• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 37,276 Views, 2,740 Comments

The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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Lending a Chaotic Hand

Chapter 50

AJ seemed to be in her own little world as she worked Applejack’s udder. Since she and Ditzy left her parents house that day, she could only really think about Knight. Even as Applejack tried getting her attention, she just continued to stare ahead. It wasn’t until Applejack poked her head that she got any kind of reaction.

“Mmmmf, A-are ya almost done?!” Applejack asked as AJ continued to milk her. Since Discord’s sickness had lasted longer than they had hoped it would, Applejack and AJ needed to work out a milking schedule. If they didn’t, those days spent as a cow would have been much more unbearable. In the end, they decided that AJ would take a quick stop to her room each day when she got back from her daily visit to Ditzy’s parents house. She claimed the visits were for Knight’s sake, but Ditzy knew it was because AJ was being emotionally clingy and couldn’t stand to be away from Knight for too long right now.

“Huh?” AJ blinked a couple times before looking at the orange cow. Oh, sorry. My minds kinda on something else right now. Anyway, yea. Almost done. It’s a good thing we’ve been doing this every day now. It goes so much faster. Much less embarrassment for both of us,” AJ said as she felt her face begin to heat up. She remembered the first day she had to milk Applejack and the...’explosive’ results that came with it.

“Y-yer not kiddi-ah.” Applejack’s face was flushed red as she tried to hold back her moan. “Hopefully Discord’ll b-be better soon so he ca…” Applejack was cut off as a wall of magic suddenly burst through the wall, and straight for them. “What in tarnation?!”

The wall ran through both of them, causing them both to flinch. After a few seconds of nothing happening, AJ chanced opening her eyes. The first thing that he saw was Applejack, which made sense since she was right in front of her before.

But that’s not was surprised her. What surprised her was the fact that the Applejack standing before her wasn’t a cow. She was a pony. A normal, everyday pony. AJ’s eyes widened as she took her free hoof and quickly felt between her legs.

Make that his legs.

A smile began forming on his face as he felt the all too familiar feeling of his long, lost equipment. But before he could become too overjoyed, he heard Applejack clear her throat; causing him to look at her. “A-Ah don’t think ya need ta be, uh...grabbin’ me down there anymore.” Her face was still crimson red.

It took AJ a moment to realise what she was talking about before he looked to where his right hoof was. More specifically, what it was still gripping. His own face grew red as he quickly removed his hoof from Applejack’s teat. With AJ no longer feeling her up, she quickly got off of the table and sat down to try to calm herself down.

For about half a minute the two of them just sat there; neither of them knew what to say. “So...I believe it’s safe to say neither of us will speak of this ever again,” AJ said in an unreadable tone.

Applejack was about to respond, but before she could, her bedroom door burst open to reveal an exceptionally happy, pregnant pegasus on the other side. “AJ, Applejack, look! I’m a mare again! Discord’s magic is gone! What about you two, are you back to…” She finally noticed Applejack and AJ sitting in the middle of the room, both back to normal, with flushed faces. It didn’t take her too long to piece everything together. She knew AJ had been milking Applejack over the week. She was there when they made the schedule. “Let me guess, the two of you changed back mid milking, and AJ still had his hooves all over your lady bits?” she asked with a smirk.

AJ slightly noded. “Y-yea, pretty much.”

“Well then what’s the problem? It’s not like you were helping her rub one out or something like that.” The reaction on both ponies faces were both priceless, and very telling. “Is...is there something you’re not…”

“No!” both AJ and Applejack said at the same time.

“Then why are you acting like that, hmm?” As she stared the two of them down, she noticed AJ give Applejack a silent look saying he had to tell. He knew better than to get on Ditzy’s bad side.

