• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 4,620 Views, 936 Comments

My Little Heartbreak: More With a Kind Word and a Hard Hoof - Jet_Black1980

When Heartbreak falls ill, Fluttershy takes it upon herself to not only make sure she gets better, but afterwards try to teach her a lesson about kindness! But things are easier said than done, especially with the animals giving H.B. an evil eye...

  • ...

What Grinds my Hooves

Chapter 32: What Grinds my Hooves

Cream Puff had finally got out from under the hoof of Miss Hayneighan and away from the orphanage with her 'ill begotten wares', as the crotchety old canker nag would likely put it.

"Ill begotten ma left hoof!" Cream Puff swore. "Ah do more than ma fair share of work an' she goes about spendin' what we get on bottles, the new desk of hers, an' that creepy black orb she keeps under a dishcloth!" The little filly huffed.

The little filly's hooves clip-clopped down the barely paved road that went near the school house. Once again, Hayneighan's half-stupor of a nagging voice entered her ears.

'Why bother with furthering your education? You're an earth pony. You'll be adopted by some podunk earth pony family that grows things or bakes things. By the time you're my age you'll be as big as a barn and be surrounded by foals! IIIII'm just helping you get adjusted to-'

“Oh shut yer cornhole!" Cream Puff exclaimed aloud, kicking rocks out of her path angrily! "Ya dun't know what yer talkin' about!!"

The little filly sniffled. Yes, it was true that pegasus and unicorns spent so little time in the stables that the linens hardly had to warm, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't get adopted!

"Let alone by a pegasus or unicorn…" she grumbled "An' at least ah'm gon' out ta Ponyville an' trying ta make some friends!" Cream Puff's words started to quiet themselves as she walked into the cobblestone streets of the town.

She looked at the school house where Miss Cheerilee taught, so bright and... well 'Cheery'. It was a place where ponies with families would learn. A place where little colts and fillies would gather and play and make friends. Miss Hayneighan would scoff.

Cream Puff once again pushed that thought aside. Hayneighan's voice was a stubborn critter to get out of her head! “Just keep movin’ along there, Cream. She’ll see, one day yer gonna rise ta the top!”

“What could we be bakin’? Ah dun’t think H.B. said... Maybe cupcakes, or muffins, or pancakes? She seems like the type ta do real simple-like things that don’t need a lot of work... Fritters maybe?” The little filly giggled now that she was nearing the Olde Miller road. “Fritter sounds an' awful lot like 'fetter'.” She bemused, before looking around, just to make sure her favorite pony wasn't within earshot.

"Ah dun't know why she's so against me usin' that word. Dun't it mean sumang else?" She asked out loud, looking at the tall grass. "Ah swore ah saw that-Oh!" The little filly yelped as she stumbled on a hole in the dirt road.

A hole, that if one were to judge the cavity left behind with its geometric and almost perfectly flat surfaces, once was home to a gem of significant size.

"Well ain't that there lucky fer them. Though the least they coulda' done was refill the hole after they found their good fortune." She grumbled, steadying herself after the almost tumble.

Getting to Heartbreak's home, she was greeted with a strangely quiet scene, or as quiet as a house that was inhabited by snapdragon vines and only a croissants’ throw away from the Everfree Forest could be.

Cream Puff watched and giggled at their antics as the animate foliage flooded and splashed about in the front yard.

"H.B's gonna be awfully sore at ya'll fer wastin' her water like that." The little filly said getting to the front door. "H.Beeeee!" she called out knocking on the front door. "Ah got stuff fer makin'... lots of things! Mostly muffins or breakfast fixin’s!"

However, much to her dismay, there wasn't any answer.

'Momma always said that's impolite ta com inta' a house uninvited like...' Cream Puff thought growing anxious as the seconds outstretched their arms. 'But H.B.'s expectin' me! So it's ok!' she justified to herself, turning the doorknob and walking inside.


Heartbreak and Fluttershy stood in front of the shop with a wooden sign in the shape of an extended hoof, over which was a stylized set of clippers and an oversized file.

