• Published 2nd Nov 2011
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The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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Time to go Back Home

((I have changed AJ's coat color. I did a color comparison and it looks to be more of an indigo rather than blue.))

Chapter 20

AJ came down the stairs both looking, and feeling a lot better than he did earlier. It felt like the hot water of the shower had washed away all his stress from earlier in the day. He let out a long, content sigh when he reached the bottom. “That felt great.”

He sat on the couch and began to relax when Ditzy poked her head out of the kitchen. “Why don’t you come and eat with us? I’m sure Star and Maxie won’t mind.”

AJ shook his head. “It’s okay. I’m really not that hungry anyway.”

Ditzy looked disappointed. “You sure?”

“Abso…” AJ’s stomach let out a long, and very loud growl as it protested AJ’s words. With a blush, he finished, “lutely.”

Ditzy’s look turned to a smug stare as her lips turned upward into a smirk. “Not hungry, huh?”

Star could be heard laughing in the next room. “Not bad kid, I heard that in here!”

AJ looked at Ditzy with a sheepish smile. “Okay, so maybe I’m a little hungry.”

“Mmhm.” Ditzy rolled her eyes as she went back into the kitchen to sit down. AJ made his way in and picked a chair next to Ditzy. Ditzy turned to look at him. “By the way, I’ve been wondering something. How did you find this house anyway?”

AJ let out a chuckle. “Well I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any help. Had a lot of help from a kid named Shadow Breeze. I asked him if he’d like to meet you after all the trouble he went through to help me find you, but he had to go home.” AJ looked down as Maxie placed a full plate in front of him. “Oh, thank you. And uh, sorry about before.” Maxie just smiled and waved it off.

“That’s nice and all, but it doesn’t tell us how you knew she was here,” Amethyst said with a questioning look.

AJ looked to the side with an apprehensive look. “Yea, about that. You’re probably not going to believe me, but I actually got the address from Morning Glory.”

The kitchen got awkwardly silent. Everypony in the room was looking directly at AJ. Nimbos was staring at him with a suspicious look. “And just how do you know Morning Glory?”

“He knows about Morning Glory because I told him,” Ditzy said, knowing where her dad was going.

“And he didn’t exactly give me the address willingly.” Ditzy looked at him questioningly. “I uh, kinda threw some scalding hot chocolate in his face…and broke a cup over his head…and punched him in the face…and kicked him in the ribs.” AJ’s voice got lower and lower as he went on; ending with a sheepish smile as Nimbos and Amethyst looked on with shocked expressions. “As I said this has not been a fun day, and he kinda pushed me over the edge.”

“Hah, I like you already kid,” Star said with a big smile. Maxie fixed him with a disapproving glare. “What? Anypony who can knock Morning Glory down a few notches is okay in my book.”

“While I agree that he certainly was a detestable pony, the method used wasn’t exactly appropriate, now was it?” Maxie asked; his attention turned to AJ.

AJ hung his head. “I know. Trust me when I say I’m not exactly proud of myself.” Maxie smiled. He was happy knowing that AJ felt sorry for what he had done.

“I sure hope so,” Amethyst said in a condescending tone.

“Mom, please try to be nice.”

“Ditzy, we know almost nothing about your little friend here. For all we know he could be just like Morning Glory. This whole thing could be an act.”

“And he’s already shown that he’s prone to violence when pushed,” Nimbos added. “I can’t say I like you being around somepony like that.” Those words stung. AJ was not violent. Hell, he tried to avoid violence if at all possible.

Ditzy looked at both her parents in disbelief. “How can you say that? AJ is a nice pony.”

“So was Morning Glory before he showed his true colors,” Amethyst said as she glared at AJ.

Ditzy was about to speak up but AJ stopped her with a raised hoof. “It’s okay Ditzy.”


“No, no. I’m not stupid. I can take a hint.” AJ got up from the table and slowly made his way to the front door, head hung low. “It was nice meeting you all.” He opened the door and walked out, not even bothering to close it.

