• Published 2nd Nov 2011
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The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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Meeting of the two worlds

Chapter 3

“Spike, I’m home! Could you get some tea ready please?” Twilight was just getting home from a party at Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie Pie had just thrown a party for Gummy because he supposedly said his first word. When she tried to get him to say it again, all the alligator could do was stare blankly into space, blink his eyes out of sink, and squeak. Either way, the party was exhausting. She was ready to relax with a good book or watch some TV. Twilight could just sigh as she continued to shout into the library at Spike. “It was a fun party and all, but there’s just no way Gummy would have been able to speak. The day he does is the day I'll sprout wings, become an alicorn, and live side by side with Celestia and Luna as Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

As she walked further into the library, she began to wonder why Spike hasn’t answered her back. “Spike, are you here?” She looked at the desk where Spike usually left a note if he went out while she was gone. Twilight was about to berate Spike for not leaving a note, but before she could, she heard a crash come from upstairs. “Spike, are you up there?” Worry began to creep its way onto Twilights features. What if something had happened to Spike and he couldn’t’ move. Or what if somepony had broken into the library. She began to slowly walk up the stairs to the house portion of the library. What she saw when she got to the top of the stairs both relieved and confused her.

Standing in the middle of the room, flanked on all sides by the royal guard, were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna with a somber and sad looking Spike riding on Celestia’s back. “Princess, what are you doing here? *gasp* Oh if I would have known you were going to be here I’d…” Celestia put her hoof up to silence Twilight. It was immediately clear that they were not here for a friendly visit.

“Twilight Sparkle, tell me, why were you sent here?” Celestia spoke in a tone that while calm, meant business.

“You mean why I was sent to Ponyville?” Twilight just stared at Celestia and Luna for confirmation. They just glared back. “U-um to make friends and to study friendship?”

Celestia just nodded as she continued to glare a hole through Twilight. “Very good. So tell me, if you’re here to study friendship, why have you been neglecting your oldest and best friend?"

“W-what do you m-mean?” Twilight turned her head to look at Spike as if to ask if he knew what she was talking about. He just turned his head as a tear started to roll down his scaly cheek.

“Oh come on Twilight Sparkle, I thought you were smarter than this!” It was Luna’s turn to speak up now. The words and the tone they were spoken hit Twilight like a slap to the face. She was about to speak up to try to defend herself when Luna continued. “You go and make all these new friends, go to parties and hang out with them all, and while you’re out having fun, you leave Spike here all alone to clean up your mess!”

“But….but but Spike said he didn’t want to come to the party. He said that…”

“STOP LYING!!!” Spike wailed. He was no longer trying to hold back his tears. “Y-you don’t care about me, you don’t love me! I-i’m practically your SON, and you treat me like I’m nothing but your DAMN SLAVE!” Hearing these words coming from Spike, Twilight felt like she had just been stabbed in the chest. Tears were now freely rolling down her cheeks.

“S-s-s-spike, y-you know that’s not true. I’ve always loved…” She was interrupted as Celestia slammed her hoof on the floor.

“That’s enough out of you. I thought you were better than this Twilight Sparkle. I’m afraid I can’t let such acts continue.” Celestia’s tone was now bitter and cold.

“W-what are you going t-to do?” Twilight was shaking from both her sobs and fear.

“There’s only one thing we can do. Captain Aquilinus, if you would.” Celestia took a step back as the captain of the guard stepped forward.

“It would be my pleasure your majesty.” He pulled out his sword and slowly started to bare down on Twilight. Twilight was too afraid to say anything. Princess Celestia, benevolent ruler of all of Equestria and secondary mother figure to her, had just given the order to have her killed.

Twilight slowly started to back away from Aquilinus, but after a few steps, her left hind leg suddenly flared with pain and could no longer carry her weight. She fell to her haunches with a grunt as she stared at her assailant. Without even thinking of the repercussions, Twilight tried to teleport out of the library. Anywhere would do, as long as she was away from this nightmare. As she brought on the spell, a searing pain shot through her head causing her to yelp and collapse onto her belly, covering her head with her fore hooves.