"Rush and Surge's Ferring and Hoof Care.." Heartbreak said looking at the window apprehensively before sighing. "So... Yeah... this is the place... to take care of my... hooves..."

"Everypony has hooves..." Fluttershy said, reassuringly.

"I know..." Heartbreak replied with a somewhat dower sentiment.

"And everypony has to take care of their hooves." Fluttershy said, supportively.

"Yeah, I know..." Heartbreak said, her tone growing ever irritated.

Fluttershy's wings flitted and her ears drooped. "Y-you're not mad at me, are you?" she stammered.

"Wh-" Heartbreak sighed, pushed up her glasses, and shook her head. "I can see how you might interpret it that way, but no. I am not mad at you, Fluttershy. I'm more upset at the fact-" She stopped herself. "You know what? Doesn't matter. Let's just get this over with. After all, we have more important things to do today..."

Upon entering the ferrier shop, the pair were greeted with the welcoming of the jingling of an overhead doorbell.

"This place seems pretty... dead." Heartbreak said, looking around before she poked a hoof at a padded 'y' shaped thing that was positioned in front of, what looked to the tan mare at least, an awkward looking cushioned chair, or maybe a bench, maybe? Couch? She couldn't decide.

"That's what happens when a spa comes to town and becomes your family business' competition," A blue stallion with a yellow mane and tail said, scrambling from behind the counter to greet potential customers. "Hi! I'm Thor Rush! Can I be your ferrier today?" He asked, his purple eyes sparkled with excitement.

Heartbreak looked at Fluttershy as if to say 'What do I do next?’ with only a bit of a confused smile and a hoof over the demure mare's mouth, H.B. grew anxious. "Only if you accept walkins?" she asked, adjusting her glasses.

Thor Rush looked around at the empty ferriering stations. "Uhm, yes... I'm fairly sure that we accept walkins."

"Uhm, great then..." Heartbreak said, uneasily. "So! How do we go about doing this?" She asked, her hoof tapping the floor.

"Well,- uhm, I didn't catch your name..."

"My name is Heartbreak, please call me 'H.B.'" the tan mare said with a sigh.

"Right, so... H.B., if you wouldn't mind coming over to the ferrier station, I can assess your hooves and see what needs to be taken care of." Thor Rush explained flipping his mane and leading pair of mares to the padded metal 'y's.

"Uhm... Uhm... I-" Heartbreak paused as if she was thinking about just how she was going to get her body to the contraption before her. Tentatively, she moved her right forehoof forward, stopping and switching to her left hoof. "I... well..."

"Do you need help?" Fluttershy asked, her wings flitting as she reached forward.

"That's... That's kind of you, Flutter... but I got this..." Heartbreak said grumbling, rearing up and finally figuring out how best to position her mass comfortably on the couch. "See? I got it!" She realized that her left 'forehoof' was still under her barrel. "Well... sort of..."

Fluttershy smiled before assisting the dislodging of said hoof. "There we go." she said smiling. "You did a good job." she said reassuringly.

"Yeah... Thanks..." Heartbreak replied, a gruffness in her voice as she glared at the hoof.

"So!" Thor Rush exclaimed, causing the two mares to jump. "Which hoof would you like me to start with?" he asked, holding up what looked to be a curved paring knife...

Heartbreak's eyes widened in a panic. "Left! No, right! I mean, whichever one you think is the best!" She exclaimed, her body clearly tensed and showing signs that she just wanted to bolt from all this before it had even begun.

Yet again, Fluttershy put a hoof on Heartbreak's shoulder and gave her a comforting look. "I know it might look scary, but I've had my hooves ferried before and you won't feel a thing. I promise, right. Mr. Rush?" she asked looking at the pony in question.

"I mean, it's been a while since I've had an actual client in here," Thor Rush admitted, twirling the knife about before he noticed the not at all assured faces of his current clientele. "But! I keep my ferriering skills sharp by trimming my sisters' hooves and she does the same for me... plus we make house calls for ponies who can't get to the spa! Though most of that doesn't pay the bills.. we do that by selling specialty hoof files!"

Heartbreak continued to wear a look of concern upon her face.