Ditzy glared at her parents. “How could you do that?!”

Amethyst had a level expression. “We’re only thinking about what’s best for you Ditzy. We don’t want to see you be hurt again.”

“What’s best for me? You don’t even know him and you demonize him!”

“Please understand Ditzy,” Nimbos said. “You were so devastated after Morning Glory. We just don’t want to see that happen again.”

Ditzy got up in a huff and ran after AJ. “Ditzy wait!” Maxie called out. The door slammed telling all that she wasn’t coming back. “Aww, and things were going so good too.”

Amethyst sighed. “I hope she understands why we did that.”

“Maybe you should have given him a chance.” Everypony looked at Star.

“I agree. He did look like he was honestly sorry for hurting Morning Glory,” Maxie added. “And he does seem to legitimately care about Ditzy.”

Nimbos shook his head. “I don’t know. We just worry about her.”


It didn’t take long for Ditzy to catch up with AJ. She slowed her pace as she came up next to him. “AJ? Are you okay?”

AJ let out a long sigh. “It’s official. Your parents hate me.”

Ditzy lowered her head. “I’m sorry. They’re just worried about me. They don’t want to see me get together with another Morning Glory.” She looked back in the direction of the house. “I can’t believe they didn’t even give you a chance.”

“Didn’t exactly make the best first impression.” AJ plopped down to his haunches; looking into the sky. “Why am I such a fuck up?”

“What? AJ please don’t talk about yourself like that.” Ditzy wrapped AJ in a hug. “You’re a nice pony. Nothing my parents say will ever change that.”

“I guess.” AJ instinctively started nuzzling up to Ditzy. The two of them sat there for a minute just enjoying each other’s company. “Your mane smells nice.”

Ditzy began to blush. “Um, what?”

Realizing what he had just said AJ’s face began to heat up. “I-uh I mean you smell nice. I mean you look pretty. Wait no I mean…GAHHHH!!!” By the time AJ was done his face was redder than Big Mac. He buried his head under his hooves to hide his embarrassment.

Ditzy started to giggle. “Well thank you for the compliments. Now why don’t we go get something to eat? We didn’t exactly get to finish lunch.”

AJ got up and dusted himself off. “Sure. Let’s go to Pony Joe’s place.”

“Why there?”

“Because I still need to pay him back for that cup I broke.”


“I must be dead. I must have gone to hell. Pain radiating all through out my body. The fires of hell must be all around me. Licking at my body, burning, searing. I will have to feel this pain for the rest of eternity.”

Twilight facehoofed. “Oh for the love of, stop acting like a drama queen. You’re not dead.”

“Then why does living hurt so mu-hu-hu-hu-hu-huch?!” AJ whined. His body still hasn’t recovered from the drastic changes it had gone through, and all the stress and physical exertion he put himself through the previous day just made things worse.

“Well this is what you get when you decide to not listen,” Twilight said mater of factly. “I told you Ditzy was fine, but did you want to believe me? No. Now look at you. Lying in bed and whining like a foal.”

“Bite me.”

Twilight let out a frustrated grunt. “I’m going to go get Luna. Maybe she’ll be able to do something about the pain.” She turned away and lowered her voice. “Or at least be able to do something about the whining.”

“What was that?”

She turned back with a bright smile on her face. “Nothing!”

As Twilight turned to leave the door opened to reveal Ditzy pushing a cart full of food into the room. “I brought breakfast. Who’s hungry?” she said with a big smile.

“I’ll eat in a bit Ditzy. I have to go see if Luna’s free right now.” Twilight left the room.


With an escort of guards Twilight made her way to Luna’s room. “Please wait here Twilight Sparkle,” the younger guard said as he walked up to the door and knocked.

“Yes? Who is it?” came the voice from inside.

“Your highness, Twilight Sparkle wishes to have an audience with you.”

“Its fine, you may let her in.”

