• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 37,276 Views, 2,740 Comments

The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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Canterlot, the city of sorrows

((I imagine Morning Glory’s voice being that of Crispin Freeman when he does the voices of Balmung from the .hack series or Regal Bryant from Tales of Symphonia))

Chapter 17

The warm rays of the morning sun shone through the windows of AJ’s room. As time went on the rays slowly reached the bed. From his position on the bed, the sun ended up almost directly in AJ’s face. Due to the sun, AJ slowly woke up in a sleepy daze. Eyelids still feeling heavy, he didn’t even attempt to open them. He slowly became aware that he was leaning against something very warm and soft. ‘I never realized just how comfortable these pillows are,’ AJ thought to himself. The warmth and softness was so welcoming that he decided to stop fighting the urge. He decided to just go back to bed. He nuzzled into the pillow and quickly fell asleep once again.

Ditzy slowly woke up when she felt somepony nuzzling up against her. She gave a big yawn and stretched her neck before opening her eyes. She looked over to the window and saw how clear the sky was. It was nice, but she had over heard somepony talking about how there was going to be a storm later today. She turned her head to see what woke her up and saw that AJ was still leaning up against her. In fact he was now curled up against her like she was a pillow. Stifling a giggle, she extended her hoof and poked him in the shoulder, “It’s time to wake up now.”

AJ groaned before slowly opening his eyes. After he blinked the drowsiness from his eyes he looked up to see a sight better than any sunrise he could imagine, Ditzy smiling down at him. He smiled back, “Good morning.” It’s then that he realizes that what he’s leaning against is most certainly not a pillow. Blushing, AJ quickly repositions himself so he’s no longer leaning against her. “Umm, sorry.”

“Don’t worry,” Ditzy said as she giggled. “Dinky always used to do that. She stopped after she got to that ‘I’m a big filly’ stage. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss it.” Ditzy started to lightly blush and her voice sunk low. “Besides, as long as it’s you…” Ditzy’s voice trailed off.

“Hmm? I didn’t catch that last part.”

“N-nothing, nothing, I said absolutely nothing!” The blush on Ditzy’s face intensified. She was saved when they heard a knock on the door. Ditzy quickly stood up. “I’ll get it!” She had said that much louder than she had intended to. She jumped off the bed and quickly trotted to the door. She opened the door to see Twilight standing there with her saddle bags already packed for the magic practice later. “Twilight, hello!” Once again she spoke too loud.

Twilight noticed this and also noticed the slight blush that graced Ditzy’s face, and then glanced over to AJ still on the bed. She giggled a bit. “Good morning Ditzy. How did you sleep?”

“Just fine, thank you.” Ditzy was now starting to calm down a bit.

“That’s good. I was just wondering if you two wanted to go get some breakfast before we go study magic.”

“That sounds great right about now,” AJ said as he stretched his limbs. He hoped off the bed, and fell straight on his face. He rubbed his muzzle as he got up. “I was hopping I would have gotten used to these things by now,” he said as he glared at his new limbs.”

Ditzy and Twilight were both giggling. “It’s going to take time. You really shouldn’t rush something like this. Remember, Princess Luna told you to take it easy,” Twilight said.

“Yea, I know.” AJ joined the two of them and they left for breakfast.


After breakfast the three of them left for Celestia’s school for AJ’s lessons. AJ watched as Twilight grabbed a few of the items around the room she thought they would need. She brought the items over and sat down. “So, I assume you finished ‘Crystal Ball’s introduction to Levitation’, right?” AJ nodded. “Good. We’ll start with the orbs then,” Twilight said as she pointed to the eight orbs on the floor.

AJ eyed the orbs. “I don’t know Twilight; I didn’t really get any time to practice last night. You really think I’ll be able do it this time?”

“Mmhm. That’s the book that helped me learn how to levitate things. Just follow what the book told you to do and you’ll be fine,” Twilight said confidently. “Now, try to lift the half pound weight.”

AJ stared at the smallest weight as if willing it to move on its own. He then felt a hoof on his shoulder. He looked over to see Ditzy giving him an encouraging smile. “Come on, you can do it. I know you can.”

Feeling his confidence building, he returned the smile and nodded. He turned back to the orbs and started to concentrate. The aura formed around his horn. Picturing the orb in his head, he imagined himself reaching out to it and grabbing it with his mind. He imagined how it would feel in his grip and just how much force it would take to lift it. It didn’t take long before an icy blue aura surrounded the smallest orb and it started to lift out of the groove it was sitting in. AJ’s smile grew as he watched the orb float up, and up, and up. He spent a minute getting used to the feeling of using his magic to lift something. “This feels…amazing.” Feeling confident, he tried to swing the orb around causing his magic to falter slightly. It may not have been much, but it did cause him to drop the orb back on the floor. He watched it slowly roll across the room. “Oops.”