"I mean, well..."

Fluttershy once more came to the rescue. "He is a trained ferrier, H.B.," she said, pointing at the twin diplomas on the wall. "He's just saying that it's been a while, right?" She asked Thor Rush.

"Right! That's... That’s what I meant.." Thor Rush said, his wings ruffling.

Heartbreak took a deep breath through her nose before letting it out her mouth in an attempt to calm herself. "Alright. Fine I guess I'll be putting the health of my hooves in your... uhm... hooves……” she said, stumbling on the wording of the phrase.

"Alright then! Now seeing that the lift is already set up for the left rear hoof, why don't we start with that one?"

"Alright..." Heartbreak said, gingerly lifting her left rear hoof into the 'lift'.

Thor Rush began to look at the hoof presented to him and started to check it over for any signs of wear, tear, cracks, or impactions that could be hiding in the horn. "Huh... uhm... when was the last time you had your hooves attended to?" he asked, carefully scraping along the outer wall and looking baffled when he looked back at his knife.

"Uhm..." Heartbreak's eyes widened and she cringed at the feel of the scraping before she bit her lip nervously. "Last March?" she said, eyeing Fluttershy, who gave a look of slight disapproval, only to be met with a look that said 'That's technically true', to which the yellow pegasus could only sigh and conceded.

"Well, you could have fooled me... The amount of growth and wear with these hooves is more like at least two- maybe three weeks! Not four or five months!" He exclaimed.

Heartbreak could only roll her eyes and chuckle a response to what the stallion had told her.

"Then there's something else..." Thor Rush said, tapping the knife against her hoof, producing a sharp metallic clanking. "Uhm, I'm going to try and pare away some of the excess horn on your hoof... tell me if it's uncomfortable..."

"Uhm... okie, dokie, lokie, artichokie," Heartbreak said, bracing herself for what could come next.

Thor Rush started to try and scrape the hoof again, only to find that his knife wasn't cutting. "Huh... sorry... I think this blade might be dull... Let me try this one..." The pegasus pulled another knife and then another... and then another and after nine knives, he looked frustratedly baffled. "That's very strange..." He said, testing the knife to his own hoof.

"What is it now?" Heartbreak asked, more than a little exasperation in her voice at how long all this was taking.

"It's like your hooves are too hard to cut..." He said, looking at the small bit of freshly shaved keratin from his own hoof.

"Excuse me?" Heartbreak asked incredulously. "Too hard to cut?" She turned her neck to face him and held up her right forehoof. "Then how the fet did I manage to get Doctor Bright White to drill a hole clean through my hoof?"

Thor Rush turned pale as his eyes widened and the knife tumbled from his grasp, clattering to the floor with a noisy metallic rattle. "Sweet Princess Celestia! You-you that g-goes clean th-through..." He stammered. "I... I thought that was just a pock mark!"

"Nope." Heartbreak replied, matter of factly. "Goes straight through..." she said in a nonchalant tone as if it were the most normal thing in all of Equestria. There was a hint of enjoyment in her subtle grin as the stallion squirmed and edged away. “All the way to the other side.”

"H-How?!" Thor Rush managed to stammer out holding on his own hoof and rubbing the spot on himself where he saw the perforation on H.B.'s.

"It's a funny story involving magic tea and a trip to the dentist!" Heartbreak said bemused as she looked at him, with her neck nearly craned all the way back, the top of her head nearly making contact with her back... "You remember that day, right Flut-"

Her words were cut short with Fluttershy's disapproving glare.

Heartbreak's grin wilted and she righted her head, before readjusted her glasses. "Well, it's less funny 'ha-ha' and more funny 'why do these things keep happening to me'," she said tapping her forehooves together, which to the experienced ferrier's ear made a subtle, unnatural hollow sound.

"But... why do that?" Thor Rush whimpered with every clack of the hooves. He peered at the pierced pony's appendage and instantly regretted it as a wave of nausea hit him while he nursed his own hoof against his barrel.