“Well, I assure you the we did not lie about the reason I came here every day, see?” Using his magic, he pulled the two thirds full bucket of milk out from behind the two of them. “Applejack really did need to be milked. The, uh...little piece of information we both left out the other day was that…” He hesitated as he looked at Applejack again,. “Was that Applejack is really sensitive down there, and she would always get worked up while she was milked.” He mouthed sorry to the orange mare

Ditzy took that information in as it slowly dawned on her. “So...the other day, when you asked me to ‘help’ you in the bath…”

“It had been days without her being milked, and with the extra time it took, Applejack was pushed over the edge.” AJ glanced over at Applejack who had since covered her face with her hat to hide her shame.

“And because of that, you got worked up.” AJ nodded his head in shame. Ditzy nodded her own head as a smile grew on her face. “Well, now that that’s all dealt with, come on. Let’s go see the others.”

Both AJ and Applejack looked dumbfounded. “You’re...not mad?” asked AJ.

“Even though we hid th’ truth?”

“But you weren't lying...kinda. Just not telling the whole truth. Just don’t let it happen again, or you’ll both be leaving here with matching casts. Now come on I wanna go see my little muffin.” With a bright smile, Ditzy trotted out of the room.

AJ swallowed a lump in his throat. “I’ll...talk to you later,” AJ said before quietly following Ditzy out of the room.

Being alone in the room, Applejack had a moment to think this through. After what just happened, she knew it was only right to let Rarity know what happened. It was just the right thing to do. She let out a deep sigh. “Ah hope Rarity’s not goin’ ta be too mad ‘bout this.”


“Hey, where are the two of you going?” Twilight asked as she trotted towards AJ and Ditzy.

The two ponies stopped and turned towards the light purple unicorn unicorn. “Well somepony looks happy,” AJ said when he saw the bright smile on Twilight’s face.

“Aren’t you?” She asked as she caught up with them. “Everypony in the castle is celebrating now that everything’s back to normal.”

“Of course we’re happy. We just already had our celebration,” Ditzy said with a smile.

“Well you did at least. We just had a heaping tablespoon of embarrassment,” AJ said under his breath. “Aaanyway, we’re just on our way to go see Knight and Dinky. With Discord’s magic gone, we figured now would probably be a good time to go get the two of them.”

“Besides, I don’t think Knight really likes it over there very much. He’s been almost too calm. He hasn’t been eating like he was when he first went to stay with them, and he hasn’t acted up at all in the past couple days. It’s kinda freaky. Even mom and dad are getting worried.”

“It’s possible he’s just not used to spending so much time away from ponies he’s familiar with.”

“I hope that’s all it is. I’d hate to leave on the trip if he’s getting sick. Probably have to postpone it until he could get better. Either that or bring him with so we’re never too far away. But that wouldn’t be a very good idea.” AJ looked deep in thought as he turned back towards the entrance. “We should hurry. If something’s wrong with Knight we should be there with him.”

Ditzy recognised the look on AJ’s face. It was the face of a concerned parent. It’s one she’s had plastered on her face every time Dinky was sick or hurt. Right now, AJ was a pony on a mission. “We’ll talk to you later Twilight. Leave us some celebratory cake. With Ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.”


“So, Discord’s magic is finally gone for everypony it seems,” Nimbos said with a smile as Ditzy and AJ stepped through the door.

“Yea. The castle’s all celebrating right now,” AJ said as he looked around for the two foals.

“We’d be right there with them, but we figured, with everything going back to normal, it would probably be okay for the kids to come back to the castle. Also, AJ’s worried sick about Knight.”

“Where is he anyway?” AJ asked as he looked into the kitchen; earning him a dirty look from Amethyst for being rude. He backed off slightly with a sheepish grin. “I was kinda hoping he would be happily playing now that it’s all over.”

“Well unfortunately, a little after the two of you left, the little dear said he wasn’t feeling very good,” Amethyst said with a slight shake of her head. “Stomach flu, I think. We gave him a little something to settle his stomach and took him up to bed.”

“So he was getting sick,” AJ said as he lay his ears back.

Ditzy placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder. “What about Dinky? Where’s she at?”

“She should still be upstairs with Knight. I believe she was coloring when I last went to check on them not too long ago,” Nimbos said with a hoof to his chin.

“Could I go see him please?” AJ asked wanting to go see his son.