Aquilinus was right on top of her by now. He glared at her with uncaring eyes and an evil grin appeared on his face between the blade in his mouth. “Any last words you uncaring scum?”

Twilight was sobbing uncontrollably by now. How did everything turn out so badly? She tried to lift her head and plead with the Princess, but the pain was just too intense. At this point, she knew her time was up. “…..I’m sorry.” Those were the only words she could think to say. In her head, she mentally started saying goodbye to all of her friends, and cursed herself for not visiting her parents more often. Aquilinus would wait no longer. He brought up his sword and prepared to strike.

Celestia just stood there and grinned. “Do it.” With that, all Twilight heard was the sound of the sword cutting through the air.


“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Twilight woke up and started thrashing around. After a few seconds, she realized she was still alive. She slowly tried opening her eyes, but was immediately punished by an intense throbbing pain in her head. After a minute or two, she tried to open her eyes again. She inched her eyes open but couldn’t see much of anything. Her vision was so hazy she could barely make out her own hoof right in front of her face. As her headache started to subside, she began to realize that her entire body was sore. No matter what she tried to move she would be in some kind of pain. For the moment she gave up trying to do anything and decided to just lie in her bed and try to get comfortable.

As she rolled on her side, she noticed something strange about her bed. It wasn’t as comfortable as it should be and it was very lumpy. Granted her mattress wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but it did its job well enough. She opened her eyes again. Her vision was starting to clear and she could actually make out what was around her. She looked around and saw that she was in a cave. Somepony had lit a fire about 4 feet away from her. She also noticed a sheathed knife, and what appeared to be a forest green hooded sweatshirt lying next to a rock near the other wall of the cave. She then looked down at her bed. It was nothing more than a bunch of leaves and other foliage that had been piled up into a big useable bed. Her saddle bags were at the foot of the “bed”.

She was about to start questioning things when she heard somepony coughing at the mouth of the cave. Twilight turned her head and saw some...thing walking into the cave carrying some fish.

It was nearly as tall as Princess Celestia. It walked on two legs and like Spike, had hands. Though these hands didn’t end in claws. It looked to be overweight and appeared to be male. It was wearing blue jean pants and a black shirt with a golden dragon design on it. On its feet was a pair of black tennis shoes. The parts of its body that weren’t covered in clothes were bald besides the brown hair on top of its head. It had blue eyes she could make out from behind a pair of rectangular glasses, and had a small hoop earring in his left ear. If Twilight had to describe it in as few words as possible, she would have to say it was an 'overweight hairless ape that wore clothes.'

As he walked further into the cave he started talking…to the fish? “Damn fish always make it so difficult to catch them. Always swimming away before I can grab them or bludgeon them with a rock.” His face suddenly turned to a smile. “But I finally caught you didn’t I. Yea, not so tough now that you’re out of the water are you, ya damn fish.” The smile quickly dropped from his face and it blinked a few times. “…Why am I talking to a dead fish? *sigh* I guess I really am going crazy.” He went over to the rock that had the knife by it and put the fish down. He then turned and looked straight at Twilight. “At least it looks like you’re finally awake. Maybe I can have some interaction with something other than myself for once.”

He walked over to Twilight and knelt down in front of her. At this moment Twilight was too confused and afraid to do much of anything other than stare blankly at the thing in front of her. He then lifted the mane from the right side of her head and started getting a closer look. “Yeesh, that’s an ugly looking bruise. That’s going to take awhile to go away.”

‘Bruise?’ Twilight thought. ‘I guess that explains why my head hurts so much.’ As Twilight started going through her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed the thing getting up and moving lower on her body. She didn’t snap out of her thoughts until she felt him touching her left hind leg. She suddenly snapped to attention and blushed as the thing started lifting her leg up. “Hey, hey, HEY! What do you think you’re doing?”

Almost immediately the thing was against the other side of the cave, mouth agape, eyes the size of saucers, just staring at Twililght. They just stared at each other in silence for a few moments that felt like hours before the thing spoke up. “Y-you can talk?”