"Oh, uhm...'' Heartbreak took a deep breath preparing herself for the explanation. "I suffer from a condition called 'shakey hoof' in which I am unable to pick things up with my hooves like normal ponies. Combined with the effects of that magic tea, I thought that drilling a hole through my hoof was a very good idea at the time!"

Thor Rush waggled his hoof as if it had fallen asleep and he was dancing on pins and needles. "D-don't you think that's a bit... extreme?" he asked, his wing fluffing up a bit.

"Magic tea." Heartbreak repeated as if it was the one phrase to explain everything and end the conversation. "And it's not like I have an animal helper... uhm... anymore. On account I wasn't able to take Fingers the Raccoon with me... Add to that it seems like every animal I encounter automatically hates me..." She mumbled with her ears falling and her tone turning sullen.

"Uhm... well.." Thor Rush started continually looking more and more uneasy at the literal hole with the literal subtle grooves at its point of entry denoting its origi- "I'm sorry but I need to lay down!"

"But... you're the only ferrier in Ponyville... and I really don't want to go to the spa..." Heartbreak whimpered panickedly. "I-"

"It's fine! My sister will attend to you!" Thor Rush said his face was still rather pale. "Hey! Val! You've got a customer!" he shouted towards the back of the store as he hurried made his way to the bathroom.

Just as the door closed, a white mare with the same yellow mane and tail and purple eyes poked from around the corner out curiously. "Really?"

Heartbreak looked the mare over and then nodded. "Yes really," she said, sighing. "Hi, my name is Heartbreak, please call me H.B..” she found herself paroting once more. “I don't mean to be a 'Marmalade' about this, but can you look at my hooves? Fluttershy and I have things that we were planning to do..."

"Well, yeah, sorry about my brother, he can get a bit- '' Val winced as the uncomfortable sounds of Thor Rush losing his lunch terminated the restroom door. "Queasy, especially when seeing things like cankers, or sores, or-"

"Perforations?" Heartbreak asked, once more holding her hoof up for viewing.

"Yes, or perfor-" Val stopped herself mid sentence. "That's..."

Heartbreak sighed. "Drilled straight through. Incident involving magic tea, and I want to keep it."

The white pegasus blinked, but then shook her head from the shock of it all. "Right, my job isn't to tell ponies, or any critter for that matter what to do with their bodies. Just to help with general hoof care, so we'll leave that one for last. Hi, my name is Valkyrie Surge, you can call me Val by the way." she said, picking up the tool that her brother had dropped in his hasty retreat.

"Hey Val," Heartbreak replied, adjusting her glasses and squirming on the ferriering couch a bit. "Your brother said something about not being able to trim my hooves ‘cause they are too hard or something like that."

"Oh, did he now?" Val asked, looking over the propped up back hoof assessing what needed to be done. "We'll just see about that now, alright?"


Angel Bunny watched as the little cream colored filly waked dejectedly from its dwelling...

Why the pony younglings are lured to that creature remains a confounding mystery!’ Angel thought hidden in the brambles just outside the ‘house’. ‘Perhaps that it’s true means by which to hunt? Gain the trust of the younglings so that the adults let down their guards? But if that were the case, why then has this clearly parentless near foal taken to it?!

The passing thought of this filly being foolish enough to have imprinted on the creature did pass through his mind as she passed by him, sorrowfully kicking a rock in her path, but surely any would eventually see the monster and danger it posed after enough exposure, right?!

Angel’s ears perked up and he could see the morouse meandering little filly almost at the end of the road back to Ponyville. Quickly, but quietly he scampered through the thickets so as not to lose his target.

Afterall, wherever this one filly in particular went, that thing would soon rear its hideous face, and Angel Bunny was more than certain that his Fluttershy was with that monster.

Upon entering Ponyville, Angel could hear the mutterings and barely contained whimpering that Cream Puff was making.

“Ah thought she was gonna be there, we was gonna make somethin’... pancakes, or waffles, or even french toast! Though she didn’t have any eggs... That’ll teach ya ta get yer hopes up, Cream Puff...” She bitterly bemoaned. Leaning against an unlit light pole.