“Of course. He’s up in Ditzy’s old room. Come with me,” Amethyst said as she lead AJ through the house.

Dinky looked up as the door to the room opened up and notices as AJ poked his head through. Her eyes grew bright and a smile grew on her face. “Hi da…” Dinky quickly covered her mouth with her hooves to silence herself as she turned and looked to the bed. Knight was still sleeping soundly despite her outburst. She smiled before turning back to AJ who was quietly walking into the room up to her. “Hi daddy,” she whispered to the stallion who bent down to hug the filly.

“Hey my little angel,” he said as he nuzzled the little fillies cheek. “Have you been watching over Knight for me while I was away?”


“That’s my girl. Hey, you’re mom’s downstairs, why don’t you go say hi to her,” he said as he rustled her mane.

“Okay,” she said with a bright smile before hopping out of the room.

AJ could hear Amethyst scolding Dinky for bouncing around the house before he closed the door. He looked at the bed where Knight continued to sleep away. He walked over to the bed and sat down before he slowly reaching over to run a hoof through Knight’s mane. “Knight.” He smiled as the foal began to stir. “Wake up Knight.”

Knight’s eyes slowly opened. When he saw the indigo stallion’s smiling face hovering above him, a weak smile came to his face. “Daddy. You’re back.”

“Yea, I’m back,” AJ said with a chuckle. He leaned down to nuzzle the foal and feel his forehead. As he feared, the foal had a fever. “Oh Knight, if you weren’t feeling good why didn’t you just say so?” Knight turned his head with a groan; mumbling something into the pillow. “Hmm?”

“...didn’t wanna worry you.”

“Didn’t wanna worry me? I’m your dad. It’s my job to worry about you,” AJ said with a smile. His smile began to falter when Knight let out a groan and began clutching his tummy. “Aww, starting to feel icky again?” Knight nodded his head before AJ ran a hoof through his mane again. “Okay, I’ll go get you something to settle your tummy and let you go back to sleep then.”

AJ stood up from the bed and left the room. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, he was greeted by Ditzy’s smile. She was sitting on the floor with Dinky. “How’s he doing?”

“Could be better.” He turned to Nimbos who was sitting in his big, comfy chair. “I hate to impose, but would it be okay if Knight stayed here until he got better? It’s still cold out, and it would probably just make it worse if we took him back to the castle.”

“Of course it’s fine. I’d hate if he ended up getting even more sick. Speaking of, you need to watch out little filly, we don’t need you getting sick too,” Nimbos said to Dinky.

“I won’t get sick. Mommy bought me some yummy vitamins that I take every day,” she said with pride.

“Trust me, vitamins only do so much,” AJ said with a slight smile. “By the way, what did you give Knight before to help settle his stomach? He may need a little more?”

“Just a bit of ginger ale. There’s more in the fridge if you need it. Just ask Amethyst for a glass.”

“Thanks,” AJ said with a slight nod of his head.


AJ and Ditzy decided against staying at her parents house for too long. Dinky decided to stay to help watch over Knight. They may not be related in any way, but the two of them are close enough to be blood related siblings. They probably would have stayed longer, but AJ didn’t like being under the scrutinizing gazes he was getting now that he was a stallion again. “You know, those visits were a lot easier when you were the one with the balls,” he said as the two of them closed in on the castle. “They may not be saying it, but I can still feel their judging eyes.”

“I know, but please give them a break. They’re whole perception of who is and isn’t a nice pony kinda got messed with when...’He’ showed his true colors.”

AJ let out a sigh. “I know, I know. Just tired of spending my entire life feeling like I’m being judged, or that I’m the bad guy.”

Ditzy laid her ears back as she looked at AJ. “I’m sorry if they make you feel uncomfortable. They are trying though. I mean, you managed to have a full conversation with them today and nothing too bad was said.”

AJ looked back at the mare. “Yea, I guess you’re right. Probably the best conversation with them since I first met them.”