Twilight grabbed the orb up in her magic and placed it back in the groove. “Oops nothing, you did great. It seems like you just needed a bit of help to start out.”

Ditzy threw her forelegs around AJ. “You did it! I knew you could do it!”

Getting caught up in the moment, AJ returned Ditzy’s hug. “I did it Ditzy, I did it!”

They were interrupted when Twilight cleared her throat. They both looked over to Twilight who had a smirk on her face. “Would you two like some privacy? Because I could always leave the room if you’d like.” AJ and Ditzy both blinked a few times before looking back at each other. Blushing slightly they both released the hug and turned to Twilight. “Alright, you were able to lift the half pound weight easily, let’s move to the one pounder.” Twilight motioned to the second smallest orb. AJ’s horn flared to life once again. Going through the same process he did with the smaller orb, he was able to lift the one pound weight with little to no problems. “Good, now we’ll move on to the five pound weight.”

Concentrating on the orb, AJ tried to lift it. He tried as hard as he could, but he could barley lift it out of the groove before dropping it back down. He tried again, only to have the same thing happen. AJ glared at the orb before looking down the line of orbs. “If I’m having trouble with five pounds, I can only imagine how much fun I’m going to have trying to lift the fifty pound weight.”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t expect you to be able to lift that yet anyway,” Twilight said. “Your magic’s still weak and it’s going to take time before it gets stronger. For now we’re going to try a basic light spell. Alongside levitation it’s one of the easiest spells to perform. All you need to do is build up a little bit of energy at the tip of your horn and will it to be light.”

“Sounds easy enough I guess. Alright, let’s try this.” Doing as he was told, AJ started to build up energy at the tip of his horn. An orb formed that slowly grew. And then it blew up in a multicolor explosion of sparks, singeing his mane and the coat on the upper half of his body.

Twilight and Ditzy stared at AJ with wide eyes as he coughed up a puff of black smoke. “I think you put a bit too much energy into that one. Why don’t you try that again; only this time be mindful of how much energy you’re using,” Twilight said as she used her magic to snuff out a small fire that had caught in AJ’s mane.

Trying again, AJ formed an orb at the tip of his horn. This time a fountain of colorful sparks spewed out of the orb for a few seconds until the orb spent all its energy. Ditzy started to laugh a bit. “Well that was a nice light show, but I don’t think that’s what she was asking for.”

AJ gave Ditzy an unamused look before trying again. This time he actually managed to make an orb of light. It was small, but it still served its purpose. Twilight noticed something about it though. The orb kept getting dimmer and brighter. “It’s unstable. Try to steady the flow of your magic.”


“Why don’t we make that our next lesson then,” Twilight said as she grabbed up another item.


It was time for lunch by the time they finished AJ’s lessons for the day. After a stop at Pony Joe’s, they were on there way back to the castle. That’s when Twilight got an idea. “Hey AJ, did you happen to have any plans for today?”

AJ thought for a moment. “Not really. The only plan I had was to do some more studying. After a bath of course. I don’t think I got all the burned hair off yet. Why?”

“Well when I went to visit my parents yesterday they mentioned that they had two extra tickets to a magic show at the Grand Canterlot Theater tonight. They invited me to come and I thought maybe I could bring you along too. It would be a great way to show you what your magic could do once you get better at controlling it. Think of it as a…field trip.”

“A magic show, huh?” AJ looked over to Ditzy who had been smiling when they left was now looking down at the ground with an unreadable look on her face. “Sounds fun, but I don’t think it would be right if we just left Ditzy out of this. In fact it would be pretty rude.”

“Oh, no worries. I’m sure they would still be selling tickets to the show. If we head over there now, we could probably…”

“No, it’s OK,” Ditzy said interrupting Twilight. “I’d rather not go.”

“Are you sure, cause if you really want to go I’d gladly give you my ticket if it comes down to it,” AJ said trying to convince Ditzy to go.

Ditzy looked up with an obviously fake smile on her face. “No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m sure I’ll find something to do. Maybe I’ll just take this time to catch up on some reading. So go and have fun.”

