• Published 20th Sep 2014
  • 4,009 Views, 132 Comments

The Non-Equestrian Equestrian Hero - New Dawn

When two Zelda fans attend a convention and get sent to Equestria, What happens? One goes crazy with power and tries to kill the other! Oh yeah, A changeling gets mixed up as well.

  • ...

Twelve: Sheriff Silverstar and Discord... I think I don't like him.

Author's Note:

I really didn't want to write this chapter, only because I'm tired. Like always... I write these at like, 9:30-10 At night from where I live and plus I had a potluck at my meeting and I got a lootcrate. Check my blog for more info.

EDIT: Today is turkey day and I really have no idea why I don't want to write this.


"I need a catchprase"

"I got one! Life's never dull with me around!"


"We're here ya' know?"

"OOH Doughnuts!"

Wait, that never happened...

Lets get back to the action of... nothing... I'm terrible at narration...

I stepped through the door and into the office of a brown pony with a mustache and a ten gallon hat. He even had a vest, bandanna and a little silver star included. He seemed to have been doing paper when we walked in because he was shuffling some paper and stuffing it in a drawer.

"Yes may ah help- You..." He said, turning around.

"We'd like to claim our reward. We solved those... Flim flam brothers? Was that what they were called navi?" I said, looking at the brown pony and then to navi.

She shrugged.

"Oh, who's problem now?" He said.

I held out the flyer and he read it through.

"Those thieving varmits!" He said as he sprinted out the door.

I saw he left a paper out. it said:

Wanted. Sword for hire, protection etc.

"Hm?" Navi said as she peeked over the table.

I picked up the paper and held it down so Navs could see.

"We should do this! We need bits after all." Navi said.

"I also found this wierd thing outside at the orchard. Its still there though..." Navi continued, staring out the door.

"We'll look at it later." I said, taking a quill and scribbling a note.

I put the note on the desk and walked out the door with navi in tow.

"So what did it look like Navs?" I asked her.

"Well, it was like this glowing... cube... thing... I don't know really. I thought it was a magic bomb so I left it alone." She said.

"Uh. That does sound kind of dangerous, and since this world doesn't have batteries or lightbulbs I'd expect that to be radioactive or something." I said.

She tilted her head at the mention of batteries and lightbulbs.

"Never mind, earth thing."


Suddenly I got a really weird feeling, Like I was being watched by someone I knew. I shrugged it off and continued to walk.

"So, What are we gonna do about it?" Navi said.

"'Bout what?" I said.

"Never mind..." She said, face... Hoofing?


"So, why is there no o- pony around?" I asked her.

"They're most likely afraid of you." She said.

"Why not you. You're equally as scary as I am to the ponies." I said.

"No offence" I added.

"None taken. About the ponies being scared, That's because, Like Braeburn said, I've lived here ever since I was thrown out of the hive. I only need to transform when new ponies are around." She explained.

"Hm. So, When we met, you said something about a queen? Mind elaborating?" I asked.

"Oh you mean queen chrysalis... We, uh, kind of tried to take over the capital of equestria one time... That was before I hatched of course... I only know of this because... It's kind of how I got kicked out..." She said, a bit of pain rising in her voice.

I pulled the changeling closer and gave her a light rub on the head.

"Aw come on! That was in the past! No way anyone would hate you because of a thing your kind did in the past!" I said, laughing a bit.

She pushed me away and said "You'd be surprised."

"So, why'd your kind invade that place?"

"The hive was starving. Our queen needed a source of love to feed them all so... out of starvation, she attacked canterlot..." She explained, sighing.

"Come on, we better find Braeburn." I said.

She nodded and followed.

We walked through the door of Braeburn's house and found it surprisingly empty.

"Where is he?" Navi said, wandering over to the kitchen.

"I dunno." I said.

My eyes wandered over to a note on the coffee table near the couch. I picked it up and read it aloud.

Dear Navi and Human (Heather was it?)

I've gone with my cousin Applejack to check out how Ol' Sweet apple acres is doing. Make sure nothing bad happens to Appleloosa for me. I'll likely be back in a few days or so.

Thanks, Braeburn.

"Aw man, We totally missed saying goodbye..." Navi sighed.

"Well, he'll be back in a couple of days so it's not too bad." I said.

I turned to the window and noticed the sun was going down alot earlier for some reason.

"Why is the sun going down?" I asked Navi.

"Celestia must want her sister to get some attention. I don't blame her. It is a little strange though...Maybe Discord is having a little bit of fun..." Navi thought aloud.

"Uh Discord?" I asked Navi.

"Somepony call?" A voice said out of nowhere.

I swear my eyes grew to the size of dinnerplates when I heard that.

"Oh... for the love of..." I muttered, pulling out my sword in self defense.

"No need to get hostile! I've come just to say hi!" The voice said.

Suddenly in a flash of light a very strange creature was standing before me. It was a weird hybrid of a donkey, dragon, lion, eagle, pony and many other animals. It looked more like chaos than an animal if you asked me. I also nearly fainted as he appeared.

"Discord... Why are you here..." Navi deadpanned as Discord put on his best innocent face.

"Why, If it isn't a changeling! I didn't know changelings knew about me! I guess this makes me famous now!" He said as a feather boa and glasses suddenly popped into existence.

"Discord..." Navi said threateningly.

"Oh come on! I didn't think changelings couldn't have a sense of humor!" He said.

"Uh... Mind explaining what you are..." I said. I was still trying to wrap my head around this.

"Right. As you know from Miss No Humor, I am Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, Yada yada yada." He explained.

He snapped his claw and suddenly there was a teapot and a teacup suddenly floating within his grasp. He poured the teapot and nothing came out. He suddenly drank the cup (I'm serious! he DRANK the cup!) and snapped his claws again, making the teapot disappear.

"So what are we standing around here for?!" He said, annoyed.

"Uh, Discord... Mind explaining again why you're here... and not... wherever your supposed to be?" I asked. Right now, I'm legitimately terrified out of my mind.

"Ah right... A down to the point mare... Or since you're not a pony what would that make you... Geez, Being a good guy really gets to your knowledge..." He muttered, barely allowing me to hear it.

"Ok then... I detected a large amount of chaos magic a couple days ago and I thought I was just feeling things again, but suddenly, Fluttershy had a large black wolf in her house. It was strange but again I ignored it. Long story short, I kept feeling again and I decided to investigate and here we are now!" He explained.

"Uh so, you know Fluttershy?" I said, recovering from his recent outbursts.

"KNOW her?! I LIVE with her!" He cried out, summoning a picture with him and fluttershy.

He snapped his paw and the picture disappeared.

"Oh, Then bye! Fluttershy must be very worried so you mustn't concern yourself with us!" Navi cried out, pushing him out the door.

"Fine. I get the message." He said as he disappeared in a flash of light.

"Why did you push him out!?" I shouted at Navi.

"Trust me. You didn't want him here any longer..." Navi said as she yawned.

"Tired already? It's still about Noon." I teased her.

"Shut up. It's past noon..." She said as she fell in heap.

I started to feel drowsy as well. Soon the floor saying goodnight to my face.

woot! I finally got done with this chapter! I've thought about it and due to this ending, I'm not going with what I planned for thanksgiving. I've got a plan and I want to stick with it. For that and this bad cliff hanger, I'm gonna write D.A tomorrow! Yes also it is planned to do a crossover with Flutters is Shy's Displaced story: Applegate. I only did what I did in this chapter because I have no idea how this will play out. I am quite excited for it too.