“Yes, yes I can. Why wouldn’t I be able to?” Twilight asked, feeling more than a little annoyed.

He continued to just stare at Twilight, still in shock at what was transpiring before him. Tired of waiting for an answer she decided to ask again. “Well? Why wouldn’t I be able to talk, hmm?”

“Y-you’re a horse. Horses don’t talk. They can’t talk. It’s impossible.” Suddenly a look of understanding slowly crept onto his face. “Oh I know what’s going on, I must be dreaming. Yea, that’s it. I’ve been here so long with no human interaction, my minds just playing a trick on me.” He started to laugh at himself. “At least I know I’m not going crazy. I’ll just pinch myself to wake myself up and this will all be over.” He proceeded to pinch himself, wincing as he does, and reopened his eyes. “Hokay, now that that’s over, lets check that leg.”

He began to walk over to Twilight once again and she spoke up. “You’re not very smart are you? And why are you so intent on checking my leg? Are you just trying to get a peak?” The anger was clear in her voice at the thought of somepony trying to get a peak at her most intimate areas.

“HOLY SHIT YOU CAN TALK!!!!!” he screamed at near hysterical levels. The thing was once again at the other side of the cave. “HOW CAN A HORSE TALK?!?!?”

“And that’s another thing, stop calling me a horse, I am a pony,” Twilight said mater of factly.


It took awhile before he calmed down enough to be coherent. He was still staring at Twilight like she was a ghost or something. He got up and started talking to himself. “OK, let me see if I got this straight. I find this purple, unicorn, pony…thing that for some reason has a tattoo on its ass. Then bring it into my cave. After a day it wakes up and starts talking to me.”

That caught Twilights attention. “Sorry to interrupt your little rant, but what do you mean 'after a day'?”

While he didn’t completely freak out this time, he was still clearly a bit weary of the talking pony. “Umm I found you yesterday at around 12.00, I think. You’ve been out till, well about an hour ago. If I had to guess, it’s probably around 5.00 P.M. right now. Damnit I wish my phone hadn’t died on me. It’s so hard to keep track of time now. I need a real fucking watch.”

Twilight grew worried. She had told Spike she was going to be home later in the day. “Oh no, Spike must be so worried about me.” As Twilight continued worrying, He continued his rant in his head for a little bit.

When Twilight decided to look back at the thing, she noticed a small spark in his eyes as a smile forms on his face. “Holy shit, this could be the discovery of the century. I’m probably the first to ever see something like this. I’ll be the talk of the town and everyone will praise me for my discovery!” The smile on his face quickly turned to a frown. “No. Who am I kidding? Everyone will just think I’m crazy. It wouldn’t be long before the men in the white coats came to take me to the happy hotel. This last week has just been hell. Ever since that damned portal tore open and dragged me here.”

After hearing about the portal, Twilight’s ears twitched and her eyes grew. ‘A week ago. A portal. Could that mean…no, there’s no way. But what if...’ “Um excuse me. Sorry to interrupt your little rant again, but what’s this about a portal?”

He stared at twilight, a sad look on is face, and sighed before answering. “About a week ago, I was walking home when I heard a loud thunderous boom. I looked into the sky and saw that the sky was clear of clouds. Then the air in front of me tore open into some kinda portal thing that dragged me in kicking and screaming. It deposited me about half a mile away from this cave. I was lucky I was so close to it cause it started raining shortly after I got dropped on my ass.”

Twilight was shaking with excitement as a wide smile graced her features. “So my spell worked? I brought something from another dimension?” She leapt into the air in glee. As she landed, she immediately collapsed in the ground with a loud yelp of pain. The thing quickly rushed over to try to help.

“This is why I wanted to take a look at your leg. I think you sprained it when you fell, or whatever happened to you.” After he stretched her leg, testing it to see how much it could bend without causing her pain, a thought crossed his mind. “And what do you mean by spell? Are you telling me you’re the reason I’m here? That you’re the one to blame for taking every thing away from me?” The anger was clear in his voice.