Twilight looked at Ditzy in confusion while AJ looked on in worry. He knew something was wrong, and he was pretty sure he knew why. He pulled Ditzy off to the side. “Go on ahead Twilight, we’ll catch up.” Still confused Twilight continued on her way to the castle. AJ sat down next to Ditzy. “Ditzy, what’s wrong. You can tell me.” Ditzy just looked at the ground. He placed his hoof under her chin and lifted her head so she was looking him in the eyes. “Ditzy, does this have something to do with…him?”

Her eyes got wide. “N-n-no, of course not. Why would you even think that? D-don’t worry, nothings wrong. Come on, let’s get back to the castle.”

From the look in her eyes AJ was pretty confident he was completely right. “Ditzy, please just tell me what’s wrong. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

“Nothing’s wrong, OK!” Ditzy yelled with a tinge of anger in her voice. “Let’s just…let’s just catch up with Twilight.” Ditzy got up and trotted after Twilight leaving AJ behind. AJ sat there for a few seconds. He was even more apprehensive about going now. He looked to the sky to see the Canterlot weather team starting to move clouds into place for the storm.


After AJ finished his bath, he reluctantly left with Twilight. He didn’t like leaving Ditzy alone right now, but she kept insisting they go and have fun. It took the two of them about twenty minutes to reach her parents house. Twilight knocked on the door which was promptly answered by a light grey unicorn mare with a purple and white mane and tail. “Twilight honey, you’re earlier than I thought you’d be. Your father’s not even home from work yet.”

Twilight gave her mom a hug. “Sorry, we just figured we should get here early.”

“We?” Velvet looked over Twilight to see AJ sitting there. He smiled and waved when she looked. Her smile grew. “You must be Twilight’s beau! Oh it’s so nice to meet you.”


AJ blushed slightly. “I-uh I think you got the wrong idea. Twilight’s just a friend. And I don’t think Caramel would be too happy if I tried to steal Twilight away from him.”

“Exactly,” Twilight said. Then she realized AJ had just given up the name of her coltfriend. Twilight knew her mother would tease her about Caramel. She wouldn’t hear the end of it until they met, so she decided to get even. “And besides, AJ here already has his eyes on somepony.” AJ gave Twilight a questioning look. “You know, bluish grey coat, light yellow mane, amber eyes.”

AJ’s blush returned with a vengeance as his mouth started to curl into a smile. Triumphant, Twilight turned back to her mother who had a look on her face that Twilight knew all to well. “Caramel huh? When were you planning on bringing him over? Your father and I would love to meet the strapping young stallion that’s fathering our grandchildren.” Twilight groaned and facehoofed as her mom giggled. “Oh I’m just having some fun. Why don’t you two come in for a little while? Once Night Light gets home we can leave.”


After Twilight and AJ left, Ditzy just sat in her room for a bit. She really wasn’t doing anything or even thinking of anything. Eventually something in her compelled her to go take a walk. She asked for some snacks for later, put them in her saddle bags, left the castle grounds and just walked. She had no real direction; her body just sort of took her where ever it wanted to. She looked into the sky to see that the sky was now mostly covered by clouds, leaving the city looking dull and grey.

‘Great…even the sky’s mocking me now,’ she thought as she continued walking. ‘Why did the show have to be there of all places?’

She walked by many ponies, most were hurrying home so they wouldn’t get caught out in the storm. Nopony really gave her a second thought as she walked by. After a bit her body stopped. Her eyes grew wide when she saw where she was. She was standing in front of the place where it all started, her old school. Seeing that it was open, Ditzy cautiously walked inside.

Nothing had changed. After all this time the school looked no different. There were a few ponies inside. Mostly janitors making sure the school will be clean when summer is over, but there were also a couple teachers wandering around. From memory she walked through the halls, stopping in front of her old classroom. She poked her head in before stepping inside. There were a couple new posters on the wall. They were the usual ‘Reading is Fun’ or ‘Bullying is bad’ type of posters that you usually find in school. Ditzy gave a frustrated snort when she saw the latter and started walking down the middle row of desks. She stopped when she reached her old desk. She sat down next to it; placing her hoof upon it.


It was time for school once again. Ditzy walked into her classroom a couple of minutes before it was time to start. Silently, she walked to her desk and started pulling out a few of the things she knew she would need that day. She heard some snickering behind her and she knew what was coming. It happens everyday. “Well look who it is Card Trick. It’s little Derpy Hooves.”