The guard nodded and opened the door for Twilight. “Thank you sirs.”

The door was closed behind Twilight as she entered. It didn’t take Twilight long to find Luna. When she did she couldn’t help but gawk. Luna was lying at the foot of the bed, but it was the most awkward position Twilight had ever seen. Her head and neck were on the floor. Her back was pressed up against the bed as her forelegs were curled up against her body. Her backside was dangling in the air with her hind legs swaying back and forth to a tune that wasn’t there. The closest comparison Twilight could make was Luna looked as if she was sitting like Lyra back in Ponyville does; only upside down. She was wearing none of her royal vestments. In front of her floated what looked like an Iron Mare comic book.

Luna looked over to Twilight with a great big smile on her face. “Ah Twilight, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

Twilight continued to stare. “Um Princess, if I may ask, why are you laying like that?”

Luna looked confused. She looked at her body and a smile grew on her face again. “Oh it’s much more comfortable than it looks. Come, you should try it yourself!”

“Uhh, I think I’ll pass if it’s alright with you.”

With a giggle, Luna unceremoniously corrected herself by lurching her backside forward until she could stand up. “What can I do for you Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight composed herself once again. “Well, due to his refusal to take your advice of bed rest, AJ seems to be in an awful lot of pain today. I was wondering if you could do something for him, or at least do something about the whining.”

Luna rubbed her chin as she thought. “While it wouldn’t get rid of the pain entirely; I do know a spell that could dull the pain.”

“I’m sure he’ll appreciate any help you could give him,” Twilight said, relieved that AJ wouldn’t continue to whine her ears off.

“You can go on ahead if you’d like. I'll be along shortly,” Luna said as she levitated her chest plate over. “Now where is that other slipper?” Luna asked as she stuck her head under her bed to check.

Twilight turned her head to find the offending slipper lying next to the door as if it had been carelessly kicked off and left there. “Um Princess, is this what you’re looking for?”

Luna, who now had half her body under her bed to look for the slipper, slipped out and looked to where Twilight was pointing. “Aha, there it is. I thank you Twilight Sparkle.” She slipped on her slippers and once again started looking around the room.

“Need some help Princess?”

“I can’t find my crown.” Luna’s face suddenly grew annoyed. “Oh, I swear if Tia took it again I’ll turn off all the hot water next time she’s in the shower!” After another minute of searching Luna found the crown. It was sitting on her desk next to an abacus. “There it is. Thank you for finding it for me Abacus. You’re always so helpful.” Luna gave the abacus a little kiss before placing the crown on her head.

Twilight once again stared at Luna in disbelief. ‘Is she talking to an abacus?’

“Alright Twilight Sparkle, I’m ready to go.”

Twilight shook her head. “Um of course, let’s go.”


When Luna and Twilight got to the room they found Ditzy happily munching on breakfast. AJ was lying on his belly looking miserable as he lazily stabbed at his food with a fork and ate. Ditzy looked over and gasped before quickly lowering herself to one knee. “Princess Luna.”

AJ attempted to get up and bow, but collapsed on the bed with grunt. “Umm, I bow too.”

“No need for formalities,” Luna said as she walked up to the bed. “How are you feeling?” AJ just gave a long groan. “Okay, this spell should help dull your pain.”

“Should?” AJ asked.

“Well, I was never really that good with these types of spells. They were always more of Tia’s forte.” Luna put a hoof up to her chin. “Now that I think about it, it has been awhile since I’ve tried this.”

AJ looked worried. “Umm princess? Are you sure this is such a great idea?”

“Of course!” Luna said with a bright smile. “It shouldn’t be too hard. I think.” Luna’s horn began to glow.

“I-ah, I think I’ll just live through the pain, yea. No need for spells,” AJ said as he started scooting away from Luna. “Look, I’m feeling better already, see!”

“Nonsense, I’m here to help.” With a smile Luna continued the spell.