Angel felt his cold little bunny heart crack at the clearly disappointed sound in Cream Puff’s voice. It reminded him too much of the time when his own Fluttershy was still very young and her own brother had betrayed her trust.

Even after she confronted that chew-stick, he did not admit to doing anything wrong. Though they were not close warren mates after that, and then he went away...

Just then a thought formed in Angel’s devious little bunny brain. One that would perhaps put an end to his Fluttershy spending any more time with that creature.

If I, Angel Bunny can get the cream colored abandoned little pony to confront the beast and show both her and Fluttershy what a selfish, inconsiderate, and distrustworthy thing it is, it may cause a rift, which will lead to the both of them abandoning the monster!

Angel perked up his long rabbit ears and listened. He knew that Fluttershy had said that she would be somewhere in town... but where had she sa- Just then he picked up the unmistakable ‘Oh!’ of his pony.

Now with location, he hopped out of his place of hiding and darted under the filly’s legs.

“Angel Bunny?” Just as he had hoped, the action had called her attention to him. All he had to do now was get her to follow the white rabbit. “Is that you?”

Angel paused and stood upright in a pose that he had perfected with Fluttershy that said ‘follow me’. Little paws held in front, eyes bright but showing just the right amount of concern, ears standing at attention, and a body that looked like that at any moment he could just scurry away... She just needed to take the bait...

“Angel, do ya know where Fluttershy an’ H.B. are?” Cream Puff asked, taking a tentative step forward.

That was his cue.

“Ah went ta H.B.’s house an-” Angel bolted towards the sound of Fluttershy’s voice. A voice that itself sounded more than a little distressed. “Hey! Hold on a muffin-toppin’ second! Get back here! Ah was askin’ ya a question!!”

Just as the bunny had hoped, the filly was now in hot pursuit of him, though he was facing a bit of a conundrum; the longer he listened for Fluttershy, the more apparent something was causing her to let out pained cries, but he could not just go charging off leaving the filly in the dust with her short legs restricting her from keeping up!

One member of the lagomorph family was humiliated by not taking the more patient path and I, Angel Bunny, though it pains us to do so, refuse to suffer the same fate!

“Oh! H.B., are you alright?” Fluttershy asked once the rabbit and filly were within earshot of the ferriers shop.

Yesss, jussst fine Fluttershy.” Rasped the dissonant ‘voice’ of the abominable pony-mimic. “Sssee... your brother wasss right...

“Let me try one more thing!” Exclaimed the very exhausted but determined voice of another mare.

“H.B.!” Cream Puff shouted, zooming past Angel and into the shop that was catering to the dangerous thing.

Cream Puff!” Hissed the shadowy tendrilled thing. “What are you doing here?

“Humph! Ah could ask ya the very same thing!” Twanged the hurt sounding little filly. “Ah thought we was gonna make whatever it was ya was gonna make, an Ah finished ma chores lickity split just ta get over ta yer house with all ma cookin’ supplies, only ta find it emptier than a clam bed when the carpenter is at the beach! Ah’ here ya is goin’ an gettin’ yer hooves all gussied up!”

Cream Puff, I-” Their excuse ridden apology was interrupted by the ferrier mare taking a power sander to its hoof, this only resulted in the device sparking and dying...

Angel lowered his ears and peered just through the edge of the glass window. There was no way he was going to miss the ensuing drama...

“Ah know the ferrier ain’t the same as going an getting all done up by the spa ponies...”

The ferrier mare lifted the hood of her safety mask. “Hey!”

“Uhm, beggin’ yer pardon miss-”

“Valkyrie, but you can call me Val.”

“Uhm, sorry Miss Val... but compared ta the near worn out hoof files at the orphanage..”

Suddenly, there was a look of recognition on Val’s face and she removed a pair of earplugs. “By Sleipnir’s mane, you’re from the local orphanage?”

Cream Puff looked away shyly, her hooves crossing. “Yes, um Miss Val...” she affirmed, shame tinting her voice.

“Ugh, I had friends in that place before they grew out of the system and moved away. That nag Hayneighan still running the place?” Val asked frowning before pulling out a very fancy looking hoof file that looked to be made of pure crystal.