Ditzy turned around to see the class bullies staring at her with smug smiles. Card Trick was a charcoal black pegasus with a black mane. His cutie mark was a royal flush. He had two different color eyes. His left was a light blue while his right was a deep red. Pirouette, Card Trick’s fillyfriend, was a mint green earth pony with a pink two tone mane. She had a ballerina’s slipper as her cutie mark. Her eyes were a rosy red color. “What do you want Pirouette. Can’t you just leave me alone?”

“Oh but where’s the fun in that,” Pirouette said as she took a step closer.

“Besides, you make it so easy,” Card Trick said as he stepped next to Ditzy, wrapping his tail around her neck to tease her. “You know, with your eye’s being so weird and all.”

“Your one to talk about weird eyes,” Ditzy said in an attempt to retaliate.

“Hah, my eyes aren’t weird,” Card Trick said as he pulled his tail off her neck to flick it in her face. “My eyes make me look mysterious, unique, ravishing, and dare I say it, very attractive. When a pony looks at me, they say ‘Hey, that pony’s going somewhere in life.’ Your eyes just make you look like some brain-dead retard.”

Pirouette laughed. “Good one Tricky.” They heard the teacher coming and made there way to their seats. Unfortunately for Ditzy, Pirouette’s seat was right next to hers.

“OK, settle down class,” said Mrs. Blossom. “We have a new student joining us today. I’d like you all to give a warm welcome to Morning Glory.”

The class went silent as a royal purple unicorn with a long silver mane stepped into the class. Two morning glories tied together in a heart adorned his flanks. He stopped in front of the teacher’s desk. His emerald eyes scanned the room as a bright smile adorned his face. “Hello everypony, my name is Morning Glory. It’s nice to meet you all. My family moved here from Trottingham to help my mother’s business expand. My mother’s business is one of the top producers of dyes and fabrics in Trottingham and she hopes to do the same here in Canterlot.”

“Thank you Morning Glory. You may take a seat right over there next to Petal Dance,” Mrs. Blossom said as she motioned to the left side of the class.

Ditzy watched every move Morning Glory made. From the moment she laid eyes on him she was in love. A slight blush adorned her cheeks. Pirouette was quick to pick up on this. She leaned over to whisper in Ditzy’s ear, “Oh please, you think you have a chance with somepony as handsome and sophisticated as him? Fat chance. He’d never go for some disfigured loser like you.”


“Excuse me miss, but I need to clean this room,” came a voice from behind Ditzy.

Her reminiscing interrupted, Ditzy quickly wiped her damp eyes before turning to see who it was. She gasped when she saw who it was. Behind her was a bigger than average, tan, middle-aged earth pony with a buzzed mane and cropped tail. A mop and bucket sat on his flanks. “F-fresh Start?” Fresh Start was a janitor at the school when Ditzy still attended. He was one of her best, and only, friends in the school. He would always be there for her. If she was crying he would consol her. If she just needed somepony to talk to, he was there. He was basically a secondary father figure to her when she was at school. Because of this he became good friends with her family. Her parents were grateful to him for making sure she was OK.

“Ditzy, is that you?” A smile grew on his face. “It is! Oh honey, how are you? I haven’t seen you since…well, you know. Your parent’s never told me you were coming for a visit.”

“I haven’t told them yet,” Ditzy said with a frown. “I’ve been busy.”

He drew Ditzy into a hug. “Look at you. You’ve grown into such a beautiful mare. How’s the little one doing?”

“Dinky’s doing great,” Ditzy said; her voice filled with melancholy. “She’s doing just fine in school, though she gets made fun of sometimes.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “It’s because of me. It’s because I’m not normal.”

Fresh Start grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. “Ditzy, don’t you ever say that about yourself. You are a great pony, and nothing anypony says will ever change that. Now come on, let’s get you on your way.” Fresh Start lead Ditzy through the hall to the entrance of the school. “Ditzy, I know it probably doesn’t mean much anymore, but you’re still more than welcome to come see me if you ever need somepony to talk to. Wait here one second.” He ran into one of the offices and came out with a folded paper. “Here’s my address. If you ever need to talk, don’t be afraid to come to me.”

Ditzy took the paper and stared at it for a second before wrapping her fore-legs around Fresh Start. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“Any time, Ditzy.” Ditzy placed the paper in her bags and left the school.


After about fifteen minutes of walking, Ditzy had found herself in front of the city park. She looked up at the decorative arch you pass under as you enter. ‘This must be new,’ Ditzy mused to herself as she walked through.