“No, please! I beg you to…” AJ was cut off as a small beam quickly shot from Luna’s horn and struck him. His body shook for a few seconds before falling limp. His limbs and right eye twitched every so often. His tongue was hanging out of the side of his mouth.

Ditzy poked AJ. “AJ? Are you okay?”

“Ah cah feew mah anhsing.”

Luna started to pout. “Darn. I thought I had it that time.”

“Umm is he going to be okay?” Twilight asked in concern.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. He should regain the feeling in his body in about one, five hours tops,” Luna said with a smile. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to see how Iron Mare defeats Whiplash!” Luna happily trotted out of the room to continue her comic reading.

Twilight watched as Luna trotted out. She turned back to AJ who was now drooling. “Well, he’s not whining anymore.”


“Are you ready?”

AJ took a deep breath. “I think so.” It was the last day the three of them were going to be in Canterlot. After AJ’s lessons they would say their goodbyes and head back to Ponyville. AJ was hoping today would be the day that he would be able to lift that damned fifty pound weight. “Alright, let’s do this.” AJ’s horn lit up surrounding the orb in an icy blue aura.

“Come on, you can do it,” Ditzy cheered.

AJ grunted as he tried to lift the orb. “Come on you. Move!”

“Don’t force it; you’ll only exhaust yourself,” Twilight said trying to help guide AJ.

“I can do this!” AJ grunted. “I…can…do…this!” His horn glowed brighter as he started pouring more magic into the spell. The orb started shifting around in its groove. Slowly it started lifting off the ground.

Ditzy watched as the orb was slowly lifted into the air until it was hovering at eye level. “You did it! Congratulations!”

“I did it Twilight, I did it!”

Twilight smiled. “You did great.”

“I DID IT, WOOOOOOOOOOOO-OH CRAP!!!” In his excitement AJ accidentally sent a surge of magic into the orb, sending it flying across the room.




The orb had just smashed through the door, and from the sound of it hit something on the other side too. Panicked voices could be heard on the other side of the door. AJ looked over to Twilight and Ditzy before going over to the door and poking his head through the big hole.

What he saw on the other side made his jaw drop. In front of him were no less than six ponies. Four guards surrounded a still body lying on the ground. Said body belonged to none other than Prince Blueblood. His eyes were rolled back into his head and he had a large, bleeding wound on the side of his head. Next to him sat the now bloodied orb. Celestia was the last pony and she was looking at the body in shock. She looked over just as AJ retracted his head from the hole.

Twilight and Ditzy watched as AJ slowly walked back over to them. The blood had drained from his face, making his normally indigo coat appear lavender. He silently sat down and just stared ahead. Twilight cleared her throat. “Is everything alright?” AJ said nothing. She waved a hoof in front of his face. “AJ?”


“WHAT?! WHAT?!” Ditzy screamed.


“WHAT?!?!?” Twilight ran over to the door. She went to open the door, but stopped when the door opened by itself, and Celestia quickly walked in. Her face bore no expression as she closed the door behind her; repairing the hole as she did. “Princess?”

Celestia said nothing. She just walked past Twilight and over to where AJ was sitting. He was now shaking and muttering ‘no, not again’ to himself as Ditzy tried to calm him down. She sat down in front of AJ. “AJ.” No response. “AJ, look at me.”

She put hoof under his chin and lifted his head. His eyes were wide and tears were falling. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

Celestia gave him a warm, motherly smile. “No worries. You’re not in any trouble.”

AJ sniffled. It wasn’t the punishment he was worried about. It was the thought of killing somepony that was haunting him. “B-but Blueblood…”

“Will be fine,” Celestia interrupted. “He’ll be back up in a couple of weeks.” She looked over to the door and giggled. “And besides, it would take a lot more than that to do any lasting damage to a skull of that magnitude.”

AJ wiped the tears from his eyes. “Are…are you sure?”Celestia nodded. AJ breathed a sigh of relief.

“The guards have already gone to retrieve the medical staff,” Celestia said as she stood up. “I should be there when they arrive.”

