this conversation, I cannot. I said before, it has been a long day and I need my rest. So, if you don’t mind--” She hinted, beginning to walk down the hallway.

Twilight paused. She hated feeling so unsure, so indecisive, especially with the princess who mentored her all her life! As the royal hoof steps grew more and more distant, she felt a surge of panic sweep her and force a plea from her throat.

“Princess!” Twilight cried out, reaching forward, only to automatically pull back when met with an irritated and exhausted expression.

“Yes, Twilight?”

“I-I know that this isn’t exactly the ‘proper’ way of contacting you and that with everything that’s happened, I should have written you a letter requesting an audience, but, please,” she whispered meekly, her ears drooping down, “I-I need your help.”

The Princess closed her eyes and took a deep inhalation of the night air. “With? Thus far, you and your friends seem to be handling the situation just fine on your own.”

Taken aback, Twilight looked up. “Y-you really think so?” She asked, the small praise practically causing her to prance in place.

“Yes, thus far.” Celestia replied pointedly.

“Oh,” Twilight swallowed, her excitement quashed by the implications those two words, “Thus far,” she repeated chewing on the words momentarily before turning to a question that she had been holding back.

“Do you have any advice or suggestion that could further assist us with helping her achieve harmony?”

“No,” Celestia replied, once more her eyes lowering. “And even if I did know,” she stopped on her words, a bitter expression painted on her face as she looked towards Cloudsdale. “I would not tell you.”

Twilight shook her head in confusion. “M-may I ask why?” she stammered.

Celestia eyed Twilight and, realizing the weight of what she had just said, turned and walked over to her. “Once again, I feel that I must apologize and explain myself to you, Twilight.” she began looking softly into the befuddled eyes of her student. “Please, do not think what I have said was some sort of means to make things more difficult than they need to be, nor because of feelings I am harboring towards Heartbreak,” Once more, she took a deep breath. “Do you remember the hourglass that I gave Heartbreak that night?”

“Y-yes?” Twilight replied, confused by what seemed to be a total non sequitur of a question.

“That hourglass is not merely a timepiece, Twilight.” She began. “When I created it, I didn’t simply use wood, glass, and blood. I used magical intention. For, you see, the Hourglass itself, is the physical representation of a magically binding contract. A contract between myself, my sister, Heartbreak, and, most importantly, you and your friends. A contract whose contents we have already been over.”

“That she has a year and a day to come back into harmony, my friends and I are the ones to assist her in doing so, and that she must write you a letter about something she’s learned about the elements of harmony...” Twilight replied, sighing at the fact that she felt like she was repeating stuff for the sake of repeating it.

“Or something profound about her new self, yes.” Celestia corrected, a frown emerging.

Twilight looked up at the Princess nervously. “But,” She paused, a small fear about the state of the Hourglass’ whereabouts dismissed from her mind. “I take it that there’s more?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so,” Celestia replied, a shadow being cast over the ruler as a cloud obscured the moon. “What I may have failed to mention is that, while I have bound myself from erasing Heartbreak’s memories, something that I would like to remind you, would spare Equestria from the possibility of her becoming the next Discord, I have also prohibited myself from directly helping her as well. As a result, I am also unable to directly help with your efforts. If I assisted you in the way that you have requested; it would violate the contract. And then result in a debilitating magical backlash against myself, and to a lesser extent, those parties involved.”

“I suppose that was one way to deal with the situation that night...” Twilight quietly replied looking away from the Princess.

“Excuse me,” Celestia shot a glare in her direction, the feathers in her wings starting to ruffle. ”Twilight Sparkle?”

“I-I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was questioning your authority, Princess.” Twilight jumped, realizing that she had said that out loud. “But... Why do that?”

Celestia paused and, once again, looked out towards the balcony. “That is a complicated question, Twilight. Do you recall what I told you that night -- That a creature like Heartbreak was twisted and warped from being sent into our universe in the manner she was?”


“When such creatures are created; there is no one immediate set solution to fix them,save for the one that I had that night. With the possibility of Heartbreak being as unstable as she was-” Celestia paused and recomposed herself. “I am the Princess of this Realm. Whether I like it or not, I must be willing to do whatever it takes to protect Equestria. However; due to my sister’s interference in the matter, I chose to place this contract upon myself so that you may have the time you need.”

“Oh,” Twilight stood blankly as the wave of implications washed upon the shore of her mind; and with it, a small crest of panic hit her. “That doesn’t mean that Princess Luna assisting in helping her get a house--”

Celestia shook her head at her pupil. “No. That did not violate the contract.” She paused, taking a moment to look up at the night sky, seemingly admiring the clouds that had been covering the moon passing by. “My sister is exempt from direct interference. Perhaps I wasn’t clear, the Contract only binds myself from harming or helping Heartbreak, however, out of respect for one another, she is begrudgingly willing to limit her interference.”