Unlike the school, the park managed to bring a bit of a smile to Ditzy’s face. Many things in the park had changed since she last saw it. New trees had been planted, more gardens now spotted the ground all over the place, and they even had more play equipment up for the foals. Just seeing something new in this city was enough to start brightening her mood. Until, that is, she saw the big, white marble fountain in the middle of the park. The fountain had been there since the park was first made many years ago. To most, it was a place to relax and enjoy the view. To Ditzy, it was just another reminder of times she wished she could just forget.


Ditzy was nervous. For the past twenty minutes she’s been incoherently babbling, and pacing circles around Carrot Top. “What if he says no? He’s probably going to say no.”


“He will say no. I should just go home.”


“Yea, home sounds good. I can just chain myself in my closet and…”

“DITZY!!!” shouted Carrot. Not expecting the loud shout, Ditzy tripped over her hoof and face planted. Still on the ground, Ditzy turned her head to look at her best friend. “Everything’s going to be fine. You’re making a much bigger deal out of this than is necessary.” Carrot helped Ditzy up and brushed the dirt out of her mane and coat. “Now, you put the note in his locker, right?” Ditzy nodded. “OK, if he’s as nice as you say he is, I’m sure he’ll come.” Her ears perked up when she heard hoof steps getting closer. Looking beyond the fountain, their hiding spot, Carrot saw a colt matching Morning Glory’s description. “I told you he’d…” When she turned around, Ditzy was no where to be seen. “Come?”

Seeing some rustling in a nearby bush, Carrot facehoofed and walked over. She poked her head in to see Ditzy cowering. “I’m not coming out!”

“Oh for the love of Celestia. Ditzy, he’s right there. All you need to do is go out there and ask him!” Carrot took another look over to see that Morning Glory was sitting on a bench waiting. “Alright, stay in there then. If you don’t want him, I’ll go ask him out. He is very…alluring.”

Ditzy’s eyes grew wide as she started to panic. “No, you can’t!”

“Then get out there and ask him!” Ditzy moved to leave the bush, but then plopped right back down on her haunches. “Oh for the love of…fine. If you want to do this the hard way; we’ll do this the hard way!” Carrot crawled into the bush, got behind Ditzy, and started to push her out of the bush. She pushed Ditzy around the fountain and right in front of Morning Glory who had been looking on in both confusion and amusement. “There, she’s all yours,” Carrot said to Morning Glory before walking back behind the fountain to continue hiding.

Ditzy was ready to bitch out Carrot Top for her treachery, or at least she would have been if she wasn’t paralyzed with fear. She just looked at Morning Glory just hoping she could disappear. Morning Glory smiled at her. “Hello, you’re Ditzy Doo if I’m not mistaken.”

‘He knows my name. HE KNOWS MY NAME!’ Ditzy’s heart began to race. Her breathing became very shallow.

“Soooooo, is there something you wanted to ask me?” Morning Glory asked. Ditzy just continued to stare at him. “Umm, is something wrong?”

This was it. It was now or never. “WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!?!?” The question burst out much louder than Ditzy had intended. Behind the fountain Carrot Top could be seen facehoofing. Ditzy’s vision began to blur as she realized what she had just done.

Once he recovered from the outburst, Morning Glory smiled. “Sure, I’d…” He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Ditzy start to fall. The last thing Ditzy heard before blacking out was Carrot Top and Morning Glory calling her name.

“She’s waking up.” Ditzy’s head was throbbing as she started coming to. She slowly opened her eyes to find her vision filled with yellow and orange. Carrot Top hugged Ditzy. “Ditzy, we were so worried about you.”

“Hhhngh-huh?” As her senses slowly came back, she realized she was lying on a park bench.

She tried to get up but felt another pair of hooves hold her down. “No, don’t get up. You need to rest.” Ditzy looked over to see Morning Glory smiling back down at her. “How are you feeling?”

Ditzy weakly smiled back. “Just fine now.”


Ditzy’s thoughts were interrupted when a drop of rain fell on her snout. Shaking her head, she looked up into the sky. The rain was finally starting to fall. The day now completely matched mood. Cursing herself for not bringing anything to keep the rain off of her, Ditzy lowered her head and decided to see where she would end up next.


Ditzy eventually found herself in front of the Grand Canterlot Theater. As she watched ponies that were still filing in for the big magic show, she couldn’t help but wonder if AJ was there yet.

She walked over to the side of the door where they had a list of all the shows they ran in the theater. She scanned through them until her eyes found what they were searching for. A play by the name of ‘The Knight and the Moon Princess.’ It’s a play about one of the best knights to ever grace Equestria falling in love with the beautiful and mysterious Princess of the Moon.