AJ smiled and bowed his head. “Thank you, Princess.”

“Any time.”


After they had gotten back to the castle Twilight had sent a letter to Spike saying that they will be back in a few hours. They packed their bags with what they brought along with a few snacks for the trip back. They were going to be missing lunch after all. Right now they were about an hour and a half away from Ponyville.

Twilight sat back in her seat. “As much as I love Canterlot, I can’t wait to be back in Ponyville.”

“You said it. I can’t wait to see my little Muffin again,” Ditzy said with a big smile. She started hugging a little filly that wasn’t even there.

AJ was just looking out the window with a smile. “What are you thinking about?” asked Twilight.

“I’m just wondering how everypony’s going to react to the new me.” AJ chuckled. “It’s pretty fun thinking of all the different situations.”

Twilight chuckled before her stomach grumbled slightly. “Hey, I’m starting to get a little hungry, could you hand me something please?”


AJ reached over and unclipped one of the bags and peered in. “Hi!”

Screaming like a little girl; AJ leapt into Twilight’s legs. Not being the strongest pony, Twilight was having a bit of difficulty holding AJ up. “Too…heavy…” She collapsed to the floor with AJ on top of her. “Oww.” Once she got her bearings back she looked over to the bags and saw Pinkie’s smiling visage sticking out of the now open bag. She had three invitations in her mouth. “Pinkie, what are you doing here? Would you get off of me?”

AJ crawled off of Twilight. “Sorry.”

“Hi everypony! I just came to deliver the wedding invitations,” Pinkie said as she placed the invitations on the seat next to her.

Ditzy picked up one of the invitations. “Wedding invitations? Who’s getting married?”

“Lyra and Bon Bon of course!” Pinkie poked her right foreleg out of the bag and looked at a non existent watch and gasped. “Oh my gosh, look at the time! I have to get back! I’ll see everypony later!” She ducked her head back into the bag and everything was silent.

Ditzy cautiously walked over to the bags and peaked in to find nopony there. “How did…how did she do that?”

Twilight just shrugged. “It’s Pinkie Pie. After awhile you learn to stop asking questions.”

“Is everything alright back there?” asked one of the guards.

“Don’t worry, everything’s fine!” Twilight called out


The carriage set down outside the library and the three of them went inside. “Spiiiike! We’re home!” Twilight set her saddle bags down next to the door. “Spike?”

“I wonder where Spike could be,” AJ said as he looked around the room.

Twilight walked over to the desk to see a note sitting on it. She picked it up and read.


I’m over at Sweet Apple Acres. I’ll be back later.


“Hmm, what would Spike be doing over at the farm?” Twilight asked. “If anywhere I expected him to be ogling Rarity.”

“Why don’t we go look,” AJ suggested. “I should probably make myself known to everypony anyway.”

“Could we stop by Sparkler’s house first? I’d like to see Dinky.”

“Of course we can. I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you again,” Twilight said with a smile.


“Now where could they have gone?” Ditzy asked as they walked down the path to the farm. Sparkler’s house was empty, and so was Ditzy’s house when they went to drop off Ditzy’s bags.

“Good question, and now that I think about it the streets do seem a bit empty,” Twilight said. There were a few ponies here and there, but for the most part the town seemed pretty empty. “Maybe Spike will know.”

They got to the farm house and AJ knocked on the door. “Anypony home?” No answer. “Hmm, strange.”

They heard a crash from inside the barn. Ditzy pointed to the barn. “Maybe we should check in there.”

Using her magic Twilight pushed open the barn door to find Pinkie lying on the floor, rubbing her head with a banner draped over her. Pinkie looked over and gasped before jumping into a hay bail. Twilight walked in followed by Ditzy and AJ. “Pinkie? What’s going on?”

“SURPRIIIIISE!” shouted all the ponies in the barn.

“Mommy!” called Dinky as she ran up and leapt at her mother.