Ditzy noticed the slight smile that started to form on his face. “And if you’re still feeling down, we could just relax when we get back to the room and I could scratch you behind the ear again. It’s always helped you relax before.”

AJ let out a chuckle. “You know me too well.”

The mare couldn’t help but smile. “I think I like you better like this. A lot easier to read, and MUCH easier to make happy.”

As the two of them got the the castle, the guards looked them over before letting them in. Before the doors were closed behind them, the two ponies noticed the others in the room. “Are you sure there’s nothing else you’re forgetting?” Celestia asked as she and Discord walked through the foyer of the castle.

“Hey, I said I was sorry,” Discord said with a smirk. “Besides, I think you look adorable without your hair. You’re little, pink tail is just too cute.”

“I know for a fact it wasn’t my tail you were looking at,” Celestia said with a slight blush on her face. “I know what you did the other day wasn’t done on purpose, but it’s still your responsibility to make sure everything goes back to the way it was.”

“I already told you, fixing everything was as easy as a snap…” Discord snapped his finger and popped over to the other side of Celestia. “...of my finger. Everything should be back to nnnnn…” Discord suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned towards the two ponies that just entered the castle, AJ specifically “Hello. It looks like I did forget something after all.”

AJ started slowly backing off as the draconequus approached him. “What do you want?”

Discord stroked his beard with a contemplative look as he stopped before the stallion. “Hmmm, you look familiar. Now where do I know you from.” He lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. Both AJ and Ditzy became engulfed in a bright pop for a moment before the two of them were, once again, gender swapped.

AJ looked over herself for a second. “Hey!”

“Oh now I remember you! You’re the crazy mare who was screaming and shouting at me the other day.” He let out a happy sigh as he remembered all the chaos he accidentally caused the other day; snapping his fingers to change them back. “Ahh, good times.”

AJ grit his teeth as he stared at the draconequus. Ditzy could see AJ’s body tensing up. She put a hoof on his shoulder. “Hey, are you alright?”

He let out a furious snort to try to calm himself down. “I promised Princess Celestia that I wouldn’t have another outburst like the one in the throne room. I’m pretty sure ramming my hoof down this jackass’ throat would count as an outburst.” AJ glared at Discord with a snort before grabbing Ditzy by the leg. “Come on Ditzy, let’s get out of here.”

“Good idea,” Ditzy said before following AJ around Discord.

Both of them stopped in their tracks when a whistle sounded behind them. “Stop where you are, we’re not done here.

AJ let out a grunt before turning to face the draconequus. “What in the hell do...you...want?” Discord was nowhere to be seen.

AJ’s attention was quickly gained when he heard the end of a pole being slammed on the tile floor behind him. When he turned, he saw Discord standing there with a stop sign in his hand. He was wearing a police pony’s outfit and had the whistle in his mouth. He blew it one more time before letting it drop. “I was tasked by Celestia to make sure I fix all magical mishaps before I can finally go to my scheduled tea party with Fluttershy. And There’s something about you that just doesn’t add up.”

AJ stared at Discord like he was crazy. Which I think everypony would admit that he is crazy, but that’s beside the point. He had no idea what he was talking about. “What the hell are you…”

AJ was interrupted as Ditzy tapped him on the shoulder. “AJ, you don’t think he means the transformation, do you?”

“Transformation you say?” came Discord’s voice from just to the side of them. They both turned to see his face mere inches away with a smile on his face. “Oh hohoho! I knew something was up. Now comes the fun part. Trying to guess what you truly are. Could it be a griffon?” he asked as he snapped his fingers, turning AJ into a griffon with a metal claw. “How abow about a deer?” He snapped his fingers yet again; changing AJ’s form to a majestic looking deer with a slender, metallic leg. “Or maybe a legendary sea pony?” Snapping his fingers again, AJ transformed into a seapony, complete with an adorable little metal fin, and fell to the floor. Discord’s eyes widened as he watched AJ struggled on the ground for air. “Woops! Forgot they couldn’t breath out of water.” With a quick snap of his fingers, AJ was changed back into a unicorn and quickly took a loud draw of air. “Sorry about that.”