“Well I AM a unicorn. All unicorns can use magic. Hay, magic is actually my special talent as you can see from my cutie mark,” Twilight said as she motioned to her flank with her head. “And yes, I suppose I did bring you here. I thought the spell failed but it worked wonderfully!” She either didn’t notice his anger or just didn’t care in her moment of joy.

He got up with a huff and angrily stomped out of the cave. Twilight could hear him shouting and yelling. She couldn’t hear exactly what he was saying, but she was pretty sure she heard him cursing the 'purple pony' with certain words she was happy Spike wasn’t around to hear.


After a few minutes, he finally walked back in the cave looking a lot calmer than before. “So, a cutie mark. You mean that tattoo on your ass? How did it even get there, and how can it symbolize your 'special talent'? And your telling me there are more talking hor…I mean ponies out there?”

Twilight could only sigh. “OK first, it’s not on my…rump, it’s on my thigh. Secondly it appeared when I found out my special talent was magic.” She noticed the look of utter confusion on his face and started to get slightly aggravated. “OK, listen…you…” Twilight stopped her train of thought. She just realized she had no idea what this thing was, or even what its name was. If it even had a name. “Before I explain this, could you at least tell me your name?”

“Huh, umm my name is Anthony Hartley, but everyone just calls me AJ. What about you, do you have a name I should start calling you by? Or are you OK with me calling you pony thing?”

Twilight cringed at the prospect of him calling her pony thing. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. OK, listen AJ, when a pony finds their special talent, their cutie mark will appear on their flank symbolizing to everypony what their good at. And yes, there are other ponies out there.”

AJ thought for a moment about what he had just heard. So there were more ponies out there like this one. Then he started to think about what she had just said about these, cutie marks. Once they find their 'special talent' bam, it appears on their flank. “You said your talent was magic? Would you mind showing me?”

Twilight smiled a bit as it seemed to finally be sinking into his head. “I would love to.” She turned her head and looked at some of the smaller rocks that littered the floor of the cave. Her horn quickly flared with pink light as she encased the rocks in a pink light and started to levitate them. The spell started to falter as her headache started to return with a vengeance. The rocks fell back to the ground as Twilight started rubbing her temples with her fore hooves.

While it only lasted a couple of seconds, it was more than enough to impress AJ. As he tried to think of something to say, the only words that came to him were “Damn. That beats smoke and mirrors any day.”

He decided to return to his first train of thought about cutie marks. As he thought more about this, he couldn’t help but snickering. Twilight took notice of this and started to worry that he was making fun of her. “What, what’s so funny? Was it something I said or did?”

“Oh no, it’s not you. I was just thinking. What if a pony’s special talent was being a complete whore, spreading their legs everywhere they went. Wouldn’t that be a bit embarrassing to have something like that permanently plastered to their flank?” Twilight felt her face heat up as an intense blush quickly grew on her face as she quickly decided to just ignore the question.

“Before you mentioned someone named Spike. Is he your room mate? Boyfriend?” Twilight snickered slightly at the thought of Spike of all ponies being her coltfriend.

Twilight thought a bit and her mind eventually moved back to the dream she had before she had woken up in the cave. Spike's words 'I-i’m practically you SON' kept running through her mind over and over again. “I suppose if anything, you could consider Spike to be more of a son. Oh he’s probably worried sick by now.”

“Consider him your son, how could you…you know what, it’s probably none of my business.” AJ looked over at Twilight and noticed the worry on her face. “*sigh* Look, I can see that your worried, how about I, I don’t know, carry you home? Maybe you have a friend who lives close?”

Twilight perked up a little when she heard this. “Yea, I do have a friend who lives not to far from here. Her house should be only about two to three hours away.”

“House, as in civilization? There are other humans not far away from here?” AJ was clearly exited at the prospect of finally seeing another human being in this world.

“A hue-man? Is that what you are? I don’t know about other hue-mans. I don’t even know if there are any more of you here. But my friend Applejack lives in a farm house not far from here.”