“Dinky!” Ditzy caught Dinky and hugged her for all she was worth earning an ‘awww’ from the crowd.

AJ smiled before turning back to the barn where he saw Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy coming towards Twilight. “Twilight darling, it’s good to see you again.”

“Ya got that right,” Applejack drawled. “Thin’s just ain’t th’ same without y’all here.”

“Umm, where’s AJ?” Fluttershy asked. “I thought he was coming back with you.”

Twilight looked to AJ and smiled. “Well, he’s right…”

“He’s right here you silly filly!” Pinkie interrupted as she jumped next to AJ.

The three ponies stared blankly at Pinkie. “Beg your pardon Pinkie, but AJ’s not a pony.”

“She’s quite right Pinkie,” Rarity added. “While it’s nice to meet this fine gentalcolt, he most certainly is not AJ.”

AJ laughed. “Well now I wouldn’t exactly say that.”

The ponies around them all looked at AJ as he just waved. “What!? But-but how is that even possible?” asked Rarity.

AJ shrugged. “You’d have to ask Princess Luna about the specifics of the spell she used.” He looked around the room and noticed the distinct lack of rainbow colored hair flying around. “Where’s Rainbow?”

“She’s over in Appleloosa visitin’ Breaburn. But wow, jus’ look at’cha. Yer a pony!” Applejack walked around AJ as if she was examining him. “Can’t say Ah was expectin’ this.”

“Nnope.” Drawled Big Mac. He along with Apple Bloom and Spike had worked their way through the crowd and sat down near Fluttershy.

“Hey, y’all aint got yer cutie mark!” Apple Bloom announced.

AJ looked down at his flank. “Nope. Guess I don’t.”

“Why not?”

AJ shrugged. “Guess I just have to find it like any other pony does. Why don’t we get to the party? I’d hate for everything to go to waste.”

“Yea! Partay!” Pinkie yelled.


The party came to an end as the ponies started to file out of the barn. Twilight and Fluttershy stayed behind with Pinkie to help clean up the mess. Rarity would have helped, but she had a lot of orders to complete and this party had set her behind. Once everything was as clean as the barn could be Fluttershy took her leave.

“Well, it was great as usual Pinkie, but it’s time for me and Spike to get home. Right Spike?” She got no response. “Spike, where are you.” Last she had seen him he was cleaning up the mess with her.

With a smile Applejack spoke in a quiet voice. “Ah found’im Sugarcube.”

Twilight walked over to the hay bail Applejack was standing in front of. “Awww.” Apple Bloom was curled into a ball sleeping on top of the bail. Spike had his small body wrapped around hers with his head resting on her shoulder. “That’s so adorable.”

“They’ve been spendin’ a lot’o time together lately.” Applejack adjusted her hat. “Cutest darn thin’ Ah’ve seen in awhile. He’s free ta stay th’ night if it’s okay with y’all.”

“Thanks Applejack. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” After saying her goodbyes Twilight made her way back to the library.

She was happy to be home. Twilight wasn’t exactly tired yet, so she figured she would do some studying. “Now what should I study.” She scanned through the shelves until one book grabbed her attention. “Of course. Starswirl always makes good study material.” She levitated the book over to her study desk and went to sit down.

That’s when she noticed something under her desk. “What’s this?” She levitated the box in front of her. “Plot pounders 10? What kind of movie title is that?” She looked between the movie and the book. “I guess I could watch a movie tonight.” She left the book on her desk and walked over to the couch. Placing the movie in the slot she hit play. As soon as it started Twilight immediately stopped it, ejected the disk, and hurled it at the wall with as much force as she could; shattering it into pieces. With an intense blush Twilight looked at the box. “How did this get into the…SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!!!!!!”


((In case you couldn’t tell, AJ was saying “I can’t feel my anything” when Luna paralyzed him. Also sorry this is late. A friend and I went to go see 21 Jump Street. Not bad, but not great either.

My little pony © Hasbro

Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust))

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