• Published 20th Sep 2014
  • 4,009 Views, 132 Comments

The Non-Equestrian Equestrian Hero - New Dawn

When two Zelda fans attend a convention and get sent to Equestria, What happens? One goes crazy with power and tries to kill the other! Oh yeah, A changeling gets mixed up as well.

  • ...

Six: Sneaking on to a Train! Plus back story but no one cares about that.

"So what now?" Navi asked, as she sat there.

"I dunno. You know this world better than me." I said as I sat down on a barrel in the middle of a alleyway.

"We could catch a Train. I've rode it before, but that's when I was using my magic." She said, hopping off my head.

"Magic? You mean you can do that... glowy stuff that the purple pegacorn did before?" I said, remembering the 'incident' that happened when I first got here.

"No- Well, yes a little, and her name is Princess Twilight... and the official term is Alicorn. My magic is transformation magic." She said.

"Really? Can all changelings do that?" I said, not amused in the slightest.

"Yes, but... eh... I can only do earth ponies... if I do Unicorns or Pegasi, my wings or horn won't appear. It will be the same as you see now... I'm good at other magic though too, like levitation and-and... Uhh..." She said, levitating a stick with her aqua aura and writing a list in the dirt.

"Woah, Now that's a pretty cool trick... Can you levitate me?!" I said, excitedly.

She just looked at me strangely and suddenly from far away a small whistle came up.

"Wait what time is it!!" Navi shouted, looking through a nearby window at a clock.

"What's up?" I asked, putting my hand on her... chitin?

Now that we we're in better light than the forest, the castle or that alleyway I could see that her skin was a paler light blue and her wings were a lighter violet than I thought. That's probably what she said when she meant she had a defect.

"OH NO! Hurry!" She said, cloaking herself with blue flames.

Instead of a blue changeling, standing there was a blue pony with with a light purple mane and green eyes. I just noticed that on her flank was a set of golden triangles.

"Why do you have a triforce on your flank?!" I asked, rather surprised.

"Huh? I dunno, Its my cutie mark and I don't control it." She said, shrugging.

That looked very awkward considering that she was a pony.

"Now, what were we late for again" I asked as another train whistle blew behind us.

"The train to appleloosa!!" She shouted, taking my hand in her hoof.

She had quite a grip for something so small. It really wasn't a huge run to the train station, since I was pulled half that way. It also turns out that the train was going to be delayed because of buffalo... Really? I mean don't buffalo live in plains? There was no plains for miles! Well, also a restock was mainly the cause of the delay.

"Well we got a bit of time so, hurry up into the coal cart." She said, leading me around the ticket booth and the security.

She lead me to a small ladder on the side of a very colorful train cart... thing. I climbed up it as silently as I could. Thankfully there was still some room left from the coal restock. I jumped in, getting my clothes very sooty, as well as Navi. When she hit the coal, she transformed back into a changeling and buried herself in the coal, getting herself fully blackened.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"This is how I have to get to Appleloosa... The coal cart is the only place where we won't get caught, as long as they don't run out of coal." She answered, coughing, and avoiding my first questing entirely.

I just flopped my hand in my face and sighed.

"This is going to be a loooong trip..." I said as the train lurched.

Thank god that the train didn't have a face... and could talk like a very creepy kids show I loved when I was 3 or so. I settled back and took out the black crystal.

I spun it in my hands, hoping not to turn into a wolf. Luckly it didn't feel like playing today. I slid it back in and took out the bottle with the note.

"OOH is that a message in a bottle?" The sooty changeling filly asked, as she shook of most of the coal dust back onto the coal.

"I guess, Wait, I never did tell you how I got here, did I?" I said to her.

She shook her head, coal dust falling onto me this time. I sighed and adjusted my back against the wall.

"Well, It a long story... Do you want to hear about that morning or just get to the point... after all we have a long ride ahead." I asked her.

"Start from the beginning. It would be like the stories I would hear Princess Twilight read when I would live there..." She said, starting to get a little sad.

I grabbed her and held her close. I put her on my shield and took a breath.

"Ok, so It all started when I woke up..."


I yawned as I sat up on my bed, my Link costume hanging up on my doorframe. Today was the day of some kind of convention Gavin introduced me to. I got up and went out in the hall. As usual there was my breakfast and a note from my mom. I picked it up and read it aloud to no one in particular.

Dear Heather, My little ray of sun

Once again, your breakfast is on the counter and some orange juice is in the fridge. Today is going to be a bit different, sweetie. I volunteered to work late shift on my work scedule and I won't be back until later tonight. I left you around 300 dollars under the plate to spend at that Con you and Gavin are going to later today. I hope you have fun! Make sure you have enough for the bus ride home.

Love, your mom, Janice.

I sighed as I read the note.

"GREAT! Now she's taking late shifts... Whats next, We'll move to her work?" I said to myself as I ate my breakfast of eggs and pancakes.

I flipped on the TV and passed a show on a channel called The HUB. It was called My Little Pony. The scene showed a wierd dragon hybrid threatening six very colorful horses. I looked at it for a minute then flipped past it, bored. I settled on a show on netflix and ate my breakfast in peace. Soon the phone ran. I put down my plate and grabbed the phone. It was Gavin.

I answered it and said "WAZZZUPP!!!!"

"Hello to you to Heather. You ready?" He said, sounding pumped up.

"Wait, we're going this early? I thought we we're going at like 12 or so. Y'know, so we can have lunch on the way."

"It's 12:14 right now... Did you sleep in again?"

"OH! That explains why my pancakes were cold..."

"Heh heh... Just get your costume on and I'll meet you at your house, 'Kay?"

"'Kay, Bye." I said, hanging up.

I ran up to my room, grabbing the money on the way up, and threw on my constume. I looked in the mirror and smiled. It wasn't exact, the Master Sword was made of foam and the shield was made up plastic, but it was still Impressive. I ran back downstairs and stacked up some pillows and attached a NerfTM Gun to the side of it. I swung my sword several times and surprisingly the gun fired a foam bullet at me, right in the chest. It didn't hurt but it caught me off guard. I fell on the ground, laughing and coughing. I sat up and soon there was a knock at my door. I quickly threw the pillows back and threw the gun behind the TV. I answered the door and outside was...


Author's Note:

I only have one thing to say.... WE'RE ON TRAIN, A TRAIN!!! Anyways, What does the triforce mean on Navi's flank? Why are the duo going to Appleloosa? Will I ever get a one shot written? All that (And more!) will be answered... IN THE NEXT EPISODE/CHAPTER!!!

P.S you guys are going to hate me for this but, this is the one thing that popped in my head when I did this...

I'M SORRYYYYY!!!! :raritycry::raritydespair: I'M A BAD PERSON I KNOW!!! BUT MY BROTHER WATCHES THIS ALL THE TIME SO IT'S CONSTANTLY IN MY HEAD!!! IT'S PURE PAIN AND AGONY!!! :fluttercry::raritycry::flutterrage::raritydespair::fluttershyouch::fluttershbad:

Will you forgive me? I baked you all a cake...

And yes, I decided to put the link to the LoZ:TP crystal now. So sue me.

Wait, here's a better one!

P.P.S. Yes, I know the HUB was renamed. I wrote this chapter before it happened/I heard about it. So yeah, again, Sue me.

No GIF this time sorry... The GIF Wizard has left the building!!!!

If you catch any spelling or any errors in general, tell me and I'll fix them.