• Published 20th Sep 2014
  • 4,009 Views, 132 Comments

The Non-Equestrian Equestrian Hero - New Dawn

When two Zelda fans attend a convention and get sent to Equestria, What happens? One goes crazy with power and tries to kill the other! Oh yeah, A changeling gets mixed up as well.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Last time we left our heroes, they were sneaking on a train and telling backstory! Lets continue!!!

On an unrelated note, I'm probably getting a chapter of D.A up today or a one shot inspired by a video. No promises though.

P.S on another unrelated note, I'm finally writing western pony talk!! It's easy if you lived in the state where it's most common... or the one beside it... I'm talking about Louisiana.

Standing in the doorway was Ganondorf!!! I reeled back in fake surprise and held up my sword.

"I've got you now Link!" Gavin said in a deep voice, holding his hands up.

"Not now, not ever Ganondorf! HIIIYYAAA!" I shouted as I did my best jump attack impression.

I missed him by an inch but he still fell over, crying out "No, you've bested me again!!! Curse you!!"

we both laughed as I helped him up.

"You ready Gavindorf?" I said.

"You've been waiting to use that one, haven't you?" He asked me, opening the car door.

"Yup... pretty much since you told me about this convention." I said, getting in.

He walked around and opened up the other door. While he was opening the door I took a better look at his costume. He looked nearly like Ganondorf, but his facepaint was a bit messy and the hair dye was nearly washed out. He must have accidentally put it on last night or took a shower after he put it on. It was relativity silent during the drive there but when we got there, we burst out of the car and straight in line. Sadly the line was already huge.

"Good thing I got us those special tickets that let us go in right away." He said.

"That was awfully drawn out..."

"Shut your mouth... Link..." He argued back as we walked up to the entrance.

"AHA!! you were trying to counter Gavindorf weren't you!" I said, victoriously.

"....Maybe... But Heather has nothing I can use with link!" He said.

I kept fake-laughing for a while until I got tired and said "Still, Link would beat Ganon anyday"

"No way... Ganon would beat link if Link didn't have the master sword!” He debated as we walked through the entrance

A whistle blew as I stopped telling my 'story'. I peeked over the edge of the cart and saw a vast plain of sand and a few dried up bushes. The next thing I noticed was it wasn't hot like it should be in a sand desert. 'Must be the rare cold kind.' I thought as I shrugged it away.

"Get ready to hop out as soon as the train stop.. Ok?" Navi said.

I nodded and watched as the train slowly pulled into a very wild western looking town.

"GO!" Navi shouted as she pushed me out and over the cart. She grabbed my hand and ran- Well dragged me- behind a building.

"What was that for!" I whispered to her as I got up.

she shushed me and I gave her the evil eye. She waited until the train was fully out of the station before she lead me out from behind the building.

"WELCOME TO AAAAAAPPPLELOOSA Y'ALL!" said a yelllow stallion who just came out of nowhere.

I reeled back in surprise as Navi just stared.

"She has had bad history with ponies just popping out from nowhere.... Ahem... Inkiepay Iepay" She said, with a dull expression on her face.

When did she learn Pig Latin?

"Ahh, Well ah still welcome you to Appleloosa stranger! An' ah see that you gotten better wit' your pony Latin 453." The stallion said, helping me up.

SERIOUSLY... PONY LATIN?? I guess since ponies are herbivores...

"Thanks... What's your name again and how do you know Navi?" I said, a bit dizzy.

"Braeburn is the name, And you're pretty lucky that you arrived today. Mah Cuz' Applejack an' her friends arrived for a visit on the same train y'all did. Oh, An' ah know this changelin' here because she arrived here all beat up an' hurt. Ah couldn't stand to let a young creature like this be stranded all alone-like." He said.

"Um... Care to point out Applejack?" I said, cautiously.

Braeburn pointed a hoof in the direction of a orange pony. She was followed by a pink bouncing pony, a yellow pony with a pink mane, a white unicorn with a purple mane, a purple.... Pegacorn... and a blue Pegasus...

"CRAP!!! Navi... We might need to get moving!!" I said, not wanting to get into another fight.

"Why y'all leavin' so soon? It's jus' mah cousin and her friends..." Braeburn said, stopping us.

"Look, if you want to have a fight go down, then don't let us leave but-" I started.

"Hey!! Y'all better stay away from mah cousin!" I heard the orange one shout.

I looked over Braeburn's shoulder and saw 6 colorful ponies racing towards me.

"BRAEBURN! HELP OR DO SOMETHING!" I yelled I ran behind a building, Pulling navi along. .

I saw he looked at me, and stopped the stampede of ponies. there was a very awkward silence as I peeked out from behind the building.

"Jus' what is the meanin' of this Braeburn!" Applejack, shouted.

She hoofed at the ground as she said that. I could tell that they meant business.

"Now Jus' wait a minute here Cus, Ah don' know what got ya all frusterated about this creature, She seems friendly enough to me." Braeburn said.

I facepalmed as he finished that sentence.

"Great now that makes me sound like I'm a liar..." I muttered under my breath.

"This... thing... attacked poor Fluttershy!"

Oh, god help me, when I get on better terms with you them I'm going give you the talking of a life time...

"Accually... Um.. Applejack... I protected it..." I heard Fluttershy say.

"Now, hush Flutters. You know that ain't true and you're jus' sticking up for that thing." Applejack said.

"Actually... No, You're the one that's lying 'Jack!" I yelled at her.

"Heather!" Fluttershy came rushing at me and knocked me over as she got me in a death lock of a hug.

"I missed you" She said in between sobs.

I looked up and saw many shocked pony faces, but the most shocked was Applejack's.

She was literally standing stiff with a look of shock on her face. I could just imagine a bold white Deal with it come up and a pair of those black shades go on my face at this minute as I comforted Fluttershy.

"It's ok... I'm here... I'm sorry I left... Tensions were high and I was most likely gonna get sent to pony jail." I whispered to her.

"Well, are we done here?" I heard Navi say.

Fluttershy climbed off of me and helped me up. 'Ok.. This is awkward....' I thought as I was met with five very shocked faces.

"Deal with it." I said, always wanting to do that.

The pink one was the first to react.

"Now THAT was a plot twist! Wasn't it folks!?" She said, facing nothing.

"Uhh.. Pinkie? What are you looking at?" The rainbow maned nuisance said.

"Nothing~!" She said in a sing-song voice.

"Right..." She said as she turned her attention back at me.

I looked at the orange one. Still shocked? Check. Maybe dead? Eh, I'll leave that one unchecked for now.