One night, when the Princess was roaming around the country side enjoying the peaceful tranquility of her night, the Knight came up to her and asked her for her hoof in marriage. At first the Princess thought nothing of the Knight and simply told him no, but the knight would not leave her alone. Each night he would find her and ask the same question. Growing annoyed at this the Princess decided to give him a chance. He must complete a single task. This task, to capture the moon. If he could complete this task she would accept him as her husband. Thinking the task was impossible; the Princess thought this would be the last she would ever see of the Knight. Much to her surprise the Knight accepted her proposal and ran off to capture the moon.

Months go by and each night the Knight could be found trying and failing over and over again to capture the giant white orb in the sky. Every night the Princess would watch him to see just how far he would take this. Though after awhile she began watching him for other reasons. She didn’t know why, but she felt compelled to watch him almost feeling…sad every time he would fail.

One night, almost half a year after the Princess had given him the task, the Knight called out to the Princess requesting her presence. He knew the entire time that she had been watching him. She flew down from the cloud she was perched upon to see what the Knight wanted. He pulled out a bucket of water and placed it down in front of her. The Princess asked the obvious question of what the bucket was for. The Knight told her to look into the bucket. When she looked she saw only one thing; the reflection of the moon in the water. Excited, the Knight proclaimed that he had finally managed to capture the moon. The Princess stared into the Knight’s eyes. She slowly started understanding all those feelings that had been building up over the months. She had fallen in love with him. She had been beaten at her own game, but she didn’t care. She leaned in and kissed the Knight; proclaiming their wedding will be on the night of the next full moon.

Unfortunately the Knight never made it to the wedding. A week after the Princess had accepted him he was called off to war. The Princess received notice two weeks later that her Knight had been slain in battle. Overcome with sadness, the Princess flew into the stars. Using her magic she created a new star, but this wasn’t any ordinary star. This star was bigger, brighter and shone a rainbow of colors. It was more beautiful than any other star that was scattered throughout the heavens. She hoped the star would be bright enough to guide the soul of her lover to her so she could see him one more time. Just so she could at least say goodbye.

Ditzy knew this story all to well…


It’s been a week since Ditzy and Morning Glory had started going out and the two of them were on their first date. The two of them had just finished dinner at the Moonstone Café; one of the fanciest restaurants in Canterlot. Now they were on in front of the Grand Canterlot Theater, probably the biggest theater in all of Equestria. At the moment Morning Glory had Ditzy blindfolded wanting to keep the location of the date secret. “Can I take it off yet?”

“Yup, go ahead.”

Ditzy took off the blind fold and looked at the building they were standing in front of. “*gasp* The Grand Canterlot Theater?! But-but-but Morning Glory, you know I can’t afford a ticket to someplace like this. They cost SOOOOOO much money.” She threw her forehooves into the air to emphasize her point. “I mean I’m not exactly poor, but…”

Smiling, Morning Glory levitated two tickets out of the pocket on his vest. “All taken care of Ditzy.”

Ditzy stared at the two tickets as if they were the Holy Grail. Her eyes were wide and shimmering. “How did you get these?”

“I bought them.” Ditzy was stunned. She knew his family was wealthy, but to be able to spend so much money on tickets without even batting an eye? “When I heard they ran the play ‘The Knight and the Moon Princess’ at this theater I just had to get a couple of tickets to go see it. Ever since I saw the play back in Trottingham it’s been my favorite, and after you asked me out I knew exactly what to do with the other ticket I had bought.”

Morning Glory didn’t even see Ditzy move. Before he knew what had happened she had him locked in a death hug. “OH THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! I’ve always wanted to come here!”

“No problem…Ditzy…could you…please let me go…I can’t breathe…” Ditzy let him go allowing him to breath. He gave Ditzy a little laugh and looked into the night sky. “Ditzy, have you ever heard the story of ‘The Knight and the Moon Princess?”

“I think so, why?”

“Legend has it that the story is completely true. That this is the story of the Princess of the moon and her one and only love. And that...” Morning Glory pointed at the biggest and brightest star, “is the star she created for her lover.”

Ditzy followed his hoof and easily found the star he was talking about. “Do you think that’s true?”

Morning Glory shook his head. “There’s really no way of knowing. Come on, lets go inside.” The two of them happily trotted into the building. “Oh, hold on Ditzy, I have to use the little colts room. I’ll be right back.” Morning Glory trotted away leaving Ditzy by the door to wait.