“That’s enough, Discord,” Celestia said with a demanding tone.

“Oh lighten up. I was just having a little fun. It’s kinda hard to find something fun to do when you’re locked in a magical bubble for days on end you know.” He lifted his hand and snapped his fingers once again.

AJ transformed once again, but not into any sort of magical Equestrian creature this time. When he looked down this time, he noticed the distinct lack of a muzzle. Looking down even further, his forelegs were now arms. The right was flesh colored, and the left metallic. Looking down at the rest of him, he saw the rest of his human body. “What the hell?!”

“Hello. Well this is new,” Discord said as he examined the fleshy ape thing before him.

Ditzy watched with wide eyes as AJ struggled to get to a sitting position, almost as if he needed to get used to his old limbs again. “You’re a human again.”

AJ was busy patting himself down to make sure this wasn’t a dream again. “Is that what you call this thing? It’s hideous.” He snapped his fingers, changing AJ back into a unicorn. “Still not very pretty, but it’s better than before.” He shook his head before turning towards Celestia. “I’m sorry Celestia, but there’s nothing I can do for this one. I’m afraid he’s a lost cause.”

“He was not a result of your magic Discord. Leave him be,” Celestia said with a stern look. She walked past the draconequus; helping AJ up. “Are you okay?”

“Yea...yea. Just fine,” he said as if he wasn’t entirely paying attention to the princess of the sun. Instead, he continued looking over his body with a look of thought on his face. “Ditzy, why don’t you go back to the room for now. I need Discord for an experiment.”

“An experiment? Oooh, what kind of experiment?” Discord asked as he unzipped his fur to reveal a scientists coat underneath. “Will it include mixing a bunch of potions together until we blow something up?”

“No, nothing like that. I need your magic. Princess, do you know where I could find Applejack and Twilight?”


Applejack opened an eye when she heard a knock on her door. After the small celebration, she retired to her room for a bit of rest and relaxation. Taking on the job of a maid for the castle for the last few days didn’t exactly give her a lot of free time. She spent more time making other people comfortable rather than herself. So now that she had a bit of time to herself, she decided to take a nice, hot shower and have herself a bit of a nap. It wasn’t as nice as sleeping under the shade of her apple trees, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t wish she had a mattress this nice at home.

“Ya can come in,” she said with a yawn.

AJ opened the door; poking his head through the opening before opening it all the way. “Hey Applejack. Hope we’re not intruding on something.”

Applejack stretched her legs as she sat on the edge of the bed. “Nah. Just gettin’ a bit of shuteye.” She thought about what AJ said for a moment. “Wait, we?” When she actually turned to see who was at the door, she saw the other two guests standing behind AJ. Princess Celestia stared back with a smile, while Discord had a look of indifference while he itched the inside of his ear. “Uhh, is somethin’ wrong? An’ why is he here?” She asked pointing an accusatory hoof at Discord.

“What?! Oh Applejack you wound me,” Discord said as he was suddenly lying in a hospital bed; wrapped head to toe in bandages. “I simply came here at the request of him,” he said as he pointed at AJ.

Applejack raised an eyebrow towards AJ. “Don’t worry, Applejack,” Celestia said in a calming tone. "He won’t do anything bad. Will you Discord?”

“Yes, yes. I got the speech already,” Discord said before flicking a bit of ear wax onto the floor.

“At least we hope it won’t turn into something bad.”

“Excuse me?” Discord asked as he slinked over to the side of AJ. “Do you doubt me?”

“Of course I doubt you. You’re bat shit insane.”

Discord gasped and covered his mouth with his paw hand. “I...I can’t believe you said that.”

“Well, it’s t…”

“That’s...one of the nicest things anypony’s ever said to me,” Discord said with a smile.

AJ looked on in disbelief. “What the fu…”

He was interrupted as Celestia cleared her throat. “I’m sorry for interrupting such a...riveting conversation, but I believe we came here for a purpose.”