Twilight sighed in relief. A relief that was short-lived due to the large shadow cast over her. Looking up, she saw the darkened, menacing face of the Princess.

“You still do remember what happens if your end of the Contract is not kept? Believe me, Twilight,” she began, looking down at the small pony. Her words carried a threatening weight to them, “If such a violation were to occur; you would be one of the first to know. ”

“Y-yes! Of course I remember!” Twilight yelped. She could almost feel herself shrinking as the Princess practically loomed over her. “I-I suppose that I would be.” She replied, swallowing hard. “The first to know, that is...”

Celestia’s face crumpled a bit as she watched her student cowering away in her presence. She took a deep breath and stepped back.

“Please forgive me, Twilight,” she said turning her head away. “As I said before, it has been a long day, not to mention, far past my usual bedtime. So if you don’t have any further questions in this regard...”

As the princess began to, once again, walk down the corridor, Twilight could almost see the weight of everything on her back.

The normally bright, aetherial colours of her flowing mane and tail seemed more muted, more subdued, and less lustrous. Her shoulders slumped as she looked at the floor, eyes weary in lachrymose contemplation.

Even her frame looks thinner, she thought, as Celestia began to turn a corner.

Suddenly, Twilight was hit with a longing brought on by the genuine concern for not just her princess, or simply her mentor, but her friend.

“Princess?” She called out, before the corner of the hall could eclipse the solar cutie mark.

Though she had called out to her in the meekest way possible, Twilight could still see a visible shudder of mild irritation ripple through her body.

“Yes, Twilight?” She asked, the tang of a tired dirge echoing not only down the hall but in her voice.

“I’m sorry, but..” She paused and took a deep breath. “I do have one more question for you. And I promise, it has nothing to do with Heart--” Twilight shook her head, “--I mean, H.B.--she likes to be called ‘H.B.’. But, I promise, it has nothing to do with her.”

Celestia sighed. “Ask your question then.”

Twilight braced herself for any answer that would result from this most simple of queries. “How are you doing?”

And indeed, the question seemed to catch the Princess off guard as she proceeded to stare blankly into an unseen void for several moments before finally replying.

“All things considered,” she began, “I could be doing much better. With what has been happening, I haven’t had much time for myself.” She looked at Twilight, a small tired smirk and light chuckle making their way to her lips. “In fact, it’s been so long since my last outing, that some of my guard have taken to calling me ‘Princess Sequestria.’”

“The guards have always had a terrible sense of humor.” Twilight said as she awkwardly chuckled before weakly smiling back.

“Yes, that they have,” She said looking up at her pupil. “Thank you for asking, Twilight.”

“You’re welcome, Princess.” Twilight replied. “I hope things take a turn for the better.”

“There is always that,” Celestia said distantly. “Hope.” She took a deep breath and stepped forward towards the corner of the hall yet again. “I’ve missed you, Twilight.”

“I’ve missed you too, Princess,” she replied.

Celestia’s smiled widened a crack more. “Good night and good luck in your mission, my most faithful student.”


As Twilight sat on the train station bench, ticket in hoof, she contemplated her conversation with the Princess.

Did I do something wrong? Should I have asked more questions? There were so many more questions I wanted to ask! She looked dismayed as she fiddled with the ticket and leaned forward, frumping. Come on Twilight, even if you did have a flank load of questions, you could tell that she wasn’t in the mood for a conversation.

She turned her head towards Canterlot Castle and gazed up at the tallest tower. The light was still on, and if she squinted, she could barely make out Celestia’s recognizable silhouette before the lights in the tower turned off.

I always thought about coming back here, talking to her. Twilight sighed, frustratedly looking towards the tracks in hopes that the midnight train would be coming just a bit sooner. It’s just: I didn’t know what to say, if I should have pleaded for her to spare H.B., or at the very least for more time. Asked something more about what she meant by what she had said that night! Maybe it could have led to a better outcome!” She rationalized to herself. Fetlocks... I feel so stupid with how the whole conversation went. I should have-

A train whistle blew off in the distance, interrupting her thoughts. She sighed and shook her head.

Maybe... Considering everything I've learned: about the hourglass and now some kind of magical contract -- but nothing about cutie marks! She paused as the train tracks began squealing -- another signal of the approaching train. Maybe this was the best outcome. Maybe I had built this whole ‘seeing the Princess while in Canterlot’ thing up in my mind too much. She rolled her eyes at herself while biting her lip.