“Hey look Card Trick; it looks like one of the shows lost a freak.” Ditzy turned her head to see Card Trick and Pirouette grinning at her. It looks like they were on a date too. “Maybe we should turn it in, the play’s going to be starting soon.”

“Oh no, not you two,” Ditzy said as she shrank back. “Can’t I just get one day without you two harassing me?”

Card Trick put a hoof to his chin. “Hmm, let me think…nah. There’s just too much fun to be had. So Derpy, what are you doing here anyway. Wait, let me guess, they needed a design for a convincing monster mask, so they brought you in to get a mask made to look like your face. Am I right?”

Dizy was about to tell them off when she heard the bathroom door open. “OK Ditzy, are you ready to go?” Morning Glory saw Card Trick and Pirouette and immediately knew what was happening. “Oh, hello you two. Come on Ditzy, let’s leave this trash behind. I’d rather not be caught talking with the likes of them.”

Pirouette realized quickly what was going on, and her jaw dropped when it hit. “Wait, you mean you…and you?” Ditzy just stuck her tongue out at her before walking off with Morning Glory. “Why would you go out with somepony who’s so…so…disfigured?!

Morning Glory stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, glaring death at Pirouette. “Do you know why I would always choose Ditzy over somepony like you? It’s because…”


Ditzy’s thoughts were interrupted by a crack of thunder ringing through her ears. Looking into the sky she saw a bolt of lightning make its way across the sky followed by more thunder. She wiped tears from her eyes and looked at the list again. Morning Glory had taken her to the theater on multiple occasions. Memories of each show stabbed through her heart, making her feel more and more depressed. Not wanting to be here anymore Ditzy forced her body to stand and turn, walking away from the building that caused her so much pain.


As she walked Ditzy saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was the sign in front of The Solar Empire, Canterlot’s giant theme park. She didn’t realize she was walking towards the theme park, but she wished she hadn’t. Against her will, Ditzy walked towards the entrance only to see another sign saying the park was closed for scheduled maintenance. Looking beyond the gate she saw a few of the rides and attractions. Some were more fun than the others.

Walking along the fence surrounding the park Ditzy saw many other rides. None of which drew much of a reaction from her, until she saw the Ferris wheel in the background.


It’s been a little over one year since Ditzy and Morning Glory had started going out. It was Hearts and Hooves day and Morning Glory wanted it to be a special day. He had surprised her by taking her to The Solar Empire. She’s been there before, but on Hearts and Hooves day the theme park was a much different place. Everything in the park changed to make it as romantic as possible. Roses hung everywhere where they wouldn’t get in the way. All the lights were turned pink to help with the mood. Chocolate and flowers were readily available from every concession stand. Everything they could think of to make the place romantic was done.

The two of them have been at the park all day. They have gone on every ride they could, and Ditzy was ready to head home. “Today was great. Thanks Glory.” She nuzzled up to Morning Glory who nuzzled back.

“I hope you’re not ready to go home yet, there’s one more ride I’d like to go on.” Morning Glory had a hopeful smile on his face.

“I don’t know Glory, I’m starting to get a bit tired,” Ditzy said putting her hoof to her mouth as she yawned. “We do have school tomorrow after all.”

“I know Ditzy, but please just one more ride? It would mean a lot to me.”

This was it. Morning Glory was giving her ‘The Look.’ It was such a sad, pathetic look that Ditzy just couldn’t’ say no. No matter how many times she tried, The Look always bested her. Ditzy smiled as she sighed. “You suck you know that?”

With a wide smile, Moring Glory led Ditzy over to the Ferris wheel. Morning Glory thanked Celestia under his breath that the line was short. When they reached the front, he quickly broke off to talk to the mare running the wheel. He joined Ditzy in the seat and they were off. “What was that all about?”

“You’ll see.” That was all he said the entire way to the top.

Ditzy wanted to question him further, but she was distracted by the view as they started to get higher. The wheel slowly turned until they reached the top where the wheel stopped. “Glory, what’s going on?” Morning Glory didn’t’ say anything. He just smiled and pointed to the horizon. She looked, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. “What? What am I supposed to be looking…” Then she saw it. A rocket flew into the air, exploding into a ball of colorful sparks. Then another shot up, and another. Ditzy just watched as the fireworks continued for a minute before looking over to Morning glory who was looking back at her with a soft smile. Tears of happiness started flowing down her cheeks as she threw her legs round Morning Glory. The two of them kissed deeply as the fireworks continued behind them.