Finally remembering where they were, AJ turned to face the orange farmpony. “Oh...right.” He turned to Discord with a look of disdain. “Okay, let’s get this over with then. Discord, you’re up I guess.”

“What, exactly, is he up fer?” Applejack asked as she stood up.

“Nothing to worry that silly little head of yours,” Discord said as he stood in front of Applejack wearing a western themed getup. “I just need you to sit...”

“Just get on with it!” AJ complained from the back of the room.

The smile on Discord’s face turned to a disgruntled frown before turning to the unicorn. “Can’t I have a little fun for once?”

“Get on with what?!” Applejack asked.

“This.” Without warning, Discord snapped his fingers.

AJ’s eyes widened when the flash around Applejack went away. Gone was the orange coated Earth pony they all knew. In her place was a white skinned, freckled human woman with a stetson standing on her hands and feet. Her long, blond ponytail curled over her shoulder. She had a well toned body with a nice muscle build. She had wide hips, and powerful looking legs. Her chest looked to be about a c cup. Just from looking at her on her hands and feet, he had to guess she’d probably be somewhere between 5’ 8’’ and 5’ 10’’. “Holy shit it worked,” AJ said in amazement.

“W-w-w-what in tarnation?!” Applejack instinctually reared back in surprise, or at least she tried too. Her new body wasn’t like her original one. It just didn’t move the same way. All she succeeded in was lifting her body up about an inch before falling back down; landing hard on her chin. Her body collapsed to the floor as she clenched her face in pain.

AJ cringed before hurrying over to Applejack’s side. “Shit, you okay?” He could hear Applejack quietly cursing behind her hands. He offered a hoof, only to have it waved off.

“A-ah’m fine, Ah’m fine.” While still on the floor, she looked at one of her new hands. She twisted it around to look at it from all angles. Using her other hand, she pushed herself up into somewhat of a sitting position. Lifting her hand again, she slowly clenched her fist like she had seen AJ do many times. She then turned her head to look down at her legs. She twisted her foot around and curled her toes with a questioning look on her face. She then looked down at the rest of her body.

AJ raised his brow in question when he noticed Applejack’s face slowly turn red. “What’s up?”

Applejack cleared her throat before answering. “Ah, heh...Ah was just wonderin’ what these were doin’ up here,” she said as she pointed at her breasts. “Ya know what, that’s not what Ah should be wonderin’ ‘bout. What in Celestia’s name were ya thinkin’ changin’ me like this?! Ya didn’t even ask!”

“Well, I did mean to ask you before we went through with this. I just got distracted by Discord is all.” He scratched the back of his neck as he sheepishly laughed to himself. “And as for your breasts, that’s where they are on humans,” AJ said with a shrug of his shoulders. “To be honest, I’m actually surprised Discord got it right considering he never even saw a human until a little bit ago.” He couldn’t help but imagine what she would have looked like if her breasts were still down near her groin.

“I resent that remark,” Discord said with his arms folded. “I take pride in my work.”

“Think you can stand?” AJ asked seemingly ignoring Discord.

“Ah..can try.” She took another look at her legs before taking a deep breath. It’s not like she never stood on her hind legs before as a pony. But this was different. Her joints bent in different ways now, and her center of balance wasn’t as close to the ground anymore. To start, she planted both hands on the floor in front of her; using them to balance herself as she got onto her knees.

“Okay, now bring one of your knees forward,” instructed AJ who got to her side to help guide her. He walked her through each step until she had her left foot on the floor. “Now comes the fun part. Place one of your hands on your left knee, or something close by to support your weight, and lift yourself up.”

Not sure if she would be able to support herself on her knee just yet, she extended both hands to find support on the two closest objects. The bed and AJ just so happened to be those objects. Like AJ had told her, she pushed herself up. Using AJ turned out to bad decision though. As she started to lift herself, she dug her fingers into both objects to make sure she wouldn’t slip. As AJ felt her fingernails beginning to dig into his flesh, he flinched in pain causing her hand to slip on his coat as he shifted his body.