“Then again, you could have actually written her a letter requesting an audience with her to talk about all this,” she muttered to herself as she got up off the bench. The midnight train came to a rolling stop.

As the hissing steam poured out, the doors that would lead Twilight away from this place of sad confusion opened, revealing the conductor pony who was working that night.

“All aboard?” A familiar-looking stallion called out questioningly upon seeing Twilight approaching.

Twilight looked around. “I guess I’m the only one?” She asked.

“It would appear that way,” he replied, a baffled expression still perched on his face. “I’m sorry if I seem a bit surprised, it’s just that we don’t get too many at this hour.”

“Well it’s your lucky night. Though, I did expect somepony else. Aren’t you-” Twilight began, attempting to recall where she had seen this stallion.

“Thomas, Thomas Tinkertrain,” the tan-greyish stallion with a black mane and curly goatee replied, taking the ticket and punching it before returning it back to Twilight. “Are you... Oh, don’t tell me, I know I’m getting on in age, but I should remember this...” He turned his head with a smirk upon remembering the name. “Twilight? Twilight Sparkle?”

“Uhm, yes...” She frowned and then shook her head. “Sorry, it’s just, you’re not the regular conductor.”

“Oh, right. The normal conductor.” Thomas brushed a hoof on his chest. “Well, I’m afraid that he’s out sick and I’m the only one that was left to cover his shift.”

Twilight tapped her chin once more. “I swear I’ve seen you before.”

“I would be more surprised if you haven’t seen me around,” he replied, moving to the side so that Twilight could board. ”Been on this line since March.” He chuckled and looked around once more before ducking in and closing the door behind him. “Seeing that there hasn’t been much chaos in my scheduling, they must really like me on this line.”

“That’s...” Twilight rolled her eyes a bit before practically falling into one of the nearby green train benches before letting out a long labored lamenting sigh. “...Nice?”

The old stallion tilted his head, a wizened concern painted on his face. “Usually this isn’t something that is any of my business and I hate to pry, after all, I have to make sure the newbies are staying awake, but is everything alright?”

“Yes, no, maybe... I don’t know.” Twilight shook her head. “I just spent a long night in the Canterlot library studying. And it feels like it was all for nothing. I couldn’t find any of the information that I wanted to find and even the P-” She paused. Watch what you say Twilight... “-pony, a friend who I normally rely on for help couldn’t even help me.”

Thomas looked down at her, his hoof thoughtfully stroking his blackened goatee. He blinked and chuckled a little when he realized that the young unicorn was done talking. “Sorry, I thought there was more.” He knocked comically on the side of his head. “This old noggin of mine isn’t what it used to be when it comes to connecting the dots.”

Twilight chuckled a bit at the antics of the old conductor. “It’s all right. I just thought-” she paused once more before looking out the window. “Never mind, it isn’t important.”

“I would say that it’s important to you, Twilight Sparkle.” Thomas said sympathetically. “I’ve been around long enough to know how that story goes. You thought you could get help from somepony and it turned out that they were too busy or just unwilling to help. It’s quite frustrating.”

“Yeah... And that’s not even the half of it,” Twilight muttered.

“Well, would you like this old curmudgeons’ advice?”

Twilight shook her head and shrugged. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.”

“Well, if this ‘friend’ of yours is unable, or unwilling to help,” He began. “Then maybe it’s time to go see some friends who are.”

Twilight paused and smiled at him. “Maybe, you’re right, Thomas. Maybe what happened tonight was a reminder that I should head back to Ponyville and see how my friends are doing. And maybe get their input on things before following another lead. Thank you.”

“Oh,” he waved a hoof dismissively. “Anytime. Now, excuse me. I’m sure that I need to pick up some coffee from the snack tray. And while I’m there, I’ll inform the dessert cart filly that we’ve picked up a passenger. She’s sure to have something that’ll sweeten up your night.”

“That would be really nice. Thanks.” Twilight replied.

“Think nothing of it!” Thomas said as he left the young unicorn alone with her thoughts.

Twilight looked out the window and watched the shining city of Canterlot grow more and more distant. Despite the fact that that was exactly what I was going to do, talking to somepony else and getting... something out felt good. Maybe the real problem was... I miss my friends being around to actually talk to.”

With these thoughts, she let the gentle sounds of the train rock her into some semblance of relaxed slumber.

Author's Note:

This chapter has been a long time coming and something that I for one think needed exploring and maybe even looking into.
This chapter's proofers included Eeria, Verandure, Black Walnut, Eckaji, Schism, and Auracle Song
This Chapter's Art can be found here!
And it doesn't matter the criticism, the votes, or even if I don't make the front page... As long as I have life in me? I WILL CONTINUE TO WRITE!