The smile on his face fell at her answer. Once again he felt completely alone. Another thought crossed his mind. “So you’re going to tell me that not only can you talk and use magic, but you also build and live in houses?”

“Of course, were not savages. Why wouldn’t we live in houses?” AJ wanted to pull the 'you’re an animal' card again, but he just sighed and decided to not to start something that would not end nicely.

“I suppose I could take you to this…Applejack’s house if it would make you more comfortable.” He got up and walked over to his hoodie and put it on. He also undid his belt and hung his knife on it before tightening it again.

“Really? Oh thank you so much.” Twilight was happy to hear she could get back to her friends.

“It shouldn’t’ be too much of a problem. For a…pony, you’re actually pretty light.”

“A-are you saying I look fat?” Twilight asked in panic.

“No. It’s just that where I’m from horses generally weigh close to about 1000 lbs I think. So forgive me if I find it surprising that I can lift you.”

AJ picked up her saddle bags and slung them around his own neck. He then gently picked up Twilight, making sure not to put much pressure on her bad leg. “Well, lead the way.”


It was night time by the time they reached the orchard. The trip took about four hours in total. It normally wouldn’t have taken this long to reach Applejack's, but the added weight of Twilight and the bags slowed AJ down. Not to mention everything that happened today had been exhausting both physically and mentally. “So, what are you going to do once we get there?” Twilight asked breaking the silence.

“I’ll probably just head back to my cave. I know it’ll take a while to get back, but I don’t think I could handle anymore surprises today.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’m sure if I just explained the situation to Applejack…”

AJ cut her off before she could finish. “No. And besides, what would your reaction be to some strange creature you’ve never encountered before carrying one of your friends at your door in the middle of the night? I’ll just drop you off at her door and start heading back.” Twilight was about to say something else but stopped as she noticed they were nearing the farm house.

AJ set Twilight down on the porch and deposited her bags next to her. “Well, I guess this is good bye.” He didn’t even let Twilight say goodbye before he started walking away from the house. Twilight just watched him go, knowing she couldn’t change his mind. She turned and knocked on the door.

He wanted to go back to his cave and just forget all of this had happened, but as he heard the knocking on the door, his curiosity peaked. He hid behind the side of the farm house and watched the porch. He was sure he couldn’t be seen. Twilight knocked on the door again and deep masculine voice came from inside. “Ah’m comin, ah’m comin.”

The door was opened to reveal a red pony with green eyes and an orange mane. As he saw who was at the door he seemed to be surprised. “Miss Twilight! Where have ya been? Everypony’s been looking fer ya all day.”

“Big McIntosh, who th’ hays at th’ door at this time of th’ night?” A female voice called from inside the house. AJ heard some hoofsteps coming from inside the house. “Twilight, yer alright!” An orange pony with a blond mane rushed out the door and hugged Twilight. The sudden jar caused her to yelp in pain as pressure was put on her bad leg. “Oh sugarcube, come on in. Let’s get ya in bed. Ya look like you've been through a lot.”

As Twilight was helped into the house, AJ turned and started walking back to the cave. Before he even made it ten steps he let out a big yawn. The events of the day had taken more out of him than he had originally thought. He now realized he probably should have taken Twilight’s offer, but it was too late now. He wanted so badly to muster up the strength to get back to his makeshift bed and pass out, but he knew that wasn’t going to happen. He looked around in hopes to find something to use as a bed for the night when he noticed the barn had been left slightly open.

He slowly walked over to the barn and pushed it open to find the back of the barn was lined with apple barrels. The rest of the barn was littered with bins full of more apples and a bunch of hay. Some bundled, some left to lie on the ground in a pile. To tired to care anymore, he stumbled over to one of the bigger piles of hay and plopped down on it, falling asleep almost instantly.


((Yes his name is AJ. To get rid of any confusion, I’ll say it now. Applejack will not be called AJ in this story. If I do accidentally call her that at some point in the story and it confuses you, I apologize ahead of time.))

My little pony © Hasbro

Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust

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