Celestia could only watch as Applejack ended up pushing herself on top of the indigo unicorn, causing both of them to land in a pile on the floor. “Are the two of you okay?”

“Yea. Ah’m alright,” Applejack said as she shook her head.

“I’ll be alright once Applejack removes her elbow from my kidney.” Upon landing, Applejack accidentally ended up burying her elbow straight into his side. Even after she moved her arm, the look on his face didn’t change for the better. “Oooh fuck. Feels like I’ll be pissing blood for the next few days.”

“Well, think of it as payback fer not gettin’ mah consent ta do this ta me,” Applejack said with knowing smirk. “Besides, Ah didn’t hit ya in th’ kidney.”

“Okay, I deserved it, but still, ow.” After all the complaining was done with, Applejack finally crawled off of AJ, allowing him to get up. He stretched his body and rubbed the spot Applejack had elbowed before turning back to her. His eyes widened when he saw her sitting on the floor, leaning back on her hands, with her legs spread. Now, it’s not like he didn’t realise she was naked before, but when everything was on display like this, it made that fact all the more apparent. He turned away with a blush on his face. “U-uh Princess, is there a tailor near here that would be able to make us some human clothes?”

“Human clothes?” Celestia asked as she put a hoof to her chin. “We could try the royal tailor. He’s always looking for a bit of a challenge.”

“That’s right, ya did mention somethin’ about always needin’ ta wear clothes.”

“Yea. They’ll keep you warm and cover up any...important bits,” he said as he motioned to Applejack’s chest and groin.

Applejack looked down at her naked body before looking back to AJ who was doing his best to look away. Celestia just smiled at her, and Discord was sitting back eating popcorn as if he was enjoying the show. She frowned as a blush overtook her face. She reached over, grabbing a sheet off the bed and pulling it in front of her. “Ah don’t like this one bit.”

“That’s why we need to get you some clothes,” AJ said as he turned to Celestia. “She’ll probably need a couple pairs of pants, shirts, some underwear…” He stopped to think for a moment. Would a pony be able to make everything they’d need? He did have Rarity make a coat for him awhile back, but she did have to use him as a living mannequin to do so. And a coat is much different than pants and underwear. “I don’t mean to be rude, but would your dressmaker be able to make everything we need? We’d need multiple full sets of clothing for all three of us, and I doubt he’s ever made anything for, let alone seen anything like a human.”

“As I said. He’s always looking for a challenge,” Celestia said as she turned towards the door. “Come with me Discord. We need to go find Twilight.”

Discord rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Fine, but let’s make it quick. Any longer and the tea will be cold.”

“I’ll stay here for now. See if we can’t get Applejack walking a little,” AJ said as he sat next to Applejack.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to be changed right now too? I’m sure a visual aid would help her along,” Celestia asked knowing that visual aids are usually a good way of teaching.

“Naaah. I kinda need to stay a pony for a couple more days at least. Knight’s sick, and I doubt carrying him through the winter air would be a good thing for him.”

“An’ goin’ ta pick’im up lookin’ like this probably wouldn’t open too many doors,” Applejack said knowing the troubles he’s had with Ditzy’s parents. He’s vented about them to her before.

“Exactly. Tell Twilight I’ll be in to help her with her walking as soon as I can. Gotta make progress with Applejack first.”

“Of course.” With a slight nod, Celestia walked out of the room while Discord rode on her back.


Ditzy looked up from her book when she heard the door to the room open. A smile came to her face when she saw AJ slog his way into the room. Her smile waned a little when she saw just how raged he looked. Once he was actually in the room, he lazily kick the door closed. “Well, somepony looks tired.” She only got a groan of acknowledgement letting her know she was right. “Maybe you should have come back to the room with me to relax instead of spending all day on your little...project I guess we’ll call it.”

AJ glared slightly at Ditzy as he reached the bed. “I was curious to see if Discord could do it. Besides, helping them walk was important. What if they needed to go to the bathroom?” he questioned as he crawled onto the bed next to Ditzy; lazily flopping down

“Speaking of which, how did they do? Princess Celestia said you were going to stay with them until they could walk.”

