• Published 20th Sep 2014
  • 4,009 Views, 132 Comments

The Non-Equestrian Equestrian Hero - New Dawn

When two Zelda fans attend a convention and get sent to Equestria, What happens? One goes crazy with power and tries to kill the other! Oh yeah, A changeling gets mixed up as well.

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Five: Meeting with the lunar princess...

I yawned as I sat there, watching the trees and hills go by.

"Are we there yet?!" I said in my most annoying voice ever for the hundredth time.

The pony just looked back and sighed.

The pony beside him looked at me irritated and screamed "WE'LL GET THERE WHEN WE GET THERE!!!"

"What? You should know one thing about some humans: We get bored easily with nothing to do!" I yelled at him.

He just glared at me and returned to talking with his buddy.

"UUUUUUHHHHH..." I said aloud, but not loud enough for the pony to hear.

'What should I call that changeling... Well, she's small enough to fit in my hat... she has violet wings... Tatl! No wait... she's not as annoying as Tatl... Navi! She's not annoying but she cares like navi... I'll see what she thinks.' I thought as I felt the carriage go bump against a stone walkway.

"Are we there yet now!?" I whined, being more annoying than ever.

The pony covered his ears and yelled "YES, YES WE ARE THERE!"

I stuck out my tongue and got out of the carriage. I was escorted up a marble staircase where i was lead to double doors. Inside was another double doors.

"Well this is flawed de- HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SWORD!?" I spoke up as i was wrestled to the ground.

They stripped me of my weapons and my pouch so I was near defenseless. I had my fists but I'm not good at hand to hand combat. They pushed me through the doors and I was met by a dark blue pegacorn. she had her hoof on her face and was shaking her head.

"We- I- told the guards to be kind and gentle but they keep forgeting diplomacy rules..." She said, apologizing.

"Yeah... they need to learn to pack a few magazines in the carriage when carrying humans. I was bored to death in there!" I yelled at her, forgeting she was a monarch.

"Please forgive their efforts. We have never had outsiders come here that were not a Pony, Minotaur or a griffon. Or a dragon for that matter." She said.

Soon a pure white pegacorn walked in. she had a flowing rainbow mane and a sun on her butt. 'I'll call her Sunbutt... seems like other people would.' I thought as I hid a small smile. She sat down opposite side of her sister and stared at me. 'I don't think i like her...' I thought as I wished I had my shield.

"Is this the creature Luna?" The pegacorn asked.

"Wait, You're luna!? You came into my dream!" I said in surprise.

"Wait, that was the bad dream you felt Luna?" Sunbutt said, looking half as surprised as i was.

"Yes Celestia. It is my duty as princess of the night to watch over all creatures is it not? Including ones we do not know much about?" Luna said, Looking at the other pegacorn smugly.

Celestia sighed and said "yes It is Luna, but you could have atleast told me!"

"Uhh, Am I interupping something here?" I said as I watched with interest.

"No, I'm sorry but Luna is supposed to tell me what is happening in the dreams of ponykind." Sunbutt said.

"So you're su-I mean Celestia and she's luna right?" I said, just to be clear.

They both nodded and Luna said "You're a long way from home, aren't you. There has been legends dug up that most ponies, Besides the one I told you about in your dream, just shrug off as myths and fantasies."

"So there's other humans right?" I asked, hopefully.

Celestia shook her head. "Sadly you are the first. The legends are what had most likely slipped through the cracks of the dimensions."

"So, there are other dimestions?" I asked, curious about that.

"Well, acording to what we have left of the theory Starswirl made. We only have about a quarter and even today we have our best unicorn philosophers trying their hoof at solving the theory." Luna said.

I sighed and said "So... I'm stuck here? In a land full of multicolored horses without my best friend. He should be here too..."

Luna looked at Celestia, her eyes full of sorrow. soon there was a knock at the doors and in came a squad of bat-ponies holding Navi.

"Let me go...!" She cried, obviously in pain.

I rushed over and scooped her up in my hat, knocking the two holding her down.

I held her tight and said "Why did they hurt her! You clearly have no respect for the helpless!"

Celestia looked at me, her eyes clearly showing a bit of maddness, and hissed at me "Listen... I've had enough for one day, Its nearly morning and I haven't raised the sun yet, I haven't had my coffee and breakfast, and I won't have some furless ape come in to my palace and show me up."

I glared at her and started to break out in laughter.

"You-you think that you raise the sun! That's the funniest thing I've heard yet!" I said as I laughed at the pony.

"We're done here Luna! If someponies want to mock the Princess of the sun, then let them mock!" She cried as she ran out of the room

Luna walked over and said "I'm deeply sorry for how my sister acted. she's normally not this cranky in the mornings. She usually goes and has a slice of banana cake and coffee before she raises the sun but because of recent events she hasn't had any today."

I sighed and left the room. I gathered my things and left the castle.

"Wait... Now how am I supposed to get back!" I yelled, realizing that I messed up my one chance at transportation.

"Well, we could always try the train. But I highly doubt that the ponies that run the train would let you on..." The changeling said.

"Oh by the way, I was wondering, since you don't have a name, would Navi be good with you?" I asked her.

She nodded and crawled back into my hat. I smiled as I put it back on, making sure she wouldn't fall out. She poked her head out and sat there.

"So... Now what?"

Author's Note:

Yes... I've officially ran out of ideas for this fic!! I've got a youtube now so, check it out here.

Yes, that is also how I make Celestia out to be in the mornings. A banana and cake loving Idiot. Though she isn't an idiot... Here's a video of Celestia and Luna acting like Idiots!!!

EDIT: I was rereading this and I found the best place to put a reference. Yes, that was the only video I could find of that reference.