Tears of another kind were flowing down her cheeks now. All that effort to make that the best Hearts and Hooves day of her life, and Morning Glory crushed it all with one fatal stomp of his hoof. Ditzy sat there, wallowing in her memories, not hearing the hoof steps behind her. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

Turning around, Ditzy saw a stallion in a poncho staring at her. He didn’t look all too happy to be there at the moment. Ditzy looked down as the tears continued to flow. “Reminiscing about the past.”

The stallion gave an annoyed snort. “Yea well the parks going to be closed for awhile, and besides its raining. Shouldn’t you be inside or something?”

“OK.” Robotically, Ditzy stood up and started to walk.


Ditzy felt numb. Not because of the cold rain, but because of all the memories this horrible city held for her. It seems like everywhere she turned there was a memory there to be shoved down her throat. She just could not win, so she stopped fighting it. She just let her body drag her around to where it wanted to go.

She had been walking for awhile. All Ditzy could hope for was that her body was at least taking her to some sort of shelter from all the bad memories. Someplace to make all the pain and hurt go away, but she should have known better. She looked up and her heart immediately sank. This street, this terrible, awful street was the last place she ever wanted to be. She tried with all her might to force her legs to stop. She tried to will herself to turn around and go somewhere else. It was a fruitless effort. Her legs only stopped moving once they reached their destination. She didn’t even need to look up to know where she was taken this time.

She was now in front of 528 Ambrose Street, Morning Glory’s old home.


Ditzy was standing in front of Morning Glory’s house. A few hours ago she had just gotten home from the doctor’s office with the news that she was with foal. After her parents had given her ‘the talk’ she took a walk over to Glory’s house to give him the news. Unfortunately it wasn’t that easy. She had been standing there for the past ten minutes trying to find the nerves to actually tell him. She finally built up enough courage to walk through the gates of the house to ring the doorbell. She was thankful that Morning Glory was the one to answer the door. “Oh, hey Ditzy. Is something wrong?”

Ditzy almost never went over to Morning Glory’s house. She only went over if she needed to tell him something, or if he brought her home to have dinner with his family. “Umm…” ‘Come on Ditzy, you can do this. Just tell him.’ “I just came to tell you that…” Morning Glory was looking on intently. “Glory, I’m pregnant.”

Morning Glory’s jaw dropped. He plopped down onto his haunches and just stared at her. Ditzy looked on in hope. Hoping he would be happy. Hoping that everything would still be the same. She shifted from side to side in anticipation for her answer. “Ditzy…” Ditzy’s smile grew. “Get out of here.”

Her smile faltered. “W-what?”

“I said get out of here. I don’t want to see you again.”

Ditzy’s smile dropped as tears were threatening to fall. “Glory, what’s…”

“Stop calling me Glory!” he shouted at Ditzy causing her to back off.

“W-was it something I did? Something I said? Please, if we could just talk…”

“No. Just leave.” He turned around as if to walk back inside. “If you try to tell anypony about this, I’ll deny everything. I don’t want anything to do with the foal, and I don’t want anything to do with you.”

Ditzy shook her head, still trying to hold back tears. “That won’t work. Everypony knows how close we were and they won’t believe that you just left me like that.”

He turned his head to look at her and laughed. “Oh really, and who will they believe? You, some crazy filly with fucked up eyes, or me. A pony of class. A pony of sophistication. Not to mention the son of a very influential mare. You got nothing over me.” Ditzy finally broke down. She buried her head in her hooves as she let the tears run their course. “Go to hell Derpy Hooves.” With that he slammed the door.


The floodgates had been shattered. Tears were pouring down Ditzy’s face as she wailed into her hooves. She forced her body up and ran. She didn’t care where, as long as she got as far away from this place as possible.

Ditzy ran past a few ponies. Some were in her path and yelled at her as she almost trampled them. She didn’t care. She just wanted to run. Blinded by tears, she couldn’t see where she was going. She was only stopped when she ran straight into somepony, sending both of them to the ground.

The pony she hit was up first. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and I…” The pony, obviously a stallion from the voice, suddenly stopped. Ditzy knew this voice. She looked up and got a look at the pony. Purple coat, silver mane, and of course the tell tale sign. Two morning glories tied together in a heart adorned his flank. He was looking down at her with shock on his face. “Ditzy?”


((Oh shiz. I wonder how many people were waiting for this chapter. Also, If anyone knows the origins of the ‘The Knight and the Moon Princess’ story, let me know. I know I’ve heard it before, aside from Progress. Luna vs. storytelling, and for the life of me I can’t remember where.))

My little pony © Hasbro

Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust

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