• Published 20th Sep 2014
  • 4,009 Views, 132 Comments

The Non-Equestrian Equestrian Hero - New Dawn

When two Zelda fans attend a convention and get sent to Equestria, What happens? One goes crazy with power and tries to kill the other! Oh yeah, A changeling gets mixed up as well.

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Ten: Insert chapter name here....

I yawned as I sat up from my place on the couch. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"GOOOD MORNIN' AAAAAAAPPLELOOSA!" A voice called from the kitchen.

I looked around in surprise and saw Braeburn was shouting out his kitchen window. He obviously didn't take into account that someone here isn't a morning person. That's me by the way...

"Mornin' Braeburn..." I mumbled, shaking sleep from my head.

I staggered into the kitchen where I already saw three ponies sitting there, Twilight, Applejack and, surprisingly, Navi. She was looking pretty drained.

"Oh hello, you're up!" Twilight said, greeting me with a smile.

Applejack greeted me with a scowl and a sort of whinny-growl.

"Well, Good morning to you..." I said to her.

She met me again with a glare. She really hated me. What did I do?! I sat down next to Navi and soon I was served a very strange pancake. It had hay sticking out from the edges.

"Ehh... I'm.... not hungry..." I said, pushing the place away.

Navi did the same. Seems like changelings have a different diet.

"Ah forgot that 5- Ah mean Navi- has a different diet than most ponies and changelings. Ah guess it's the same with you Hoomins..." He said, pulling out some kind of smoked fish from the drawer.

He looked at it in disgust and put two slabs on a plate. He slid them across the table, forks and all, and it landed in front of me.

"Y'know, Ah'll nev'r understand why ya'll can stand eating that..." Braeburn said, shaking his head.

"Its because if a changeling can't have love or emotions we're naturally Omnivores, more toward the carnivore side though. You've seen our fangs!" Navi said, inbetween bites.

I cut off a piece and tested it. It tasted like normal fish. After that I scarfed it down like Navi was doing. After having no food for around 3 days I was STARVING!! I looked up and saw Twilight was taking notes on a small pad of paper. She looked up, expectant for an explanation on my species.

"Uh... Humans are naturally Omnivores too?"

That's all I could say with out scaring the poor ponies.

“Interesting…” She muttered, looking back at the pad of paper.

“So, about where you live…” She said, levitating the pencil back on the table.

“AAAND We’re done here!” I said, covering my ears with my hands.

I REALLY don’t want to talk about earth and the wars, global warming, humans eating other animals… and other stuff. The ponies stopped what they were doing and stared at me. It was very awkward… I continued to shovel fish in my mouth silently. Applejack smirked… This strikes me as not like her. I really don’t know how I knew that… maybe it was when she was protective of her cousin… I dunno. I suddenly heard noises coming from down the stairs. I turned and saw Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Pinkie walking down the stairs (Hopping in pinkie’s case.)

“Good morning poni- I mean Appleloosa!” Pinkie pie shouted as she joined us at the table.

I hate morning people. How can they be that happy in the morning???

“Morning Pinkie.” Twilight said.

“Goodly good morning to you too, Twilight!!” She said, giggling.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. She wasn’t even using proper English, or horsish… WHATEVER THEY CALL IT HERE, OK!?

“I hate morning people…” I muttered.

“Why?” Asked twilight.

She must have overheard me.

“I’m not a morning person. I like to sleep in and stuff. Shouldn’t you know this?” I snapped at her, still a little groggy.

She recoiled back with surprise and fear.

“I’m sorry… I’m not myself in the mornings…” I said.

“I forgive you. I’d better go wake rarity up. We have to leave on the early morning train to canterlot. I need to see the princesses.” She said, walking out of the room.

I nodded and flopped back in my seat. I suddenly heard Rainbow snickering and I turned and glared at her.

“I’m sorry but nice bedmane!” She said, inbetween burst of laughter.

I grabbed a mirror and looked in it. Sure enough, my hair was a mess, like it always is in the mornings. One half was in crazy knots and the other was tangled but frizzy. But, that’s when the important thing hit me… My previously green eyes had turned into blueish colored eyes, That’s when it actually sunk in. I though it was just the sword and shield, but no, I was actually link. I wanted to scream so badly right now. You have no idea how weird, awkward, and scary this is for me. I excused myself and ran outside, with navi following.

“What’s up, heather?” She asked, concerned.

“I’m freaking out, ok!?” I said, trying to remain calm.

"Why?" She asked, tilting her head.

"You... remember how I got here... right?" I asked her.


"Well... It turns out that the sword and shield are not the only things that became real..."

She tilted her head at this.

"The costume came real... There is no way to word that sentence to sound not creepy..." I said, muttering the last part to myself.

She looked me over and said "I don't get it."

I facepalmed and sighed.

"That's because you met me as I am now..." I explained.

She still just looks at me and says "I don't get it."

Another facepalm to my face.

"Never mind.... We need money... why don't we go get a job or somethin'." I said to Navi.

"Ok!" She said.

I poke my head in through the front door of Braeburn's house and said "Braeburn! Me and Navi are gonna see if anyon- I mean anypony needs help!"

I notice at a local bulletin board it has several sword for hire things. On that token... thing... I said I was, Or rather I was planning too.... AUGH LIFE IS CONFUSING NOW!! Never mind... I'll just find who needs help. I pulled one off that says:


HELP OH HELP! Parasprites have somehow found their way into our orchard!

Requesters: Flim & Flam

Reward: 1,000 Bits

See sheriff silver star for reward.

I'm gonna assume that bits are the currency here. I grab Navi and head toward a huge orchard of apples that was noticable from a mile away.

"Oh, Well, You're a strange looking creature..." Said a cream yellow unicorn with a mustache.

"Yes indeed, Flim, But we need all the help we can to get rid of these ghastly parasites!" an identical one said, except he didn't have a mustache.

Suddenly a pink little bug with blue eyes flew in front of the duo. They gasped in fear and ran away.

"Seriously..." I deadpanned.

Suddenly it spewed a green fuzzy ball of green fur with red eyes. it sprouted wings and flew off, devouring an apple whole. I looked at it in disgust.

"Uhhhh..." I said, not knowing what to think.

"Those are parasprites, heather." Navi said, batting the green one away.

"Oh... we better do something then..." I said grabbing an apple. I set it in my shield and whistled. All the parasprites looked at me. they saw the apple and ran towards me.

"NAVI!! When I say go, you send this apple flying as far as you can!" I yelled at her.

She nodded and grabbed my shield. I grabbed some spare rope and quickly tied my shield to two branches. Just as they got close enough I yelled, but it couldn't be heard over the roar of a million tiny wings. Navi let the makeshift slingshot go and send the apple flying through the sky. It fell over the horizion, the tiny winged parasites following.

"Oh you-" The mustached one began to say.

I cut him off and said "You two better be careful. Who know's what would have happened if those things got into town."

I glared at them. They looked down, sadly. I nodded with self-satisfaction and left to get our reward.


Author's Note:


*Ahem* Anyways! GIF/PICS OF THE DAY!!

And now yesterdays GIF/PIC

EDIT: All above was from a week ago. I'm tired and you all are lucky that I worked on this chapter over my vacation. I'm going to bed... Bye. Also which one is flim and which one is flam? I can't remember XD