"Yus, ma'am..." Cream Puff muttered before her mouth dropped at the sight of such a fancy looking file. “What in the whole of Equestria is that? Ah ain’t never seen a file like that!”

“Oh, this?” Val hefted the purple sparkling file up, and adjusted it at the proper angle for Nightmare’s waiting hoof. “This!” She pushed the file against the hoof and brought it down. The smallest curls of a fine tan dust drifted to the floor below. “This is a crystal file, usually reserved only for, well... crystal ponies.” Angel watched as Val had another go at dragging the clearly expensive and quite frankly beautiful file over the malformed and disturbing appendage, more fine tan particulates fell to the floor.

“Good Golly Miss Molly an’ sweet sassy frass...” Cream Puff marveled. “Ah could never hope ta dream ta even imagine havin’ such a thang... or havin’ the bits fer it... or even meeting a crystal pony!” The little filly kept rolling her forehooves over each other... As she did so, the strange, black and white ‘flower’ eyes of the thing seemed to... narrow in some strange emotion that Angel could just not put a bunny paw on.

Cream Puff, when’sss the lassst time you had your hoovesss looked at? Even by a ferrier?It asked looking down at the defenseless filly as if she was a mouthful of a morsel just waiting to be gobbled up into the yawning chasm of this predator’s maw.

Angel found himself almost ducking back down to hide from what he was sure to come.

“Well... like ah said, Miss Hayneighan only has these old worn out hoof files that barely do the job... “ The little filly’s face looked away, she tried to cover her hooves embarrassedly. “An a bottle of hoof lacquer whenever Mr. Beencounter comes ta do his inspections...”

The monster reeled away and its shadowy eyes looked... offended by this information...

How... How would you like to have your hoovesss done up properly?” Slithered out the slimy words.

Cream Puff looked up with hesitantly hopeful eyes. “Oh would Ah ever!” her ears fell. “But ah dun have the bits fer that...”

Don’t worry about it, it’sss on me.” The creatures’ brow furrowed, its strange eyes looking down. “In fact, if any of your fffriendsss at the orphanage wants to come in to have their hoovesss done too... They're welcome to do ssso...

“Oh... Well... Okay...” Cream Puff said looking a touch disappointed, a disappointment that melted away as she took the ferriering station next to the swirling mass of black tendrils. “That’s... awfully... kind of ya there, H.B.!”

Fluttershy nodded and much to Angel’s horror placed her bare hoof on the things ‘shoulder’ “That is very kind of you...”

Or...” The Creature leaned more towards Fluttershy, its appendage covering up its many fanged mouth, tendrils curling around the mare’s ear... “Or I’m jussst compensssating for forgetting about cooking with Cream Puff and the guilt that comesss with it...” It whispered in a way that sent shivers down Angel’s spine.

“What was that?” The titular filly inquired as Thor Rush weakly wobbled his way back into the room, only to be distressed by the hoof presented to him.

“Sweet Princess Luna! Little Filly when was the last time-” The stallion’s inquiry was cut short by his sister’s hoof jutting to his lips and the stares of three very disapproving mares who were shaking their heads. “Oh... I mean... Well, I do love a challenge... Don’t worry, we’ll fix these up so well that you’ll swear that you’re trotting on clouds!”

“This... might take a little longer if you’re covering the filly. Are you sure you want to do that?” Val asked the squirmy black mass.

It’sss fine...” It intoned looking at Fluttershy. “Though, if that’sss the cassse, maybe we ssshould inform Tire Ssspoke and Rainbow Dasssh about the change in plansss?” It asked.

Author's Note:

I told you all that I would post another chapter. Here's to hoping that I'm on a roll for the next chapters. Anyway, this little chapter is full of fun little nods and appearances.

Tire Spoke is my own creation and was inspired by a few shorts or reels or whatever where a German guy explains German things to his American roommate. Thor Rush and his sister Valkyrie Surge are shoutouts because I felt like it and belong to their respective creator...

The Chapter Art can be found here.

As always, Thank you to my editors ScaredGhost and TheTruePsychopath.