“And they can...kinda. Well enough to get around at least. Going to the bathroom shouldn’t be a problem.”

AJ closed his eyes and stretched his body; shifting around to get more comfortable. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Ditzy looking at him with an expectant look. “Yes?”


“Well what?”

“How did they look?” AJ looked at her in confusion. “You’re a human turned pony. You, out of anypony here, would be the one to check them out and get something out of it. So I wanna know, how do Applejack and Twilight look to you now that they’re humans?”

AJ stared at Ditzy for a moment in slight surprise. He didn’t expect a question like that from Ditzy. It also didn’t help that a slight blush came to his face. “Uhhh…”

“So you did check them out. I knew it.”

“Not like I could help it. They don’t exactly have any clothes right now.” The blush on his face grew even redder.

“I know, but that still doesn’t change the fact that you perved on their poor, exposed, vulnerable bodies.” Ditzy internally cheered as she saw AJ turn away from her in embarrassment. She wasn’t mad at him for looking at Applejacks and Twilight’s bodies like that. He was just helping them learn to walk while they just so happened to be naked. She just wanted to get him back for leaving her alone and bored for the last few hours. “So tell me, which one did you like better, hmm? Which of their bodies did you find more attractive?”

AJ let out a snort as he tried to ignore the pregnant pegasus beside him. She made it very difficult to ignore her as she continued to poke him in the side. With an unamused, and pained, look, he turned to Ditzy; silently begging her to stop. “What do I have to do to get you to stop poking me? It still hurts from when Applejack elbowed me there.”

“Oh, sorry.” She removed her hoof from AJ’s sore side. “Anyway, I’ll stop tormenting you once you answer my question. Which one did you like better?”

AJ sighed knowing there wasn’t any way out of this. He looked in no particular direction as he remembered what the two of them looked like. “Well, Applejack’s built how you’d expect her to be. Wide hips, strong legs and a muscular build. She looked good with that ponytail of hers, but Twilight…” It wasn’t hard to remember Twilight’s body. He had just come from her room. She had an olive colored skin tone, with her three toned hair reaching down to about her mid back. She was thin, but didn’t have much of a build to her. All that time just sitting in the library studying hasn’t exactly given her a toned body. Her breasts were only slightly smaller than Applejacks, and she had much smaller hips than the cowgirl. At full height, she stood about 5’ 4’’ to 5’ 5’’.

AJ thought for a minute about the two of them before letting out another sigh. “If I had to choose, I’d probably have to say Twilight.”

“Any particular reason?” Derpy asked with a cheeky grin.

AJ’s blush came back as he grumbled to himself. “Because...she has a great ass.” He remembered all the times he couldn’t help taking peeks at Twilight’s butt when she would either fall over or bend down for some reason. He made sure to take some mental snapshots for future memories.

Ditzy giggled a little as she started rubbing AJ behind the ear. “I should have known you’d pick the one with the better ass. You’re always very fond of mine.” She could already see him relaxing due to her ministrations.

“Well your ass is amazing. W…” He interrupted himself as a yawn escaped his lips. “Why wouldn’t I be fond of it?”

“Did I say it was a bad thing?” She said with a smile. “I guess I know the perfect way to get you to do something now. A little shaky shake of the hips and you’ll be under my spell. Think I’d be able to get you to paint Dinky’s room? It’s needed a new paint job for awhile now.” She waited for an answer that didn’t come. When she didn’t get an answer, she looked to the stallion in confusion. “AJ?” She stared for a second before giggling to herself. “If you were going to fall asleep on me you should have said something.”

Sure enough, AJ was out like a light. It had been an eventful day, and he was in need of some rest and relaxation. She leaned down to kiss him on the head. “Good night, my sweet prince.”


Author's Note:

For a good representation of human Applejack, i think this would be a decent pic

Pic by Ponut Joe (often does NSFW)

and Twilight (just imagine she has a more olive skin tone here)

Pic by King-Kakapo (also does NSFW)

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